Galahad O'Neill - Stargate Knight by Cloud Dancing
Summary: Sam goes to the aid of a child and SG1 find themselves facing a death sentence.
Rated: PG13
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: 2002 Aug 19
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 4914 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 06, 2009 | Updated: Sep 06, 2009 | Read: 3212
Story Notes: Email:

Category: - Sam and Jack - relationship

Rating: pG13 (some violence- romantic situations)

Archive: Heliopolis, Sam and Jack Archive, (Any where else but ask first please)

Season: Four (but no particular episode connection)

Spoilers: (Minor ref to events in Divide and Conquer)
Chapter 1 by Cloud Dancing
"I'm sorry Colonel"

"Sorry! What the hell you got to be sorry about Major?" queried Jack O' Neill.

"For getting us into this mess, Sir" answered Sam Carter, quietly.

"Damn it Major, quit apologising for something that wasn't your fault."

"But if I hadn't helped that kid.." began Sam.

"OK that it, Carter, just stop right there!" ordered Jack, as he shuffled over towards Sam, the shackles around his ankles hampering his gait.

He lowered himself to the hard dirt floor, leaning his back against the rough timbers that formed the walls of their temporary prison cell. His shoulder brushed against that of Major Carter as he settled himself next to her.

"Listen Carter, you are not to blame for what happened, you saw a kid that was hurt bad, you did what any normal human being would have done, you tried to help the poor little guy, how in tarnation were you supposed to know he was on some kind of 'initiation' ordeal."

"Well maybe I should have thought about possible consequences, before I rushed in" replied Carter, still feeling responsible for the plight of Jack, Daniel and herself.

"Jeez Carter, will you quit it! The consequences would have been that kid would have bled to death if you hadn't put the tourniquet on his leg when you did."

"I know but."

"No buts Carter and that's an order, you hear me?" barked Jack, a little more roughly than he'd intended, as he felt Carter flinch beside him, before answering "Yes Sir."

Jack let out a sigh; he wondered why the hell this kept happening toSG1 lately. 'Why is it that every damn planet we've gated too in the past six months is full of god damn hostiles who want to skewer us, barbeque us, push us off a mountain, or blow the crap out of us? Now why can't we end up in some place where the head honcho yells, hey there strangers how you all doing, steaks are on the grill, you wanna a beer?'

Jack had known that the mission was going to be a 'crock' right from the word go. SG1 had been preparing to gate to PX1126 when, on their way into the gate room, some rookie marine had accidentally discharged his weapon and put a bullet through Teal'c's shoulder. Although not serious the wound was sufficient to prevent the former First Prime from accompanying the rest of SG1on the mission. Arriving at PX1126, Jack, Daniel and Sam had stumbled through the Stargate, as they tried to prevent themselves from tripping over the piles of loose rubble that lay all around the gate. The terrain did not look very hospitable, dark grey volcanic like mountains stretched towards the horizon, tall sparsely covered trees fringed the rutted and crated roadway immediately in front of the gate. To add to Jack's growing annoyance, it was raining, a constant unrelenting downpour, that soaked them in seconds. The MALP was a few metres away, balanced precariously over the edge of a large depression at the side of the road, a thick layer of grey mud plastered to its tracks.

"Peachy!" had been Jack's only comment, before ordering them to follow the road in a northerly direction.

Part 2

Three hours later, Jack had called another halt, all three were soaked to the skin; Daniel had slipped and twisted his ankle and was using an old tree branch as a walking stick, Sam and Jack carrying his equipment between them. They took what little shelter they could from the driving rain; Jack had stretched his groundsheet between two of the small trees and they squatted underneath it, Carter having placed her groundsheet onto the mud soaked ground. It had been during this brief respite that they'd heard the faint cries. It had taken them a few moments to determine the direction the cries had came from. Carter had been first to pick up the sounds again, and started off towards them. Jack had yelled after her, "Carter, wait for me will ya" By the time Jack reached the cliff where the cries had come from, Carter had disappeared over the edge. Jack had yelled again, a note of apprehension in his voice, "Carter god damn it where are you?"

"Over here sir, it's a kid, he's hurt badly, there's blood everywhere, I'm trying to stop the bleeding with tourniquet," answered Carter, her voice coming from below the rim of the cliff. Jack had peered over the edge to see Carter kneeling on a narrow ledge some 10 feet below him, a boy about 12 years old lay next to her, his right leg at an unnatural angle. Jack lay flat on the rain soaked ground, "You need me down there Carter?" She'd told him "No," but she needed the rope from their equipment to get the boy back up the cliff. Jack had hurried back to the makeshift shelter to get the rope. When he'd returned to the cliff edge, the sight of Carter being held roughly by two huge natives had greeted him. He too had been seized and beaten to the ground. He didn't remember much more until he came too and found himself being dragged along the rough roadway, Carter and Daniel someway in front, being herded by more of the giant natives. Daniel's stumbling footsteps being punished by blows from a thick, knotted rope.

Jack had managed to catch a glimpse of the boy Carter had found, being carried on a makeshift litter by two of the natives. After what seemed an age, they'd come to a clearing near the edge of the forest, a small village with timber-framed dwellings occupied the centre of the clearing. All three members of SG1 had been thrown into one of the buildings, rough iron shackles had been placed around their ankles, before the heavy iron studded door was bolted shut, leaving them to squat uncomfortably on the hard earth floor, a spluttering lantern giving meagre illumination to their sparse prison. After what seemed like hours, three natives had arrived, they had begun to yell at Carter, Jack had tried to intervene and received a kick in the ribs for his trouble. However Daniel had recognised the language as being similar to some ancient northern European dialect. It transpired that boy had been on some kind of initiation into manhood ordeal, all aid and assistance being forbidden, he either survived or he didn't! Carter's interference had violated their strict laws, and apparently the punishment was death for all of them. No amount of pleading on the part of SG1 concerning their ignorance of the laws had any effect; the punishment was to be carried out the next day at noon.


"Maybe I can try and get the headman to have seconds thoughts, you never know maybe there is an alternative," proffered Daniel hesitantly.

"Now just what might the alternative to being shoved of a cliff at noon be, Danny Boy, barbecued at dawn, skewered at sunset maybe?" answered Jack sarcastically. His further comments were cut off as he felt Carter's hand grip his arm; she shook her head at him as he turned towards her.

"Sorry Danny, you didn't deserve that" apologised Jack, a small smile passing across his face as Sam nodded her head in approval at his apology.

"I just meant there might be a way out that doesn't require us all to die" Daniel explained quietly.

"Maybe ALL of us don't need to die, after all it was only me that broke their stupid rule, not you and the colonel" offered Sam, removing her hand which she's allowed to linger on Jack's arm.

Jack snapped round and grabbed her angrily, "Don't you even think it Carter. You hear me? It's not an option, you think I'd let one of my team sacrifice themselves to save my butt, think again Major!"

The two officers sat glaring at each other for a few seconds before Jack relaxed his grip, allowing his hands to gently stroke her arms before letting go completely. Sam hastily brushed a hand across her eyes, brushing away the tears that threatened to fall.

All three SG1 members sat in silence for a short while, until the heavy door creaked open to admit one of the native women, two guards stood outside the door. The woman appeared to be around forty years old, like the males of her tribe she was tall and heavily built, dwarfing Sam Carter by 4 or 5 inches and at least 50 pounds. The woman approached the three strangers, she held out a crude metal salver that contained some fruit and a loaf of dark rough bread. She unfastened a large leather flask from her belt, offering it to Carter, a small smile on her lips. Daniel translated the few words the woman had spoken.

"It's water Sam, she says to eat and drink."

"Oh great fattening us up for the kill are they!" spat out Jack glaring at the woman who looked from him to Sam before she turned to Daniel and began to speak.

Daniel nodded and answered her in her own language, before translating for the benefit of Jack and Sam.

"Her name is Hyjara, she is the mother of the boy Sam saved, she wants to thank us for giving her son back to her. She doesn't care about the stupid law that says her son should be left to die, she has already lost one son to the ordeal, and her husband was killed in battle two years ago, leaving her to bring up the boy, Lijko, and a daughter who was born with a withered arm."

Sam smiled at the women; she nudged Jack to take a piece of the fruit and broke the loaf into three portions passing Daniel and Jack a piece each.

"Danny ask her if she can help us get out of here," prompted Jack as he bit into the crusty bread.

Daniel continued his conversation with Hyjara; she shook her head violently.

"No need for a translation there!" murmured Jack

Hyjara began to speak again; Daniel translated as fast as he could.

"She says they would kill her and the children if she tried to help us escape, but there may be at least a chance, not much of one but a chance all the same."

"For crying out loud a chance of what?" queried Jack impatiently.

"She's coming to that Jack, just bear with me a while longer please," requested Daniel as he returned to his talk with Hyjara. The woman spoke at some length, stopping every one in while to let Daniel ask a question. Finally she appeared to come to the end of her narrative.

"So?" began Jack.

"Well seems there might be one chance of avoiding the "big drop" tomorrow. Hyjara says that as Sam was the one who transgressed the laws and as she's a woman, her men folk have a right of challenge." Daniel explained.

"Challenge what, who, where, when?" interrupted Jack.

"I'm getting there, Jack, just for once will you let me finish what I start to say?" snapped Daniel angrily, the young archaeologist pushed his spectacles back on his nose and continued.

"The male closest to Sam can challenge the tribe's champion to combat, if he wins, Sam and both of us go free, if he loses we all die as scheduled."

"Why can't I fight this champion myself?" asked Sam rising to her feet and crossing the room to join Daniel and Hyjara.

"It's not allowed, males fight, women cook and have kids, sorry Sam, Hyjara' s words not mine." Sam looked as if she wanted to contest this concept but was prevent by Jack,

"Don't start on that women's lib stuff right now Carter, these guys wouldn't have the foggiest idea what you were talking about. What we have to do is find out if this challenge thingy is a go or not, then if it is get the ball rolling."

"Excuse me Colonel, don't you think we might have a little problem here, my men folk, that is my Dad and my brother are not even in this part of the galaxy never mind on this planet, so who the hell gets to fight this champion guy?"

"Me who the hell else would it be Carter?" asked Jack somewhat puzzled by Carter's question.

Carter came close to Jack; she spoke quietly so that neither Daniel nor Hyjara could hear her. " Sir.., you can't do this, Hyjara said the male closest to me, don't think my CO counts by their standards."

Jack stretched out his hand, his fingers gently caressed Sam's cheek, he leant towards her whispering, " Maybe your CO doesn't, but Jack O'Neill sure as hell counts, or are you saying there's someone closer who has the right to fight for you Sam?"

She allowed her face to nestle, briefly against his hand, before answering. "I thought we were going to leave all of that in the room after taking the Tokra's test."

"Yeah well, frankly I never really thought that was a viable option Sam, hoped we could have figured away around the rules and regulations and such, guess we may not have the opportunity now." Answered Jack, he felt a little uncomfortable having to discuss how he felt about his second in command, particular when there might well be no possible future for either of them.

He cleared his throat, "Right Danny ask her if she will go see about this challenge business, tell her to tell the headman that Carter's my wife and I'll fight this champion guy."

"You sure about this Jack, you've seen the size of these guys, god alone knows what this 'champion' looks like," questioned Daniel.

"Just do it will you Daniel, it's the only game in town and I'd rather go down fighting than being marched out and pushed over a cliff if its all the same to you," answered Jack, once again allowing his fingers to stray towards Sam's cheek.

Daniel watched the silent communication between Jack and Sam, the native woman Hyjara also observed the interplay between the grey haired stranger and the young blonde female; she raised a quizzical eyebrow at Daniel, a question on her lips.

Daniel nodded as answer to her query, before relaying Jack's request. At first Hyjara seemed unwilling to act as a go between but finally she agreed.

Clearing his throat somewhat loudly, Daniel caught the attention of Sam and Jack, who stepped apart somewhat guiltily.

"OK Jack, she says she will see the headman and ask him if you can make the challenge, I told her you were Sam's mate and had the right to make the challenge."

"No worries Daniel, just lets get this show on the road."

Hyjara bade them all goodnight, briefly touching Sam's shoulder as she passed to exit the makeshift prison cell.

"Well if I'm gonna duel this champion guy in the morning I guess we all ought to grab some rest while we can, choose your piece floor, the manager of this hotel appears to have forgotten to install the beds!" Jack's attempt at humour fell pretty flat, but the three members of SG1 settled down on the hard floor to try and get what sleep they could. As Daniel closed his eyes he couldn't help but notice how Jack had chosen to lay next to Sam, pulling her close his head dipping down to place a brief kiss on the top of her head.

"Sam, it will be OK, trust me, I won't let you die on this miserable misbegotten excuse for a planet."

"Damn it Jack, just make sure you don't die either hear me, or I'll never forgive you!" murmured Sam grasping the front of Jack's jacket and burying her face against his chest as she finally allowed the tears, she'd been holding back, to escape.


SG1 had slept fitfully during the night, the hard floor combined with the cold damp air, and the possibility of dying in a few hours had proved to be strong deterrents to restful slumber. The weak rays of the early morning sun, filtered through the small window into the makeshift prison. Jack stirred; he gently eased his arm from under Carter's head, flexing his fingers to rid him self of numbness caused by Sam using it as a pillow. Sam felt Jack's movements and immediately woke up; she stared into his eyes, fear clearly apparent in her own.

"Shush, not a word now Sam, we'll be OK trust me," whispered Jack, before brushing his lips across Sam's, eliciting an immediate response as she deepened the kiss. Sighing, Jack eased himself away from her, "We sure as hell have lousy timing Sam, why the hell do we only do this when we think we're gonna die, why can't we just say how we feel when everything is peachy, when we get back to the SGC we need to talk Sam and I mean talk, about this you hear me!"

Sam nodded in agreement, "OK Jack we'll talk, WHEN we get back."

"Er.. hum, anyone remember me, Dr Daniel Jackson, the proverbial spare.. er.. um thingy at a wedding!" interrupted Daniel.

"Hey is that what you are, often wondered what your exact purpose was Space Monkey" retorted Jack, as he got to his feet, pacing the room as best he could with the shackles still around his ankles.

The three of them finished the remains of the bread and fruit brought by Hyjara the previous evening. They had just completed the meagre breakfast when the door was thrown open and three warriors entered, SG1 were roughly pushed to the floor as one of the warriors set about unlocking their shackles. Once free they were hauled to their feet and pushed unceremoniously through the door into the centre of the village. The villagers had formed a circle into which the three strangers were ushered, a tall bearded warrior wearing some kind of animal skin cape and a metal breastplate sat on a wooden dais at the head of the circle. He clapped his hands and the chattering villagers became silent. SG1 were brought before him, they noticed Hyjara standing near the dais. The bearded warrior addressed Daniel. Daniel briefly answered him.

"This is Molke the village headman, he says he has listened to Hyjara and if Jack is Sam's mate then he can issue the challenge, he must fight the 'champion' only the weapons provided may be used, there will be a referee who will see that the rules of combat are obeyed, its seems that the duel for want of a better word is fought in rounds, you get a short break at the end of the round then you start back in again. One more thing Jack, apparently this thing is to the.shit Jack its to the death!" finished Daniel.

"Well wouldn't you just know it!" replied Jack, "OK tell this Molke guy to bring out the champion and lets get on with it."

Daniel relayed the request, Molke made a circling gesture with his hand, the circle of villager parted to allow the entrance of the "champion".

"Oh Jesus, Joseph and Mary!" whistled Jack as the warrior came into view. Clad in a short leather skirt a chain mail vest and calf length boots, the champion was a massive figure, he dwarfed Jack by at least 6 or 7 inches and weighed at least 350 pounds.

"Makes Teal'c look positively mal-nourished doesn't he?" quipped Jack nervously.

"My God Jack you can't fight this monster, look at him," begged Carter.

Jack ruffled her hair, "No sweat, piece a cake we'll be outta here before you know it."

Two more warriors entered the circle bringing with then an assortment of weapons. Jack noted the long heavy broadsword, the short spear, two small daggers; two metal shields and a leather whip like object. The weapons were laid out in the middle of the circle; one of the warriors raised a small flag, beckoning Jack and the 'champion' to join him in the centre. Daniel followed, as he knew Jack would need a translator.

The flag holder turned out to be the referee, he explained that they must choose one weapon to begin with then another at the start of each round, the shield could be used from the start along with one weapon. They would fight until the flag was dropped and then retire to the edge of the circle for a short rest, when the flag was raised again they must re-commence fighting, this was to continue till one or other was killed.

The Referee indicated that Jack should choose a weapon. He picked up the heavy sword testing its weight, but lowered it to the ground again, he knew that his arm would never be able to heave the sword for more than a few minutes, he then picked up the short spear and one of the shields, nodding that he's made his choice. The giant warrior picked up the sword, twirling it with disdain; clearly he would have no trouble carrying the massive weapon.

Daniel was ordered to rejoin Sam who stood terrified at the edge of the circle near the dais. Hyjara came to stand next to her, tentatively patting Sam's arm in gesture of comfort. Daniel joined then placing his arm around Sam's shoulders and giving her a quick hug.

The referee measured out ten paces and indicated both men should take a position at each end of the measured length, once this occurred he raised the flag for battle to commence. Jack knew his only chance was to stay out of the reach of the giant warrior and the massive sword, one blow from the weapon and he would be finished. His only chance was to tire out his huge opponent and hopefully be able to get in close to strike with the spear. He circled the warrior keeping a wary eye on the sword. The champion lumbered forward sweeping great circles above his head with the broad-sword. Jack dodged out of the way of a tentative jab, once more commencing his circling tactics. However the giant continued forward, edging closer to Jack, the sword flicking out towards the grey haired stranger. As Jack switched directions his foot caught in a shallow rut on the muddy ground, he momentarily lost his balance, giving the champion time to gain more ground. As Jack regained his balance he felt a blow to his shield, the force numbing his arm and making him cry out in pain. Stumbling out of the reach of the heavy weapon Jack tried to recover his breath, his arm was numb and his fingers could barely grip the leather strap on his shield. Another glancing blow caught him; this time the shield flew out of his hand, his left arm hanging useless by his side. Jack beat a hasty retreat towards the edge of the circle, thrusting out with his spear to slow the progress of the massive native. Just as he began to think he couldn't hold the champion off much longer the referee lowered his flag, Jack stumbled towards the dais where Sam and Daniel awaited him.

"Oh god Jack, we have to stop this now" begged Sam.

"No dammit Sam, we can't, if I stop now they'll kill us for sure, if I keep fighting there's a chance for us, no matter how small I have to take it." Answered Jack, as he massaged his arm to try and restore feeling to it.

"Then you are going to have to change tactics, you'll never take him while he's on his feet, you have to ground him somehow, he'll have real problems getting back up, I've been watching him, he has trouble turning. I think his knees are in even worse condition than yours Jack, look at the scarring on them, he's been wounded in battle I'd bet, find a way to take his feet from under him, that's your only chance." Advised Sam.

"Jeez now she's a coach all of a sudden!" remarked Jack to no one in particular.

"It's time Jack, the referee has raised his flag," warned Daniel. Jack nodded, briefly kissed Sam and headed back to the centre of the circle, the same procedure was repeated, Jack was urged to choose a new weapon, he decided on the whip, thinking he may be able to use it to carry out Sam's instructions. The giant kept his sword and picked up a short dagger, discarding his shield with disdain.

"Smart ass" murmured Jack, as they retreated to their starting positions. A similar pattern as in the first round occurred, Jack circling around the giant staying out of reach of the massive sword. Occasionally he flicked out the whip, but realised he'd need to get closer to do any real damage, but that meant that he would be nearer to the ugly weapon wielded by the gigantic warrior. Minutes passed as Jack tried to manoeuvre himself in to position, however the closer he got the danger from the blade increased. Flicking out the whip he caught the warrior around the hips, the giant gave a grunt but did not slow his pace. As Jack dodged back the tip of the sword sliced through his jacket and into the flesh on his shoulder, blood flowed freely down his arm. He heard Sam's strangled cry as he retreated to the edge of the circle. Scenting victory the warrior plunged forward sword raised high, Jack seized what he believed was his only chance, he dropped to his knees and rolled forward towards the oncoming giant, he flicked out the whip, wrapping it around the warrior's knees. Jack placed both hands on the handle of the whip and heaved, ignoring the pain in his shoulder he pulled with all his strength, at first the giant merely halted. However one final wrench by Jack saw the giant topple backwards as he lost his balance, the giant sword flew from his hands as he crashed full length on the muddy ground. Letting go of the whip, Jack regained his feet and ran toward the fallen champion, he placed the tip of the spear against the giant's throat, drawing blood.

"Daniel you tell Molke that I have no quarrel with his champion, I do not want to kill him, let this end now!" yelled Jack. Daniel translated Jack's words. Molke stamped his foot and growled but turned to several of the older natives who spoke amongst themselves before whispering to the headman. He raised his hand and made a sweeping gesture, shouting out words, which Daniel hastily translated.

"It's over Jack, he agreed to let us go, he say's you are an honourable warrior, you're to take your 'woman' and leave, he says our kind are not welcome here."

Jack nodded, removing the spear tip from the champion's throat, before throwing it to the ground and making his way over to Sam and Daniel. Sam hugged him until his cry of pain caused her to release him in concern. Moments later natives arrived with SG1's equipment. Hyjara arrived with a middle-aged man carrying a leather satchel. Hyjara explained he was the apothecary and also her brother he would treat Jack's wound before they left. Although a little dubious about allowing some primitive "sawbones" near him, Jack allowed Sam to help him off with his jacket and shirt so the apothecary could attend the wound. Luckily it was only a flesh wound, the native doctor made a poultice of herbs and leaves and bound up Jack's shoulder with a field dressing from Sam's pack. When Jack had shrugged his jacket back on the headman indicated they should all leave, an escort of six natives would take them back to the road way leading to the Stargate.

As the procession of SG1 and their native escort left the village, Hyjara spoke briefly to Daniel before raising her hand in a gesture of farewell.

"What was that about? Asked jack.

"The boy Lijko, he's going to be OK, the apothecary set his leg, seems the boy will always walk with a limp, but that means he doesn't have to undergo the ordeal again as he can't be a warrior. His uncle is going to teach him to be an apothecary, seems they are highly prized here and Hyjara is pleased she won't lose another son."

"Well that's nice to know, seems you done good after all Sam" remarked Jack grinning at Carter.

"So did you Colonel," replied Sam, as they reached the road in front of the Stargate, their escort turned around and headed back towards the village. "Dial us home Daniel" ordered Jack. "My pleasure," acknowledged Daniel making his way towards the dial home device.

Jack took the opportunity to slip his arm around Sam, pulling her towards him, "We are going to have a certain conversation Major, once we've been debriefed, no more denials OK" he told her.

Sam giggled, but nodded "How could I deny my knight in shining BDUs anything, lead on Sir Galahad l" she told him, another giggle escaping her lips as they made there way to the gate.

"No giggling fair maiden or its off to the tower with you!" scolded Jack as they stepped through the shimmering blue wave and back to the SGC.


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