Story Notes: Email:

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: You have to guess :)

Category: Romance.

Status: New. Complete

Date: 31st December, 1998

Archive: Yes!

Disclaimer: This story is written for entertainment value only. I do not own the characters, nor will I derive money from this story. The characters portrayed within this story belong to the guys that own the Rights to StarGate... I am merely 'borrowing' them... Many thanks to Gekko and MGM for this. And to the actors... who inspire me so much!!!

Notes: Many thanks to Effie.. my Beta Reader. Without you, none of this would have happened :) Hahaha.

Summary: Jack receives a cryptic note.. Someone loves him and wants to meet him at midnight. Will he go? If so, will it be who he wants it to be???

Many thanks... Please enjoy... Slida


Jack headed down the corridor towards the locker room.

"Hey, Colonel," Sam greeted him happily. She had strange grin on her lips as she passed him in the hall on her way towards the elevators.

"Hey, Captain," he copied her greeting, slowing to a stop.

"So? You heading off to the party?" she looked him up and down, noting his uniform still. He noted her little dark blue dress, decently cut just above the knee. Seeing Sam out of uniform always made him smile. It made him realise that they all had real lives out there somewhere.

"I was thinking of going," he nodded.

She smiled. "Good. I'll see you in there then," she headed off again.

Turning the corner blindly he smacked into Daniel, who was, as usual, walking with his head down and deep in thought.

"Careful Daniel," Jack steadied him by grabbing his shoulders.

"Sorry, Jack, I was kinda..."

"Not looking where you were going?" he smiled at his often-vague friend.

Daniel pushed his glasses up his nose and returned the Colonel's smile.

"Keep walking with your head down like that and you probably won't make it to next year though," Jack said.

Daniel shrugged. "You seen Teal'c? I was meant to meet him an hour ago to help him with something, but he wasn't in his quarters."

Jack turned the corners of his mouth down and shrugged. A passing officer stopped.

"You looking for Teal'c?"

"Yeah," Daniel nodded.

"Saw him coming out of the locker room," the officer thumbed behind him. Daniel turned and looked back that way then nodded.

"Strange, I was just in there, I didn't see him. Sam was coming out when I went in... she said she hadn't seen him either..." he sighed, deep in thought again. "Oh, thanks," he remembered the soldier as the boy started to move off.

"No problem. Happy New Year, Doctor..." he said before heading off.

"Happy New..." Daniel started but gave up as the soldier walked out of view. Turning back, he noticed Jack had headed off too. "Hey!" he called to him.

"Hey what?" Jack stopped and turned, stepping back a few steps.

"You going tonight?"

Jack nodded. "For a few hours," he then shrugged and headed off again. Daniel rolled his eyes as he continued on his way.


As Jack rounded the corner and headed into the locker room he was stopped short. Poking from his locker door was a note. He lifted it out and opened it. It was a computer generated note, no handwriting to give away it's sender.

"Jack, New Year's Eve is all about resolutions. I made one to myself. I'm not going to spend another year without letting you know how I feel about you..."

Jack frowned, turning the note over. It was blank on the other side. Still no clue, so he read on...

"... This is no joke and I would rather you didn't make light of it... My feelings for you are genuine and so is my love..."

Jack swallowed hard. He felt the tips of his ears burn as his stomach knotted. He read his name at the top again. It *was* his note. Part of him wanted to believe the sincerity of the note, another part felt that he was being set up. He felt nervous.

"... for fear that this note would be intercepted by 'others', I have also placed a note under your door in your office. This note stipulates where I'd like to meet with you... I need to tell you this, and even if it jeopardizes our working relationship, I'll have to live with that. Living with you not knowing is harder to bear..."

Jack tried to analyze the writing. The phraseology. It didn't sound like it was written by anyone he knew. The sentences didn't immediately remind him of how 'anyone' he knew sounded as they spoke. It didn't sound like Sam, or Teal'c or Daniel. Maybe it was someone he didn't know as well.

He folded the note and tucked it into his pocket as he headed up to his office.


He opened the door and switched on the light. Sure enough, there was another folded note on the floor, quite a way in from the door. Whoever this was was thorough. That note must have been pushed under the door with something long, ensuring that if the previous note was intercepted by others, this one wasn't going to be reachable.

Jack shut his door and went over to it. Looking down at the folded piece of white paper he wondered at it's author. Someone was obviously in love with him. Someone he worked with. But who?

He scooped down and grabbed the note then went over to his desk and sat down. He hesitated to open it, instead he tapped the folded edge against his thumb as he chewed on his bottom lip lightly. His heart was pounding in his chest. Was he nervous, excited, what?

'My feelings for you are genuine and so is my love...'

He pulled out the other note from his pocket to see if he remembered that line correctly. He had. Reading it the first time had made such an impact on him, he doubted he'd ever forget it...

Slowly his adrenaline started to slow down. His head stopped spinning quite so fast. What if this was a joke? A very, very bad one?

He sighed. Was he being made to look a fool? Slowly he lent forward onto his elbows, and opened the new note.

"I guess you're wondering if this is some kind of joke. Believe me Jack, it's not..."

Hmmm, whoever it was knew him well - obviously. Enough to be in love with him though? How could that be?

"I've watched you, worked with you, day in and day out for the past year and a half. You don't see me watching you. You're too busy doing your job. A job you do well, which only draws me to you more. But I've been watching. Every moment I get..."

Jack wasn't sure if that made him feel comfortable or not! He's being watched?

"I'm sorry I haven't been braver about this Jack, really I am. Right about now you're probably cursing me for being a coward. Sorry! These sorts of things are frowned upon in the Military... You know that. The military hate seeing their workers happy!"

Jack laughed a little. At least they, whoever they were, had a sense of humour...

Jack looked over the note again, nothing gave away who wrote it, no hair, no smudge of lipstick or make up, nothing!

He lent down onto his elbow, his mouth covered by his hand as he read on.

"This is not going to be easy. I'll be watching you at the party tonight, seeing if you're looking for me, scared that - maybe - you'll hate who I'll turn out to be..."

Jack frowned. This was far too weird. Someone he's worked with? He did, in fact, work with literally dozens of people, mostly his team, Hammond and the Doc, but he'd also been guiding a few of the other SG teams this past year and half...

Jack couldn't even get his mind around any of this.

*Just don't even try to guess, Jack... Just go and find out...* he told himself.

"If you want to know, and if I'm actually going to be brave enough to go through with this... I'll be at your car, dead on midnight. Meet me... please..."

Jack sighed. His car - at midnight? Scratching the back of his head he sighed and folded the note. He heard a light tap on the glass panel of his office door and got up. Cautiously he opened the door. Janet smiled at him. She looked radiant. Her auburn hair was brushed and styled off her face revealing her large brown eyes, rimmed with just a hint of colour and her small, full mouth was red. Blood red. Moist, and blood red...

"I was on my way downstairs, and..." she looked around his office then back up at him, "I saw your light on."

"I... I kinda had something to... do..." he said trying to hide his suspicion from her. Why was she here? She smiled and nodded.

"Well, tonight's not a night to be catching up on paperwork Jack," she laughed lightly.

"Who said anything about paperwork?" he frowned.

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, sorry, my mistake. You're in your office... it's a natural assumption," she shrugged, her eyes darted around his office again before settling onto his quizzical gaze.

"Are you coming downstairs?" she asked, her red lips glistened in the light as if they were pure liquid.

He licked his lips and gave a sharp nod, heading out the room with her. She stopped out in the corridor and he turned to look at her.

"What?" he frowned.

"You're not getting changed?" she eyed his uniform. He looked down then up at her, then pointed to the ground.

"I need to shower first," he said, indicating to the locker room on the floor below them. She nodded and stepped towards him, walking beside him to the lifts.


Janet smiled as she entered the large Mess Hall. She immediately caught Sam's eye and headed over to her. Daniel was standing with his back to her and it wasn't until he turned that she even recognised him, looking very debonair in his black suit with his hair slicked back neatly off his face

Janet smiled at him. "My goodness, Daniel, you look rather..."

"Dashing..." Sam said with a cheeky smile as she brought her cup to her lips.

He gave her a quirky grin. They'd had this discussion, and tease, already. He looked down at the tiny Doctor who was nodding her agreement with Sam's assessment.

"Out to impress someone, are we?" she grinned. Sam chuckled and Daniel looked between the two women, nervously tugging at his tie.

"Thank you... both of you... for making me feel more uncomfortable than I ever have in my entire life..." he sighed miserably. Sam and Janet laughed together.

"You shouldn't feel uncomfortable, Daniel, you look... great," Sam said, tipping her cup in a toast to him. He raised his brow and tugged at his tie again.

"And..." Daniel seemed to remember his manners and turned to Janet, "so do you," he smiled at her. She ran her hand down her midnight blue velvet dress, looking a little nervous herself.

"Thank you," she blushed a little. "I'm hoping to do a little impressing of my own tonight."

"What about me Daniel," Sam teased him again. He rolled his eyes. Janet immediately sensed there was a story between them.

"What is it, you two? Come on, fess up," she laughed, wanting in on the joke too.

Daniel licked his lips as he sighed. He looked at Sam, who returned his look with a cheeky grin, then he tilted his head to look at Janet.

"I didn't recognise her..." he smiled, looking a little embarrassed. Janet frowned and Sam chuckled loudly.

"I walked up to him and I said 'Hi Daniel', and he mutters this 'Hi' and suddenly does this *huge* double take and..." She broke up laughing and Daniel, lips pursed together as he smiled, rolled his eyes.

"You... you look... different!" he shrugged as he thrusted his hand in her direction, indicating the tight fitting dress she was wearing.

"So did you! I never seen your eyes so large, and your mouth so open!"

He nodded then looked around the room, "yeah, whatever," he sighed as he heard Janet start to laugh as well.

"So anyone know when Jack's arriving?"

Janet nodded. "I saw him just then. He was heading to the showers," she said.

"But, he went to the showers a while ago..." Daniel frowned.

Sam nodded. "I passed him about an hour ago and he was going in there then..." she frowned.

Janet shrugged as the two pairs of blue eyes fixed onto her. "Well, he was in his office..."

"His office?" they said together then looked at each other. Janet nodded and looked at the floor.

"I guess he had something he needed to take care of," she shrugged.

Sam and Daniel exchanged looks, neither looked impressed.

"That man has got to ease up on the workload," Sam muttered and looked down into her drink quickly.

"I'll say," Daniel shook his head as he placed his hands onto his hips, swiveling to look back at the doors of the Mess hall. He was just in time to see Teal'c enter the room. Excusing himself he headed over to his friend, smiling as he looked the Jaffa up and down in his black dinner suit.

"Finally," he laughed as he patted his friend's shoulder, "someone who looks more uncomfortable than me!"

Teal'c looked at Daniel. "I believe this feels worse than my Serpent's Armor," Teal'c tugged at his tie, his neck too large to allow the top button on his crisp white shirt to be down up.

"Well, if it's any consolation, the girls will tease you unmercifully about wearing one," he sighed then smiled at the alien. Teal'c raised his brow as Daniel lead him over to the others.

"Teal'c you look great!" Sam smiled at him, her blue eyes large.

Janet nodded. "Very handsome indeed."

Daniel's mouth flapped open and shut. Where was his teasing? He looked at Sam who just lifted a brow as she smiled, indicating that she reserved all her teasing for him and him alone! He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to get a drink," he sighed.


Jack paused at the door of the Mess Hall, his heart pounded in his throat and his mouth was already dry. He needed a beer, for more reasons than one! Tugging at his jacket once more, he smiled and nodded as others past through the door before him then looked he through the small glass window panes at the crowd inside. Stepping back, he leant against the wall, his head tilted back against the cool hard surface, and his eyes screwed shut tightly as he tried to calm the knotted ball in his stomach

"Colonel?" a soft female voice pulled him from his own private nightmare.

"Sorry," he looked down at Alicia, one of the Technician's who control the Gate.

"Are you alright?" she frowned.

He nodded and licked his lips nervously.


He nodded again then looked at her. He'd known her about a year and a half... maybe it was... Suddenly Thomas, the grey headed technician, stepped up to her, placing his arm around her waist and kissing her neck.

"Sorry I'm late," he said with a smile. She turned and looked at him, immediately forgetting about Jack. They headed inside together.

He sighed heavily then checked his watch. 11:15 p.m. He knew it was a cowardly thing to do, but he'd been hiding in his office all evening. At one point he had even made it as far as the front seat of his car before telling himself that he was being childish and that he was probably giving up his one opportunity to be happy, with the person that he'd secretly been fancying for nearly a year and a half as well.

Jack's biggest fear was, that the person it was, and the person he wanted it to be, were not going to be the same... It passed through his mind that he should just go home. Afterall, whoever it was would try to make contact again, surely, if this was for real...

Then he'd chided himself. What was that he had called Maybourne all those months ago? Mr. Glass-Half-Empty... and that was exactly who he was being, so he'd dragged himself back to his office, and promptly opened a rather good bottle of scotch, which was now, itself, almost half empty. But Jack didn't feel any braver. Maybe Scotch was just no good for Dutch courage.

Gulping one more mouthful of air, he pushed himself through the doors, then froze as he heard the doors bang behind him.

The room swarmed with people. People Jack had known and worked with for the past year and a half. Faces, some more familiar than others, turned and smiled at him, other's wished him a Happy New Year as they walked past him. He mumbled his responses, tugging anxiously at the front of his jacket.

"You look how I feel..." came the voice beside him. Jack's head snapped around.

"Daniel," he turned to look at his friend. Daniel's eyes squinted a little then blinked quickly.

"You okay? You don't look very well, Jack," he said, offering the Colonel a cup of beer. Jack lifted his eyebrows quickly then looked down into his cup.

"Err, thanks," he said as he lifted the drink to his lips.

"I saw you come in and I thought you looked..." he stopped as Jack looked at him quickly, then continued, "like you could use a beer."

Jack scrutinized Daniel's face then nodded. "Thanks," he repeated, barely louder than a whisper.

Daniel pointed across the room. "We're all over there," he said, taking a step in that direction then stopping when Jack didn't follow. He frowned and turned to him.

"What's wrong? You get some bad news?"

"Why? Why do you ask?" Jack frowned. Daniel screwed his face up then shrugged.

"Because you look like you got some bad news," he shrugged, sighing softly.

Jack cringed. "I do?"

Daniel nodded.

Gulping air again, Jack tugged his coat then finally released the front buttons, letting the coat open up. He noticed Daniel eyed him up and down quickly then hastily did the button up again. Daniel lifted his eyes to look at Jack.

"You sure you're alright?"

Jack nodded. "Where did you say the others were again?" he frowned. Daniel pointed across the room again.

"Let's go," Jack said, patting Daniel's shoulder. Daniel didn't move. It was Jack's turn to look at him.


Daniel put his cup down, scratching his cheek lightly then he looked up at Jack.

"I've... um... I've got to do... something..." he said, turning to leave the room quickly. Jack frowned and was in two minds whether to chase after him or to join the others.


"Well, well, don't our men look a picture tonight?" Janet laughed softly as Jack approached them. He was in the same style of dinner suit that Daniel and Teal'c were wearing, however, true to his nature, his tie was loosened to the second button and his hair was slightly ruffled as well.

Neither woman could contain their delighted smiles as they looked at him, looking rather elegant in his black dinner suit despite his obvious comforts. He looked at Teal'c and the men exchanged quick nods.

"But what of our delightful Daniel?" Janet looked around.

"Yeah, Jack! What did you do with Daniel?" Sam smiled.

Jack's eyes widened. "Nothing!"

"I was just saying to Janet that we could line the three of you up, you know, see no evil, Danny - without his glasses on," Sam and Janet both chuckled, then Sam composed herself to continue, "speak no evil, would have to be Teal'c," she grinned.

Janet finished it off, "and you would be hear no evil..."

Jack frowned, trying to hide the fact he was greatly distracted. "why?"

Sam shrugged as she lifted her cup to her lips, "it's the only one left over."

Janet giggled, "and you certainly don't know how to speak no evil..."

Jack looked at Teal'c who simple raised his brow.

"Are you alright, O'Neill?" he lent closer to Jack and asked in a low voice. Jack took a quick step back.

"Yeah, I'm..." he ran his hand over his hair then shrugged as he saw the confused looks on his three friends faces, "I'm fine!"

"You're looking a little um," Sam squinted as she quickly glanced at him, up and down, then shrugged, "looking a little anxious."

"I am?" he said in a higher voice then he'd wanted to. Coughing, he tried it again, in a deeper tone, "I am?"

Sam grinned as she held his stared, then nodded. "Ah huh."

He licked his lips as he returned her stare then shrugged. "I hate all this New Years Eve crap..."

"I rather like it myself," Sam said wistfully then she turned to Janet and smiled. "Don't you, doc?"

Janet nodded. "It's a great opportunity to start over, you know, start the new year off on the right foot!"

Sam agreed.

"I do not understand the custom at all," Teal'c said.

Janet smiled. "At midnight, we all embrace and wish each other a happy new year. It's... it's nice," she shrugged a little coyly.

"It's uncomfortable," Jack muttered and the three turned to look at him.

"Why?" Sam frowned, looking a little disappointed.

"Kissing, Hugging..." Jack shivered, as he shoved his hands into his pant's pockets.

"And you've got a problem with kissing and hugging, Jack?" Janet teased him. He blinked as he stared at her, his head tilted slightly.

"Not ordinarily," he assured her.

"You will excuse me," Teal'c said. Jack looked at him.

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I believe I see Daniel Jackson over in the corner of the room. I wish to tell him something," Teal'c said, without thinking to question if it was any of Jack's business.

The Colonel nodded, a little apologetically, then watched Teal'c head through the crowd.

"Never know your luck Colonel," Sam said as she took another sip of her drink, "your whole life might change tonight."

His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "Might it?"

She shrugged. "From where I come from, you kiss the person you like the most *first* at midnight," she said.

Janet chuckled, "and then, well, normally you don't get around to kissing anyone else."

Sam smiled but didn't divert her eyes from Jack's face. "So, I guess that just begs the question, who's that going to be?"

Janet and Sam exchanged glances then both turned to the Colonel. Jack caught his breath as he shrugged.

"I guess, " he looked down then lifted his face, a look of defiance now filled his eyes, "on who gets to me - first."

Both ladies laughed then nodded.

"Good answer, I guess," Sam smiled.

Janet turned to Sam. "What is the time?"

"Nearly twenty minutes to," she said, checking her watch. Janet put her cup down.

"I've got to make a phone call before midnight," she said, dismissing herself from the others. Jack watched her go out through the double doors, heading to her office, or the car park, he told himself.

Sam looked around the room, her lips pursed together as she watched the crowd dancing, mingling, laughing together.

"I guess I should mingle," she shrugged as she looked back at Jack.

"Oh?" he raised his brow then looked at the crowd. "Oh, I guess so."

"You, umm, joining me?" she frowned a little.

"No," he shook his head. "I've... got... something..." he thumbed over his shoulder. He tried to gauge the look on Sam's face. Was it disappointment that he was leaving? Was it hope that he might be leaving to meet with her? Was it pure apathy?

"Oh? Will you be here at midnight then?" she looked at the revelers, gearing up for the final few minutes of the year.

He watched her closely. If it was her, she was good. Really good! She gave nothing away, but her questions were interesting enough.

"No, I won't be..." he said, which made her turn to look at him.

"So, I won't see you now until next year?" she smiled slightly.

He grinned. Someone always had to say that on New years Eve, didn't they?

"Probably not," he nodded. She nodded then reached across and brushed her lips over his cheek.

"Happy New Year Jack," she smiled.

"Happy New Year, Sam," he smiled then headed out of the room.


Jack exited the lift on the 3rd floor of the carpark. The corridors were empty. You could have shot a staff weapon down them and not hit a single soul. He crossed the carpark, heading for his car.

Part of him was chastising himself for being stupid enough to go through with this. Another part of him just hoped it was who he wanted it to be...

While from the other side of the parking lot, Jack was being watched.

Jack's footfall's echoed throughout the underground parking lot. He was sure the sound grew louder. Occasionally he'd check over his shoulder to see if he could see anyone else in the carpark, but he was alone. Turning the corner and seeing his car come into view, he swallowed hard. His hand twitched nervously at his side. As he reached his vehicle he slowed down, not sure whether he should get into it or stay outside.

His heart pounded in his throat now. Oh God! he prayed silently to whoever would listen, Please, please... let it be...

"Jack," came the voice from behind him.

Jack's eyes screwed shut as his stomach flipped over. That voice! That voice was exactly the voice he wanted to hear tonight!

Swiftly, he turned on his heels to see...

Sam stood behind him, looking absolutely stunning in her tight fitting blue dress. Jack caught his breath and smiled.

"You, umm, got my note then," she smiled, a little bashfully.

He nodded. "Both of them."

She stepped closer, but there was still a bit of distance between them.

"How... how did you get here so quickly?" he frowned, looking around them then back at her when he heard her say:

"The service elevator."

He nodded, impressed by her ingenuity.

Sam looked at him. Hands in his dress pants pockets, swaying on his heels, looking around nervously. She did not like this at all. It unsettled her.

"Are you disappointed?" she bowed her head a little, her voice so soft and full of disappointment that Jack's attention snapped back to her.

"Disappointed?" his voice rose in surprise and he coughed slightly when Sam chuckled softly. Nervously he continued, "not in the least. I was hoping it was you."

When she tilted her head slightly to look at him, he caught his breath. Her face was lit from the doorway behind him, her blue eyes twinkled in its soft light.

"God, you have no idea how much I was hoping it was going to be you!" He sighed softly, leaving her in no doubt of his sincerity.

She looked at him, biting her lips together, then she smiled, her cheek dimpling a little.

"Really?" she tilted her head a little.

He nodded and closed the gap between them now, his hand coming up to touch her shoulder. She sighed gently at his touch on her bare shoulder.

"You're good. I really had no idea..." his brown eyes crinkled in the corners as his gaze grew warmer. Sam inhaled slowly, an act that pressed her half-cupped breasts towards Jack more as he stepped a little closer.

"Years of training. Know the enemy, utilize their weaknesses..."

"Never show your own," he nodded as he recited the creed with her.

She smiled, a dimple showing up on her cheek again.

Without either of them noticing, Jack had been gently rubbing her shoulder with his thumb. She looked up at him now, her stomach filled with anxious butterflies as she stared deeply into his soft brown eyes.

"Did you mean what you wrote?" he asked in almost a whisper as if asking aloud might bring a negative response.

Sam tilted her head a little. "Do you want me to mean it?"

Unconsciously, he started to nod and she couldn't help but smile.

"Good, because I do!"

He stepped a little closer, his dark brown eyes searched her face, making sure that it was etched into his memory so that every time he closed his eyes, he could still see her.

"You are so beautiful, Sam," he sighed breathlessly, his hand moving up to catch her lightly under the chin, his thumb brushing her bottom lip lightly.

"I tried to make an effort tonight..." she joked, her hands nervously pressing the wrinkles from the front of her dress.

He shook his head. "Not just tonight, Sam," his voice was deep and soft. "Everyday. On missions, with that little black strap around your thigh," he sighed then smiled, "when you've got dirt on your face, or a determined look in your eye, when you're... just... you," he shrugged.

Sam felt a warmth fill her body now and settle in her stomach. She sighed languidly as he brushed her bottom lip again. Closing her eyes slowly, she caught his thumb and gently bit it.

He felt a heat surge through him now and settle in his groin. A soft groan escaped from him now, causing her to open her eyes and look up at him.

He smiled warmly at her as he tilted her face and pulled her in closer.

Their lips touched gently together, tentatively, uncertainty filled them both. Sam's chest heaved again as she inhaled slowly, feeling Jack pull her closer to him. His hand ran over her bare shoulders and up to her throat again as his tongue pressed gently against her lips, asking for an invitation.

She responded immediately, her mouth opening to allow him access as she stepped into him at the same time, feeling his strong arms pulling her closer against his body. Their tongues gently jousted together, languidly getting to know the other as their hands explored the bodies.

Jack's hands slid lightly around Sam's bare shoulders, and came together on her back, the touch so light it might have just been the wind. It sent a shiver through her body causing him to pull back.

"Are you cold?" he asked before seeing her slightly flushed cheeks. She shook her head, her blue eyes burning through him now, stabbing him with her raw lust. Jack's hands moved slightly and she shivered again. He smiled.

"Would you like my coat anyway?" he asked, still smiling at her as she blinked slowly, looking up at him from under her fringe. She nodded and he slipped the jacket off and stepped behind her, guiding it up her arms to her back. He gripped her shoulders from behind and she leant back against him, enjoying the sensation of his warm breath against her ear.

"You know this is totally wrong?" she whispered. Jack smiled, more to himself.

"I know."

"And we could get into a lot of trouble..." she continued.

He nibbled her ear gently as he said "Ah huh," softly in her ear. She shivered again. His lips kissed her ear oh-so-lightly, then his tongue slowly traced the small folds until he reached the ear lobe, adorned with a sapphire earring. He nudged his nose just behind her ear now, and she moaned softly as she dropped her head forward, allowing him better access.

He stepped right in behind her and she could feel his awakening groin pressing against her, heating her more.

"Jack..." she whispered as she leant her head back against him while he devoured her neck in light kisses and nibbles. He mumbled a response but it wasn't English. He shifted and she screwed her eyes shut as she felt his fully erect groin brush her. Oh god, she wanted him, right now!

"We should go and say our good byes... to... the..." she sighed as he bit her throat leaving a slight red mark, while his hand played up the other side of her neck and ear, all the while his body pressed against her back tightly.

Suddenly his watch beeped and she pulled herself out of her lust-haze to look over her shoulder at him.

"Midnight," he smiled as he held his wrist up. She turned, facing him once more. He ran his hands up her arms then tightened the coat around her shoulders as he smiled warmly at her.

She had never seen that look in his eyes before, pure, unadulterated... lust. His cheeks were flushed from it, his eyes soft and dewy. He was, without doubt, the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Her hands ran down his back, resting on his firm butt. He smiled more when she gave him a small squeeze.

"Like I tried to say before, we should make our good byes... don't you think?"

He wiggled closer to her, liking the image of her draped in his jacket before him. She looked... adorable. Small, too. She was always so strong looking, well built, sturdy, but right now, she looked small and vulnerable. His hand cupped her cheek and she nuzzled against it as she looked up at him.

"We should..." he agreed. She smiled, her cheeks puffing and dimpling. He caught his breath at her beauty.

Suddenly a commotion in the stair-well had them both turning in that direction. Daniel spilled out of the door, followed by Janet then Teal'c. Instantly the two officers pulled apart and stepped away.

"And a Happy New Year to you two too!" Daniel smiled, holding up a bottle of champagne. Janet looked over at Sam and smiled. The blonde woman dipped her face as she tried to hide her beaming smile.

"Danny..." Jack sighed in a growl.

Teal'c sensed Jack's annoyance despite the humour and felt an explaination was in order.

"We wished to greet the New Year with you and Capt'n Carter," Teal'c said, looking from Daniel to Jack.

The young anthropologist nodded enthusiastically, waving his hand from Teal'c to Jack, "... and we went looking for you guys at midnight..." he shrugged.

Sam smiled and wiped some smeared red lipstick from his mouth.

"Obviously not AT midnight," she teased him. He wiped the back of his hand over his lips then looked at the red smear on his hand. Lifting his brow he shrugged.

"No, not AT midnight, but very soon afterwards..." he smiled, wagging his finger at her. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Well, we're grateful that you wanted to wish us a happy new year..." he reached out and gripped Daniel by the shoulder and tugged him away a little, then in a harsh whisper he said, "now bugger off!"

The two men stared at each other a moment and there was no mistaking Jack's look.

Daniel grinned however then turned back to Sam. "We brought Champagne..." he held up the bottle as he flashed Jack a quick look then looked back at Sam again.

Jack's eyes narrowed at his friend. Damn him. Daniel was paying him back for all the times Jack was nasty to him, and he'd picked a fine moment to do it to! He just knew the geek would turn around and bite him in the butt one day!

Shaking his head, Jack could only laugh lightly as Daniel poured out the glasses of drink while everyone held their own glass.

Sam held Jack's as well as her own and handed one to him as he came back. Her look asked if everything was okay and his smile responded that everything was fine. Taking the glass from her, he slipped his arm around her shoulder, an act she didn't expect. Janet smiled at Sam again, then flicked her eyes up at Jack, who was sipping his drink. Sam's grinned back at Janet and the small Doctor winked at her very happy friend.

Another act she didn't expect was Jack kissing her ear softly, and whispering, "I'm gonna kill the Space Monkey..."

She dropped her face to hide her chuckle then she looked back up at him and nodded.

Janet and Teal'c exchanged looks, then Daniel threw his arms around their shoulders as the three of them looked at Sam and Jack.

"So, Jack..." Daniel raised his brow.

"So, Danny..." Jack tilted his head. The two men grinned.

"What'cha been doing?" Daniel teased. Jack laughed as he shook his head.

"Planning the best way of leaving you *behind* on the next planet we visit..." he tilted his head again, "how about you?"

The others laughed while Daniel straightened up. "Well, it seems I'm the only one not pairing off..." he felt a large dig at his ribs. Sam and Jack frowned and looked at Janet.

"What?" she laughed and shot Teal'c a quick look. The Jaffa merely raised his brow.

"Umm..." Sam frowned. Janet shook her head, like she'd tell Sam about it *another* time. Sam nodded.

"Paring off?" Jack squinted his eyes. Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Oh, please... don't insult us, Jack," he indicated the others with a sweep of his hand as he laughed lightly.

Jack looked at Sam and they both shrugged.

"Not a word!" Jack pointed at the three faces before them. All nodded their agreement.

Daniel stepped out from between Janet and Teal'c now and held his glass in the air.

"I'd like to propose a toast..." he said. The others raised their glasses.

"Here's to a very Happy New Year... full of... love..." he said, not hiding the tease in his voice from the others. Janet and Teal'c exchanged looks and Jack and Sam exchanged looks, before he leant over and kissed her on the lips gently.

Everyone clinked their glasses together. "Happy New Year," they chimed.

The End...

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