Story Notes: Category: Thoughts


Those small moments


Sitting next to him, I find the most worrying thoughts coming through my mind, thoughts that I really shouldn't be experiencing at a mission debriefing. Pretending to concentrate on General Hammond, I can just make out the front of Jack from the corner of my eyes. I can see his hands clasped in front, his body gravitating towards them and his head twisted towards the General. Those hands really distract me. I have the strangest craving to brush against them, hold them, clasp them - I just yearn to touch them. It's an urge I have been having a lot lately, and it isn't confined to his hands.

I feel his leg gently brush mine and he briefly smiles to apologize. I don't think he knows what he needs to be sorry for. I don't think he realizes that this has begun a new fantasy on his thighs - the desire to sit on them, stroke them, or to feel the strength of them beneath my fingers.

Briefly I check that I still know what is going on in the debriefing, which I do. The General's eyes often come into contact with mine, and I'm amazed that I can be so easily convincing. Here I am thinking about Jack in a less than professional manner, yet no one has a clue. Often, like the other day, I have been having a huge urge to simply rest my head upon his shoulder. Just after a hard, upsetting or generally stressful day I want to feel his solid shoulders beneath me reassuringly. It's really stupid. A normal woman I'm sure would be having rather different, and I expect more blushworthy thoughts than I . . . or rather a Major in my position wouldn't be having these thoughts at all. It just gets to me now and then. I pride myself on being a strong woman that needs no man to rely upon. I am independent: not only financially but emotionally too, with good friends around me. It's just the small things in a relationship I miss. The small moments of comfort and tenderness that make you feel content again.

General Hammond ends his debriefing and my team mates all stand up. I follow them, and Jack holds the door open for me,

"After you," he says, clearing the way.

I walk through, and feel his hand rest gently on my back, and I can't help but smile as I get my fix for the day. I try to remind myself that I'll get all this and more as my reward for waiting.


End Notes: Feedback would be loved, help me improve!

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