Story Notes: Spoilers: "Matter of Time"
I wrote this as a response to the challenge to take a scene (or part of one) from one of the eps that wasn't shippy and make it shippy. It takes off from the point after Siler and Teal'c have both been injured and Jack has rejoined Teal'c and Sam in the control room.

"Think of something," Jack O'Neill ordered. Sam Carter looked at him incredulously.

"No, *you* think of something!" she shot back, turning on her heel and leaving the control room. Jack stood there dumbfounded, then glanced at Teal'c who raised an eyebrow in response.

"It appears Capt. Carter is agitated."

"Yeah, I'll say. Excuse me, Teal'c." O'Neill quickly followed after the captain, wondering what the hell was going on.

It wasn't long before he found her in the computer lab staring at a screen. He walked over to where she stood, but she ignored him. Being closer now made it obvious to him she wasn't actually looking at anything on the screen, just using it as an excuse not to look at him.

"So what's up?" he finally asked her, trying to keep a level tone. He achieved it somewhat, but he could never get rid of that tinge of sarcasm that always seemed to lace his words.

"Nothing's 'up'," she informed him, still looking at the screen. Jack was becoming impatient, so he shut off the screen. She faced him, a glare surprising him momentarily.

"Sam, talk, now."

"Is that an order?"

"If it has to be."

"You want to know what's up?" Jack nodded, allowing her to continue despite the possibility of her ragging him out. "I'm under enough pressure as it is, and normally I can handle it all, but you expecting me to be the miracle worker yet again is getting to be too much. I'm getting tired of being taken for granted." This was not what Jack had expected to hear. Had he really been pressuring her so much? Did he take her for granted?

"I know I'm supposed to be the 'brain' around here, but there's only so many times I can come up with the 'perfect' solution."

"I don't expect you to be perfect, Sam..."

"You've never said it, but there has to be times you thought it." She paused as he thought it over. When an embarrassed look crossed his features, she had her answer. "See? No matter how much you tell me that you don't expect it of me, you *do*. I'm starting to feel tired of being the one to solve everyone's problems. I wish for once someone else would be the wunderkind." Jack placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently in a comforting gesture.

"Tell you what. I'll go searching for a new brainiac if you help me out with this little black hole thing." Sam let out a giggle, unable to stop herself from smiling at his words.

"How do you make it so difficult to stay mad at you?" Jack gave her a broad grin, sweeping his arms wide in a dramatic gesture.

"'Cause I'm just so damned lovable." This time Sam laugh out loud, shaking her head at his response. Jack slipped an arm around her shoulders and leaned in conspiratorially. "So, do we have a deal?"

"Throw in some chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and you're on." Jack nodded in agreement.

As he walked back to the control room with her, he asked, "Cookie dough ice cream, eh? Never had that before."

"I guess I'll just have to introduce you to the joys of specialty ice creams," she replied, her tone flirtatious. A smile spread across his face as she went into the control room, leaving him standing there to contemplate this very generous offer.


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