Use and Abuse by Laura Douglas
Summary: While off-world SG-1 encounter something different but is it what it appears to be?
Rated: PG
Genres: Future!fic
Original Archive Date: 2005 Aug 18
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 15679 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 02, 2009 | Updated: Sep 02, 2009 | Read: 2342
Story Notes: Season: Future season.

Spoilers: Up to and including Heroes Part 1&2. Other little things from past seasons.

Status: Complete.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and characters don't belong to me, I'm just borrowing them.

Note: * indicates someone signing. This is my first ever fanfic so all feed back is welcome and craved.

1. Chapter 1 by Laura Douglas

Chapter 1 by Laura Douglas
Sam, Daniel and Teal'c stood staring.

Daniel: If we try, do you think we could make a run for it?
Sam: I don't know. If we get caught there's no one here to help.
Teal'c: Perhaps we could create an excuse.
Sam: That's probably our best bet.
Daniel: What do we do?
Sam: To be honest, I don't know. Any ideas Teal'c?
Teal'c: None, Major Carter.

Daniel nodded his head at something.

Daniel: Too late. We've been spotted.

The three of them walked forward.

Sam: Colonel.
Jack: Carter. I was starting to think the three of you had gotten lost.
Daniel: No.
Jack: Forgotten?
Daniel: No.
Jack: Decided not to come?
Daniel: No.

Jack looked at Daniel waiting for an explanation. He didn't say anything so Sam stepped in.

Sam: Daniel had a flat tyre, sir. We had to stop so he could change it.
Daniel: Yes, the flat tyre.

Jack, obviously, didn't believe them.

Jack: I see.
Teal'c: When have we to fish O'Neill?
Jack: Whenever you're ready.
Teal'c: We are ready.
Jack: Okay, this way.

Jack turned around and went back the way he came. Daniel and Sam stared at Teal'c in disbelief.

Teal'c: The sooner we start, the sooner we finish.
Daniel: Very good Teal'c.

Teal'c bowed his and they followed Jack.


Next day at the SGC. General Hammond comes into Sam's lab. Sam stopped tapping at her keyboard to speak to her Commanding Officer.

Hammond: How was your day off, Major?
Sam: Colonel O'Neill took the three of us fishing.
Hammond: You want an extra day off I take it?
Sam: I'm just glad I have this weekend, sir. I can't stand fishing.
Jack: She didn't catch anything, sir.

Sam looked up quickly, cringing at her last words.

Sam: Colonel! I was just telling General Hammond I didn't like the fishing because … I didn't catch anything.
Jack: That was your own fault, Carter. The fish didn't like you.
Sam: Thank you, sir.
Hammond: What were you using?
Jack: Live maggots, sir. She wouldn't touch them.

General Hammond laughed.

Hammond: Remember the mission briefing in one hour.
Sam: Yes sir.
Jack: Yes sir.

General Hammond left the lab. Jack pulled up a stool to sit at Sam's workbench and Sam went back to her lap top.

Jack: Want to know what I don't get?
Sam: What, sir?
Jack: You can fight the Goa'uld any day of the week, you jump at the chance to race a ship round a foreign galaxy but you can't stick a maggot on a hook .
Sam: Colonel, they were alive, squirming about in a tub. I'm not going to stick a very sharp point through one the toss it in the water.

Jack sighed.

Jack: That's what you do to catch fish, Carter.

Sam looked up from her computer.

Sam: No offence, sir, but I don't like fishing. Not now, not ever.
Jack: Fine. You stick to naquada reactors and your motorbike and I'll stick to fishing and stars.
Sam: I like stars, sir.
Jack: Yeah but I can't really say fishing and… fishing. Can I?
Sam: No sir.

Off-world. Jack and Sam are sitting down in the shade while Daniel is studying some ruins.

Jack: It's not fair Teal'c gets to skip this.
Sam: No sir.
Jack: Daniel can we go now?
Daniel: No.

There is silence for a few minutes.

Jack: Now?
Daniel: No! Jack you're worse than a three year old.
Jack: Thank you, it's my aim in life to never grow up.

Daniel muttered under his breath.

Daniel: Why is that not a surprise?
Jack: What?
Daniel: Nothing.

Sam smiled to herself; she had heard what Daniel said.

Jack: Come on Daniel, just take a bunch of pictures and lets go.
Daniel: I'm trying to find some more just now but I can't concentrate –
Sam: Did you hear something?
Jack: You see. We've been here so long Carter is hearing things.

Sam stood up and looked to her left.

Sam: No sir, I'm sure I heard something.

Jack stood up; Daniel put down his camera and picked up his gun. A branch snapped off to the left. Jack signalled Daniel and Sam to move around the sides of a clump of bushes as he moved directly forward. When Sam moved closer to the bushes she stopped.

Jack: Carter?

Sam reached into the bushes and pulled some of the branches aside. Inside there was a little boy.

Sam: It's just a kid, sir.

Jack and Daniel relaxed. Jack walked around to Sam.

Sam: Hi.

The boy didn't say anything.

Sam: My name is Sam and this is Jack.

Again nothing.

Jack: He looks terrified. What's your name?

Sam held out her hand to him as the silence continued.

Sam: Come on, we won't hurt you.

The boy looked at Sam and Jack in turn. Then he took Sam's hand and came out of the bushes.

Sam: There that wasn't so bad. What's your name?

Suddenly the boy started to wave his hands about. Daniel joined them.

Daniel: Okay this is different.
Sam: No it's not.

Sam sounded surprised.

Jack: It's not?
Sam: No, it's not. Colonel this is sign language and it's the exact same as what is used on earth.
Jack: How do you know sign language?
Sam: My mom taught me. He said he doesn't understand us.

Sam moved her hands and the boy responded. She pointed at herself, Jack and Daniel, signing something each time.

Jack: Well?
Sam: His name is Darrian, he is seven years old and…
Jack: What?
Sam: Uh… he likes your hat sir.

Jack grinned, he took his hat off and put it on Darrian's head.

Jack: Tell him he can keep it.

Sam signed to Darrian and his face lit up.

Daniel: Sam, can you ask him about the pictographs on the ruined building?
Sam: Sure.
Sam*: Darrian do you know who drew the tiny pictures on that building over there?
Darrian*: What pictures?
Sam*: The ones over there.
Darrian*: No.
Sam: He doesn't know they exist.
Daniel: Okay, never mind.
Jack: What about his parents?
Sam*: Darrian where are your parents and the other people?
Darrian*: Dead. Gone. I was left here.
Sam: Oh.
Daniel: What is it?
Sam: His parents are dead and the rest of his people left him here, by himself.
Jack: Daniel pack up, we're leaving. Carter we'll take Darrian with us, you explain it to him.
Sam: Yes sir.
Sam*: Darrian we have to go back home now, would you like to come?
Darrian*: Yes I don't like being on my own.
Sam*: Good.
Sam: He wants to go sir.
Jack: We can decide what to do back at the SGC.

Daniel finished putting away his camera and books.

Daniel: This is fascinating. Although we've met other earth-like planets and people, most have variations on our languages and cultures. Darrian's signs are the same as any other person would use.
Sam: You never know.
Daniel: Can you imagine going to a planet where the people are all like Kinnsey?
Jack: One of Kinnsey is quite enough Daniel.

Darrian grabbed Sam's hand and hid behind her, seeing Jack glare at Daniel.

Sam: I think he knows you don't like something sir. He might think it's him.
Jack: It's not.
Sam: He doesn't know that.

Jack looked at his second-in-command for a few minutes then walked over to her and Darrin. Darrian slipped the hat from his head and offered it back to Jack. Jack took it from him and placed it back on his head. Darrian smiled and held his hand out for Jack. Jack took it and Sam smiled at him.

Jack: Daniel, dial the gate.

Back at the SGC. General Hammond came down stairs into the control room.

Hammond: Report Sergeant.
Walter: Receiving SG-1's IDC, sir.
Hammond: Open the iris.
Walter: Yes sir.

General Hammond made his way into the gate room just as Daniel stepped through the Stargate. Jack and Sam followed holding Darrian's hands.

Hammond: Welcome back. Who's your friend?
Jack: General, this is Darrian.
Hammond: Hello son.

Darrian was oblivious to the General as he looked around.
Jack: He can't hear you sir, he's deaf. Carter is translating.
Hammond: Of course Major, you can sign.
Jack: Was I the only one who didn't know?
Sam: It's not in my file, sir. General Hammond, I'd like to have him checked out by one of the doctors just to make sure he's okay.
Hammond: On you go Major.
Sam: Thank you sir.

Sam handed her gun to a near bye Airman and left the gate room with Darrian.

Hammond: Briefing room.

General Hammond, Jack and Daniel went up to the briefing room and sat down.

Hammond: How did you find him?
Daniel: Well General, it was more him that found us. He made a noise from were he was hiding in the bushes watching us but obviously didn't realise it.
Hammond: His parent's had no objections to you bring him here?
Jack: His parents are dead and his people abandoned him. Who would do that to a kid?
Daniel: People are strange, humans and aliens.
Jack: Tell me about it.

Later in the mess hall. Jack came in and sat down with Sam and Darrian. Darrian looked up, smiled at Jack then went back to his drawings and two different flavours of ice cream. Sam watched the little boy smiling to herself.

Jack: How's he doing?
Sam: He didn't appreciate the doctor's check-up but he's fine. He keeps touching things, he almost set the fire alarm off and he keeps hiding my stuff so I resorted to ice cream.
Jack: I hate that game, Charlie used to play it when he was little.

Sam looked at him when he didn't say anything else.

Sam: You'll never forgive yourself, will you?

Jack looked at her but dropped her gaze after a few minutes, not wanting to drag up old memories. After a short pause he changed the subject.

Jack: Ask him which ice cream he likes best.
Sam*: Darrian, Jack asked which ice cream you prefer?

Darrian pointed to the bowl of chocolate-chip and continued drawing.

Jack: Good choice. He's very attached to you.
Sam: Well considering I'm the only one he can talk to… Did Daniel find anything else from the pictographs, sir?
Jack: No not yet. Can Darrian tell you anything about them?
Sam: All he said was that he had never noticed them before.
Jack: What about his people?
Sam: Bad topic. Other than that they left him he has said absolutely nothing.
Jack: I still don't get how someone could abandon a kid.
Sam: Maybe they can't take care of him and think he would be better off with someone else.

Darrian tugged on Sam's hand and started to sign.

Darrian*: Sam I'm tired I want to go to sleep.
Sam*: Okay, I have to go talk to General Hammond I'll be back in a minute stay with Jack.
Sam: Sir could you keep an eye on him for a minute please?
Jack: Sure, where you going?
Sam: To ask General Hammond something.
Jack: He'll probably let you.

Sam looked confused.

Sam: Let me what?
Jack: Take Darrian home for the weekend.

Sam smiled and left the mess hall.


General Hammond's office. Sam knocked on the door and entered as General Hammond waved her in and put down the red phone.

Sam: Sorry to interrupt General.
Hammond: It's fine Major, gives me an excuse to get off the phone.
Sam: Politicians?
Hammond: Politicians. What can I do for you?
Sam: Sir I wanted to ask if I can take Darrian home for the weekend. His medical checked out and he can't exactly tell anyone about the Stargate Program.
Hammond: It's already been cleared Major. You can take him home.
Sam: Thank you sir.

Sam left the office then came back again.

Sam: Sir how did you know I was going to ask?
Hammond: Colonel O'Neill thought you might, he suggested I clear it first.
Sam: Okay, have a good weekend Major.
Hammond: You to Major.

Sam left General Hammond's office and went back up to the mess hall, where Darrian and Jack waited on her.

Sam: Thank you Colonel.
Jack: For what?
Sam: For asking General Hammond to let me keep Darrian for the weekend.

Jack: Wasn't me, must be the other Colonel O'Neil.
Sam: The one with one "l" in his name and not a clue about the Stargate?
Jack: Yep that one.

Sam smiled and shook her head.

Sam*: Darrian we are going back to my house so you don't have to stay here by yourself.
Darrian*: Okay.

Darrian walked around to Sam and took her hand.

Sam: See you on Monday, sir.
Jack: Bye.

They started to leave but Darrian pulled her back.

Sam*: What is it?
Darrian*: Why isn't Jack coming?
Sam*: Jack is going home to his house, he isn't coming.

Darrian folded his arms.

Jack: What's wrong?
Sam: He wants you to come to.
Darrian*: Can he come, Sam?
Sam*: Colonel O'Neill might be busy.

Darrian ignored her and went back to Jack holding out his hand for him. Jack looked at Sam.

Sam: Got any plans this weekend sir?

Jack took Darrian's hand and the three of them left the Mountain.

Sam's house. Sam opened the door, turned on the lights and they went in.

Sam: Cassie?!


Sam: I tell her to be home for ten but she doesn't show up until eleven. I think her watch is slow; at least that's what she tells me.
Jack: Where is she?
Sam: At Cara's studying.
Jack: That's not so bad.
Sam: No, what that really means is running up someone else's phone bill talking to everyone about the cute guys in their classes.
Jack: So I'm guessing your mom and dad had huge phone bills and you didn't chip in.
Sam: I did.

Jack looked at her, an eyebrow raised.

Sam: Once or twice a… year.

Darrian sat down on Sam's couch and signed.

Darrian*: Sam if I go to sleep you and Jack won't leave right?
Sam*: No, I promise we will both stay right her. I'll just get you a blanket first.
Jack: What did he say?
Sam: He was checking we wouldn't go anywhere while he was sleeping.

Sam went upstairs and returned a few minutes later with a blanket which she put over Darrin.

Jack: His people must have left him when he was asleep.
Sam: Probably.

Sam sat down in a chair next to Darrian and pointed to another for Jack, he sat down.

Jack: What do you think you'll do after this weekend?
Sam: Don't know.

Darrian fell asleep within minutes, Sam couldn't keep her eyes open and so did she.


At quarter to twelve the front door opened and Cassie came in.

Cassie: Sam I'm really sorry I'm late but - !
Jack: Cassie.
Cassie: Jack? What are you doing here?
Jack: We made a new friend off-world and he wanted me and Carter to stay with him as you can see they both fell asleep.
Cassie: What happened? Was it the Goa'uld?
Jack: No, not this time. His parents died and his people abandoned him.

Cassie looked at the small boy sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Cassie: That's so sad. What's his name?
Jack: Darrian, he's deaf. So far it's only Carter who has been communicating with him so she brought him home for the weekend.
Cassie: So I get a kid-brother for the weekend, cool. By the way, could you forget to tell Sam I came home almost two hours late?
Jack: I'll tell her you came home just after she fell asleep.
Cassie: Thank you. Are you staying?
Jack: I think I have to; my truck is still at the SGC.
Cassie: Okay, night.
Jack: Cassie next time you want to stay out late, stick a pillow under your covers and go out the window.
Cassie: Good idea.

Next morning. Sam woke up she looked at the couch but Darrian wasn't there. She heard voices coming from the kitchen so she went through. Jack, Cassie and Darrian sat eating pancakes. Darrian waved to her and she waved back.

Cassie: Morning.
Sam: Morning, what time is it?

Jack looked at his watch.

Jack: Eight, forty-five.
Cassie: I told Jack he could raid the cupboards, Darrian and I wanted pancakes. Mom used to make them when I first came here.
Jack: Hope you don't mind.
Sam: No, as long as there is coffee.

Sam poured herself a cup of coffee.

Sam: How do you know Darrian wanted pancakes?
Cassie: I asked him?
Sam: How?
Cassie: You taught me the alphabet and a few other things in sign language.
Sam: You spelled everything out?
Jack: Yes she did and it was very good.
Cassie: Thank you Jack. He made nice pancakes, have a bite.

Sam picked up Cassie's pancake and took a bite.

Sam: Very nice, sir.
Cassie: Much better than fish.
Sam: Yeah.
Jack: You two just don't appreciate good fish. I bet Darrian would.

Sam choked on her coffee.

Sam: His second day on the planet and you want to take him fishing?
Jack: Yeah, why not?
Cassie: Poor kid probably doesn't even know what fishing is.

Sam and Cassie laughed.

Jack: Women.
Sam: Do you want me to ask him?
Jack: Yes.
Sam: Fine.

Sam put down her coffee and moved over to Darrian.

Sam*: Darrian do you know what fishing is?
Darrian*: Yes.
Sam*: Jack wants to know if you would like to go.
Darrian*: Yes! I used to go all the time at home.
Sam*: Okay.
Sam: He does want to go.
Jack: Told you so. Are you to coming?
Cassie: Yeah why not? Sam has to go so he can get what he needs and I don't want to do homework.
Sam: You can do the fishing Cass.
Jack: She's scared of the maggots.
Sam: I'm not, I just don't like it.
Cassie: Do you want me to go to the store and get him new clothes?
Sam: It's okay I'll go when I'm changed.
Cassie: I'll just go now. I don't think he's planning on letting you go anywhere without him and if you take him out like that you could be accused of child-abuse.
Sam: Very funny. There should be money in my purse upstairs.

Cassie finished her breakfast then went up stairs and Sam signed to Darrian.

Sam*: Cassie is gonna get you some new clothes, okay?
Darrian*: Thank you. Are the four of us going?
Sam*: Yes. How was Cassie's signing?
Darrian*: She got mixed up sometimes but I understood most of it. The pancakes were good I've never had them before.
Sam*: I'll need to teach Cassie more signs.

Cassie shouted from the living room.

Cassie: I'm away, I'll be back soon.
Sam: Okay, be careful.
Cassie: Bye.

They heard the front door shut.

Sam: Sorry I fell asleep, you should have woken me up sir.
Jack: It's fine.
Sam: When did Cassie come home?
Jack: About ten thirty. Someone dropped her off; I heard a car pull up.
Sam: Do you think she would really do it?
Jack: Do what?
Sam: Climb in and out her window in the middle of the night?
Jack: You were awake?!
Sam: Seven years, you forget I'm a light sleeper?
Jack: I thought that would just have been off-world. We're busted!

Sam laughed then tried to be serious to tell him off.

Sam: You may have done that when you were her age but you shouldn't encourage her.
Jack: Cassie's age! I did that when I was married because I could never hold onto my keys!
Sam: Fair enough but I don't want her coming home at three in the morning.
Jack: I guess not you might think she's a burglar and knock her out.
Sam: That's very possible.
Jack: Wait and see if she attempts it before you tell her you know.
Sam: Fine but if she falls…
Jack: She won't I promise. But I want to see what she will do if she gets caught.
Sam: Aside from not talking to you for a very long time?

Darrian taped Jack and started to sign.

Jack: What's he saying?
Sam: He wants to know where you're taking him fishing.
Jack: Tell him we can go to my house cause there's a lake.

Sam relayed the information to Darrian but he looked confused and signed to Jack again.

Jack: What? Does he not want to go?
Sam: No, he wants to know why you have another house and don't stay here.

Both Jack and Sam went slightly red.

Sam*: Darrian, Jack, Cassie and I don't all live here. Cassie and I have our house and Jack has his house and sometimes we visit.
Darrian*: Okay.

A while later, Cassie and Darrian were upstairs and Jack and Sam were in the kitchen, when Pete walked in. He looked between Sam and Jack.

Pete: Hi.
Sam: Hi. Pete. What are you doing here?
Pete: Nice to see you to Sam. I remembered it was your weekend off so I thought I'd come see you.
Sam: Oh.
Pete: Who's this?
Sam: This is Colonel Jack O'Neill, Colonel you remember Pete?

Jack nodded his head and got up to shake Pete's hand but he is ignored.

Jack: I don't mean to sound rude but why are you here?
Sam: Pete!

Sam is very shocked.

Pete: I'm only asking a question Sam. Colonel O'Neill isn't usually here on a Saturday morning. Is he?
Jack: No, I'm not. I stayed here because I had made plans with Cassie.
Pete: You stayed here?
Sam: Yes Pete, he stayed here.
Pete: Oh this is great!

Pete turned away from them but suddenly spun around, without warning, and hit Jack across the face. Jack wasn't prepared for the blow, he dropped his coffee and fell, hitting his head on the table as he went down. Sam gasped and went towards him.

Cassie came down stairs after hearing the crash and saw Jack on the floor his head in Sam's lap.

Cassie: You hit Jack, Sam?
Sam: No. Why did you hit him?

Cassie followed the direction of Sam's eyes. She looked to her left and saw Pete. A look of disgust crossed the girl's features.

Pete: I'm sorry Sam, I don't like other guys sleeping with you.
Cassie: What are you talking about?
Sam: Cassie, go up stairs and don't come down until I call you.
Cassie: But Sam-
Sam: Cassie now!

Cassie scowled at Pete and reluctantly went back up stairs. Jack attempted to get up but Sam held him down praying he wouldn't get up in case Pete tried anything.

Sam: I can't believe you think that I would go behind your back. Colonel O'Neill stayed here because he was taking Cassie out.
Pete: And you're sleeping with him!
Sam: No!
Pete: Yeah right.
Sam: Pete, get out!
Pete: Gladly!

Pete stormed out and Sam helped Jack sit up against the table. He had a nasty cut above his right eye.

Jack: This is not good.

Sam took out a cloth and ran it under the cold tap.

Sam: Colonel I am so sorry.
Jack: I'm pretty sure it wasn't you who hit me so why are you apologising?
Sam: I can't believe he did this.
Jack: I can't believe I didn't see it coming. Guys don't usually like to be told other men were sleeping at their girlfriend's house.
Sam: He knows I would never cheat and he hit you anyway.

Sam put the cloth over the cut; Jack flinched from the sting of the cold water.

Sam: Sorry.

She cleaned up the cut and the smashed coffee cup.

Sam: Don't try standing up, you'll probably fall.
Jack: I'll be fine.

Jack tried to pull himself up but grabbed Sam's arm as he slid back to the floor.

Jack: I'm gonna sit down again, I'm seeing double.
Sam: Told you.
Jack: Yes you did.
Sam: Just don't move right now.
Jack: Thought I was supposed to give the orders.

Sam smiled at him. Satisfied that he wouldn't try moving for now Sam went through to the living room.

Sam: Cassie!

Cassie came down stairs, Darrian in tow.

Cassie: Are you okay?
Sam: Yeah, he didn't touch me.

Jack came through from the kitchen.

Sam: You should sit down.
Jack: I can see one of everything… for the most part.
Cassie: Sore?
Jack: I've had worse, do you have any aspirin?
Sam: Uh…second cupboard on the right.

Jack went back to the kitchen, and then returned shortly after. Darrian signed to Sam.

Darrian*: What happened to Jack's head Sam?
Sam*: He slipped in the kitchen and hit it on the table, he's okay. Are you ready to go?
Darrian*: Yep!
Cassie: I would dump him if I were you.
Sam: Thank you Cassie.
Cassie: I'm serious. You shouldn't have to explain everything to him; he is supposed to trust you.
Sam: Cassie, Pete is a cop he was trained to be suspicious of everything.
Cassie: You and Jack are not any of his criminals. The two of you were trained to kill hostile aliens but Pete is still walking around.
Jack: Cas that's not fair.
Sam: Lets just take Darrian fishing Cassie, we can do this later.
Cassie: I'll put him in the car.
Sam: Thank you.

Cassie picked up Sam's car keys and took Darrian by the hand.

Cassie: You know you should just do what Pete thinks you're doing, see Jack instead of him.
Sam: Cassie.
Cassie: I'm gone.

Cassie and Darrian went out to the car, leaving Jack and Sam in the living room. Sam looked upset over the start to her weekend.

Jack: Do you want me to call Pete and tell him he got it all wrong?
Sam: I suppose he can't give you a bloody head over the phone.
Jack: Do you want me to talk to him?
Sam: No. I told him you had made plans with Cassie, which you did a while ago, so either way you would be here. If he believes me, he believes me and if he doesn't then…
Jack: And if he doesn't he is one of the stupidest people I know.
Sam: Yeah.

She doesn't say anything else but leant against the wall her head in her hands.

Jack: Are you okay?
Sam: I don't know.
Jack: C'mere.

Jack pulled her toward him putting his arms around her. Sam lay her head on his chest and sighed.

Sam: So much for a normal weekend.
Jack: Two kids from other planets and two people who go through a wormhole created in sub-space fields on a daily basis doesn't exactly add up to a normal weekend.

Sam laughed.

Jack: What? It's true.
Sam: I know. You used the term sub-space field in the right context.
Jack: I do listen to some of the stuff you say.
Sam: I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult.
Jack: Go with compliment that way I don't get myself in hot water.
Sam: Okay.

Sam pulled back from him slightly; Jack looked down at her then kissed her. Receiving no resistance on her part he deepened the kiss. Suddenly the car horn went off and Sam jumped away as if she had been hit with a zat.

Sam: Sorry sir.

She turned away from him trying to hide her face as the colour grew. Jack walked around her, cursing himself for upsetting her further.

Jack: Look at me.

Sam refused so he tilted her head up.

Jack: Listen, I kissed you. If anything, I should be the one apologising but to be honest I'm not sorry I did it.

Sam searched his face for signs of remorse but there was nothing, he was serious. She smiled at him

Sam: Me neither.
Jack: Really?

Sam nodded and Jack's face broke into a huge grin.

Jack: Good.
Sam: But now we are in trouble and I just did the one thing I promised Pete and myself I'd never do.
Jack: Oh.

The horn sounded again.

Jack: Cassie is so impatient.
Sam: We should go.

Sam picked up her bag and they turned to leave when her phone rang.

Jack: Great timing. I'll wait in the car.
Sam: Two minutes.

Jack left the house and Sam answered the phone.

Sam: Hello?
Pete: Sam, its Pete. I'm sorry.
Sam: You're sorry? Pete you can't just say one word and expect it to make everything better!
Pete: I didn't do it on purpose. I've had a bad week at work and I lost my temper when I saw him with you, I know you wouldn't cheat.
Sam: So you want me to what? Forgive and forget?
Pete: No, I –
Sam: What if you had a bad day at work and hit me? Or Cassie?
Pete: Sam I wouldn't.
Sam: I'm not so sure.
Pete: Sam –
Sam: Pete, I don't want to see you anymore.
Pete: What?!
Sam: I-I want to break up.
Pete: Come on Sam it was a one off mistake.
Sam: Goodbye Pete.
Pete: Sam –

Sam hung up the phone; she took a deep breath to steady herself then left her house and got into her car.

Cassie: What took you so long?
Sam: Pete called.
Cassie: What did he say?
Sam: He said he was sorry.

Jack was hurt but he didn't show it, military training always came in handy.

Cassie: And that makes what he did okay?
Sam: No. I broke up with him.

Jack forgot his training at looked at her stunned.

Cassie: Good because if he can hit Jack then…
Sam: I know.


After driving in silence for some time they stopped at a gas station. Jack got out to fill up the car and Cassie rolled down her window.

Jack: Do you think you'll catch anything this time?
Cassie: If there are any fish.
Sam: Will you actually stick live maggots on a hook.
Cassie: That's what you do to catch fish, Sam.
Jack: You see I told you, thank you Cassie.
Sam: I'm still not doing any fishing.
Cassie: Then you better watch you don't fall in.
Sam: Now I'm not getting out the car.


Hours later the four of them sat on the pier at the back of Jack's cabin.

Cassie: I'm now sure there are no fish here.
Jack: They are here we just haven't caught any yet.
Sam: You said that a while ago, we still have nothing.
Cassie: I have to stop my arm is killing me.

Cassie put down her rod next to her and lay back.

Sam: I can't believe I've came fishing twice in three days. I should have told Darrian something else.

Darrian tugged at Sam's sleeve.

Darrian*: I think Jack imagined the fish here.
Sam*: Me to.
Jack: What did he say?
Sam: He thinks you imagined the fish.
Jack: There are fish here maybe they just aren't in this particular spot.
Sam: You said that on Thursday.
Cassie: Maybe they decided to move when they realised they were getting caught.
Jack: Cassie they have tiny brains, they couldn't have thought all that.
Cassie: So that's what you have in common with them.

Sam tried not to laugh but found it difficult as Jack turned around and looked at Cassie in shock. Cassie lay in the same place, eyes closed and no expression on her face. Jack then turned to Sam who tried to keep her face straight.

Jack: What did you and Fraiser teach her?
Sam: That isn't me or Janet, that's you. You're sarcastic and Cassie seems to have picked it up over the years, you should be proud. Ever wonder why Janet always threatened to use huge needles on you? It drove her nuts.
Jack: I thought she just liked to terrify me.
Sam: Oh she liked doing that to; we all got a laugh out of it.
Jack: Cassie you cannot be smart and sarcastic. Stand up.

Cassie stood up looking confused and Jack went over to her.

Cassie: Why do I need to stand up?

Sam smiled; she knew what he was going to do.

Jack: Don't do it Jack. Remember the part about her never talking to you again.

Jack turned to Sam.

Jack: What else can I do?
Cassie: What are you going to do?

Jack grabbed Cassie's shoulders.

Jack: Cassie I hope you can swim.

Cassie finally understood just as Jack pushed her into the lake. She went under and came back up spluttering.

Cassie: Jack!!

Darrian smiled and clapped his hands. Sam signed to him and he nodded his head, Jack wasn't paying any attention to them.

Cassie: I can't believe you just shoved me in a cold lake!
Jack: You shouldn't stand so close to the edge.

Sam and Darrian walked up behind Jack.

Sam: Colonel?

Jack turned around and Darrian and Sam pushed him. He wobbled on the edge of the pier and grabbed Sam's hand before falling in. They both went under but only Jack came back up.

Jack: Carter you could be court-martialled for that!

There was no reply, Jack looked around but he couldn't see her.

Jack: Sam?
Cassie: Where is she Jack?

Jack looked worried.

Jack: Sam?!

Sam came up behind them and gave them a fright causing Jack to jump. Cassie laughed and got out of the water. Sam swam over and Jack pulled her into a hug. Sam was surprised but didn't stop him.

Jack: Don't do that.
Sam: I scared you.
Jack: Yes you did.
Sam: I'm not going anywhere.

They starred at each other forgetting their audience. Cassie watched in shock as they kissed. Suddenly they remembered Cassie and both pulled away.

Jack: That wasn't supposed to happen in front of Cassie was it?
Sam: No, I don't think so.
Jack: Sorry.

They both got out of the water and Cassie looked at them.

Cassie: Are you two…?
Jack: I don't know, are we?

Sam shrugged her shoulders and Jack smiled at her.

Jack: Sort of.
Sam: Are you upset?
Cassie: No, we always thought it would happen.
Jack: Who?
Cassie: Me, and I persuaded mom.
Jack: Did Fraiser mention anything?
Sam: No.
Jack: She's good.
Cassie: When did it happen?
Sam: Today. You can't tell anyone Cassie.
Cassie: Why not?
Jack: Because we're not really allowed, Air Force rules and regulations.
Sam: If anyone finds out we could both be taken off the Stargate program and court-martialled. And you could be taken away from me.
Cassie: So basically you can't see each other because of your military positions.
Sam: Yes.
Cassie: That sucks!
Jack: Tell me about it.
Cassie: What will you do?

They avoided the question as Darrian started to sign.

Darrian*: You're all wet Sam.
Sam*: I know, you weren't supposed to let Jack pull me in.
Darrian*: But it was funny.
Sam: It's alright for you, you're nice and dry.
Darrian*: Lucky me. I think the fish are gone now.
Sam*: Me to.
Jack: I'll get some towels.

Jack went inside his house.

Cassie: Well?
Sam: Well what?
Cassie: Did Pete catch the two of you is that why he hit Jack?
Sam: Cassie I wouldn't do that. Pete put two and two together and came up with five.
Cassie: Then it's just as well Pete can't count or you two would still be tip-toeing around each other.
Sam: Tip-toeing around each other?
Cassie: You liked each other for ages.

Jack came back from his house in dry clothes and handed the two of them towels.

Jack: Clothes?
Sam: I have BDUs in the car.
Jack: Cool. I don't think either of you would appreciate my fashion sense on yourselves.
Cassie: Me either.

Darrian signed to Jack and Sam laughed.

Jack: What?
Sam: He's being honest; he thought you looked stupid when you were all wet.
Jack: Ask him if he wants me to throw him in the lake.

Sam signed to Darrian asking the question. He answered her and then ran away.

Sam: He said you would have to catch him first.
Jack: Fine.

Jack went after Darrian. Sam took her car keys from her pocket, dried them on the towel and she and Cassie walked to the front of the house to her car.

Sam: The BDUs should fit you. You steal everything else.
Cassie: I do not steal! I… borrow without permission.

Sam laughed.

Cassie: Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Cassie: Could they really take me away from you?
Sam: Probably.
Cassie: Would I be sent to another planet.
Sam: I don't know.

Cassie didn't say anything else.

Sam: Don't worry if it came down to choosing between you and us we would both choose you.

Cassie smiled at her. Sam opened the trunk of her car and un-zipped a sports bag.

Sam: Blue or green?
Cassie: Blue.


That night the four of them sat outside. Darrian was asleep on Sam's lap.

Cassie: Sam, what will happen to Darrian when you take him back to the SGC on Monday?
Sam: Not sure.
Cassie: Will he be taken to another planet?
Sam: Possibly, we can't leave him on his own planet by himself.

Cassie went quiet.

Jack: Do you want me to put him inside?
Sam: Yeah okay.

Jack picked Darrian up off Sam's knees gently.

Jack: I'll put him in one of the spare rooms, you and Cassie can take the other.

Jack went into the cabin.

Cassie: Could we keep him?
Sam: I don't know Cassie. Who would look after him while I'm at work and you're at school? Where would he go to school?
Cassie: There's a school just outside of Colorado Springs for deaf children, Erin's cousin goes to it. You don't need to stay at the SGC as long as you do but you're a workaholic.
Sam: Thanks Cassie.
Cassie: You're welcome.
Sam: You have it all planned out.
Cassie: Yep.

Jack came back outside, knowing what Cassie was talking about.

Sam: Even if we did keep him Cassie, this wouldn't be like buying something knew then getting bored with it after a while.
Cassie: I know that, he would be permanent.
Sam: I'll think about it.
Cassie: Great. I'm going in I'm tired.
Sam: Cassie if you hear Darrian give me a shout.
Cassie: Okay, night.
Sam: Night.
Jack: Night.

Cassie went inside.

Jack: She wants you to keep Darrian?
Sam: Yes. She even has a school for him and she's cut down on the number of hours I work.
Jack: You work too much anyway.
Sam: But…
Jack: But what?
Sam: Nothing it doesn't matter.
Jack: You're a terrible liar.
Sam: I know. I used to get me and Mark in trouble all the time.
Jack: So what is it?
Sam: What if me taking care of him doesn't work he might be better off on another planet.
Jack: Your brain really does work over time.
Sam: I'm serious Jack what if it doesn't work?

Jack put his arm around and she leaned on his chest.

Jack: It will work, look at Cassie.
Sam: Cassie is a rebel and has a mind of her own.
Jack: Yeah, did I mention she was talking about getting a tattoo?

Sam laughed.

Jack: So what will you do about Darrian?
Sam: I'll speak to General Hammond.
Jack: Good and if you need any help you've just got to ask.
Sam: Thanks. Two kids and all I had to do was step through a vertical puddle of water.
Jack: It works much better for me than you having to go on leave.
Sam: What should we do?
Jack: For now we just won't tell anyone and pray Cassie doesn't say anything.


Monday morning at the SGC. Jack and Cassie were walking down a corridor. Daniel turned the corner while he read a book and almost walked into them.

Cassie: Daniel, stop!

Daniel stopped and looked up in surprise.

Daniel: Hi Cassie. How come you're not in school?
Cassie: Jack said I could skip school today and come here instead.
Daniel: Sam is gonna kill you Jack.
Jack: Stop getting me in trouble! I did not tell her to skip school Carter brought her in.
Daniel: How come?
Jack: Apparently Cassie refused to go to school until Carter spoke to General Hammond about keeping Darrian.
Cassie: I persuaded her to adopt him so I could have a little brother.
Daniel: Sam is keeping him?
Jack: If she is given permission.
Cassie: Which, General Hammond will give her.
Jack: It's not just up to General Hammond Cassie, you need to wait and see.
Daniel: Is Sam with Darrian just now?
Cassie: Yeah they're in her lab, Darrian is asleep. Sam gave me her access card and told me to go find Jack because I kept asking her when she would speak to General Hammond, that was an hour ago.
Jack: Lucky me.

Cassie didn't miss the sarcasm and slapped his arm, Daniel smiled.

Jack: Thank you.
Cassie: You're welcome.
Daniel: Tell Sam I think I might be getting somewhere in translating the stones.
Jack: How do you translate pictures?
Daniel: You don't, each picture had a few symbols under it which I hadn't noticed before. I left a message on the answering machine on Saturday afternoon.
Jack: Oh.
Cassie: Uh… the machine hasn't been working properly Daniel, I don't think she got it.
Daniel: Okay. Come find me when Sam gets an answer.
Jack: Will do.
Cassie: Bye Daniel.
Daniel: Bye.

They walked away in opposite directions.

Cassie: We were at your house on Saturday.
Jack: I know.
Cassie: It's not fair.
Jack: What?
Cassie: I hate lying to him I want to tell him about you and Sam.
Jack: Cassie don't talk about it on base.
Cassie: Why not? There's no one here just now.
Jack: No but there is a camera six feet away pointed straight at us.

Cassie looked discreetly for the camera then spotted it.

Cassie: Can they lip-read?
Jack: I don't know but it wouldn't surprise me.
Cassie: So I shouldn't talk about it on base?
Jack: No.
Cassie: Okay. Can we go ask Sam if she has spoken to General Hammond yet?
Jack: Fine but she'll probably kick us out the lab, you at least.

Cassie walked backwards in front of Jack.

Cassie: Please?
Jack: You know Cassie, for a seventeen year old you are so immature.
Cassie: Jack don't talk about your self.

Cassie turned the corner and walked straight into Lieutenant Elliot, knocking all his files out of his hands. They both started to pick them up.

Cassie: Sorry, I didn't see you.
Elliot: It's okay, I wasn't paying attention.

Cassie handed Elliot the files. Jack coughed and Elliot looked away from Cassie, he saw Jack then looked between the two of them.

Elliot: Colonel O'Neill.
Jack: Lieutenant.
Elliot: I didn't know you had a daughter sir… with security clearance.
Jack: I don't. Cassie meet Lieutenant Elliot, Elliot, Cassie.
Elliot: You're Doctor Fraiser's Cassandra?
Cassie: Yes.
Elliot: I'm sorry about her death, she was really nice. Took pity on all the new recruits.
Jack: She saved none for me Cassie.

Cassie laughed; Jack had been terrified when her mom was in full doctor mode.

Cassie: You don't deserve any Jack, thank you Lieutenant.
Jack: Come find me when you're done talking to Elliot.

He started to walk away and called out.

Jack: Elliot, don't do anything that would make me shoot you.
Cassie: Jack!
Elliot: Yes sir.

Cassie glared at Jack as he rounded the corner.


Sam's lab. Jack walked in, Sam was using her computer again.

Jack: Hey.
Sam: Hi, where's Cassie?
Jack: I left her with Lieutenant Elliot, they're "talking". He thought I was her dad.
Sam: I'm guessing you told him otherwise.
Jack: Yeah, why?
Sam: If you hadn't he wouldn't still be "talking" to her.
Jack: I guess not.
Sam: What did you say?
Jack: Nothing.

Sam looked at him an eyebrow raised. She knew he was lying.

Jack: Okay I may have told Elliot I would shoot him if he did… anything.
Sam: Poor Cassie.
Jack: I could have dragged her back. She wanted to know when you would talk to General Hammond.
Sam: Never mind Cassie, leave her with Elliot.
Jack: Are you sure that's such a good idea? Leaving the two of them alone?
Sam: Be quiet you're giving me horrible ideas.

Jack laughed.

Jack: Where's Darrian?
Sam: Sleeping over there.
Jack: Have you spoken to General Hammond?
Sam: No I didn't want to leave Darrian alone.
Jack: I'll watch him.
Sam: It's fine I can go up later.
Jack: Sam the worst thing they can do is say no and I doubt that will happen. Even if it did you could always visit him.

Sam took a deep breath.

Sam: Okay I'll go up and see him.
Jack: Now?
Sam: Now.
Jack: And you'll have an answer by this evening.
Sam: Right.

Jack kissed her fore-head.

Jack: You'll be fine.

Sam left her lab and made her way down to General Hammond's office. She knocked on the door.

Hammond: Come in Major. How's Darrian?
Sam: He's fine sir. I left him with Colonel O'Neill he's asleep.
Hammond: Good. I heard Cassandra was on base but I haven't seen her yet.
Sam: Colonel O'Neill told me she bumped into Lieutenant Elliot, so you might not see her until later on.

General Hammond smiled.

Hammond: I see. Did she have the day off school?
Sam: No sir. She refused to go to school until I asked you about us keeping Darrian.
Hammond: Are you able to keep him Major?
Sam: Yes sir and he wouldn't interfere with my work.
Hammond: You know if it were up to me I would say yes straight away.
Sam: I know sir.
Hammond: I'll contact my superiors and page you when I have an answer.
Sam: Thank you General.

Sam left General Hammond's office and went to the mess hall. She looked around and spotted Cassie at a table with Lieutenant Elliot. She went over to them, Elliot stood up when she approached.
Elliot: Major Carter.
Sam: Lieutenant. Cassie can I have a word.
Cassie: Sure, excuse me.

Sam and Cassie left the mess hall.

Sam: Lieutenant Elliot is a couple of years older than you.
Cassie: We were only talking.
Sam: Okay. I just spoke to General Hammond, he will page me when he has an answer.
Cassie: Thank you!

Cassie's face was beaming as she hugged Sam.

Sam: Are you coming?
Cassie: I think I might stay here for a while.

Sam smiled at her.

Sam: I'll be in my lab if you're looking for me.
Cassie: See you later.

Cassie went back to the mess hall and Sam went back to her lab.


Jack was sitting juggling with paper balls as Darrian watched him when Sam walked in quietly.

Sam: Are you teaching him to be a clown?

Jack got a fright and dropped the paper he was juggling, Darrian waved to Sam.

Jack: Could you knock?
Sam: It is my lab.
Jack: And I don't want to take a heart attack.

Sam smiled at him.

Sam: You've been surprised by scarier things than me and they haven't given you a heart attack.
Jack: Name one.

Sam went to swat his arm but Jack moved back grinning.

Jack: Missed. Darrian just woke up.

As if on cue Darrian started to sign.

Darrian*: Sam can you ask Jack if I can have a go?

Sam nodded her head.

Sam: He wants to know if he can try.

Jack handed the paper balls to Darrian.

Jack: I don't think he'll be able to do it. It's really…

Darrian started to juggle as if he had been doing it all his life.

Jack … hard.
Sam: Not for him. Cassie is in the mess hall with Elliot and no you don't need to shoot him.
Jack: Good.


Daniel's office. Daniel had books lying open all over the place as usual. He was arranging enlarged copies of the pictographs and symbols which he had translated.

Daniel: Finished.

He read the translation aloud filling in obvious blanks as he went.

Daniel: Our people were dying. A child and his parents came to us from a distance, the parents healed us but it caused them to fall ill. After some days they died. Afraid of falling ill again we abandoned our homes, we left the boy behind. He had become very tired and this was how his parents had acted before they died.

Daniel took off his glasses, rubbing his fore head.

Daniel: This is not good.

He rushed out of his lab.


Sam's lab. The door opened and Daniel came in slightly out of breath.

Daniel: Sam you need to get Darrian into an isolation room now and anyone who has been in contact with him for more than twenty four hours.
Sam: What? Why?
Daniel: I translated the stones and it's not good.
Sam: How do you translate pictures Daniel?
Daniel: You didn't tell her?
Jack: I forgot.
Sam: Tell me what?
Jack: Daniel found symbols underneath the pictures.
Sam: What do they say?
Daniel: I'll tell you later. Right now you Cassie and Darrian have to go into an isolation room.
Jack: And me.
Daniel: No Darrian was only on base for seven or eight hours before
Sam took him home.
Sam: He took Darrian fishing.
Daniel: You took him fishing and he had only been on the planet a few hours. That poor boy.
Jack: Carter tell Daniel that Darrian asked to go fishing and to stop insulting me.

Daniel looked at Sam not sure whether to believe Jack.

Sam: Darrian did ask to go fishing and the Colonel wants you to stop insulting him.
Daniel: Okay. Would the four of you please go into an isolation room now? I'll go find General Hammond and then I'll explain.
Sam: Fine. Colonel?
Jack: I'll go get her.

Jack left the lab.

Sam*: Darrian we have to go into a special room just now and we might have to stay there for a little while so you won't see me or Jack or Cassie.
Darrian*: Where will you be?
Sam*: Next door.
Darrian*: And you won't leave without telling me?
Sam*: No I promise.
Darrian*: Okay.


Ten minutes later Jack, Sam and Cassie were all in one isolation room and Darrian in another. General Hammond and Daniel stood in the room above looking down at them through the glass.

Jack: Okay Daniel, tell us what this is about.
Daniel: I translated the stones.
Jack: What did they say?
Daniel: That a child and his parents came to the village while the people were sick and dying.
Hammond: The boy and his parents?
Daniel: Yes. They healed the people but they themselves died afterwards. I think Dar –
Sam: Our own doctors said he was fine.
Daniel: They might not have known what to look for.
Sam: Daniel he has been around me for three days there were no signs that he was sick.
Daniel: That doesn't mean he is not. Sam has he been sleeping a lot?
Sam: Yes.
Daniel: That was how this illness started on the other planet. General I suggest we have Jack, Sam and Cassie tested for anything unusual and Darrian should be re-checked.
Hammond: Agreed.
Sam: General at least let me go next door he's scared and doesn't understand why this is happening.
Hammond: Major you know I can't do that. I cannot risk starting an out break of God knows what.
Sam: But sir –
Jack: Sam.

Sam went quiet and turned around to face him. Daniel was surprised at the use of first names.

Jack: Let the doctors check us and if there's nothing wrong I don't think General Hammond would mind you going in. Would you sir?
Hammond: Not for a few minutes.
Jack: Okay?

Sam nodded her head.

Jack: Right, where's the doctor?


A couple of hours later Daniel was being given the test results in the infirmary by Doctor Warner.

Doctor: Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter and Cassandra's teat showed nothing out of the ordinary. I don't think there's any need to keep them in isolation.
Daniel: What about Darrian?
Doctor: As you know his original tests were all clear, so were these.
Daniel: That's great!
Doctor: But there is one thing.
Daniel: What?
Doctor: I compared the two blood samples we took from Darrian. At the time it was taken and examined the first one was clear. However when I used it to compare with the second one I found tiny black marks had appeared.
Daniel: But they weren't present in the second sample?
Doctor: No I think they may have developed recently.
Daniel: How could that have happened?
Doctor: I don't know. The first sample will be analyzed and the second sample monitored. It could be nothing but I'll check to be sure.
Daniel: Thanks.
Doctor: I'll call when I have something.


The doors of the isolation room opened and Daniel stepped inside with General Hammond.

Cassie: What's wrong with us?
Daniel: Nothing the tests are all clear.

They all relaxed.

Sam: What about Darrian?
Daniel: Doctor Warner found some abnormalities in his blood he is examining them.
Sam: So there might not even be anything wrong with him these abnormalities could just be something which makes up his blood.
Daniel: It's possible but he should stay next door for now.
Hammond: When will we have the results?
Daniel: I'm not sure Doctor Warner said he would page me.
Sam: General can I go in and see him now? He's obviously not contagious.
Hammond: Of course Major.

Sam left the isolation room and went next door.

Jack: You hungry Cas?
Cassie: Yeah a bit.
Jack: Daniel? General?
Hammond: You three go ahead I have some work to do.

Jack, Daniel and Cassie went down one corridor and General Hammond went down another.


Later on Sam came into her lab, Jack and Cassie were there.

Cassie: Hi how's Darrian?
Sam: Fine considering there could be something life-threatening wrong with him. Any news from Doctor Warner or Daniel?
Jack: Not yet -

Daniel walked in.

Cassie: Speak of the devil.
Jack: You got something?
Daniel: Doctor Warner found out what was in Darrian's blood.

The three of them starred at him waiting for him to continue but he didn't say anything else.

Jack: Is it a secret?
Daniel: You're not going to like it.
Sam: Just tell us Daniel.
Daniel: Darrian has naquada in his blood.
Sam: Don't even suggest that Daniel!
Daniel: I said you wouldn't like it. I didn't want to believe it either but that's what it is.
Jack: Okay for those of us who don't have a clue, me and Cassie, what does that mean?
Cassie: Daniel thinks Darrian is a Goa'uld.
Jack: What!? He can't be Sam's sixth sense would have kicked in.
Daniel: Unless he used the drug which masks their presence.
Jack: Has anyone seen him injecting anything?
Daniel: Maybe it's been improved in the last two years.
Jack: Okay how do you explain the pictographs and symbols?
Daniel: Planted. The Goa'uld always play on our emotions no matter what the situation. They knew we would take pity on an abandoned child they just didn't know how extensive the tests would be when we found out his parents had died because they were sick.
Jack: Sign language? The Goa'uld don't know sign language.
Daniel: Maybe he's from earth.
Sam: Daniel that's insane! You're saying a little boy who has gone missing here on earth is actually a Goa'uld!
Daniel: Sam I know you don't want to hear this but it's possible!
Jack: Would you two shut-up?

Daniel and Sam stopped arguing and looked at him.

Jack: Thank you. We only need one thing to sort this. Cassie can you go find General Hammond and meet us in the infirmary?
Cassie: Sure.

Cassie left the lab in search of General Hammond and Sam started to pace.

Jack: Daniel, go to the infirmary and ask Doc Warner to set up for a CAT scan.
Daniel: Why?
Jack: So we can see if the kid has a snake in his head or not.
Daniel: Right.

Daniel left the lab.

Jack: Carter, stop pacing.
Sam: Yes sir.

Sam stopped pacing and leant against the table.

Sam: He can't be a Goa'uld Jack.
Jack: I know.

Jack went over to her and pulled her into a hug.

Jack: That's what the scan should prove. Right now you have to go get him and act like you haven't considered him to be anything other than what he appears to be.
Sam: I'll tell him they just want to do more tests.
Jack: Okay, let's go.


The scan had been done and Darrian was back in his isolation room. General Hammond, Jack, Daniel and Cassie were all sitting waiting on Doctor Warner; Sam had resorted to pacing again.

Jack: Carter stop pacing, you're making me nervous.
Sam: Sorry sir.

Sam sat down then jumped back up again when Doctor Warner came in. He went to the computer typed something then stood back to let them see. They all crowded round the computer in silence. On the screen was a scan of a young child's head evident by the teeth which had yet to emerge from under the gums, with a symbiote wrapped around the top of his spine.

Sam: Someone please tell me I'm seeing things.

Cassie looked to Jack.

Cassie: It's wrong isn't it Jack? He ate pancakes, a Goa'uld wouldn't eat pancakes.

Sam ran out the room.

Cassie: Sam!
Daniel: Let her go Cassie, give her some time.
Jack: Just for the fun of it sir, can I press the button on the next nuc we send to a Goa'uld ship?
Hammond: No but you and Dr. Jackson can go to the Tok'ra and find someone to remove the Goa'uld, preferably Jacob Carter. Then you can do what you want with it.
Jack: Next best thing. Daniel you send the signal.
Cassie: General can I go with Jack and Daniel? I don't think Sam wants company just now.
Hammond: Colonel?
Jack: Sure, I'll go tell Carter you're coming with us.

Jack left the infirmary and went to the room above Darrian's isolation room. Sam was there, sitting watching him sleep, she seemed dazed.

Jack: Daniel and I are going to the Tok'ra, I'm gonna take Cassie.

Sam nodded her head but didn't take her eyes off Darrian. Jack knelt down in front of her so she would look at him.

Jack: We will get the Goa'uld out of, I promise.
Sam: Do me a favour Jack.
Jack: What?
Sam: Don't make me promises you might not be able to keep.

Sam looked away from him and back to Darrian.

Jack: Right.

Jack stood up and left.


Jack, Daniel and Cassie were transported with a Tok'ra down into the tunnels and met by another Tok'ra.

Tok'ra: I have been asked to take you to Val'lar.
Jack: And who is Val'lar?
Tok'ra: One of the Council. Follow me.
Jack: You see Cassie, we get such a warm welcome.

The Tok'ra led them through the crystal tunnels and into an open room.

Tok'ra: Wait here, Val'lar is on his way.
Daniel: Thank you.

The Tok'ra left and a few minutes later Val'lar arrived.

Val'lar: Colonel O'Neill, Doctor Jackson. Two members of your team are missing Colonel, are they dead?
Jack: Nice to meet you too.
Daniel: Major Carter and Teal'c were required elsewhere.
Val'lar: I see. Do you have a new member?
Daniel: No. This is Cassandra; we came here to see Jacob Carter.
Val'lar: He is here but I don't know where at this moment.
Jack: Can I ask you something?
Val'lar: Of course.
Jack: How do the Council decide who comes to speak to us? It seems to be a different Tok'ra each time.
Jacob: They draw straws Jack, Val'lar lost.

They turned around to see Jacob grinning at them.

Jack: Funny Jacob, funny.
Jacob: I try.

Jacob bowed his head and Selmac was talking.

Selmac: We will take them from here Val'lar.
Val'lar: As you wish.

Val'lar left. Jacob moved over to them.

Jacob: How come you're not in school Cassie?
Cassie: Long story.
Jacob: Did you get kicked out?
Cassie: No!

Jacob laughed and gave her a hug.

Jacob: I'm just kiddin'. I see you're missing one of my girls, Jack.
Jack: She's back at the SGC.
Daniel: Jacob we need your help.
Jacob: With what?
Daniel: We need you to extract a Goa'uld symbiote from a seven year old boy, from earth.

Jacob looked at the three of them in shock.

Jacob: Long story?
Cassie: Long story.

Jacob sat down.

Jacob: Start from the beginning.


Later on after Jack, Daniel and Cassie had explained everything to Jacob and Selmac, they had some questions.

Jacob: How could they have abducted a child from earth?
Daniel: I would guess Asgard beaming technology.
Jacob: So he doesn't expect anything?
Jack: No.

Jacob stood up.

Selmac: We will ask the Council and meet you at the rings, Marel will take you there.

The Tok'ra standing at the entrance stepped forward. Jack, Daniel and Cassie stood up to leave.

Jacob: Jack can I have word?
Jack: Sure. You to go ahead and I'll catch up.
Cassie: Okay.

Daniel and Cassie left with Marel.

Jacob: I didn't want to ask in front of Cassie but how is Sam really?
Jack: Really? She's not good. She's upset and angry because she didn't sense the Goa'uld before.

Jacob shook his head and sighed.

Jack: We got here about an hour and half ago; I left her sitting above his isolation room. I bet she's still there.


Back at the SGC. Jack, Daniel and Jacob have spoken to General Hammond and they have now gone to see Sam. Sam is still sitting in the same place, she has a sheet of paper in her hand.

Jacob: Sam?

Sam doesn't look up.

Jacob: Sam?

Still nothing.

Jacob: Samantha!

Sam snapped out of her trance.

Sam: What!?
Jacob: It's just me.

Sam looked at her dad then stood up and he hugged her.

Sam: Hi dad.
Jacob: How are you?
Sam: Okay. Where's Cassie?
Jack: I told her to go get some sleep, she's in one of the guest rooms.

Sam looked confused.

Sam: What time is it?
Jack: 2330 hours, we've been back for a while.
Sam: Oh, thanks. You were right Daniel.
Daniel: About what?
Sam: Darrian, he is from earth.

She handed the piece of paper to Daniel.

Daniel: He is?
Sam: I found him through missing persons. Darrian Roberts, he went missing two weeks ago from his home in New York. The police uncovered no evidence, so as far as anyone knows he just… disappeared.
Selmac: We will try our best to remove the symbiote safely.
Jack: And then he'll be back to normal, right?
Sam: Normal Jack? When he shuts his eyes he will see all the people who have been murdered by that Goa'uld instead of things a seven year old child should see! That's not normal!

Jack, Daniel and Jacob were taken aback by her out burst, Sam left the room.

Jack: Do you think you get classes were you can learn to keep your mouth shut?
Jacob: I'll go talk to her.

Jacob left the room and went out into the corridor he looked around but couldn't see Sam on either side, so he went back. He stopped just short of going in when he heard Daniel ask a question he also wanted answered.

Daniel: What's going on with you and Sam?
Jack: What do you mean?
Daniel: I mean what's with the sudden use of first names?
Jack: I don't know ask her.
Daniel: You did it as well, you said Sam not Carter.
Jack: So?
Daniel: So did you just fall out of a seven and a half year habit?
Jack: No.
Daniel: Then what?
Jack: Nothing.

Daniel looked at his friend knowing he wasn't telling the truth. Jack sighed and pointed to the cut above his right eye.

Jack: You see that?
Daniel: Yeah, I had meant to ask you about it.
Jack: That was courtesy of Pete Shanahan.

Both Daniel and Jacob are shocked.

Daniel: Sam's boyfriend Pete Shanahan?
Jack: Ex-boyfriend, she broke up with him.
Daniel: Because he hit you?
Jack: No because she was afraid of what he might do if he lost his temper around her or Cassie.
Daniel: Well, good for her but why did he hit you in the first place.
Jack: I was in her house on Saturday morning to pick up Cassie; he got the wrong idea about me and Sam.

Jacob turned to walk away but stopped when he heard Daniel's next question.

Daniel: But now that wrong idea is right?
Jack: Sort of.

Daniel and Jacob are confused.

Daniel: What do you mean sort of?
Jack: I mean we could be court-martialled, taken off the Stargate program and given very different jobs.
Daniel: That would be bad.
Jack: Ya think? Don't tell anyone.
Daniel: Tell anyone what?

Jacob went along the corridor towards General Hammond's office.


A while later Jacob returned to the observation room.

Jacob: We're going to start; the two of you might want to get some
Daniel: How long will it take?
Jacob: A couple of hours considering it's inside a child.
Jack: Let's hope you and your friends can stay awake.
Jacob: We will but before we can start I need you to sedate him.
Jack: You want me to stick a needle in him?
Jacob: Yes.
Jack: No!
Jacob: If I go in he will know I'm Tok'ra.
Jack: So?
Jacob: So you have to do it.
Jack: Daniel, I'm ordering you to do it.
Daniel: Jack if I go in holding a needle and he wakes up and sees me, Goa'uld or not, he might panic.
Jack: Not the best time for jokes Daniel.
Daniel: Jack he trusts you and Sam. She won't be able to do it.

Jack thought about it knowing Daniel was right.

Jack: Just as well he's sleeping.

Jacob handed him a syringe.

Jacob: Just slide it in the top of his arm.
Jack: Easy for you to say.
Jacob: By the way General Hammond wants to see you.

Jack left the room.


Sam knocked on General Hammond's office door.

Hammond: Come in Major Carter.
Sam: Siller said you wanted to see me sir.
Hammond: Yes, sit down.

Sam sat down in the chair across from General Hammond.

Hammond: Your father was here fifteen minutes ago, they are about to start on Darrian. Selmac believes the sooner it's done the better.
Sam: I don't really feel like watching sir. Did my dad tell you Darrian is from earth?
Hammond: He mentioned it. New York?
Sam: Yes. Sir there was a contact number to call if you have any information on him.
Hammond: After the Goa'uld has been removed I'll have his parents flown in from JFK. We have to move Darrian to the Academy Infirmary before his parents can see him, and that can't be done straight after surgery. Do you have the number?
Sam: Yes sir.

Jack walked into the office.

Hammond: You took your time Colonel.
Jack: Sorry sir, Jacob made me inject Darrian with a sedative.
Sam: Did he realise what you were doing?
Jack: Don't think so, he stayed sleeping. They were taking him along to the infirmary when I left.
Sam: Okay.

Sam handed the print out to General Hammond.

Sam: It has the contact number at the bottom, sir.
Hammond: Thank you.
Jack: Cassie is in room twenty four.
Sam: Right.

Sam got up to leave.

Hammond: Hold on Major I wanted to talk to both of you. Shut the door Jack.

Jack shut the door and Sam sat back down.

Hammond: I'm not going to beat around the bush with this. I'm going to ask and hope I get the truth.

Jack and Sam nodded their heads although they were confused.

Hammond: Have you been seeing each other off-base.

They both looked shocked and guilty.

Jack: Cassie.
Sam: Cassie.
Hammond: So you admit it?
Sam: We wouldn't lie to you sir.
Jack: Although I might now go and kill Cassie.
Hammond: It wasn't Cassie who told me.
Jack: Who was it?
Hammond: Jacob.

Sam turned around to Jack a look of disbelief o her face.

Sam: You told my dad?!
Jack: No! I'm not that stupid.

General Hammond was amused but tried not to laugh. Jack sat down next to Sam trying to figure out how Jacob knew.

Jack: Oh, wait a minute. Did your dad catch up to you earlier?
Sam: No I haven't seen him since I left the isolation room.
Jack: He overheard me telling Daniel.
Sam: Daniel knows?
Jack: He wormed it out of me, you know what he's like. He asked why we were suddenly using first names and what happened to my head.
Hammond: What did happen to your head?
Jack: Pete Shanahan took a swing at me, I didn't move fast enough.
Hammond: You two really know how to get yourselves on trouble.
Jack: Of course sir.
Sam: What will you do General?

There was a knock at the door.

Hammond: Come.

Colonel Reynolds entered with the rest of his team waiting in the briefing room.

Reynolds: Excuse me sir. Do you want us to come back later?
Hammond: No, I'll be right out. We can continue this later.
Jack: Yes sir.
Sam: Yes sir.

Colonel Reynolds left the office followed by Jack, Sam and General Hammond.

Hammond: Colonel O'Neill the President said to give him a call.
Jack: Why sir?
Hammond: Don't know I'm just passing along the message.
Jack: Yes sir.
Reynolds: Colonel.
Jack: Reynolds.
Reynolds: Major.
Sam: Colonel.

Jack and Sam left the briefing room.

Sam: Wonder why he wants to talk to you?
Jack: Because I'm a very important person.
Sam: Or you're in trouble.
Jack: That makes me feel so much better.


A few hours later Jack, Sam, Daniel and Cassie were all in the infirmary waiting to hear about Darrian's surgery. Jacob walked in carrying a large, cylindrical tank full of water containing a live symbiote.

Jack: Did you need to keep it alive?
Sam: How's Darrian?
Jacob: He's fine, it was a complete success, but he's still sleeping.
Sam: That's good.
Cassie: Can I go see him?

Jacob smiled.

Jacob: Sure Cas.
Cassie: You coming Sam?
Sam: I'll be there in a minute.

Cassie left the group and went into the room next to them.

Daniel: What will you do with the symbiote?
Selmak: A human has offered to allow us to implant the Goa'uld within him.
Jack: Why?
Selmak: He is dying and we can no longer help him so e has offered to help us to discover the reason why this Goa'uld has done what he has.
Daniel: Surely the Goa'uld won't give anything up.
Jacob: It's doubtful but we can use the memory recall devices and see how it goes.
Sam: Will Darrian suffer any effects from the symbiote?
Jacob: Like you he may have dreams Sam and remember things but as he is a child he would probably grow out of them.
Sam: Nightmares?
Jacob: I don't think so.
Cassie: Sam he woke up.
Jacob: That was fast.

Jacob hands the tank to one of the Tok'ra standing next to him and they go into the room. Darrian is sitting up in his bed looking scared and disorientated seeing all the faces around him. Sam goes to him and sits on the bed.

Sam*: Hi, do you remember me Darrian?
Darrian*: No. Where's my mom and dad?
Sam*: They'll be here tomorrow. My name is Sam.

Sam and Darrian continued to sign as the others looked on.

Jack: What are they saying?
Jacob: Don't know, I never had the patience for sign language.
Jack: Cassie?
Cassie: Way too fast for me but he is calming down.

Darrian doesn't look so scared anymore and is concentrating on what Sam is saying.

Sam*: You're in a hospital, but it's a special hospital.
Darrian*: Why?
Sam*: Because this a hospital for Air Force people, no one else is really allowed in here so it has to be a secret okay?

Darrian nodded his head in agreement.

Sam*: Good. I want you to lie down and go to sleep, it's very late.
Darrian*: Where are you going?
Sam*: I'm just going outside that door to talk to my friends and the doctor for a few minutes.
Darrian*: Okay.

Sam pointed to the button on the side of his bed.

Sam*: If you need anything you just have to press this red button and one of the nurses will come get me.
Darrian*: Does anyone else sign?
Sam*: The girl standing by the door, her name is Cassie and she can do some.
Darrian*: Are you going to teach her more?
Sam*: Yes.
Darrian*: Who are the other people?
Sam*: That's Daniel, Jack, and Jacob, my dad. There is also General Hammond but he is doing some work just now, you can meet him in the morning.

Darrian yawned.

Sam*: Go to sleep.

Darrian nodded his head and lay down. Sam tucked the covers around him and ruffled his hair, she was rewarded with a cheeky grin from the small boy. Jack watched her from just inside the door an adoring look on his face but he didn't notice Jacob watching him. Same moved the other four out of the room and closed the door over.

Daniel: So?
Sam: He doesn't remember anything.
Jacob: With any luck, he never will.
Jack: I'll go tell General Hammond that he can make arrangements to move Darrian to the Academy.

Jack left the infirmary.

Sam: Are you staying dad?
Jacob: I'm taking the symbiote to the Council with Marel and Brae, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.
Sam: Okay, see you later.

Jacob and the two other Tok'ra followed Jack's path and left the infirmary.

Daniel: What about his parents?
Sam: Once Darrian has been moved to the Academy, General Hammond will contact his parents.
Cassie: So much for a little brother.
Sam: He's not ours Cassie, it's not fair to keep his family waiting.
Cassie: I know. I guess I'll just have to wait until you and Jack have kids.

Sam turned red and Cassie clapped her hand over her mouth realising what she had said and who she said it in front of. Daniel looked embarrassed for Sam and pretended to act like he hadn't heard. Cassie whirled around to face Daniel.

Cassie: Oh crap! Daniel you can't tell anyone! Because Jack and Sam could lose their jobs! And I wasn't supposed to tell anyone it just came out and –
Sam: Cassie! It's all right Daniel knows.
Cassie: He does?
Daniel: How do you know I know?
Cassie: Who told him?
Sam: Guys time out.

Daniel and Cassie stopped questioning her.

Sam: Yes, Daniel does know, it was Jack who told him Cassie and it was Jack who told me he told you Daniel after my dad told General Hammond when he over heard Jack telling you, he then spoke to me and Jack and now I'm very confused and I have a headache.

Daniel and Cassie stared at her.

Cassie: Okay let me get this straight. I know because I caught the two of you in the act –
Daniel: Dear God!
Cassie: Get your head out of the gutter Daniel not that act! They haven't done that yet, although you would think after seven years they –
Sam: Cassandra Fraiser!
Cassie: Sorry. Where was I? Right, I know because I caught the two of you kissing. Daniel knows because Jack told him. Jacob was eaves dropping which was how he found out. General Hammond knows because Jacob told him and General Hammond then spoke to you and Jack.
Sam: Yeeess. I think.
Daniel: So basically it's just Teal'c who doesn't know?
Sam: Yes.
Daniel: Oh. I'm going to bed see you in the morning.
Sam: Daniel it's three in three thirty, it is morning.
Daniel: So it is.

Sam and Cassie laughed at the very puzzled look on his face.

Sam: Cassie you go to.
Cassie: Okay, night.
Sam: Night.
Daniel: You will get some sleep won't you Sam?
Sam: Yes Daniel, I'll go to sleep shortly.
Daniel: Night.

Daniel and Cassie left and Sam went back into Darrian's room, with no intentions of leaving him to go to her quarters and catch some sleep, she sat down on the chair next to his bed.


While Sam, Daniel and Cassie where in the infirmary Jack was just leaving General Hammond's office after explaining that the operation had been a success. On his way across the briefing room Jacob came up the stairs towards him.

Jacob: Jack.
Jack: Jacob. You going back with the Tok'ra?
Jacob: Just for a while, I'll be back later.
Jack: Okay, see you later.

Jack started to walk away hoping to avoid he inevitable lecture he knew he would get from Sam's dad.

Jacob: Jack.

Jack stopped and turned to face the older man.

Jack: Yeah?
Jacob: I'm happy for the two of you.

Jack stared at him not believing what he was hearing.

Jack: I think I'm hearing things cause I'm tired, come again?

Jacob grinned at him.

Jacob: You heard right Jack, I'm happy for the two of you just… be prepared for any and all consequences and don't hurt her.
Jack: I never would.
Jacob: I know I'm just reminding you.
Jack: Okay. Thanks Jacob.

Jacob nodded his head and went into to say goodbye to General Hammond. Jack stood there for a minute then went to his quarters.


A couple of hours later Jack went down to the infirmary. He opened the door to Darrian's room quietly and closed it over behind him. Darrian was still sleeping and Sam had fallen asleep in a chair next to the bed. Jack walked over to her and shook her shoulder, Sam woke up and looked around her.

Jack: Hey.
Sam: Hi.
Jack: It's six thirty, go to your quarters and catch an hours decent sleep.
Sam: No.
Jack: No?
Sam: My dad thinks that he won't have any dreams and nightmares but I don't believe him.
Jack: Why not?
Sam: When Jolinar died all I had were nightmares and flashes for the first few nights.
Jack: Were they bad?
Sam: Very.

There was silence a few minutes.

Jack: Well I have some good news.
Sam: About what?
Jack: Us actually, I called the President.
Sam: The President knows?
Jack: Yes but I didn't tell him. General Hammond and your dad did.
Sam: Oh?
Jack: I also had an interesting conversation with your dad. Which one do you want first?
Sam: The bad one, my dad.
Jack: It's not bad.
Sam: It's worse than bad?
Jack: No I mean it's not bad. He said he was happy for us.

Sam stood up in front of him and ran her hands over his head.

Sam: Jack did you hit your head?

Jack chuckled at her and pulled her hands away from his head.

Jack: I'm serious he said he was happy for us just to be prepared for the consequences.
Sam: And that would be the next thing. Oh well at least that's one vote for us.
Jack: Right, now the consequences. Well I spoke to the President and he said you can no longer be under my command if we continue this relationship.
Sam: Oh.
Jack: But you're not being taken off of SG-1.
Sam: Jack you are not retiring.
Jack: No I'm not.
Sam: Then how –
Jack: One, you're being promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and two, you will now be reporting directly to General Hammond as head of all the science people who are on SG teams and who work in the labs.

Sam stared at him in disbelief.

Jack: Carter snap out of it.
Sam: You realise that if Darrian wasn't sleeping I would be screaming.
Jack: Screaming good or screaming bad?
Sam: Good. Very, very good.
Jack: Good.

Jack bent down to kiss her but she put a hand on his chest stopping him.

Sam: You realise there is one problem.
Jack: No, not really.
Sam: If someone yells Colonel we are both gonna turn around.
Jack: Yes, that's a huge problem.

They laughed quietly and Sam put her arms around him as he pulled her towards him.

Sam: No more secrets Jack. No more hiding from everyone.
Jack: Well we keep it a secret until we tell Teal'c and maybe a little longer just for the fun of it then it's out of the room, literally.
Sam: Do you think it ever stayed in that room after the Zat'arc thing?
Jack: Personally, no I don't think that.
Sam: Me either.
Jack: I'm glad it didn't.
Sam: So am I, even if we did have to wait another four years. It was worth it, right?
Jack: Definitely.


That after noon at the Academy's Infirmary. Darrian was moved to his new room and settled earlier that morning. Jacob arrived with Jack and Sam left Darrian to go and speak to them as he was quite happy to stay with Cassie.

Sam: I didn't expect you until later dad.
Jacob: I wanted to check on Darrian before his parents got here.
Sam: Okay. Dad?
Jacob: Yeah?
Sam: I'm glad you're happy for us.
Jacob: Sam I'm just glad you're happy.
Sam: I am.
Jacob: Then that's all that matters.

Sam gave her father a smile that could have lit the room.

Jack: I'm happy to, by the way.

Jacob and Sam laughed at him and Jack grinned.

Jacob: Okay back to Darrian, did he have any nightmares?
Sam: I don't think so he slept right through.
Jacob: That's a good sign.
Sam: What if he has nightmares when he's back home and tells his parents?
Jacob: They would probably just dismiss them, anything he describes would just sound like he had an overactive imagination.

Jack's pager started to beep; he took it out and checked the screen.

Jack: Hammond, I'll be back in a few minutes.

He put the pager back in his pocket and withdrew a cell phone heading for the nearest exit. Jacob and Sam went into Darrian's room.
Outside the Academy Jack called General Hammond.

Jack: You paged me sir?
Hammond: Yes Colonel. The boy's parents will be their shortly.
Jack: Thank you sir.
Hammond: Jack, tell Major Carter before they arrive.
Jack: Yes sir, I was just thinking that.

They said their goodbyes and Jack went back into the building to Darrian's room. Sam was signing to Darrian and he was laughing at Cassie's attempt to add her own bit to Sam's fluid movements. Jacob had disappeared.

Jack: Carter?
Sam looked up as Jack motioned for her to leave the room.

Sam: Watch him for a minute Cassie.
Cassie: Sure.

Sam left the room closing the door behind her.

Sam: What's wrong?
Jack: That was the General, Darrian's mom and dad are almost here, just to give you a heads-up.
Sam: Oh. Okay.

Sam seemed to deflate at the thought of Darrian leaving. Jack took her hand and pulled her into the next room, less public than the busy halls full of doctors, nurses and airmen.

Jack: You knew he had to leave.
Sam: I know I think it's just starting to sink in.
Jack: Sam, don't think of it as you loosing him.
Sam: How?
Jack: You found him, you brought him home safely and you looked after him. Now you're giving two people their child back, Darrian's parents probably thought they would never see him again.
Sam: Thought you didn't like speeches?
Jack: Still don't.

Sam smiled and wiped her eyes, Jack squeezed her hand.

Jack: Okay?
Sam: Okay.

They walked out the room and Sam looked up the corridor to see her dad and Daniel leading a young couple down the hall towards them. Sam froze but Jack pushed her on.

Jack: You can do this.

Jacob took a deep breath as the four approached them.

Daniel: Mr. and Mrs. Roberts these are the two people who found your son, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Samantha Carter.

Mr. Roberts shook Jack's hand while Mrs. Roberts fidgeted anxiously with her bag.

MrRoberts: Please call me Paul and this is my wife Erin.

Sam watched Erin then seemed to find her voice.

Sam: W-Would you like to see him?
Erin: Yes please.

Sam led Paul and Erin into Darrian's room. Cassie was still carrying on with Darrian who has a huge grin on his face as he beat Cassie at cards again. As she walked into the room his mother gasped and his father stopped walking.

Sam: Cassie.

Cassie looked around to face Sam, Darrian followed her line of vision. When he spotted his parents he clambered off the bed and ran to his mother. He threw his arms around her as she cried. Darrian's father smiled down at his wife and son. Jack, Sam, Daniel, Jacob and Cassie slipped out the room.


Later that day. They all stood outside the Academy saying goodbye to Darrian and his parents who were continuously thanking Jack and Sam. They hadn't been told that their son had been found on another planet or how he had acquired the scar at the base of his neck. As far as they knew Jack had been driving Sam and Cassie home when Sam yelled at him to brake. Darrian had been lying on the side of the road unconscious when they found him.

Cassie*: Bye Darrian, I'll miss you.
Darrian*: I'll miss you to Cassie.

Cassie hugged him before Daniel pulled her away fearing she would squash the boy. Jacob and Daniel said goodbye while Jack and Sam talked to Paul and Erin.

Paul: Thank you again for finding him and taking care of him for us.

Paul shook Jack's hand and hugged Sam, Erin hugged both of them.

Erin: If you're ever in New York come visit us.

She turned to Sam.

Erin: You'll make a wonderful mother.

Sam blushed at the compliment and smiled. The four of them walked over to Darrian and Jack stood in front of him. Darrian saluted him and Jack put his hand on the small boy's head.

Jack: Bye kid.

Jack moved away from o allow Sam to say goodbye. Sam knelt down in front of him.

Darrian*: Will you come visit me?
Sam*: If I come to New York, yes I'll visit.
Darrian*: Thank you for looking after me.
Sam*: You're welcome.

Darrian continued to look at her then hugged her tightly. Before going back to his parents he kissed Sam's cheek, hugged Cassie again and waved goodbye to the three men. The three of them were helped into a truck by two SFs. The truck drove away and Jacob, Daniel and Cassie made their way back inside. Sam still stared in the direction the truck had gone. Jack came up behind her and took her hand, Sam looked up at him.

Jack: Come on.

Sam looked at him then smiled.


A few days later at the SGC. Teal'c comes into the crowded mess hall and collected his usual breakfast, lots of fruit. He then walked to SG-1's table and sat down next to Daniel. Jack and Sam sat across from them, they had already finished.

Sam: Hey Teal'c. How's the rebellion going?
Teal'c: Very well Colonel Carter. Ry'ac and Bra'tak send you all greetings.

Sam smiled at the Jaffa then went back to reading the book she had in her hand as Jack read over shoulder. Daniel continued to make notes and drinking coffee. Teal'c picked up an apple and was about to take a bite when he noticed two nurses whispering and glancing at their table. He looked around; several other SGC personnel avert their eyes to their breakfasts.

Teal'c: Several times since my return last night I have noticed people staring at yourself and Colonel Carter.

Sam went slightly red but continued to read.

Teal'c: What has occurred in my absence?
Jack: We were gonna tell you when we went out tonight but I guess you could say Carter and I are… dating?
Teal'c: After seven years this doesn't surprise me, I am pleased for you both. Although on Chulak it does not take so long for two people to start "dating".
Daniel choked on his coffee, laughing as he tried to catch his breath. Sam's face turned darker and she tried to hide behind her book.

Daniel: Oww!

Daniel received a kick under the table from Jack. His shouts drew more attention to them.

Teal'c: O'Neill I still do not understand why people stare.
Jack: Well… Daniel you explain it.
Daniel: Teal'c you know their have been hundreds of rumours about
Jack and Sam for some time -
Jack: We have rumours?
Daniel: Yes.

Jack grinned, Sam continued reading.

Daniel: Anyway these rumours have intensified and whether that's because people are board more than usual or they've seen things we don't know.
Teal'c: I see.

Sam turned the page of her book.

Jack: Ah, ah, go back, I had a paragraph left.
Sam: Why don't you wait and I'll give it to you when I'm finished?
Jack: Because I know I won't actually read it. Please?

Sam smiled, sighed then turned back a page. Daniel shook his head at them.

Daniel: You two already act like a married couple.

The two nurses continued whispering as Teal'c looked around again.

Teal'c: O'Neill, why not tell SGC personnel that you and Colonel Carter are "dating" as you call it.
Jack: What do you want me to do Teal'c? Have Walter announce it over the intercom?

His comment won him an outright laugh from Sam.


Later that day. Jack is walking through the corridor when Feretti catches up to him.

Feretti: Congratulations Jack.
Jack: For what?
Feretti: You and Colonel Carter. How did you get passed the regs?
Jack: Don't know what you're talking about Feretti.
Feretti: Sure you don't. Just out of interest, why have you been walking about with a stupid grin on your face for the past three days?

Feretti looked at him innocently.

Feretti: Come on Jack, why do you think Kawalsky and I laughed so much? You liked her the moment she walked into the briefing room seven years ago.

Jack smiled and shook his head, his friends knew him too well.

Feretti: Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go collect my winnings.
Jack: How much did you win from betting on us?
Feretti: About four hundred bucks.
Jack: This is Friday, you're getting the beer and snacks for tomorrow not me.
Feretti: Yes sir.


Sam's lab. Sam was reading her book again when Jack came into her lab.

Jack: Feretti just won $400.
Sam: How?
Jack: By betting on us.
Sam: Good for him, he's buying this weekend.
Jack: My thoughts exactly. You started the next chapter.
Sam: You can catch up tonight.

Jack grinned as he pulled her off her chair and kissed her. After a few minutes Sam pushed him back gently.

Sam: We're on base.
Jack: There's no one here.
Sam: Lock the door first.

Jack went to lock the door but before he did the klaxons started to wail, the room flashed red and Walter's voice came over the intercom.

Walter: Unscheduled Off-World Activation!

Jack cursed quietly. Sam walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

Sam: Let's go Colonel.
They left Sam's lab, got in the elevator and made their way to the control room. Daniel was already their and Teal'c arrived shortly after them. The gate had already shut down but there was a medical team in the gate room with General Hammond.

Jack: What's going on?
Daniel: Major Green and Lieutenant Sanders returned early, Major Green looks as if he has broken his leg.
Sam: How? I thought they were just going to retrieve a UAV.
Daniel: That's what General Hammond is asking them just now.
Teal'c: Colonel O'Neill, Colonel Carter, you are still receiving strange glances.
Jack: Oh for cryin' out loud!

Jack turned to Sam and grabbed her waist pulling her towards him and kissed her in the middle of the control room. She didn't try stopping him.
Everyone in the control room stopped and stared at the two officers in silence. Jack pulled back and Sam tried to hide her face
in his shoulder.

Jack: Now you can all know you can go back to work.

Feretti is in the control room.

Feretti: Pay up Walter!

Sam laughed as Walter removed $20 from his pocket and reluctantly handed it to Feretti.

Daniel: Are you rich Feretti?
Feretti: Almost Dr. Jackson.

Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c watched him leave the control room only to stop and salute General Hammond as he rushed out. Seeing the General, everyone returned to work.

Hammond: What happened?
Teal'c: Colonel O'Neill kissed Colonel Carter to stop everyone looking and whispering. Major Feretti has gone to collect money from several SGC personnel.

General Hammond laughed.

Hammond: So you're letting people know discreetly Jack?
Jack: Well sir, it's just not fair to keep them in the dark.

Copyright (c) 2005 Laura d

This story archived at