Would You Like a Biscotti? by Viva DragonStar
Summary: The waitress at Starbucks finds out one of her regulars is involved with someone else.
Rated: PG
Genres: Fluff, Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 1053 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 01, 2009 | Updated: Sep 01, 2009 | Read: 1988
Story Notes: Season/Sequel info: Season 4, when Sam had pretty hair. ;) No sequel

Author's notes: Okay, this is just a short, but I felt like I had to write it. It hasn't been edited or anything, it's just straight from my head, and I wrote it in about 45 minutes. This was inspired by Ginamarie's *Would You Like Coffee With That*, that is available on the SJA. Oh yeah, a barrista is the guy who makes the drinks...and go easy on me please! This is the first fic I've ever posted!

Feedback: Sure, but no flames please! Got enough of *those* on my last trip to Naatu…

copyright May 2001 Viva DragonStar
Chapter 1 by Viva DragonStar
Would You Like a Biscotti?

I see a lot of people come in the Starbucks that I work the morning shift in. Sometimes I even see famous people – once I saw Ryan Phillipe. What he was doing in Colorado, I don't know…but my co- workers can testify to it. Anyway, there are quite a few regulars in our coffee shop. But there's one guy who comes in almost every morning, even weekends. He is absolutely gorgeous, though a little old for me. I'm turning 24 next month, and he's, like, 40. He's got these amazing brown eyes, this incredible body (and he's tall), this really cool grey hair, a deep, sexy voice, and this overwhelming presence. All the girls who work behind the counter would die to get their hands on him, but no matter when I'm working, he always comes in alone. I can't explain what it is about him, exactly. It's not like he'd stand out in a crowd if he wasn't talking, and if you weren't looking at his built form. He always orders the same thing – a medium special-blend coffee with two milks and a sugar. He was pretty normal. My friend told me he's a colonel in the USAF, and he works at Cheyenne Mountain down the way a little. He's definitely got an `army' presence. I talk to him sometimes; he knows my name, but I don't know his. Nobody does. Nobody's asked, and he always comes in alone. So it was 7:15, and our regular was scheduled to come in. He hadn't come the day before, and it had felt a bit weird. I've always been a creature of habit, and he'd become part of my routine. That and the little thrill he gave me whenever he smiled. God, that man is hot. But he was here today, dressed in loose jeans and a grey t-shirt. He had on reflective shades, which made sense because the sun was shining brightly. I felt my heart do the usual `skip a beat' thing as he pushed open the door and stepped inside. But then he paused and held the door open. A stunning, tall blonde walked in behind him. She had the same kind of glasses as he did, but she whipped them off as she entered, revealing big blue eyes. Her hair, as I said, was short and blonde. It fell just past her ears in a wavy, pretty bob. She had the kind of body all girls strive for, and that was flattered with tight- fitting black jeans and a solid crimson baby tee. She smiled politely to our customer, and I figured he was also simply being polite to hold open the door for her. My hopes were dashed as he leaned down and whispered something in her ear. The woman's face split into the prettiest grin I'd ever seen. She nudged him playfully as they joined the line. There weren't very many people there, and I could hear them pretty well. "So you come here a lot?" she was asking my guy. Well, he wasn't really mine, but I'd known him for more than four years. He'd come in here almost every day. "Yep. If you're gonna spend more time than you're supposed to with me (here she grinned and slid her hand through his), you're gonna have to get accustomed to my daily ritual." "Oh, okay." She replied in a condescendingly but sarcastic way. He just smiled and pulled her close to him. She lay her head on his shoulder and they fell silent. There were a few more customers I had to deal with before I got to the couple, because I had certainly determined that's what they were. Then I smiled my most welcoming smile. "Hey." "Hello, Ashley," he returned the smile. "The regular?" I questioned cheerily. "Yeah." He replied. His girlfriend had taken her head off his shoulder, but they were still standing very close together. I called his order to the barrista, and turned back. "And you, ma'am?" "Um…" she looked up at the signs that displayed our selection. He leaned towards me, causing me to hold in a gasp, and whispered, "Sam's a bit slow." Aha. So that was her name. And her slowness fit her blonde- ness. I nodded smilingly, knowingly. "That's fine." Sam's jaw dropped and she smacked him on the chest. "Oh, and you're not?" she retorted. She smiled at me. "Jack's just a dumbass." So that was his name. Jack. I loved that name. Sam and Jack… "Hurry up, Carter," he snapped at her, but I could tell by the way his hip rolled against hers he was far from angry with her. "I'll just have a tall mocha, two milks, a sugar." Sam decided. I repeated her order to the barrista, who handed me Jack's drink. I gave it to him. "Would you like a biscotti?" I asked the standard question, even though I knew Jack would say no. "No, thanks," Jack and Sam said in unison. They flashed each other smiles. Someone gave me Sam's drink and I gave it to her. "Then that'll be $6.73," I informed them. Jack handed me some money. "See you later, Ashley," he bid goodbye to me, and I just kind of stared after them. They sat down at Jack's usual table which gave me a great view of the both of them. I got distracted pretty quickly, but soon there were no customers to bug me, so I looked over at Sam and Jack's table. They'd finished their coffees, and had their fingers intertwined romantically. They were looking straight into each other's eyes, talking softly, and playing a discreet game of footsies. After a few minutes, Jack raised Sam's fingers to his lips and kissed them. I felt a little shiver run through me… Sam was a very, very lucky woman… and it looked like she knew that by the way she suddenly leaned over the table and pressed her lips against Jack's. I gazed at them wistfully, but then a customer asked me what flavor biscotti we had. I grudgingly told him, and by the time I was finished with him, Sam and Jack were gone. I didn't mind. I knew Jack would return. But he'd be bringing Sam with him.


This story archived at http://www.samandjack.net/fanfics/viewstory.php?sid=1984