Friends by Su Freund
Summary: After far too long apart, Jack finally gets to Colorado Springs to see Sam.
Rated: PG13
Genres: Romance
Original Archive Date: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 5720 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 04, 2009 | Updated: Sep 04, 2009 | Read: 2242
Story Notes: Sequel to Never Alone: The Gathering

This weeks challenge on As The Stargate Turns Yahoo Group was to write a fic using the line "Tell me again why we agreed to this?" and/or the word 'showtime'. This fic includes both. Thanks to SA, queen of the group, for keeping me inspired. Once again, this fic has not been beta read, so please forgive any daft errors, if there are any.

Archive SJD: yes

Copyright © 2005 Su Freund



1. Chapter 1 by Su Freund

Chapter 1 by Su Freund

Sam suppressed an excited squeal when she heard the knock on her door, which she knew was probably Jack arriving from Washington. She felt like an infatuated school girl, but he didn't have to know what a total immature mess Sam Carter could be, did he?

Opening the door she was greeted by a gigantic bouquet of flowers with long slim legs. A wonderfully familiar hand held them. Flowers? Wow!

"Peek-a-boo," she said "That is General Jack O'Neill of the USAF behind there, right?"

Jack lowered the flowers and regarded her with a lopsided smile.

"Expecting another man to turn up on your doorstep with flowers Sam?"

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting you to. They're beautiful Jack, thank you." She kissed him welcomingly, dying to hold him in her arms, which wasn't possible while he was holding the flowers. "Any particular occasion?"

"I can't buy my beautiful girlfriend flowers? Just. well my date deserves flowers doesn't she?"

"Y-you just caught me by surprise, is all. They're wonderful, Jack. Thanks so much. Come in, put them down and give me a hug?"

"You betchya." Carefully placing the flowers on the floor, he pulled her into his arms. "That feels good. It's been too long."

"Yes, way too long," she responded, returning the hug with vigour.

It had been a while since they'd managed to squeeze each other into their busy schedules. The last time they had seen each other was outside of the Pentagon, with a perfunctory kiss as a parting goodbye. Once more, their relationship had been conducted over the phone and the one arrangement they had managed to make had fallen through because of a crisis in Washington.

Sam had been tempted to take a plane and just turn up over that weekend in the hope she might see Jack for a while, but changed her mind and threw herself into some work instead thinking it wouldn't be too long before they managed to see each other again. She had been wrong and regretted many times not taking that flight. Next time, she would act on that gut instinct instead of suppressing it.

"I'd better put these flowers in water. Jack, flowers. That's so great," she grinned happily.

"Didn't expect Jack O'Neill to be a flowers guy, huh?"

"No, not really."

"Then I'm glad I surprised you. Now if we're going out we'd better get a move on. I know I've only just arrived but."

"Going out? I'm tired, Jack, can't we just stay in, get take-out and have a cuddle and some sex?"

"That is a mighty tempting offer but no we can't. You are going to love this, really you are, and tonight's the only night we can do it."

"Do what?"



"Oh, come on, surely you love surprises. I did a bit of digging, found out about this and. well, you'll get it when we get there, really you will. Trust me?"

"I can do that. Okay, then give me a clue about clothes."

"Perfect as you are."

"What in these old things?"

"You women always say that but I'm betting that isn't any old thing at all Sam," he said, running a hand over the fabric of her shirt.

"You're right, I bought it last week. Like it?"

"Makes your eyes even bluer. Love it."

Sam was only wearing old jeans, but her top was brand new: a shiny, dark blue satin.

"I'm going to enjoy taking that off you tonight. It feels real sexy," Jack added, smoothing his hand along her back and to her waist. He kissed her.

"Are you sure about going out?" she asked, eyeing him curiously.

"Once in a lifetime thing, maybe? Can't miss it."

"Okay, you've got me intrigued. We really need to leave right now?"

"More or less."

"What about food? Are we eating out?"

"Stop searching for clues. I'm staying dumb as usual," he winked and Sam frowned, but played along. This could be fun, whatever it was. If Jack thought she would like it then she trusted him to be right.

Sam found a vase for the flowers and placed them in it, quickly going to the bathroom to check her make up and hair and then finding her jacket and putting it on.

"Is this the same car you got last time?" she asked.

"Yeah, well you liked it, didn't you? I reserved it especially."

"Jack you don't need a car, I've got my own. We could have used that."

"Never know when we might need two. If you drove I'd have to tell you where to go and that would spoil everything."

"You hired a car especially so you could give me a surprise?"

"Well." he shrugged, looking boyish.

"I love you, Jack O'Neill," she grinned and kissed him, "So let's go." Sam was impatient to get to her surprise.

As Jack drew closer he demanded that she close her eyes, then a few minutes later pulled up and got out.

"Keep 'em closed," he said and helped her out, leading her blindly for a few yards and then stopping and placing an arm round her. "You can open them now, look straight ahead."

Sam gasped and shrieked with delight, and then laughed, turning to kiss him gratefully.

"Wizard of Oz! Oh Jack, how did you find out it was on?"

"Would you believe internet?"

"Y-you looked on the internet for what was on in the Springs?" she said, open-mouthed with surprise.


"You can be a very unexpected man sometimes, Mr Scarecrow."

"I thought it would be cool to see our alter egos on the big screen, Dorothy," he said, "It's the last night."

"I didn't even know it was on."

"I'm glad or you might have guessed. Come on, it's showtime!"

He grinned like a schoolboy, taking her hand and crossing the road to the movie theatre, picking up the two tickets he'd paid for over the net and leading her to the confectionary concession.

"Popcorn?" he asked. "No night at the movies is complete without it."

She nodded with a huge smile on her face and he bought the biggest box available, as well as some chocolates and a regular and diet coke, and they took their seats. Throughout the movie they frequently found themselves looking at each other, exchanging gooey grins and secret smiles. They held hands and each would squeeze the other's hand gently and then look almost shyly into their eyes. It made Sam feel more like an infatuated teenager than ever.

What had come over Jack? Flowers, and then a movie? This movie. She supposed this was always going to be 'their' movie and she loved that thought. Jack's smile when Dorothy clicked the heels of her red slippers and said "there's no place like home" over and over was irrepressibly teen like and made Sam wonder if he was getting those infatuated teenager feelings too. Probably. She loved that thought even more.

"Should have got a seat in the back row," he commented as they left, "dang, what a missed opportunity."

"I guess you actually wanted to see the movie," Sam grinned.

"Rather than smooch with my girlfriend all the way through the movie? Well I thought I did when I booked the tickets," he kidded.

"You can smooch with your girlfriend now if you like."

"Oh yes please."

So right outside of the move theatre, in the middle of the sidewalk, Jack pulled her into his arms for a passionate kiss.

"Thanks for the movie," she said when they surfaced for air, "I really loved it Mr Scarecrow." Sam smoothed her thumb over his cheek.

"Me too, Dorothy. Love you too."

"Oh Jack, you are such an unexpected romantic."

"Can't be pragmatic all of the time. That's my job. Sometimes it's good to get time off for good behaviour," he chuckled, "I told you before, I want to be romantic with you. You deserve romance. So, hungry?" he asked with a query on his raised eyebrow.

"Yes. Anything in mind?"

"Umm. Josie's Diner? Cheap, cheerful and totally fantastic!"

"Josie's? Yeah, I like that idea."

Josie's sold great food and the best burgers in Colorado Springs. It was open from breakfast until late and just about everything they served was as close to perfect as you were ever likely to get from a diner.

"Jack O'Neill? As I live and breathe, is that really you?" A loud voice greeted him as he entered holding Sam's hand.

"Josie! Hey, I didn't necessarily expect you to be here," Jack responded enthusiastically, hugging the great bear of woman, "Do you know Sam?"

"I'm pretty sure I've seen you in here before," Josie said when she'd peered at Sam.

"Yeah, I've eaten here a few times. Love your food."

"So, your heart's taken Jack? What a severe disappointment for an old woman to bear. I've waited all these years for you sweetheart." Josie grinned and kissed Jack on the cheek, "Arsenic dressing on your food then Sam?" she joked, "Seriously, any friend of Jack's is a friend of mine. I love this guy."

"So do I," Sam smiled, taking an immediate liking to this overly large woman; both large in size and personality.

"Do you now? Well, I'm figuring that Jack needs some of that; and deserves it. Where have you been, Jack?"




"Oh my god, they got you at last?"

"I'm sorry to say they have, Josie, but I come back here when I can."

"To see this beautiful young woman?"

"You betchya."

"Oh, I love a good romance. It's about time, Jack."

"Jeez, nag, nag, nag. She's been telling me for years to find myself a good woman, Sam"

"Looks like you did." Josie commented with a wink.

"How's Bob?" Jack asked, feeling a little flustered by the topic of conversation so changing it. Bob was Josie's long suffering, but loving, husband.

"He's doing just great. You know Bob," Josie rolled her eyes heavenward, "Been grumbling that you haven't contacted him to go fishing for a while. Now we know why. Washington, no less, and obviously you have more important things to do when you're down here," she nodded towards Sam.

"I'll call him, Josie."


"Yeah, sure I promise."

"Then that's good enough for me. Know what you're having or do you want to look at the menu?"

Having cooked it for them personally, she left them alone while they tucked into their two huge burgers. Jack had fries while Sam had salad, and they shared side orders of deep friend onion rings and mushrooms. Josie insisted they have cheesecake for dessert, telling them it was the best she'd made in a long time, and it probably was; certainly it was delicious.

By the time they left they were happily replete, giggling like two people who have overdosed on too much sugar. Josie watched them leave, waving goodbye, and thought they looked like such a great couple. She was thrilled Jack had found himself a woman at last, and so obviously someone he cared about deeply. Josie could see Sam cared about Jack too, and that pleased her even more. The man was more than worthy of some loving. She couldn't wait to tell Bob all about it.

"It's been a hard week. I thought I might have to cancel again," Jack told Sam as they entered her house.



"Wily old Fox working you too hard? Come, sit down. Want a beer?"

"Love one."

She brought him one and they cuddled together on her couch for a while.

"I'm so happy you're here, Jack. I've missed you."

"Same here. The phone isn't enough."


Jack had been wondering what to do about this situation. The distance, and their work, made it so hard on them, and he hated that he couldn't see her more often. On the other hand, it made their time together precious and all the more sweet. Can't have it all ways, but he craved to be with her for a longer period of time than a spasmodic weekend.

"I've been thinking about a vacation Sam. A week or so away somewhere. Both of us? What do you think?"

"A vacation? Together? I would love to Jack. A few days with you? You betchya, Mr Scarecrow. When and where?"

"As soon as we can organise it and wherever you like."

"Wherever I like?"

"If you fancy sun drenched beaches then that's fine by me. Rolling around in snow? Also fine."

"Ummm, rolling around in snow with you might be kind of nice."

"Better than any other time we spent surrounded by snow, huh?" he smiled and kissed her, recalling different times.

"Did you already have somewhere in mind? The cabin?"

"The cabin?"

"Why not?"

"I, um. the cabin? You wanna go to Minnesota for a vacation?" He was taken aback by that idea.

"We've never been there alone."

"No, true. It could be kind of cool, but think about it Sam. We don't have to make up our minds right this minute."

"Okay, I'll think about it, but the cabin could be calling. Minnesota has lots of lakes. I love lakes."

"I don't mind what the heck we do as long as I'm doing it with you."

Both of them were excited by the prospect of vacationing together. It would be terrific to spend more time with each other than just a couple of days. Maybe they would have a chance to get even better acquainted and that notion was so very appealing. If they could stand each other's company for days on end maybe, just maybe, they stood a hope of making this thing work in the way Jack craved: commitment, permanency, the whole works.

Jack had no idea that Sam was thinking precisely the same thing. If he asked her to marry him right this minute she would say yes, anytime. Her head argued that it was way too early to be thinking such things, but her heart told a totally different story. She wanted to let her heart take the lead, just this once. She'd let her head take control way too many times, and where had that got her? In the past Jack had accused her of over thinking things, and he was right.

At last she was willing to let herself go and merge with this man she loved so much, become one with him. She had never felt like that before and it was truly eye-opening. To celebrate that new found confidence and expression of emotion, she squeezed Jack tenderly and kissed him, parting his lips with her tongue and exploring his mouth in detail. Jack groaned.

"Bed?" she said simply when she parted her mouth from his.

"That would be real nice, Sam."

She got up from the couch, taking his hand in hers, and led him to her bedroom. Jack kissed her and then made a detour to the bathroom. As he stared at her toothbrush on the shelf, he remembered her gesture back in Washington. Over the last few weeks he'd spent an awful lot of time looking at that toothbrush sitting next to his and it had warmed his heart.

Sometimes when he spoke to her on the phone he held it in his hands as if it was a tangible part of her. She would probably think he was a sap if he told her about that, so he wouldn't. There were limits to what Jack O'Neill could do to express himself, and he wasn't prepared to look a total fool. Flowers were enough and more than he might usually give. It was giving her more of himself than Sam probably even realised.

He couldn't have known how often Sam had taken his keys in her hands and caressed them, with similar thoughts and feelings running through her head. The keys were part of Jack, and they expressed his feelings for her even better than his declarations of love. They were a comfort in his absence. He might be physically absent but was never far from her heart.

"I'll get into bed and wait for you, Sam," he whispered as they exchanged places and she went to the bathroom.

She smiled when she saw his toothbrush sitting next to hers, wondering if he would leave it there when he left. She hoped so. It was ridiculous how such little things could mean so much. The smile was still on her face as she re-entered the bedroom but, when she saw Jack, she gasped and grinned lovingly. He'd fallen asleep.

'Poor Jack must have been really tired,' she thought.

Sighing, she got in next to him and cuddled up to the warmth of his body, knowing he would hate himself in the morning again, just as he had that first time, but that he would do his best to make it up to her. She looked forward to that and the notion gave her some very sweet dreams.


Jack most certainly did make it up to her next morning, bemoaning the fact that he had missed the sensual feelings he would get from removing her new satin top. She put it on for him especially and he took his time removing it again, toying with it, skilfully caressing her over and under the luxuriant fabric and driving her wild with anticipation.

Their lovemaking was deliciously sweet and prolonged. Sam couldn't help but think that sex with Jack just kept getting better. This is how it was meant to be. She realised that their intercourse was colored by their feelings for each other. You could not extricate them, they were one and the same. The emotion flowed through the sex, which was lovemaking in the purest sense possible.

"I forgot to tell you, Jack," she started as they lay in each other's arms after their marathon session, both emptied of everything but the love, "I invited Daniel and Teal'c over tonight. I hope you don't mind. They'd really like to see you. You know what Daniel is like once he gets an idea into his head. Difficult to refuse."

"Oh man, do I!" he rolled his eyes recalling many such occasions. "It's fine, Sam, great. Of course I don't mind. I'd like to see them too. All four of us together? It's been a while."

"Too long."


"I'm so pleased you don't mind. I know we get less time to ourselves but."

"It's cool, Sam, really. They're our friends. We can't abandon our friends simply because we want to be with each other. We'll still be together, won't we?"

Sam was delighted he was pleased. Daniel had nagged and nagged and she just had to give in to him, as well as Teal'c's reproachful stare. It seemed the guys missed their old commander.

"Are you cooking?" Jack asked with a curious eyebrow pointed at the ceiling.

"I wasn't planning to. I don't want to spend hours in the kitchen. Chinese take-out?"

"Sounds like a plan," he smiled.

"We'll need to get some beers."

"So what else do you have planned instead of kitchen duty, Sam?"

"Nothing. Hadn't given it any thought. You're here, and that's all that matters."

"That's nice."

"Is it? It's great to have you here, Jack."

"It's great to be here. So you wanna go out and do something?"

"Not really. Do you?"

"Not really."

"We stay here then?"

"In bed?"

"Has an appeal."

"It certainly does."

She kissed him, her hands absently stroking his skin, and then becoming more mindfully employed at caressing him seductively. Jack loved what Sam could do to his body. She had gained confidence in her lovemaking and, since the day she had seduced him in Washington, had lost inhibitions that might have held them both back. It was delightful, and heavenly, making Jack an even happier man.

He allowed her to make love to him, letting her control it totally, trusting her to do whatever she wished and bring them both pleasure. She did not disappoint him; she was graceful, athletic and wild all wrapped up in one beautiful and powerfully sexy bundle. Afterwards, they feel asleep again and when they woke up had to get ready hurriedly and go out to buy alcohol and soft drinks, as well as other badly needed groceries, including supplies of Daniel's favored coffee.

Daniel and Teal'c arrived together, with Teal'c at the wheel. At least they didn't have arguments about designated drivers when Teal'c was around. It was handy to have a close friend who didn't partake in alcoholic beverages.

ack was very happy to see his two friends, recalling that they hadn't seen each other since Sam's birthday. That seemed so long ago and he vowed he should get to Colorado Springs more often. He should be able to fit in such visits with his work and didn't know why he hadn't forced that side of his job more often. Probably because he was reluctant to get in Hank Landry's way.

The man had to run things the way he saw fit and Jack had promised himself not to intervene unless they had a fundamental disagreement. He didn't need Jack O'Neill peering over his shoulder at every turn. However, Jack was well overdue an official visit to the SGC and mentally made plans to put that notion into action when he got back to Washington.

Sam had figured that Jack would be undemonstrative of his feelings for her while their friends were there and couldn't have been more wrong. He kept her close, touching, exchanging glances, and sometimes even kissing. It was a total and very wonderful surprise.

The friends chatted amiably, munching through a delicious Chinese take-out and downing far too many beers. Amiably that is until a drunk Daniel got argumentative, in an overly friendly kind of way, and started to be a pain in the butt.

"You know something, Jack," he said, "you never call, you never write. Some friend you turned out to be! We all miss ya, don't we Sam? You two are great, you know that? Great."

He was leering drunkenly and managed to insert himself between Jack and Sam on the couch, putting an arm around each and hugging them affectionately. Teal'c cocked an eyebrow.

"It would appear that Daniel Jackson has had too much alcohol, O'Neill," he commented.

"Teal'c, old buddy!" Daniel got up again and approached the gentle giant. "Teal'c is so way cool, don't you think? My good old friend, Teal'c."

Daniel sat on the arm of Teal'c's chair and placed him arm around the big Jaffa.

"Got another beer, Jack?" he asked.

Jack rolled his eyes at Sam. They all knew what was coming if they didn't take control of Daniel.

"Sheesh! Tell me again why we agreed to this?" Jack whispered to Sam and she tittered. "We know what he gets like when he's been drinking. Why the heck are we encouraging drinking?"

"Because we like it?" Sam responded with a bright smile. "why should we suffer just because Daniel can't take his liquor?"

"What was that, Sam?" Daniel queried, "Can't take my liquor? I heard you. I'm hurt now. I so can take my booze."

Sam got up and walked over to briefly hug him.

"Yes, Daniel, of course you can," she humoured, "Tell you what, who wants coffee?"

"I don't. I want beer," Daniel replied.

"Coffee would be great, Sam," Jack smiled, "lots of it, strong and black."

"For me also, Colonel Carter," Teal'c agreed.

"Coffee it is then."

When Sam came back with coffee and no beer, Daniel got up to help himself, only for Teal'c to firmly deny him that opportunity.

"You will drink coffee, Daniel Jackson. It is an excellent beverage. Very health giving," Teal'c said.

"With all that caffeine? I don't think so Teal'c," Daniel said, but he drank the coffee anyway and after a couple of cups started to feel a little less like the room was swaying. As Sam got up to make yet another jug full, Jack offered to go do it for her.

"No, you stay with the guys. I see them everyday and you don't."

Once Sam had left the room and was out of earshot, Daniel eyed Jack with a look that made Jack quail. No longer drunk, he was still a little woozy.

'Ack! He's gonna get personal,' Jack thought, and he was right.

"So, Jack, when you gonna ask Sam to marry you?" Daniel asked bluntly. Jack regarded his friend with wide eyed surprise at the question. He'd expected personal, but not that.

"Daniel, for crying out loud! Since when is it any of your business? Besides, it's a bit too early for all of that isn't it? We haven't actually been together for that long."

"Hey, don't forget the role I played in helping you guys get together. You might never have asked her out if it wasn't for me. I think that means I have a vested interest in how things are going, don't you?"

Jack rolled his eyes, looking around furtively to make sure Sam wasn't returning. He did not want the embarrassment of her overhearing any of this particular conversation.

"Besides," Daniel continued, "you are two of my best friends. I want to see you both happy. After all these years you think it's too soon to be asking her, Jack? Just how many years are you planning to wait? Hasn't it been long enough? You've been together for a while now."

"Daniel, this is only our third weekend together. It might seem long, but we third date or something." He fell into silence and then thought more about what Daniel had said. "You really think I can make her happy?"

"Come on Jack, use your eyes, and your gut. You so obviously do. She's crazy about you, and you're crazy about her. People would have to be blind to miss that."

"Daniel Jackson is correct O'Neill," Teal'c intervened, "have you not waited for long enough? We both wish for our two friends to be happy."

"Jeez, I never knew you two were such romantics. Angling to be best man at the wedding, huh?"

"Yeahsureyabetchya, Jack," Daniel grinned and Teal'c inclined his head.

"You can't both be best man!"

"Jack, you're such a traditionalist," Daniel replied light-heartedly, making Jack laugh.

"Guys, this is so not a great topic of conversation right now. Sam and I.well we need to get to know each other a little better, don't you think?

"You think you don't know each other well enough already?"

"Working together, me being her CO, all that. it's a whole hell of a lot different to this isn't it? W-we're only just beginning to get acquainted, know what I mean?"

"Bullshit! You've seen the best and the worst of each other, been to hell and back together, but you still love one another. What else is there to know?"

"Daniel! Here comes Sam, so shut it, okay?"

"If that's what you want, Jack."

"Don't you dare say anything in front of her, right? This is my call."

"Alright, already. Zipping it now, okay?" Daniel mimicked a zipper closing across his mouth and Jack grinned but his friend's words caused him to think.

It was true that they'd been through a lot, Daniel had a point. Jack didn't dither because he was uncertain of his feelings, or even hers, but he believed she deserved to know him better before he asked her to make that kind of commitment. Although he grudgingly admitted the logic of Daniel's argument, it had a gigantic flaw; Jack was an ordinary guy with human failings and Sam should understand what she was letting herself in for before she agreed to anything permanent.

Sure she'd seen his flaws up close, but he had been her CO, someone she respected, admired and obeyed. He had to be sure that she wasn't wearing rose tinted glasses when looking at him. It occurred to him that she might think the same thing about his view of her and maybe one of these days he'd get around to asking.

Daniel wasn't so drunk that he was foolish enough to ignore Jack's wishes, Sam's coffee had seen to that, but he watched his friends as closely as he dared. It was the first chance he'd had to observe them together as a couple and he liked what he saw very much indeed. He noticed Teal'c watching as well and hoped they might get the chance to compare notes later.

They made such a handsome couple and looked very happy and in love. It warmed Daniel's heart to see it and he was proud of the part he had played in making this happen at last. Jack was astonishingly openly touchy feely with Sam, which he hadn't necessarily expected. His friend was full of surprises, that was for sure.

"Pity you two don't get to see each other more often," he commented.

"Couldn't agree more, Danny boy," Jack replied, squeezing Sam gently and kissing her cheek. "I'm working on it."

Sam smiled and took his hand in hers, lifting it to her lips for a brief kiss, and looked into Jack's eyes for a very private exchange. Daniel suddenly felt like an intruder and caught Teal'c's eye, and the big Jaffa nodded almost imperceptibly. They were in agreement. Time to go and leave these two alone. No point in outstaying their welcome. He hoped there would be plenty of other times to see their friends.

"Umm, time we made a move," Daniel said, getting up and stretching. Teal'c followed his lead.

"Already?" Jack said almost half-heartedly, reluctant to part with his friends but eager to spend more time alone with Sam, "gee, is that the time?" he exclaimed.

Jack's glance at his watch made him realise that it was actually beginning to get quite late. It hadn't registered, probably because a good portion of his day had been spent in bed - one of those rare occasions when he did not consider that occupation be a waste of his precious downtime.

"If you stop making yourself a stranger we could get to do this more often, Jack," Daniel retorted.

"I'll try," Jack grinned.

"Why don't you see them out and I'll clear away the debris?" Sam suggested, looking at Jack, "I'll see you guys next week," she added, giving Daniel and Teal'c a brief hug goodbye.

Jack always noticed a light in their eyes when she did that and it pleased him immensely. They were a close knit bunch and nothing would ever tear them apart, no matter how physically separated they were.

Seeing them to the door, Jack stepped outside to say his goodbyes. It had been a good night and Daniel had given him something to think about, as was often his habit. It could be irksome sometimes, but also endearing.

"Thanks, Daniel. You did good," he said with a smile.

"Did I?" Daniel asked, pleased but not sure what Jack was referring to.

"Sam and I. you're right, maybe this would never have happened without you. I'm definitely in your debt, old friend."

"You're happy, Jack, and that's more than enough payment for me," Daniel responded with a small smirk, "You're both happy, and it's about time."

Jack grinned a response and nodded.

"Nevertheless, I owe you one," he added to that non-verbal response.

"I'll remember, that."

"I'm sure you will. Memory like an elephant, that's you."

"Is that supposed to be insulting, because I take it as a compliment."

"No! It wasn't meant to be insulting, Daniel. For crying out loud, can't I say something nice without you getting suspicious?"

"Not really," Daniel replied and they both laughed.

"Guess I can't blame you for that," Jack said. "Look guys, a little way off I know, but how about getting together for Thanksgiving? If it's okay with Sam, I'll come here for the holiday and we can have some more quality time. Thanksgiving is for family and you're mine."

Daniel thought that was one of the nicest things he'd ever heard Jack say and gave him a hug.

"I'm glad you think so, Jack, because you're mine too," he grinned.

"I concur, O'Neill, although I have family of my own," agreed Teal'c with a bow of his head.

"Second family, huh, T?" Jack smiled and patted him on the back. Teal'c pulled him into a hug and that made Jack feel all the warmer.

"Indeed. As Daniel Jackson says, do not be a stranger, my friend."

"I won't. Promise."

He watched them drive off and by the time they'd gone Sam had cleared away and stacked the dishwasher. As he sat on the couch with his arm around her shoulders and head resting on his chest, Jack was thinking about what Daniel had said. They did know each other pretty well, but it was time he revealed some things she ought to know about. She had that right if he was ever going to ask her to be his wife.

"Sam, I've been thinking about that vacation. If you really wanna go to Minnesota, then I'd love that, but can we go to Chicago for a couple of days?"


"I want you to see my roots."

"I thought the root of your heart was in Minnesota."

"It is, but I still come from Chicago. I have my reasons for asking, Sam. What do you think?"

"Yeah, I'd love to, Jack."

Sam got the feeling that this was something significant. Jack wanted to introduce her to a part of his past. She wondered what she might learn. It could be an interesting vacation.

After he left that weekend one of the first things Sam noticed was his toothbrush sitting next to hers in the bathroom. He had said nothing, which was so typical of the man, but she knew it meant a lot and she smiled contentedly at that.

Their relationship was evolving at breakneck speed and she was more than happy to let that happen. Fingering the pendant he had given her for her birthday she sighed. Sam missed him when he wasn't around, but he left a part of himself with her and that was a true wonder. Never alone? Absolutely, and she loved every minute.


This story archived at