Story Notes: SPOILERS: Big ones for Entity

AUTHORS NOTES: This is one that's been sitting on a disc waiting to be finished for ages, thanks to Entity it got done at last! Special thanks to Wendy who checks my fic, where would I be without you? :)

FEEDBACK: Any feedback to me at my email please. No flames please, you wouldn't want to see a grown woman cry would you??

COPYRIGHT: Amanda Hawthorn February 2001



It was dark. It was as if the whole world had gone silent, until she heard it. The soft breathing coming from her. No not her. Opening her eyes slowly, Sam blinked trying to get her eyes focused on her surroundings.

She slowly began to get the feeling back into her body. The featherlight touch on her hand sent powerful shivers down her body. She knew who it was beside her without even having to look. She knew the feel of his hair as it brushed against her arm. She knew the sound of his breathing as he slept. She loved him.

Turning her head to the side she saw him. His face was etched in pain, his skin wet with tears. Then it hit her.

A powerful memory that wasn't her own burst into her mind. She gasped out loud as she saw herself being shot by the man beside her. She knew she had screamed his name in those last moments but her voice had been silent.

He did it because he loved her. He was in so much turmoil, his eyes betraying to everyone how he felt about her.

He didn't want to see her die. He had already lost so much in his life.

"Sir," she croaked, her lips dry. She could barely get the word out. Sighing she tried again, this time trying a little louder. "Sir."

"Wh......." his head shot up as he looked behind him.

"Hi," Sam whispered.

"Sam," he breathed, jumping to his feet, "you're awake!"

She put on her best smile for him, to reassure him she was here. His hand squeezed hers tightly, "I was so scared Sam, I thought..."

"I wouldn't leave," she said softly, her eyes beginning to sting with tears as she saw his tear-filled ones. "I couldn't die........not without you."

At her words, his tears broke free to roll down his face. "I didn't want to let you go Sam. I thought......"

Reaching out a trembling hand she moved it to his face. Her own tears cascaded down her cheeks. Without any more words they reached for each other, both crying quiet tears onto each other, letting the pain slowly ease away.

Jack's head was buried into her shoulder, her face in his hair. Both of them holding so tight, afraid to let go.

Janet stood in the doorway, swallowing the lump in her throat. She had witnessed the whole scene. She battled with the doctor and the friend inside her. The friend won this time around as she slowly backed out of the room leaving them alone for a while.

An hour later when she checked in on them, they were both asleep. Their arms wrapped around each other.Smiling to herself she couldn't help the burst of happiness that raced through her. Her friend was alive.

"Janet," a voice said behind her making her jump.

"Daniel," she hissed "you trying to give me a heart attack?"


"It's OK Daniel, I'm sorry."

"Ok...I think," he said, slightly confused.

Janet confused him even more when she launched herself into his arms. "She's alive," she beamed "Sam's alive."

"I have to see her. Is she all right? Has she spoken to you...."

"Shh, you'll wake them up," moving slightly so he could see behind her. He gasped out loud. Then it was his turn to supprise Janet as he danced her around the room.


"Come on Carter it'll be fun."

"Fun in what way sir?" she smiled at him.

"As in have a good time.You know laughing, having a beer..."

"I have so much work to do here," she looked around her at the piles of paperwork.

"Screw it," he grinned.


"You heard me, I said screw it." Without waiting for a reply he picked up her jacket and held it out for her. He gave her one of his biggest puppy dog smiles, knowing that she couldn't resist.

"Ok," she sighed at last.

"That's my girl," he grinned helping her into her jacket. "Come on, let's get out of here"

He glanced at her as they drove along. It had been a tough two weeks for them both. The feelings of guilt still ate away at his heart every time her looked at her. He remembered all to clearly the look in her eyes as he shot her a second time, the look of defiance emanating from them, but it wasn't her was it?

"This one has memory of you," a voice that was not hers had said to him. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat, remembering the feeling of regret for all the times they hadn't taken the risk, hadn't broken those damn regulations.

"I love you Sam," his heart screamed in silence. "Please don't leave me."

Sam turned to him, seeing his eyes back on the road "I'm not going to suddenly disappear you know!"

"I know," he grinned.

"It's been hard for us hasn't it?"

"Always has been," he pulled into the car park.

"We have to talk about it sometime, we can't keep hiding behind the regulations," Sam said as she reached out to touch his hand.

Jack found his gaze drawn to her eyes, her beautiful eyes, this time having her behind them. Laying his hand on hers he smiled. "I know we have to Sam, but tonight we are going to forget about everything and leave it all behind."

"Even us?" she said her voice catching in her throat.

"Never us," he wanted nothing more than to reach across and kiss her, but he knew if he did he would never let her go. "Come on, the guys are waiting for us."

"Hey Sam," the guys called out cheerfully. Sg3 and 4 sat around the table drinking beers.

Sam turned to Jack and grinned "OK, I give up what's going on?"

"Well me and the guys thought you could do with a little cheering up after what happened with the entity thing." He squeezed her shoulder. "You just seem to be a little down lately that's all."

Sam thought back to the previous weeks. All she could remember were images and feelings.Then she'd woken up in the infirmary with Jack beside her. He'd held her in his arms, both afraid to let go.

"I've just had a headache that's all," she smiled at him blindingly as he took her hand and led her over to the others.

The night had gone quickly. Sam couldn't remember a time when she felt so loved and protected.

Ferretti stood up and held out his hand "Sam dance with me?"

She looked up and grinned at him, taking his hand. Leading her onto the dance floor he held her gently "This'll get the old guy on his feet!"

"Have I missed something?" she asked a little confused.

"Come on Sam, you've been gazing at each other all night. Do something about it."


"OK here he comes," he grinned at her "I knew he couldn't bear to see you up here with another guy."

Jack locked eyes with her as Ferretti stepped away. The two came together like a couple of magnets. Taking his offered hand, she relaxed in his embrace, melting into his body.

"Sam?" he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.



She smiled into his eyes. "Jack?"

Her voice with his name on her lips was enough to send shivers coursing through his body. Closing his eyes as the feelings hit him, a slight tremble on his lips. When he opened his eyes he saw her blue ones gazing into his. Smiling, he touched her forehead with his own. "Don't ever change," he whispered as he slowly kissed her lips.

Sam was taken by surprise as his lips touched hers, like an electric shock crackling through her body. The others at the table were clapping and shouting as they kissed. With calls of "It's about time." Sam and Jack were lost to everyone as the kiss deepened. Greedily tasting each other with a passion that had been building for 4 years, Sam's arms moved around his neck, her hands burying themselves in his hair, increasing contact with his body at every point. "Get a room," Ferretti called out, creating laughter from the others.Teal'c watched silently from where he sat, pleased that his two friends had finally succumbed to their feelings.

An hour later, all the friends had dispersed, leaving only Ferretti, Daniel and Teal'c sitting at the table. Sam and Jack had been lost in each other all night, mostly staying in contact afraid to disappear from one anothers gaze for a mere second.

"They look good together don't they?" Ferretti grinned happily at his two friends beside him at the table.

Daniel looked up in a drunken haze, narrowing his eyes as if to focus on the man opposite ", You'ze speakin' to me?"

"I believe he was Daniel Jackson," Teal'c looked at him coolly. "I believe he was making an observation about Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter."

"I was saying, Daniel, how great those two look." Ferretti grinned at him. "You on the other hand my friend don't look too hot."

"You know," Daniel sighed happily. "I think I should go to bed."

"I will accompany you back to the SGC Daniel Jackson." Teal'c stood, steadying Daniel as he swayed slightly.

"Yeah I'll head back with you guys."

All three left the two people on the dance floor swaying in time with some music neither was really listening to. Their eyes were locked in unspoken communication, neither being able to draw their gaze away.

Finally, Jack brought his hand up to cup her face ",We should go."

"We should," she smiled, her voice no more than a whisper. She brought her hand up to his and covered it, entwining her fingers with his.

"I wish this could last forever Jack." As she spoke the sorrow sounded in her voice. "But we both know it can't."

"I know Sam, but we will always have this moment as ours."

Sam found herself buried into his embrace once more, as he held her tightly, neither wanting to let go.

"Come on," he spoke into her hair. "I'll take you home."

She watched him from her door as he drove away, the pangs of regret already stabbing at her heart. How could she ever believe he would stay with her? He was military. So was she, this couldn't happen. She scanned the scenery around her, and began walking to the deep hill that led into the ravine.

Jack fought with himself every second his house neared. He wanted her so much. Hell he was in love with her and he was a fool to even try to deny it anymore.

General Hammond had even hinted he knew how much they cared for each other. Maybe it was time to stop fighting and give in to the overwhelming love they felt for each other. His mind made up, Jack turned the car around and headed back to Sam's.

The breeze made Sam shiver. She looked up at the stars, their beauty seeming to mock her. She was a major in the Air Force, she didn't have the right to have these feelings for her commanding officer. "Stupid, stupid...stupid." The tears came again, only this time it was harder to make them stop.


Spinning around she stumbled, falling to the ground. Jack was back, and he had heard her.

"Don't ," she sobbed. "Stay away."

"Is that what you want?" his voice was full of emotion.

"I can't do this anymore Jack." As she spoke she backed away from him. "It rips my heart apart everytime we have to say goodbye, I can't do this any more."

"Sam, please." His voice was calming as he neared her.

"I should have let go, I should have given up and let myself die."

"You would have let yourself die rather than face me?"

"No Jack...I"

"You think I could have lived without you ? You think that I don't feel as if I am losing myself every day? God Sam......"

"Jack..." Tears were turning into sobs. "I can't do this anymore.......I can't."

The anger he had felt started to drain away as he moved forward. Pulling her into his arms he cried too, not wanting to let her go again. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't let me go," she whispered tearfully into his shoulder. "Promise me we'll get through this."

"I promise you," he said huskily. "I will never stop loving you...ever."

Hearing his words, Sam slowly pulled away from him. Gazing up into his eyes and seeing all the love in them almost made her break into sobs all over again. "Stay with me?" her voice was no more than a whisper. "Please don't leave me tonight."

His hands came up to cup her face, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "I'll never leave you." He kissed her eyes, kissing away the tears. Then with an unspoken understanding he took her hand and led her back to her house. At last putting all the hurt behind them. At least for tonight they would forget.........


(anyone want a sequel?)

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