Story Notes: Copyright: (c) Siobhan Gormley 2005

Feedback: Be kind, feed me. :D

Author's Note: Now this one I get to blame on Sue getting Sam!Muse talking. ;) Thanks to her for the beta. And yes, there will be smut. With *shock* plot. Eventually. ;)

ETA: Forgot to mention, this is the companion to "Screw Loose"

It's another hot, sunny day in Ancient Egypt. Teal'c and I walk amongst the people, chatting with each other, smiling at most everyone, and saying a few words here and there to those we've come to know better.

When we first came I was hesitant to interact too much, too many ripples in the pond to the future. But as the days have passed, I have had to accept some concessions. I know I can't totally ignore the people here, we need shelter and food and drink after all and they would surely become suspicious at our anti-social ways. We certainly don't need extra attention, I draw enough with my blue eyes, but not as much, I'm sure, as if they saw my blonde hair. So, to lessen that possibility, Daniel taught us all a few key phrases and we have managed to make some valuable contacts.

As we approach our tent, I catch Jack watching me. It's kind of weird to think of him as "Jack" and not feel a small sense of...I dunno, guilt? The changes in our relationship are still so fresh that I haven't quite had the chance to fully digest them along with everything else that has happened, even though we had moved forward some before this mission.

I shake my head at my pensiveness and chuckle, feeling silly. Thinking too much again about things I can't do anything about right now will not help anyone. Gotta focus on what really needs to be fixed. Teal'c glances at me as I chuckle and he arches an eyebrow. I laugh and touch his arm, squeezing it without thinking and telling him I'm fine. I can't help notice with amusement that my hand barely circles his arm. Built like a brick house, our Teal'c is.

My eyes wander briefly to Jack and I don't miss the pained expression on his face, most likely in reaction to what I've just done. Poor Jack, I think our time here has been toughest on him. And not because he's missing The Simpsons.

Yes, we are together, or at least we were back in our time. But since we got stuck here, I've put the kibosh (his words) on everything, including physical contact. I know, you're thinking it's a bit extreme, but it's a potential ripple I want to nip in the bud.

As I sit down in front of the cooking fire with Teal'c to start work on readying it, I let my mind wander. You see, Jack's very...charming. And he could coax anyone to do just about anything, within reason. I'm honestly surprised that I was able to convince him to go no further than making out. Not that more didn't interest me, because, well, you have seen him, right? It's just...I wasn't ready for more at the time. Breaking if off with Pete and losing my dad, mentally and emotionally I hadn't been prepared for more than simple physical closeness.

But being here, with no protection of any sort, and the temptation of just giving in now that I've had more time to heal, is much more dangerous. The potential for something messing with our timeline is pretty damn high. So I had to put limitations on our relationship, at least for the time being. It wasn't easy, but I felt my reasoning was sound enough. Of course, that was a month ago.

Now...I'm kinda regretting it. I miss having him near me at night, and when he looks pained, or confused like he is now with Daniel talking to him, I can't help but want to reach out, ruffle his hair, caress his stubbled face....

Okay, where was I?

I shake my head and Teal'c asks if I'm okay. I answer that I'm fine, then change the subject as we haven't started the fire yet. I discuss what I think is the best way with what we have, as we're running low on the supplies we have acquired, and as I am wont to do, my hands motion in the air to further clarify my meaning. Out of the corner of my eye I see Jack observing me closely, his expression now showing desire. I feel a thrill rush through my body and try to distract myself by pushing up a stray hair beneath my head cover, a keffiyeh Daniel called it.

This appears to get to Jack as he looks away from me, washing his hand over his face. When he gets a pained look on his face again I worry that something worse may be going on. I excuse myself to Teal'c and walk over to Jack, hunching down before him as he presses the heels of his hands into his eyes.

I haven't been this close to him in a while; he looks tired and stressed. I wonder if I'm not partly at fault for that. I shake my head slightly; gotta stop blaming myself for something that may or may not be.

"You okay, sir?" I finally ask him.

He removes his work-roughened hands from his face and places them on his lap. He stares at me for a moment, an almost entranced look to him, and I can't help but be amused.

When he seems to shake it off he answers in a rough voice, "Yeah, just peachy, Carter."

Damn if it doesn't send a new shiver down my spine.

I shake my head in amusement, both at him and myself. He's far too tempting and I'm far too easily tempted. I try to refocus on something that isn't him as I stand straight. My outfit is a bit too dusty, should do something about that. As I brush at it, I tell him, "We're gonna get started on dinner. Wanna help?"

Jack gives me a wry smile, which certainly doesn't help the way I'm feeling. "Sure. Just point me to the water to boil and I'm there," he replies, joking.

I'm amused even more as I know he can do more than that. I respond with a "Funny," and before I can stop myself I lean forward and gently poke him in the shoulder with my right hand.

A tiny shiver runs up my arm after the contact. Damn how I missed that. Even the little touches do something for me, and apparently for him too. Jack now looks dazed, but in a good way, I think. I assume it has to be as his eyes are now fixed upon the spot where I just touched him.

I decide it's best to go back to the fire, work on dinner with the others, return my focus to something that isn't about Jack, that isn't about touching him. All over.

I mentally smack myself and start to walk away. But part of me just can't leave him like that, so I toss out over my shoulder, "Coming, sir?"

I mentally smack myself again. Oh no, that wasn't suggestive at all. Nope.

All I hear from him as a croaky 'yes'. Oh yeah, he got the double meaning.

As I make my way back to the fire, I smile and can't help but think: sometimes I can be bad. Not that I have a problem with it because sometimes badness does have its uses.

I sit again before the fire that Teal'c has started and I let my eyes rest on Jack who is adjusting his clothes as he approaches, looking slightly flushed. I find myself smiling wider as I wonder if I was the cause of this. When he briefly holds my gaze and I see the desire burning there, I know that I am. It's in that moment that I know I can't resist much longer, so why bother?

He sits down beside me and his eyes dart away from mine as he starts to talk with Teal'c and Daniel, and I ponder breaking my own rule again to see what reaction I get. I lean across him to grab a utensil and brush my fingers across his thigh in what would appear to most to be an accidental manner. I hear his breath hitch and I have to bury a smile so as to hide my pleasure. Oh yeah, I'm bad, but I'm loving every minute of it. I haven't had this much fun in...god, I don't want to think about it.

As I sit back I find myself a bit disappointed that he hasn't even tried to touch me yet. I think I'll have to rectify that later. Give him some encouragement. Lots of encouragement.


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