Story Notes: Spoilers- little ones for Chimera in the authors note but other than that…nope!

Content Warning- Adult conversations

Authors Notes- This story is dedicated to Kelli who is having some chimera related worries and this drabble was inspired from her 100 ways to kill Pete

Jack looked over the table at Sam eating her jello. The way her lips curved around the spoon made his special place tingle.

"Sam…wanna play with my yoyo?" he asked with a grin.

Sam spat the contents of her mouth at him.

"What…here…now?" She asked gob smacked.

His grin grew. "Whatever you want."

"I've a better idea. Why don't we go to my office and cake."

Jacks eyebrow shot up in response.

"Well I've a better idea. Why don't you come over to my place tonight and we can go fishing."

"Meet you up top in ten?

"Make it five."

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