Story Notes: little, teensy weeny story about point of view. takes place directly after jack got back, at the end.

"So, she mananged to contact the Asgards then."


"The Asgards. She contacted them. There was a happy ending."

"Oh, yes, Major, she did."

"Are you alright Sir? You seem a little distracted."

"Why would I be distracted."

"Ooooh, I don't know. How about that full-on, hot kiss you had with my double?"

"Carter, are you jealous?"

"Jealous? No, I just think its strange you kissing her. I didn't realise you felt that way."

"I don't. She was upset. I was comforting her."

"I see."

"Carter, you're getting as sarcastic as me."

"No sarcasm intended Sir."

"If its any consolation, she implied I wasn't as good as her Jack."

"Oh dear, that's a shame."

"You're grinning."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"I'm sorry Sir, its just...why did you kiss her?"


"Yes, seriously."

"She needed it."

"Oh. Well, goodnight Sir."


"Yes Sir?"

"This bearing on our present relationship does it?"

"No Sir. You kissed her because she needed comfort. I'm happy with that. Goodnight."

Sam walks away. Jack whispers after her, "I kissed her because I wanted to see what kissing you was like."


The End.

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