Story Notes: Author's note- I had to get up for work this morning (6am ick!) and while having breakfast in bed (had to make it myself of course) this came to me. Odd, yes.I'm just trying not to fade out of sight again ;)

Dedication- For Jackie (the nag) I'm working on it, honest!

"Actually Sir, that would be inversely, not directly," Carter laughs at me, reminding me once again not to try sounding smart when she's around.

It's all her accurate little scientific semantics that are the problem; heat rises, light travels in straight lines, opposites attract, physicists swear to it.

I may not be as smart as her but Carter and I aren't opposites, we're frighteningly similar and while you may think that would be a good thing it's more of a jinx than anything else.

Because like attracts like, whatever ever those scientists say, like definitely attracts like.

And I like.

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