Shifting Lives by Ruth M King
Summary: Challenge response.....the one where Jack isn't in the militay, Daniel is part of the program, has Teal'c and Janet in it. I don't think there was anything else. And there is a sequel in the works if anyone is interested.
Rated: PG
Genres: Alternate Universe or Reality
Original Archive Date: 2000 Feb 3
Warnings: Violence
Challenges: Jack AU
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 3986 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 02, 2009 | Updated: Sep 02, 2009 | Read: 4842
Story Notes: SPOILERS: The First Commandment
Chapter 1 by Ruth M King
"Where's O'Neill?" General Hammond asked Major Sammuels.

"Just arriving, sir?" the younger man replied.

Major Samantha Carter looked up, "O'Neill?" she questioned with a frown. She was standing at the end of the table, waiting to conduct the briefing.

"I'm assigning Jack O'Neill to this mission," Hammond replied.

"With due respect, sir, I'd prefer to select my own team," she argued. No way was she going to get forced into accepting an outsider without a fight. This mission could turn nasty and she wanted people she could rely on fighting beside her.

"Not on this mission, sorry. O'Neill's an expert on the stargate. You'll need him if you don't find Daniel Jackson. He'll be able to get you back home again."

"Where's he transferring from?" Carter asked. The least she could get was some background on this guy.

"Aricebo," a voice replied.

Carter turned around and looked the newcomer over. She was definitely not impressed. O'Neill walked into the room, not in the slightest bit intimidated by the array of uniforms which faced him, and flopped in to an empty chair. He removed his sunglasses and baseball cap to reveal a man in his early forties, brown eyes, rough brown hair. An easy grin spread across his features.

"Sorry, I'm late traffic was a bitch and you guys didn't even give me time for a shower."

That much was evident. His clothes, a brightly coloured Hawaiian shirt and scruffy jeans, were rumpled and stained. Carter forced herself not to take a step backwards as he held out his hand to her.

"Major Carter? Jack O'Neill, good to meet you."

Carter shook his hand briefly before letting it drop. She cast a glance at the General, her expression clearly said, 'A civilian! Give me a break here!', but Hammond made no move to speak. Very well, she was on her own.

"Now we're all here we can get started. For those of you who have never been through the stargate before...."

She looked directly at O'Neill and her expression wasn't a pleasant one. He dropped the pen he had been fiddling with.

"I read your report from the Abydos mission. I know what to expect," he replied.

The man, Kawalsky, on Carter's left grinned, "Have you ever pulled out of a simulated bombing run in an F16 at eight plus Gs?"

"No...but I played with GI Joe as a kid.....does that count?"

"By the time you get to the other side you're frozen stiff, like you've just been through a blizzard, naked," a second man joined in.

"Not as good as Disneyland then?"

Carter broke through the banter, which Ferretti and Kawalsky were obviously enjoying, "Please, not a civilian?" she asked Hammond.

"Hey!" O'Neill protested.

"Mr. O'Neill...."

"That's Doctor O'Neill."

"Which means what?"

"He may be as smart as you are," Hammond broke in.

"Major, I was studying the Stargate for months after Daniel Jackson got it to work. I traced the wormhole through the galaxy and attempted to work out where else it might go. If you get lost out there I might be the only one who can work out the co-ordinates to get us back home again."

Carter was itching to ask him how, but didn't want him to have the satisfaction of explaining to her. He was far too smug as it was.

"Dr. O'Neill's assignment to this unit is not an option. Its an order." Hammond finished.

"You really will like me when you get to know me," O'Neill grinned.

"I adore you already," Carter lied.

The two of them looked at each other. This discussion wasn't finished...not by a long shot. That evening Kawalsky started a betting pool, odds on Carter and O'Neill killing each other...or sleeping together.


"So what's her story?" Jack O'Neill asked, taking another pull at his beer.

Daniel Jackson followed the other man's gaze to the blonde woman who sat by the bar. She was sitting with the SGC physician and the two seemed to be deep in conversation.

"I mean, I've met warmer icebergs," Jack continued. "Is it just civilians she hates or men in general?"

The younger man shrugged, "I think its the whole world in general."

Yes, there were things he knew about Samantha Carter, but he wasn't certain that he should be sharing said confidences with Jack O'Neill. Especially considering the antagonistic nature of O'Neill's relationship with the major. She wouldn't thank him....and would probably get him thrown off the team.

"But, she led the original Abydos mission surely you must know something about her," O'Neill insisted.

"She's divorced."

"That's it?"

"That's it. Why are you so interested?"

"No reason."

Jack tried to dismiss Daniel's inquiry, but his eyes betrayed him. They soon drifted back to Major Carter. He couldn't seem to help himself, there was just something about her......She was laughing at some joke the doctor had made. Jack found himself smiling back. Now, if he could just think of an excuse to go and speak to her......assuming she didn't just ignore him. He admitted that they hadn't started their association on the best of terms, but that had been her fault.....definitely her fault. OK, so maybe he shouldn't have got so aggressive, but she had pushed him and he, naturally, shoved right back.

Damn, she was looking at him. He pretended to be very interested in the label on his beer bottle, but he knew that she had caught him staring at her. The doctor leaned in to talk to her again, after which they both looked at him and giggled. Great, so now he was the butt of some female joke. There was little trace of the uptight military professional tonight. She was out of uniform, relaxed, smiling...and O'Neill couldn't stop his thoughts running in very distracting directions.

"You are attracted to Major Carter, Dr. O'Neill?" Teal'c broke into the conversation. The big jaffa had been watching the exchange impassively.

"Teal'c, this is your first time out, you're assuming too much," Jack told him.

"I have noticed similar behaviour among my own people."

Jack glared at him, before deciding to ignore the comment. "Want another beer, Danny?" he asked.

"No," the archaeologist replied.

"I'll go and get us another beer."

Trying to appear casual, Jack sauntered over to the bar. "Evenin' ladies," he smiled.

Both women tried, and failed, to straighten their faces. Jack was wondering whether he should respond to their obvious mirth, or just beat a hasty retreat, when Major Carter suddenly stopped smiling. He turned round, trying to see what had caused the change. A man had just entered the bar. He was tall, bearded and he made a beeline for Carter.

"Sam," the man greeted her.

"Jonas," her voice was cold enough to send a shiver down Jack's spine. These two obviously had history.

"You look well," Jonas continued.


Jonas leaned closer to her, but Jack caught the whisper, "Could we talk?"

Carter nodded and accompanied the man to a dark corner of the room. "Who was that?" O'Neill asked the doctor.

"Trouble, " Janet Fraiser replied. "That man never should have been assigned here."


"He's Major Carter's ex. Captain Jonas Hanson."

"Oh....couldn't she have said something?"

"Probably, but knowing Sam, she wouldn't let her personal issues interfere with her job."

"Looks like its interfering now."

Carter didn't look happy about what Jonas was saying to her....or the fact that he had his hand on her arm. She got up to leave, but Jonas pulled her back into her seat. "OK, that's enough," Jack muttered and pushed himself away from the bar. He wasn't about to let this creep hassle Major Carter....or question his own motives. Although as he walked over to them, he did wonder about the intelligence of confronting a guy who, although shorter than he was, probably knew several interesting ways to hurt him.

Sam was trying to loosen Jonas' grip and Jack actually heard her give a small exclamation of pain. Jack cleared his throat as he stood in front of the couple.

"You ready to go, Sam?" he asked.

She looked up at him, he couldn't tell if she was grateful for his interference or not. Then she smiled and took Jack's proffered hand.

"Sure," she said.

Jonas held onto her for a second longer, before she was able to pull away. There was evidence of bruising on her pale skin and Jack found himself wondering how she had got herself involved with this guy. He was obviously some kind of psycho.

"We should still be in time to catch the movie," Sam continued.

"She has this thing about Kurt Russell," Jack explained in what he hoped was a convincing manner.

Still holding her hand, he started to lead her towards the exit. He caught Daniel's eye as they walked past, silently pleading with his friend to back him up if necessary. As they left he noticed the archaeologist moving to intercept Jonas as the man started to follow.

"I suppose I should thank you," Sam said when they stepped outside.

"You're welcome," Jack replied, dismissing her offhanded compliment. "So...."

O'Neill was suddenly conscious of the fact that he was still holding her hand, and she hadn't made any move to break the contact. Her hand was small and warm in his. It felt good.

"So?" she repeated.

"Wanna go catch that movie?"

Carter seemed flustered by his suggestion.

"I'll buy the popcorn," he added.

"I.....I guess I can't go back and finish my drink."

"I'll take that as a yes."


"So what did you see in him?" Jack asked, reaching for the last of Carter's fries.

"I don't know. He was nice...charming, attentive....always sent me flowers on my birthday that kind of stuff. My dad always said that I had a weak spot for the lunatic want your coke?"

"No, you finish it."


She smiled at him. The first real smile he had seen her give since they had left the bar. Jack couldn't stop himself returning the grin. It was late. The movie had been bad, the food worse but Jack could honestly say that he had never enjoyed himself more. Carter was good and very attractive company.

"I tried to break the engagement off, but he didn't take it very well. I relented and we got married," she continued.

"So it didn't last long?"

"Eighteen months."

Her smile faded a little. Jack realised that she had to be reliving some pretty unpleasant memories. He reached across the table and touched her hand.

"Its OK," he told her, "I shouldn't have asked."

"I shoulda known when he took me to see Mortal Kombat on Valentine's day."

Her comment made Jack smile, "Wanna get outta here?"


Jack threw a few bills on the table and helped Carter into her coat. It was raining as they left the restaurant. Jack sheltered them both with his jacket as they ran to his car. They were laughing as they tumbled inside. Sam shook back her short blonde hair, covering him with droplets of water.

"Hey!" he protested.

"Sorry," she grinned back at him.

"You need a ride anywhere?" he asked.

"Home, if its not too much of a problem. Janet was going to drive me, but she'll be long gone by now."

"Sure, as long as you don't live the other end of the state."

"Its not far."

'Shame', Jack thought to himself as he started the car. He would have been happy to drive her to the ends of the Earth if necessary. He was starting to realise that he was falling for her in a big way. An unusual feeling for someone who had always thought of himself as a confirmed bachelor. Then again, he'd never met a woman like Samantha Carter before. She was smart, beautiful and she laughed at his jokes.... He glanced across at her. She looked tired now, her face shadowed by memories. Jack found himself hating Hanson for whatever he had done to this woman.

"Just here," she told him, indicating a house on the right. Jack swung the car into the drive and switched the engine off.

"Um..." he began.


"I know this is a first date..."


".....but would you mind if I kissed you goodnight?"

"Most men don't usually ask."

"I'll take that as a yes."

He leaned towards her, parting his lips slightly. She didn't move away so he closed the distance between them and brushed his lips against hers. Just one little kiss, but he wasn't prepared for his body's reaction. He wanted this he'd never wanted anything in his life before. The surprise made him pull back a little more suddenly than he'd meant to and hit his arm on the door handle. Sam giggled as he swore to himself.

"I'm sorry, but I don't usually have this affect on men," she laughed.

"That surprises me," he said, quietly. "I think you' know."

A delicate blush coloured Sam's cheeks and she looked away. "I'd better go," she told him.


"I'm on downtime for a couple more days if you want to...."

"I'd like that."

"Here's my number, give me a call."

He climbed out of the car and crossed round to open the door for her. She took his hand as he helped her out. Then she surprised him by pushing him gently against the car and kissing him again. Jack barely had time to wrap his arms about her before she released him and walked away.

Jack found himself grinning like an idiot. God, he could easily love this woman. It almost scared him. Now how long should he wait before calling her?


Sam glanced back over her shoulder as she let herself into the house. His car was pulling out of the driveway. Jack had been different tonight: kind, funny, charming. Maybe she should have invited him in....but no. Best take things a little slowly. The last thing she wanted was another Jonas in her life. She didn't bother to switch on the lights as she walked into the living room. Her coat landed in one corner and her shoes in another.

The light on her answerphone was flashing. Sam sighed to herself, wishing that she could ignore the message. It was probably unimportant, but....

"Sam, its Janet," her friend's voice sounded excited about something, "give me a call when you get in and tell me all the gory details."

No doubt Janet was sitting by the phone waiting to conduct the inquisition. Despite the lateness of the hour, Sam dialled the number.

"About time," Janet replied.

"We went to a movie," Sam explained.


"And then had dinner."

"All the details, Sam."

"He drove me home me goodnight."

There was an excited squeal from the other end of the phone. "I knew it! Was it good?"

"It was just a kiss, Janet."

"One kiss?"

"Well...two actually, and it was nice."

Very nice, in fact, but she wasn't going to tell Janet that. She didn't want to read more into the situation than was actually there.

"What kind of a description is that? Is he still there?"

"Would I be calling you if he was?"

"So are you going to see him again?"

"At the SGC?"

"Don't play innocent with know what I mean."

"I....I hope so."

The admission had her blushing. After all he was moderately good looking, intelligent, sweet.....damn she was making lists again. Well, why not? After all it had been a long time since she had been in a social situation with a man, she should be enjoying herself, not trying to second guess his possible motives.....and the man could definitely kiss.

"We'll do lunch tomorrow and you can tell me all about it," Janet finished.

"I just told you!"

"You can tell me again."

"Janet I......"

A hand clamped over hers. Sam had time to scream once before the receiver was ripped away. Even without the lights she knew exactly who's hands were touching her.

"Jonas," she hissed, "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

His voice was close, he could feel his breath on her neck, the roughness of his beard as bent to kiss her. Sam squirmed away from him. He caught her wrists and dragged her close again.

"You should really have changed the locks, Sam."

Yeah, she should have...along with pressing charges and getting the bastard arrested. She had to face facts. After his transfer, she had never expected to see him again. Especially not here.

"I saw you and O'Neill. What did you think you were doing? You're my wife."

"I am not....shit."

He hit her as soon as she opened her mouth to speak. Sam rounded on him, ready to fight back, but he had anticipated her move. She found herself pinned to the floor. Oh God, this couldn't be happening.

"Was he good? Better than me. Where did you do it? In the car? In our bed?" he hissed.

"You're fucking nuts!"


She tasted blood in her mouth as he hit her again. He was going to kill her. The man was nuts and he was going to kill her. The only question in her mind was whether he was going to rape her first. She could have stopped this. When Hammond asked her if she was OK with Hanson's assignment, she should have said no.

"Hey Sam!"

Through the haze of pain, Sam recognised the voice. Someone was outside, calling her name.

"I heard voices. Are you still awake? You left your purse in my car, I thought you might need it."

Sam wanted to call out to him, but Jonas had clamped his hand over her mouth. She felt the cold metal of a gun at her temple.

"Get rid of him," he hissed. "Then we can have a little fun."

He pulled her to her feet. The gun was still pressed to her flesh. She opened the door partway. Jonas stood behind it, his gun now aimed at Jack. Sam knew she had to get rid of Jack as quickly as possible. She couldn't allow him to get involved.

Jack had a smile on his face as he held out her bag.

"Doesn't really go with my image," he told her.

She reached out to take it. As she did, Jack caught her hand. He looked at her closely, his brown eyes penetrating. There was the telltale click of the gun being cocked. Jack moved more quickly than Sam thought possible. Still holding her hand he pulled her close to him and then dived backwards. They landed on the ground as the first gunshot fired. Jack lay winded for a few seconds, Sam landing on top of him had knocked the breath out of his lungs. She rolled off him and turned to confront the man who had emerged from the house.

"Sam, No!" Jack heard himself yell. This woman was nuts. She was walking up to a man with a loaded gun.

"Shut the fuck up!" Hanson screamed and fired again.

Jack managed to roll from his prone position, so the bullet missed his chest and embedded itself in his arm. The pain was like nothing he had ever experienced. He was too shocked even to cry out. Hanson raised the gun to fire again but Sam reached him first. She kicked out at his hand, sending the gun flying. They both dived for the discarded weapon. Her fingers closed on it first.

"You can't shoot me, Sam," Jonas said, quietly. "You can't kill in cold blood."

For a second Jack thought that Sam was going to drop the gun. There was conflict in her face as she faced the man she used to love.

"You're right," she said.

The look of triumph on Hanson's face was short lived. Sam reversed the gun in her hand and used the butt to knock the man unconscious.


"Thanks for getting there so quickly," Sam said to Janet as the doctor checked her over.

"You were just lucky he didn't pull the phone line and I heard most of that pleasant little conversation."

They were back at the SGC and Jonas Hanson was in one of the holding cells.

"How's Jack?"

"He'll be fine. He's next door if you want to see do want to see him, don't you?"

Sam didn't look too certain. Somehow the spell they had woven earlier had broken. Shattered by the reality of Jonas. Jack was very different, she knew that, but she wasn't certain that she was ready to involve herself with someone else. Not after tonight.

"He did save your butt," Janet pointed out.

And not for the first time, Sam realised. If Jack hadn't persuaded Teal'c.....She was grateful to him, but that didn't mean.....

"And he's very cute," the doctor continued.

"Enough, already! I'll go see him."

"You do that."

Sam slipped off the table and pulled on her shirt.

Jack was lying in one of the infirmary beds, his right arm caught up in a sling. He looked like he was sleeping. Sam approached the bed, quietly, not wanting to disturb him. His eyes flickered open as she drew up a chair.

"Hi." he said, his voice was drowsy.

"How are you feeling?"

"Pretty lousy."

"Never been shot before?"

"Doesn't usually happen in my line of work. Although I did get some pretty violent feedback from a paper I wrote on wormhole theory."

"It was pretty unconventional at the time."

"You read it?"

"Don't sound so surprised.....I have doctorate is in theoretical astrophysics....although I'd admit that I'm a little rusty."

"You mean you let me go on and on about red shifts and FTL and you already....."

His laugh turned to a exclamation of pain. Sam took his hand, "I'll go and get Janet."

"No, it only hurts when I laugh."

"I'd better let you get some rest."

He couldn't keep the disappointment from his face, but he didn't think that he had the right to ask her to stay. She looked troubled, and he could see the bruises on her face so he had a pretty good idea about what was bothering her. Or should that be who.

"If you wanna talk.....," he began. "This isn't the first time he hurt you, is it?"

"No," she admitted.


"Stupid, isn't it, I have level three advanced hand to hand and I couldn't raise a finger against that guy."

"How many times?"

"Just twice. The first time I thought it was my fault. We had an argument and he got angry. The second time he put me in hospital and I filed for divorce. I know I should have pressed charges, but I thought I was in love with him. When he got assigned to the SGC, he seemed to have it together again. It wasn't like we on the same team or anything....Damn I was so stupid."

"No, Sam...."

"Jack, I almost got you killed."

"And you saved my life....I think that makes us about even."

She didn't look convinced. Jack held out his good arm towards her, his gesture plain. Taking a deep breath, Sam sat on the edge of the bed, letting him pull her into his embrace. His lips brushed against her hair. She was just glad there was no once else here to see this. Her military past frowned on emotional displays. Jack held her, comforted her, never asking more than she was prepared to give. When she drew away, he didn't try to stop her.

"Thanks," she told him.

"Always," he replied.

"I've gotta...."


To his surprise she placed a soft kiss on his lips before she headed towards the door. She paused and turned back to him.

"When do you get outta here?"

"The Doc. reckons I can go home tomorrow."

"Would you.....mind some company?"

"If it's yours."

"I'll be round about six."

The End.

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