Story Notes: Cammies 1 - EMAIL:



CATEGORY: S/J relationship (I know, you're shocked)

ARCHIVE: Go ahead, make my day

OTHER STUFF: Duh, I don't own them. But I decided today at work that Sam and Jack could use some spur-of-the-moment, no-good-reason, mind blowing sex. Oh, and that I had to write a story with the cammies... ENJOY!

I never meant for it to happen. I really didn't. I mean, how the hell could I have known that camoflage could be so sexy? But... maybe I should start at the beginning.

Why is it that all the planets we Gate to seem to have a HUGE amount of sand, or dirt, or dust, or something equally annoying that gets in your clothes and your hair and in every little nook and cranny on your body until you want nothing more than to strip down and shake it all out? It seems like after every single mission I'm so sandy or dirty or dusty that all I want is a shower. Now it's become a tradition. We come home, I shower, then we debrief.

Which is how I found myself walking, whistling, down the hall towards the locker room, towel in one and kit under the other. I grinned as I saw that sign hanging on the locker room door: it was still the Men's Locker. Apparently I'd beat Carter to the showers. I shoved the door open and was immediately greeted by a whole lot of skin and a squeal.

"Woah! Whole lotta skin there, Carter!" I winced even as I said it; I hate it when my mouth moves without consulting my brain first. I turn around, covering my face with a hand. Way to go, O'Neill.

"Colonel! What-?"

"You, uh, didn't change the sign."


I can hear her blush as she slips a robe on over her skivvies, and I continue, "I'll change it on the way out."

"Thank you, sir."

Tense silence. Why am I still here? "I'll... uh... I'll just be going."

"I won't be much longer."

"Great, thanks."

I yank the door open, change the sign, and practically run down the hallway. THAT was a gigantic 'oops'.


I knock a little nervously on her door, wondering what exactly I'm even going to say. The briefing was long and tense, though, and I've gotta say SOMETHING to her.

"Come in!"

I open the door and step inside, closing it behind me. "Hey Carter." She turns to face me at the sound of my voice, and I grin as I sit down beside her, "Look, about earlier-"

"No problem, sir, it was my own fault."

I don't answer right away, just look around her quarters.

"Can I ask you a question, Carter?"

She looks a little apprehensive, but nods; "Sure."

"Do you... ALWAYS wear cammies UNDER your cammies?"

She chuckles at that, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Chuckling is always preferable to decking.

"They were a gag gift," she explains, then turns and pins me with a look, "Besides, what did you expect: Victoria's Secret?"

To my credit, I do not dissolve in to a puddle of drool at her feet. I'll leave that to Lt. Simmons, thank you. I think I surprise her, though, because my mouth won't quite work for a few seconds after that. And when it does, it doesn't consult my brain first. Again. "I dunno, satin and lace isn't so bad."

She leans closer, our usual flirting being taken to a whole new level, "I don't do satin and lace," she says softly.

No drool, O'Neill. Come on, pull yourself together. "Oh really?" I'm surprised my voice hasn't gone up three octaves. My mouth is threatening to ask what she DOES do. Even scarier, my brain is actually doing it, too.

"Cotton's much more...," she pauses, and I stare as she licks her lips in thought, "practical."

I nod, "Practical. And your cammies are?" At least I'm still managing full sentences.

Her next reply surprises me: "For sex."

I swear I blacked out, because the next thing I know we're kissing, me yanking her shirt up as she unbuttons my pants.

I think you can guess what happened next. And if you can't, then you need to get out more.

So that's how it happened; I went in for a shower and came out with a hell of a lot more. And you know what? I'm not the least bit sorry.

Maybe I should get some cammies... But then again, I don't think I could pull it off NEARLY as well as she does...

The End.

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