A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


Summary: 1999 Jack AU Challenge. There are two episodes and countless fics where there's an alternate reality where Sam didn't join the military. Could someone write a fic where Jack didn't join? A couple guidelines: - There must be S/J romance. - Sam can be in the military, but doesn't have to be. - Daniel's still involved with the Stargate project. - Teal'c has to be in it. He can be good or bad. - Janet has to be in it.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jack Pregnant Challenge. 1 Jack comes back from a mission pregnant ( can either be very pregnant or not realise it until later) 2 Sam acts jealous or annoyed when she finds out 3 Teal'c offers parenting advice 4 Some situation with maternity clothes and another SG team 5 General Hammond trying to explain the situation to his superiors or the President
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Jack Snaked Challenge. What it would be like if jack got infested by a good goald or tok'ra.. everybody knows how much he dispices them , what about if he got infected by a tok'ra but they haven't a host to spare and for the alliance he must keep him for a while.. how will every body and especially sam react
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Jack Whumping Challenge. Write a story (whatever rating) where Jack is whumped and Sam goes through the emotional wringer. :)
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Jack's Brain Challenge. I'd like to read a fic in which daniel , and carter are mocking jack's intelligence and jack doesn't really appreciate it , and in the end sg1 runs into trouble on a mission and it's jack thinking , not his fighting skills that gets them out of trouble , and daniel and sam , have to be like a bit shocked to know that their co , has more brains then they first thought
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jack's Butt Challenge. This story can be S/J UST, SJR or RST, with any rating. The circumstances for the event can be anything from mission-related, medical, or whatever. What I want to see is a story where Sam sees Jack's butt - sans clothing - in a non-sexual atmosphere for the first time. It can be, not necessarily, intentional, or in a circumstances where there's no choice. She walks in on him changing, he's injured, she can't resist peeking in the shower, whatever you can come up with. some humor, and they can end any way you want to write it. The only thing that must be included is to have the event above taking place.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Jack's Choice Challenge It occured to me that if Charlie O'Neill hadn't died, then Jack likely wouldn't be part of SG (remember, he was given the original mission because he was suicidal as a direct result of his son's death.) So, if Jack could somehow go back in time and change it all (a la Malakai in WoO), would he? One the one hand, he'd have his son back; on the other, no Stargate Project, no SG... no Sam. :) I've been tossing this around in my head for a while, but I honestly don't know which he'd choose. Hence, my challenge: Which option do you think Jack O'Neill would choose, if given the opportunity? I don't care if someone posts the question to him hypothetically or if he's actually faced with such a decision, I'd just like to see what you all come up with. So please, I will be eagerly awaiting responses to my "If you had to choose" challenge. I really want to know what y'all think about this.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Jack's Clothing Challenge. Jack has to wear a kilt or something similar, such as a loin cloth. Use you imaginations. Sam finds out what he is wearing underneath it either accidently or on purpose. A little silly but be creative.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jack's Infected Challenge. some alien disease or illness or *something* takes over Jack so that he's not exactly in his right mind- but its not an obvious thing. At some point he rapes Sam (yes, still not in his right mind). Eventually they find a cure for him, and he & Sam have to deal with what happened. And just as an oh-so-soap-opera-ish extra: this is up to the FF writers, but maybe Sam could even get pregnant. But hey, she doesn't have to...
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Jack's Parents Challenge. How about a challenge including Jack's parent/parents being deathly ill and Sam having to comfort him... Potential here?
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Jack's Retirement Challenge. 1. Colonel Jack O'Neill has retired-- what will/does he do now? and... 2. What changes take place in his relationship with Captain Sam Carter? Romance equals bonus points but there is one * little * proviso... they can NOT get married.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 1999 Jack's Speech Challenge. What was Jack saying in the episode "Fair Game" before he was so rudely removed from the gate room during his speech? What was the man who is "normally a man of few words" planning on saying after the "but"?
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Jacob Challenge. This is my first challenge so please at least read it- the story MUST have the following:- S/J romance (duh!) What would happen if Sam's dad died???
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jacob's Secret Challenge. 1. Sam and Jack either start a serious romantic relationship, or they are already in one. 2. Jabob Carter reveals a seceret that he has never told anyone but it has to be revealed now that could change Sam's life forever. 3. Sam's mother returned from the dead fully alive. (It would be cool if it had something to do with oouterspace.) 4. There has to be a wedding. I do not care whose.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 JAG Crossover Challenge. I've been wondering about an SG/JAG crossover for awhile but my muse hasn't seen fit to inspire me to write it so I'm issuing the challenge. * Some type of alien thing happens, military personnel are killed publically or otherwise- your choice, and JAG gets involved to find out what happened. * The SGC is warned by someone- your choice whether alien or Tau'ri, Sam & Jack at least, others if you want, are dispatched. * Jack has to realize his feelings for Sam because of her flirting with Harm or, if already involved, get really jealous of Harm. Doesn't have to be a happy ending and can be any rating you want. Not really going for humor...something dark and angsty would be great.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2002 Jello Challenge. There was a VERY cute scene in Proving Ground where Jack and Sam were both eating Jello in the mess hall and talking about the new candidates for the SGC. Write a fic. It must have Jello as one of the plot points. Doesn't matter if it's a G- rated story, NC- 17 that would make the manufacturers of Jello blush in shame, whatever. Extra points for silliness!
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Jello Shots Challenge. My challenge is that the SGC is hosting a party to celebrate the good relations between earth and other planets races (eg, Tokra, Tollan, Nox etc). The only thing that must be included is jello shots, lots and lots of them to welcome the 'aliens' to earth. Extra points for: - Martouf getting extremely drunk and ending up doing either something stupid and embarressing or hurting himself - Sam and Jack romance (as opposed to just friendship/UST) - Daniel dancing the tango on a table complete with rose in mouth.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2000 Jewel Poem Challenge. * Must be S/J * Must include some one crying on Daniels shoulder, or at least confessing to him. * Possibly a brief cameo by Janet/Daniel/Teal'c and General Hammond. * And the below poem must be included, even if it's someone reading it, someone reciting it (or even just a line from it) or someone mentioning what it's about. * Angst, BUT not too much! Poem: I Keep Expecting You To - Jewel I keep expecting you to fade to wake up one morning and not care so I keep myself one carefully measured step away in anticipation of your love's decline so when your cheek turns and your attention wanders elsewhere my heart will not be left all awkward hanging from an elastic thread you forgot to pull off your olf pair of socks for it's in your nature to loose intrest suddenly we are both artists who suck the marrow out of each lovely bone It just happens to be my lovely bones this time How Bare
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jim Challenge. a) Daniel asks Sam what happened between her and Jack during his absence, but made a slip and asked what's goin' on between her and Jim. (Daniel could be tipsy or something, set your mind free). b) Sam and Daniel publically use Jim as a synonym for Jack. Gosspi's going high who this mysterious 'Jim' could possibly be. c) Jack gets jealous - who the hell is Jim? d) Jack finds out/or Sam tells Jack e) well S/J S/J S/J ... that's actually primarily what counts ..... make it funny ... or make it sad ... story mustn't include all points,
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2001 Joe Challenge. Since I read the spoilers re 2010 I've had some ideas buzzing round in my head and would love to see one of you talented writers out there turn it into a fic, so here goes: After sucessfully sending the note Px whatever is blocked out of the Stargate computer so the future is changed, but what if Sam is still destined to meet this Joe guy? What if she meets him when she is going through a really bad time struggling with her relationship with Jack, he laid himself on the line for her on a mission and was injured so wracked with guilt Joe seems Mr Nice guy and an easier and undemanding future (better for all concerned sort of stuff) How would Jack react, what would he do to make sure that this time round Sam doesn't marry the Joe guy.
Categories: Characters: None
Summary: 2003 Jonas Challenge. how about where, after the events of prophecy, jonas realises he's compleltly in love with sam, and for some bizarre reason, decides to confide in jack about it? (silly, silly boy). potential for angst or humour there, or both
Categories: Characters: None