In The Game Of Life by SelDear
Summary: Stand on the sidelines or get in the game - your choice.
Rated: G
Genres: Introspective, Vignettes
Original Archive Date: 2003 Jul 6
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 | Word count: 991 | Completed: Yes | Published: Sep 04, 2009 | Updated: Sep 04, 2009 | Read: 2061
Story Notes: EMAIL: SelDear

STATUS: complete

CATEGORY: Thoughts, Vignette

SPOILERS: None specific.

SEASON/SEQUEL INFO: Early Season Four-ish




DATE: November 10th, 2002

ARCHIVED: SJA, Jackfic, Heliopolis (when I finally get around to it!)

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This was started waaaaaay back before the whole fracas with Season Six and Jonas and anything like that. Probably about 10 months ago, which would explain the total lack of Jonas. I only just dug it out now and finished it up.

1. Chapter 1 by SelDear

Chapter 1 by SelDear
* * * In the Game Of Life * * *

They're his team and, in a bizarre kind of way, his de-facto family.

His friends.

General Hammond and SG-1.

There's Daniel, frustrating because he's so different from Jack. They're friends, yes - good friends - but they don't see eye to eye on too many things. It's more than the civilian and the officer - it's a fundamental difference in the way they approach a problem or think issues through.

Sometimes Jack thinks it's a wonder one of them hasn't killed the other yet.

Jack's a suspicious bastard. Daniel's a true believer.

Daniel tends to have the enthusiasm of a child when it comes to exploration. He has the kind of hope and belief Jack lost many years ago - if he ever had it.

They're different personalities, different kinds of people. Daniel even has a different set of personal standards - his own personal honour should never be compromised and he will fight to have it remain so.

Jack's done things he can't think of in the light of day and certainly doesn't want to think about in the blue of the night.

He envies Daniel.

Then there's Teal'c. A steady support and constant friend. Someone who Jack trusts to watch his back and who trusts Jack's leadership in return. The bond between them goes deeper than between anyone else on his team: Teal'c knows what it means to have scars of evil acts on your soul and to have to live with the guilt and the screams of your victims in your ears every day and night.

He doesn't need to argue with Teal'c as he does with Daniel - Teal'c understands Jack's motivations, just as Jack understands Teal'c's motivations. Jack and Teal'c are the same kind of people from vastly different backgrounds - and that cements them together more strongly than most people would either believe or see.

Jack has the most in common with Teal'c.

Teal'c dreams of freedom and will fight for it, whatever the cost. He believes as passionately as Daniel, but his intent is more focused and his actions more controlled. Jack looks at Teal'c and sees the dedication and passion of a man who has a vision and will do what it takes to achieve that vision.

There are moments when the way has seemed dark and hopeless and Teal'c's dreams seem impossible, yet Teal'c fights on and so, too, does Jack.

George Hammond. Commander and friend. Hammond gives the orders and expects them to be obeyed, but he also gives a man leeway in the undertaking. The General understands that for the job to be done properly, sometimes the rules must be bent - and he will protect his people as if they were his own children.

In Hammond, Jack sees the kind of man he can follow without fear, knowing that Hammond might ask him to do the humanely impossible, but will never ask him to betray his own principles.

Somehow the General manages to delineate the line between him and Jack clearly enough that they can work in a chain of command but blurred enough so Jack knows he can level with him. It's a fragile equilibrium of affection and respect that they're careful to maintain but enjoy balancing

Jack hopes that his subordinates think of him with one tenth of the respect he holds for the General.

And Sam Carter; a competent 2IC, his humour weathervane, a good officer and a great friend. She's a subordinate who will obey orders, but knows to challenge them if she feels it necessary. Her sense of humour matches his own but her intellect far outstrips his. The smile should come with a warning: *This expression may cause palpitations of the heart.*

Of course, he's not allowed to think of her as a woman and so he doesn't. Most of the time.

They share the similarity of their training and methodology, represented in a fluidity of operation that scares him. It's a partnership between two soldiers who have grown to understand each other's mode of operation as well as their own. It's a friendship between two people who have vastly different interests, but who relate well to each other. Not in the kind of arguments which take place with Daniel, or the 'warrior's understanding' Jack has with Teal'c - but on a more personal level.

When Daniel is 'the civilian and the idealist' and Teal'c is 'the alien', Carter's the one who knows what he means in the context he means it.

He trusts her to back him up, to get them out of their predicament, to know what the problem is and to fix it. Sometimes he wonders if he doesn't trust her *too* much. She's only one person, after all, and her shoulders weren't made to carry the weight of the world upon them.

But if he 'cut her slack', she'd probably kick his ass. With all due respect, of course.

Together, they're his family. Not exactly by his choice - they sort of wormed themselves into his life before he worked out what was happening. But once they'd made themselves comfortable, he was more than happy to keep them.

They drive him nuts and keep him sane. They challenge him and comfort him. They ask nothing of him but friendship, loyalty, affection, respect, humour... The list goes on. It's not much. Just everything that is Jack O' Neill.

Daniel reminds him there are frontiers worth exploring.

Teal'c reminds him there are dreams worth fighting for.

Hammond reminds him there are commanders worth serving.

Sam reminds him there are people who'll stand by your side and watch your back - and that maybe, after all this fighting is done, there will be other possibilities to explore.

Together, his friends remind him that life isn't as enjoyable when you're standing on the sidelines cheering as it is when you're in the game.

* * *

Yeah, feed me. Sel.

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