Story Notes: EMAIL:


SEASON/SEQUEL: after season 4 I think


ARCHIVE: Heliopolis,Sam and Jack,Little miss's site,anyone else please ask

AUTHORS NOTES: This is for my lovely friends Rebecca, Adele and connie.Adele for her beautiful artwork. Rebecca for being such a sweetheart,and Connie for being there for me every step of the way.This is also for my other good friends Julia,Jan,Pam,Rachie and Craig.Also this is a thankyou to all of you who wished me well after my illness.I love you all.

FEEDBACK: Love it but please no flames.

COPYRIGHT:Amanda Hawthorn November 2000

Jack made his way through the people gathered in Daniel's new apartment. There were so many people Jack knew here but not to speak to.

"Jack," Daniel shouted to him above the noise of chatter.

"Daniel," he answered finally pushing his way towards his friend, "how many people did you invite?"

"I don't know," Daniel grinned as the doorbell rang again.


"Oh, OK about twenty I think."

"Twenty?" Jack couldn't believe his ears. "Look at us, we're crammed in here like sardines!"

Shrugging his shoulders and grinning he turned to open his door to greet his guests.

Jack saw the person who stood on the doorstep and shot Daniel a warning look as if to say 'she's gonna kill you'.

Daniel ignored him and just turned around to greet his guest. "Come in, Graham."

Graham came in tentatively as if unsure of what to say.

"Come on Graham," Jack said, shooting Daniel one of his most annoying glares. "I'll show you where to put that bottle."

"Thanks sir," the young Lieutenant stammered as he visibly gulped.

Jack was trying not to laugh out loud at his actions. He knew that Simmons had a huge crush on Sam. Sam for her part tolerated his feelings, she even thought it was cute. Jack found it annoying.

"Sam's around here somewhere," he said leading him towards the table where she stood. "She's with the good doctor I think."

Jack could see her as she stood laughing with Janet, a pure vision of beauty as she smiled happily. He could have been content to watch her all night, but he knew that she would probably kill him if he tried.

Graham felt himself blushing as they neared her. She looked stunning in her denim shirt and jeans. As if she felt their approach she turned and beamed a huge welcoming smile in their direction. Graham thought his knees were going to buckle beneath him until he realised that the smile she gave so warmly was for the man who stood beside him. He wished that she would just once smile at him that way. Just once he would like to feel he was a special part of her life as her group of friends so obviously were.

"Graham," she smiled at him breaking him from his daydreams.

He gazed at her with a dazed expression on his face, he wanted to say so much but instead thrust his bottle of wine at her, his knuckles white as they gripped the glass tightly.

Sam giggled as she took it from him. "Thank you. I'll put this with the others."

Jack grinned at her as she once again dazed him with her smile. Turning to Graham he slapped him on the shoulder. "Go and have fun, I think the general's around here somewhere."

Graham looked over his shoulder at her one last time and found her in deep conversation with the colonel. He noted they looked very close, and sighed, turning away. She'd never be like that with him. As he walked away from him, he heard someone calling his name. Turning again, he came face to face with one of Janet's nursing staff. He vaguely remembered her name, Anna Briant, and momentarily forgot Sam Carter.

Janet looked at Sam and Jack and saw how comfortable they were together. She worried that if she noticed it, others would too. Sneaking up behind them she whispered loudly, "Stop that! You'll make the plant-pots blush!"

Sam turned briefly. "We're only talking."

"Talking does not involve touching." She moved a little closer, and said, " I'm really happy for you both, but be careful. You could get court-martialled for this if it comes to light."

"Yeah. Sorry, Janet. We'll be good now. Promise." Jack grinned. "I just can't help it she's so damn beautiful."

Sam blushed. "Stop that!"

Jack whispered closely in her ear, "I'll see you later."

Sam answered with a smile, and watched him turn away.

Janet rolled her eyes. "Earth to Sam. You with me? Snap out of it!"

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself."

"Come on. Let's go for a drink. Take your mind off things."

Sam giggled, then became straight faced as Janet scolded her once more.

"I didn't mean it like that. Can't you keep it clean for five seconds?"

Sam sighed loudly. "Not when he's around."

Jack watched as Sam and Janet made their way around the crowd, unaware of Teal'c's amused gaze. He turned momentarily, and looked up at him with a blank expression. "What?"

"It is obvious. Your feelings for Major Carter... should you not keep them hidden whilst the General is present?"

Jack sighed. "Yes, Teal'c. I guess I should. But this is a party! You know? An out of hours, out of work thing. We don't usually spend this much time with other people. Yourselves excluded, of course," he added hastily as Teal'c raised his 'I might just be offended by that' eyebrow.

Teal'c bowed his head, and turned to observe the crowd. "I do not understand these Earth customs. What is the purpose of many people gathering in a new home?"

Jack laughed. "It's a party! Dancing, drinking... wine, women and song. Lighten up! I wanna see you dance!"

"I do not dance, O'Neill."

"I'm sure there's loadsa women who'd just love to smooch with you."

"Explain the meaning of 'smooch.'"

"Give me strength. I need a beer!"

Teal'c followed him, still waiting for an answer to his question. They found Daniel, bottle in one hand, and a pint glass in the other. "Hi, guys! You having a good time?"

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "Are you inebriated, Daniel Jackson?"

Daniel laughed. "No! This isn't for me! This is for General Hammond."

"General Hammond! Great! Just the guy I was looking for. Here, Daniel, give me that for the general." Jack disappeared into the crowd, leaving Daniel and Teal'c behind.

"Daniel Jackson. I have a question."

"Yes?" Daniel reached behind him and took a long sip of his orange juice.

"Colonel O'Neill spoke of a human expression."


"What is, 'smooching'?"

Daniel spat his orange juice, looking apologetic as Teal'c frowned at him. "Uh, why do you ask?"

"I am curious."

"Curious. Okay. 'Smooching' is... how did you get to talking about smooching?"

"You are avoiding the question, Daniel Jackson."

"Yes... yes, I am avoiding the question. What was the question again?"

Teal'c looked around the room, scanning for the General. "Perhaps I should ask General Hammond."

"No! No, it's okay, Teal'c. 'Smooching''s, er, a term for," he cleared his throat uncomfortably. "It means...necking? No, you won't know what that means either. Kissing! It's a term for kissing! Intimately!"

Daniel smiled proudly at his definition, waiting for Teal'c to look less confused. He didn't.

"I do not understand."

"You don't know what kissing is?"

Teal'c frowned down at him. "I happen to know what 'kissing' is. I do not understand why O'Neill would presume I would want to do that whilst in the company of so many others."

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Wait a second. Jack asked you to do that?"

"He told me many women would enjoy 'smooching'. With me," he added.


"What am I missing?" Sam appeared behind them, placing an arm around them both.

"Sam!" Daniel looked instantly relieved, until Teal'c said, "Smooching."

Sam grinned, trying to hide her giggle. "Smooching, huh? You two? Should I leave you alone? When are ya gonna tell people? I'll start picking out curtains!"

"No!" Daniel turned, gripping her arm. "Don't you go anywhere."

Sam gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, Daniel. Your secret's safe with me. I won't tell anybody, I promise! Well, at least not until the wedding. Can I be flower girl?"

"Sam...this is not funny..."

"And Janet. You must include Janet, otherwise, she'll be offended, and I wouldn't wanna be you next time you need a shot if you offend her. Ouch!"

"You're not helping."

"...I didn't think you, of all people, needed any help in that department. I'm sure you're both quite capable."

"Why are you laughing, Major Carter?"

"I'm not. Teal'c, I'm not laughing at all. I'm just... happy?"

Daniel looked at her sternly. "You have been around Jack far too long."

A wistful look appeared on her face at the mention of his name.

"I think you should explain the term 'smooching' to Teal'c. In great detail. With diagrams."

"Okay, Teal'c." She put a hand on the small of his back and led him away. "Now, do you want me to tell you? Or shall I just show you..."

Daniel stared after her in shock. She was not the Sam Carter he'd met four years ago. But, he reasoned to himself, he loved her anyway, and if she and Jack were happy. He was happy. Except when they teased him.

A hand on his shoulder, and he turned slightly. "Hey, Daniel. You seen Sam?"

"Yeah. She's in the garden with Teal'c. Explaining to him what 'necking' is."

Jack's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah? This I wanna hear! Excuse me!" And with that he chased after them.

Once outside Sam and Teal'c sat on a nearby wall. The Jaffa regarded her fondly, watching her face as she looked up at the shimmering night sky.

"It's beautiful up there isn't it?"

"Indeed," he agreed.

"You're quiet tonight Teal'c," she smiled leaning into his shoulder.

"I am thinking Major Carter," he said softly, leaning slightly into her.

"Teal'c can't you call me Sam just once?" she drew back and looked up at him.

"If you wish me to call you Samantha, I indeed will."

She smiled at him and returned her head to his shoulder. "So how did you and Daniel get talking about 'smooching' anyway?" she smiled.

"Colonel O'Neill mentioned that there were lots of women wanting to do this 'smooching' with me."

"Oh yeah, I bet there are Teal'c."

"You think that is possible Samantha?" He spoke quietly remembering her request earlier.

"Teal'c have you looked at yourself lately?" she smiled pulling back to look at him "you are so georgous any woman would fall at your feet just if you spoke to them."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow which made her giggle.

"Hey Teal'c," a voice sounded behind them. "What you doing with my woman?"

They both turned to see Jack grinning. Sam stood up and began walking towards Jack " Your woman?"

Jack gulped visibly as she walked seductively towards him. Her hands clamped themselves onto his chest then moved to join around his neck.

"My woman," he whispered as her lips came up to join his.

Teal'c stood and smiled to himself. "I will leave you both now."

He wasn't surprised to hear silence from them. They were far too busy.

On his way out of the kitchen Graham stumbled into Teal'c.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," he said quickly, not wanting to offend the huge man before him.

Teal'c bowed slightly to show it was all ok, that was until he saw Graham looking shocked at the sceen behind him.

"That's Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill they're, um..."

"What they choose to do is of no consequence to you," Teal'c warned. "You will not mention anything of this to anyone."

Graham tore his eyes away from the two people engaged in their kiss to look up into the eyes of Teal'c. "No," he said, shaking his head. "I won't tell a single soul."

Teal'c nodded his satisfaction, then steered Graham away from his friends.

Outside Sam and Jack pulled apart reluctantly. She kept her arms wound around his neck "I love you Jack."

He smiled happily and pulled her close into a hug. "I am so lucky to have you," he whispered into her hair.

"Yes you are," she giggled into his shoulder.

He pulled her tighter closing his eyes. "I love you too."

Breaking apart slightly they released each other and walked single file back into the house to the party. Tonight they wouldn't have to pretend, tonight they'd have each other.


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