Story Notes: EMAIL:

Remember: feedback makes me happy :)

STATUS: complete (1/1)

ARCHIVE: S/J - yes, heliopolis - yes, my site, and anyone else just ask.

SEASON/SEQUEL INFO: fourth season

SPOILERS: a bit for D&C

AUTHOR'S NOTES: For Kat and Becca as always :) also for Linz (will you please stop chasing me with that fic whip?!!)

**** Who Saves the Saviors? ****

Cassandra in Ancient Greece lived a tragic life. Apollo fell in love with her and gave her the gift of prophecy, but when she refused to marry him, he scorned her and cursed her so that no one would ever believe anything she foretold. What pain she must have endured, knowing the people around her, her friends and family, would be doomed and yet there was nothing she could do about it.

I feel like her sometimes. Perhaps it's because I'm an outsider, or because I am young, or not stupid enough to believe that rules and regs are the be-all and end-all of the world. Or perhaps it's because no matter how many times they save the world, they've never come close enough to losing everything to see how important a little happiness is. Perhaps it's because I have lost it all that I do know.

I'm not proposing they give up everything just to be together. They never would. They are selfless people, good people, who will forever put the world and the lives of others before themselves, before their happiness. That's who they are and I wouldn't change them for anything. But I do want them to be happy; they deserve it.

So I feel like ancient Cassandra. I watch them and see how much pain they are in and I know exactly how to fix it. They would be so much better together. Happier and stronger united.

Maybe it's because of everything I've been through but I just can't imagine how being loved and being happy could ever be bad. It doesn't inevitably mean that everything else stops, it doesn't mean everything is ruined. Instead it has the potential of making everything so much better.

They are afraid of feeling too much, of not putting everyone else first. So Teal'c sends his family away, Daniel dwells in mourning alone, Janet works herself too hard, and Sam and Jack leave it in the room. When does the world put them first, though? When is it their turn to breathe, to smile, to feel? If they keep giving everything, without getting anything in return, soon they'll have nothing left to give. And then we will all be lost.

So I ask you, who will save the saviors? I cannot, for I'm Cassandra, and though I see the future, I can do nothing to stop it.

copyright Bryn Moser 2000

give back feed, please!!!! :) -bryn-

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