Story Notes: EMAIL:

ARCHIVE: SJ yes, Heliopolis yes, all others please ask me

CONTENT WARNINGS: a little language warning

SPOILERS: no particular one, but set after Divide and Conquer

FEEDBACK: Yes, very welcomed!

© Jennifer Renner March 2002

Major Samantha Carter opened her eyes.

It was dark. She could see absolutely nothing. No shades of grey, not the tiniest sign of light. Nothing. It was the blackest darkness she had ever faced.

Slowly Sam stood up. She didn't know whether her friends were still with her or if she was separated from them.

"Hello?" Sam's voice sounded thick. There was no echo, but from somewhere she could hear a thick reply.

"Yes. Major Carter?"

"Teal'c." Sam sighed with relief. She was not alone.

Teal'c was with her. The strong Jaffa would take care of her. Not that Samantha Carter couldn't take care of herself but she had always felt safest with him around.

"Where are you?"

"I don't know Major Carter. I have no sight."

"I know. Do you think we are blind or is it just dark?"

"I assume it's dark. And we seem to be alone."


It was Daniel. He seemed to gain consciousness again and Sam could hear him move very close to where she stood. Wherever that was.

"Are you OK, Daniel?"

"Yes, least I think so..Do you think Jack is here as well?"

"I don't know. I hope so."

Sam felt a slight touch on her back..well a little lower than her back..


"Never mind, Daniel." She smiled. " So, Teal'c. Daniel's with me. Can you try to find us?"

"Yes, Major Carter. Keep talking and I'll try follow your voice."

So Sam started to talk with Daniel and when Teal'c found them they figured out, that they of course didn't possess their weapons or flashlights, 'coms or their other stuff. Not that Sam was surprised. It was always like that.

"Now, that we've finally found each other, we should try to find the Colonel."

Teal'c, Sam and Daniel formed a row by holding each others hands and started to walk through the room. So lined up, they reached from the left to the right side of it, but to walk through it in length it took them some time. After some stumbling and nearly falling, some swearing and knocking one's head against something, they had to realise that their Colonel was not with them.

They couldn't find him . He hadn't answered their calls.

Sam's heart sunk deep into her body. He wasn't there. *Where could he be? Was he hurt?*

She felt fear and panic slowly creeping up inside. But she angrily swallowed it back. That was the one thing she couldn't let happen. She couldn't just flip out.

She couldn't see anything.


She could hardly breathe because of the musty and wasted air.


The Colonel was not with her and she had no idea where he could be. Hell she even didn't know where she was. *But that's just fine*.

She could hear. Although there was mere silence..And she could use her hands and feet to touch things.

* Even better*.

And best of all, she wasn't alone. Her two best friends were with her, one of them being a Jaffa.

*So, hope is not lost, Sam.* A sigh and she turned towards her left, still holding Teal'c's hand.

"Teal'c. Let's try to find a way out of here. The wall in front of us. Search for a door or something. There has to be one. We came in here somehow, right? But stay close. I don't want to lose you. Daniel?"


She let go of the two securing hands and moved hers in front of her body, carefully touching the wall.

".uh.that's..disgusting.", Daniel muttered in a low voice. Sam fought the impulse to throw her hands back as fast as possible.

The stones she touched were wet, humid. *No problem with that.* But they didn't quite feel like stones. They felt more organic.

"Maybe a plant or something that covers them," Sam assumed.

"You mean like an algae?" Daniel added.

"Probably, yes."


The three slowly touched the stones and whatever covered them, not missing one inch.


Something crawled over Sam's hand. "That's so disgusting."

After searching every possible spot on the wall in front of them, they moved to the left wall and continued groping.

"No door here, either Major Carter." Teal'c's deep voice breaking the silence in the room.

"Well. There has to be one. Let's move on."

Daniel mumbled his discontent but Sam couldn't understand him. She was thinking about her CO. She was worried he might be hurt.or worse. And thinking about him, stopped her from thinking about what her hands might be touching.

She remembered that she touched cold noodles in her fridge, without seeing them. She also remembered how revolting that had felt. Right now, this was even worse.

She quickly shook her head, as if to get rid of the memories and feelings that prevented her from doing her present task.

"Ehm..Sam.Do you hear that?"

"Yes, Daniel. Sounds like.."

"...water." Daniel finished her sentence.

They stopped and listened.

Somewhere inside their prison was the sound of roaring water. It didn't sound like it was just flowing by. It rather feel down from somewhere.

"They don't do what I think they're doing, right?"

Sam thought she could actually hear Daniel rising his eyebrows and letting his mouth stand open.


Daniel dropped his head. "Okay, not the answer I wanted to hear."

"I suggest we keep searching for the door, Major Carter."


The three continued with their difficult task.

" feet are getting wet."

"Mine, too, Daniel. Where does it come from? And why?"

Sam could hear Teal'c walking away from them through the increasing water. She assumed he was trying to find out where the water came from and -more important- how to stop it from rushing in.

"Nothing here, Sam."

"Next wall. Quick. This is the last. Unless there's no hole in the floor, I' m pretty sure we'll find a way out, soon."

Sam instantly hoped she was right.

"Major Carter. The water streams into our prison through the ceiling. Unfortunately I cannot reach the hole to close it."

*Of course not. Why can't a mission just go right? Why can't we be stranded on a planet with palms and sand and nice, cool cocktails, but no, that of course won't happen.*

"Ok. The water is cold. Let's get out of here. Teal'c, try and look if there's a trapdoor in the floor. The water is not too high now, but I'm afraid we won't have much time left. Daniel keep searching."

The two men did as Sam ordered. She felt better when ordering what to do because at least she was doing something. Inwardly she prayed for Daniel to shout out that he found something, but a part of her knew, he wouldn't.

"S.Sam..Nothing here. You?" asked a shaking voice from her right.

The cold water now reached her knees.

"No, Daniel."

"D.didn't think you had found anything."

From behind they could hear Teal'c's splashing steps, searching for a way out.

*Okay. I don't give up so easily. There has to be a way out of here.*

* But if not..? I hope at least Jack is safe. I hope if we don't make it, he knows.*

"Sam..", Daniel's soft voice stopped her from thinking.

She focused back on their current situation.

"I.I don't know."

She felt one of his hands touching her shoulder. She smiled. Daniel probably was her best friend in the whole Galaxy. He could always give her strength and hope.




*Cold and wet.*

*And silent.*




The water vigorously forced its way into their cell.

Their grave.

It wouldn't give them a chance to save themselves.

It didn't want to spare them.

Cold as ice it grabbed their bodies, sucking out their warmth, their strength, their lives. Replacing it with coldness, making it nearly impossible for them to move their clumsy limbs.

Fiercely did it grow, swallowing their bodies, longing to take their faces. Wanting to inhale their last breath.

There was just one thing, it couldn't kill.

Their wills.

It couldn't stop them from shouting at each other to keep the friend awake.

It couldn't prevent them from fighting against it.

Forcing their muscles to move their arms and legs.


But soon, it will have reached the ceiling.

And then they will be its.


*Where's Daniel???*

"Teal'c??? Daniel??"

"I am here Major Carter", came the spouting reply. He sounded close. So close.

But impossible for her to reach.

"I have Daniel Jackson's jacket in my hand."

"Is he alright?"


The water was too high. They had to swim and if they stopped, they would drown.

Sam reached up her hand and realized in shock, that there were only about 30 centimeters left between her head and the ceiling.

*So that's the way I die.*

Sam stopped thinking. There was nothing she could do.

She couldn't save them.

Sam closed her eyes, letting herself drift into memories of a better time.


*Thank God he's not here.*

* He had looked straight into my eyes back then, separated by the energy field, not willing to let me die. He didn't say a word but I heard him screaming. He was inside of me then. He always has been. But at this special eternity.*

*No words.*

*Just his eyes.*

*I love you.*


"Major Carter!"


A cracking sound, splashing, noise and Teal'c panting as if pulling something very heavy and then..


Blinding light.


*I can't move.*

*What the heck is going on?*

*Where am I?*

*I can't swallow.*

*Something's in my throat.*

*Air.- I need air.*

*I'm in water.*

*Don't feel my body.*

*Oh for cryin' out loud.*



If she had been a witness of the occurrences, Sam would have thought how it all resembled a movie scene.

Two men and one woman, soaked to the bone pushing out of a small little door in the grass.

Spouting, gasping for air.

The one already out helping the following, shouting encouraging words.

Their eyes closed as if blinded by the warm light of the ending day.

If that could be possible.

Then, they were lying on the floor. As if shivering with cold, although it was summer, a smooth warm breeze slightly touching their bodies.

The scene seemed so unreal.

But unfortunately, it wasn't.

Unfortunately all was true.

Sam knew, there were a lot of things she had to do.

First of all, she had to move.

Lying and dozing off to sleep when soaked with ice-cold water wasn't the best thing to do.

Keeping the wet clothes on wasn't as good as well.

And moreover, she had no idea where she was.

Somewhere out in the grass, that was for sure, but..where on the planet?

*I am tired, exhausted. Need sleep coffee would be nice. But.sleep will do.*


* the hell? Hey..*

Sam felt she was pulled up by very strong arms.

She opened her eyes and, surprised to be able to see again, found herself in the strong arms of Teal'c.

Sam realized that the sun must have disappeared just moments before, leaving behind a burning sky.

"Teal'c.ehm. What happened." *Wish Jack was here holding me.*

"You were unconscious, Major Carter. So was Daniel Jackson. But you have to stay awake."

"You're right, thanks, Teal'c." Sam realized her body was still shivering with cold. She turned her head and her eyes fell on Daniel.

He was waving his arms and walking, or rather hopping, up and down.

"Good idea." Sam smiled.

She hugged herself and slowly turned, looking if they had been in that place before.

Behind her was the cellar, she didn't know what to call it, filled to the top with the deadly water.

Immediately behind it, was a hill, not very high. Sam decided they would climb it up tomorrow to have a closer look on the surroundings.

By now it was getting too dark too fast.

Left and in front of her was the typical landscape of this planet.

Little hills, some trees, a river and the meadows.

Right of her she could see even more hills, but further away than the others.

Sam looked back at her two friends.

"Any idea, where we are? The scenery doesn't look familiar to me."

Teal'c nodded in agreement.

Daniel made one of his faces. The I-really-don't-like-the-situation one.

"Well, I think we should try to make a fire to warm us. But I suggest we look out for a safer place. Maybe whoever put us in there to kill us might come back and have a look whether he succeeded." Sam pointed back to their prison and shuddered.

She had no idea why any of those friendly people could want to kill them.

"We should hurry Sam. It will be dark soon and then we won't see very much."

Daniel was right. She remembered the previous nights they had spent with the very hospitable locals. Simple people but very friendly. Sharing all they possessed.

They had a little celebration under the open night sky, sitting by various fires, chatting, listening to their special kind of music.

*Jack and I.stealing away to watch the breathtaking sunset. Allowing us one moment to be together. Just him and me. Not Colonel or Major. It was Jack and Sam. Though not forgetting what we are and what we can't be. Being aware of the presence of the other though not touching. Sitting close but far away. Watching the sunset though completely lost in each other. No words but full understanding.*

Teal'c stopped, addressing Sam.

"This might be a good place to take shelter, Major Carter."

Sam nodded.

They were standing between trees and in front of a hill. So their backs were safe because the hill was too steep to let anybody climb it down.

She took Daniel and they both searched for wood to light a fire.

"Sam, we'll find him. I'm sure he is not harmed," Daniel spoke in his soft, tender voice.

"How can you be so sure, Daniel?"

"Because if they wanted to kill him, they would have locked him in with us."

There was some logic in it.

"I hope you are right."

As soon as they had collected enough wood to make themselves a comfortable night, Sam and Daniel headed back to Teal'c.

He in the meantime had carefully inspected the place they would spend the night.

"Major Carter we seem to be safe in this place."

"Good. Do you have some MRE's left?"

Sam could see Daniel's eyes light up at the thought of some left chocolate. He immediately started rummaging through his pockets.

"Found something." He held 2 packages in his hands.

"Me too. Teal'c?"


*At least they didn't take that away from us.*

Teal'c knelt down and started lighting the fire.

Daniel sat beside Sam, carefully unpacking his precious chocolate cookies.

Soon the three of them ate their evening meal, not talking very much. They were too busy trying to dry their clothes and to warm themselves.

It wasn't a cold night, in fact it was summer, at least on that planet. Sam remembered how eager they all had been, leaving November Earth to travel to a July-warm planet.

After a while, Daniel was the first to speak.

"OK. Uhm, can anybody explain to me what happened today? I mean I know what happened, but.why?"

"I have no idea, Daniel. The local people were so friendly. Maybe a little too friendly, but I thought that was just their custom. I can't remember how we happened to land in that..prison, for lack of a better word. I only remember leaving them in early dawn after celebrating a lot and sleeping a little in that comfortable bed (*with Jack so close to close.*). And the next thing I see is total blackness and then I'm fighting for my life."

"I do not seem to recollect anything either, Major Carter."

"Same with me, Sam," Daniel sighed. He enjoyed being on this planet from the first step he took. It wasn't exiting for him as being an archaeologist because the cultural background of the inhabitants resembled that of the British. But as a person who liked being in contact with other people and as someone who hasn't had much of a holiday during the past years he had a great time.

Lots of nice, polite people. Simple, yes, living in little houses, no religious beliefs worth mentioning but so eager to learn more and to share their knowledge.

He had spent a lot of time chatting with their leader. And there was absolutely no threat visible.

Even Jack relaxed.


* I hope he's fine. I hope it isn't my fault he's not with us. I hope I haven't missed something that could have warned us.*

*Sam and Jack got pretty close. Not physically, but mentally. Of course they would never admit it, but I'm sure Teal'c realized it as well. There was something special in the last days, even those two allowed themselves a little time-out and dared to feel. *

*She looks so sad now, staring into the fire.*

Daniel shifted, becoming uncomfortable because he couldn't console his friend, his big sister.

Sam broke the silence.

"We should get some rest. I will take first watch. Then Teal'c and Daniel you're last. OK?"

Teal'c nodded. Well knowing, that he won't wake Daniel. He will meditate and he knew there would be no need to wake his friend.

But for now Teal'c lay down, facing the fire.

Sam sat, her back turned to the hill, watching Daniel immediately dozing of to sleep.

She forced herself not to ponder too much about Jack.

*Concentrate yourself on the watch. You are no help if you fall asleep and get killed by whoever wants to kill you.*

*Stay awake and tomorrow you'll find him.*


A soft humming sound filled the room. The cold ash-grey walls and floor of stone. No window. One door of some dull shimmering metal, grey as well, maybe a little darker then the rest. Artificial, cold light produced on the ceiling.

From somewhere fresh air entered the high, wide, large room. Flowing over the tanks, caressing the working men and women's faces, their steps not leaving an echo. Regarding the size of the uninviting room, there wasn't much activity in it.

Some ten to twenty people slowly doing their work. Reading carefully in their notes or pushing some buttons.

Sometimes a little box was taken out of one of the drawers built in the left wall and carried out to somewhere else.

Nobody uttered a single word.

The room was filled with sacred silence.if one ignored the steady humming of the machines controlling the life supporting systems

But one person did say a lot.

To be precise, he swore a lot, complained a lot and threatened even a lot more.

Unfortunately for him and a blessing for his capturers, he couldn't speak those words out loud.

The tube in his throat prevented that, and the fact that his body was sedated.

But this didn't stop him from thinking those words.

And he thought a lot.


Slowly the sun crawled up into the sky, banishing the stars and moons, turning the blackness into grey and so slowly you thought you could actually see the colors shift, changed the now belonging-to-her-sky into an intense red.

Flowers started to open their blossoms to inhale the tender warmth.

Long rays of red and orange moved over the green, humid grass, carefully stroking over the faces of the sleeping humans. Tickling in their noses, tenderly waking them up.

Daniel slowly turned onto his back and opened his eyes, immediately facing the burning sky.

He held his breath, felt Sam shifting close to him, watching the sunrise as well.

There was no evidence of the last day's threats, despite in their memories. But now, even those seemed unreal.

*How could something evil happen in a place like this? It's heaven.*

Sam turned to look at her CO, to greet him and ask him if he slept well.

Instead of seeing him, her eyes fell on Teal'c.

*Of course it was all real. How could I think it wasn't?*

She briefly closed her eyes, took a deep breath of the so flowery smelling morning and finally stood up to do her morning toilet.

When she returned, she found her two friends chatting over something, sharing the left MRE's.

"Hi, Sam." Daniel greeted her, smiling, trying to make her relax a little. He knew how tense she was.

He handed her something to eat for breakfast. Sam didn't care much what she was eating, it all tasted the same.

Furthermore, she wasn't really hungry. All she wanted to do, was get up and find her CO.

They quickly finished their poor breakfast and stood up.

"I suggest we climb up one of those hills to get more information abut where we are. Maybe we can figure out, where to go or if there's a village nearby where the Colonel might be held imprisoned." Sam quickly spoke her orders.

She didn't want to behave as the leader of the team, but for Daniel and Teal'c it was natural that she would give the primal orders.

There was also no doubt, that she wouldn't insist on them being carried out without objection if her team members had better ideas.

But for now, they all agreed and went for the next hill, leaving their too steep hill behind.

Their walk lead them over one of the meadows, full of flowers, bumblebees eagerly flying from blossom to blossom.

*It's a paradise.* Daniel didn't even have to sneeze.

But he couldn't enjoy the walk very long.

At one moment Daniel was admiring the wonderful scenery, the next he found himself busy climbing up the stony walls of one of the many hills.

First, way ahead of him, was Teal'c who didn't seem to have much of a problem finding the best possible way.

Next was Sam followed by himself.

*Great. Let's climb up a hill. The hills I know are green, with maybe trees on them, a lot of grass and you walk up to the top, maybe climb a little, but no chance here. Stones and rocks and whatever but no grass and no path.*

*Did I mention my fear of heights?*

*Couldn't I just wait at the foot of the hill for them to come back with whatever they found out?*

*No. Of course not.*

*Uh, gotta hurry up, they climb fast.*

As Daniel finally reached the top, he found Sam and Teal'c attentively surveying the plain that spread in front of them. They were looking back in the direction they came from and on the left they could detect their hill under which they spent the previous night.

Ahead of them was their deadly prison. Teal'c had disagreed to go back and go uphill there because he didn't want to run the risk of encountering their enemies.

Whoever they were.

So they went in the opposite direction and finally landed here.

"Wow, this is a magnificent view."

"Daniel, as much as I enjoy the view, please don't forget what we are here for," Sam snapped at him.


She sighed and told him immediately how sorry she was, but he just shook his head, ensuring her he understood.

Sam turned around.

She followed Teal'c's eyes who surveyed the plain/valley on the opposite side of the large hill.

On his right side there was nothing interesting.

But left, embedded in a forest and near a river, there was a very familiar place.

"Hell, there! The village of the Sogarts", Daniel shouted out, pointing in exactly that direction.

Sam nodded.

"Yeah. I wonder if they have knocked us out and thrown us in that hole to drown."

She felt her rage.

*Breathe, Sam. Think. Find a plan.*

"I suggest we carefully approach the village to find out." Teal'c spoke in his deep voice.

"Yes. You're right, Teal'c. But carefully."

Sam looked sharply in Daniel's direction.

He nodded.

He no longer was that naïve, he had learned his lessons well.

*So downhill again. Maybe the other side is easier to climb.*




*Ok, I don't get that.*

*I can't move, but I'm not unconscious 'cause apparently I can think.*

*Never been unconscious and thinking at the same time, before.*

*Can I move my tongue?*



*Got to get out of here, that's so annoying, really.*


*Something happens.*

*The water is moving..*

*.or am I moving?*

*Uhhh..geez that's cold!*

*Hear something.*



*Can't look though.*


*What the.*

*Ok.somebody is talking to somebody else.*



*You want to do What ???*

*Don't even think about touching..*

*Stop that!!*

*CARTER !!!!!!*


Three shadows slowly crept forward.

Avoiding the sunlight that the leaves couldn't prevent from falling through the forest.

Silent, using their well-known hand signals to order new directions.

The big Jaffa left, the blonde woman on his right, watching out for threats coming from the river.

Behind them, the archaeologist, still doubting that those friendly people could do such harm.

They had just a few steps left to step out of the protection of the trees surrounding them.

So they stopped.

And peered.

*Nothing. They behave like they did the days before.*

"Ok. Is there something we could use as weapons?" Sam whispered.

"Maybe some of the thicker branches, Sam?" Daniel doubted they would find anything protecting.

If, and he really doubted it, if they had been overpowered by the villagers as they still possessed their weapons, how could they even think of defending themselves with some wooden sticks?

"Better than nothing, I guess."

Sam shrugged her shoulders.

And so the three shadows invaded the "friendly" villagers.


At the same time in the dark, grey, silent room there was a man, who really wasn't a happy camper at the moment. He didn't know that he wasn't the only prisoner in that room

He also didn't know, that he was very important for his capturers and that they would do anything to keep him alive and healthy.

But even if he had known it wouldn't have brightened his mood.


*They put me back in.*

*I can't believe what they just did.*

*They.wait until I'm outta here.*

*You'll regret what you just did.*


"Wait wait!"

"Daniel? What?" Sam immediately stopped and looked at her friend.

She was just about to rush out of their shelter to grab the passing villager.

But Daniel stopped her.

"Look, Sam. Something happens."

*Uh-uh. He has that look again. The wow-it's-amazing-and-I'm-going-to-babble-about-that-for-the-rest-of-the-day-look.*

*We really don't need that right now, Daniel.*

Nevertheless, Sam turned back around to watch the scene that caught Daniel's attention.

There, on the round centred place of the village, was the usual bustle activity. People met, chatted or traded. Children played, nothing to be suspicious about.

But what Sam didn't notice at first was the man that came running from behind the houses, approaching the place fast, shouting words and thus gaining everybody's attention very quickly.

As he came nearer, Sam recognized that he was carrying something and that he seemed to be very excited.

"What's happening, Daniel?"

"I.don't know, Sam. I mean this is so unexpected. I never saw one of them so excited, even as we arrived they were less flustered. Look, he's there..Uh.Sam, he is carrying.."

".a baby," Sam finished.

The villagers immediately surrounded the exhausted man, cheering, clapping on his shoulders. Everybody was talking to him, asking questions, congratulating him. But to understand a single word was impossible.

People came rushing in from all directions.

*Where's the mother?*

"Sam. Don't you think we could just go and say hello?"

"Daniel, I don't know. Forgot what happened to us?"

"I'll check it out. I want to know what happened here."

With that Daniel stood up, determined to prove that he was right, that their former hosts were the nice and friendly people as they had presented themselves at their first encounter.

All Sam could do was sit and watch, her mouth dropped open, how her friend stepped out of the forest, waving a 'hello' to the villagers and disappeared in the crowd of people.

*You are soo dead, Daniel.*




*Uh.listen, I had a really bad dream.*

*I was imprisoned -again- in some sort of aquarium, like a fish.*

*I couldn't move and then somebody lifted me out of the aquarium and then he..*


*Oh for cryin' out loud..*


*How long am I here now?*

*Wonder if the others are with me.*

*Well, hope that at least Sam is safe.*


*Cause she's a woman..*


Some minutes after Daniel literally got swallowed by the now immense crowd on the central place of the village, the three remaining members of SG-1 sat on a bench with the leader of the Sogarts, Gunt, and talked about what had happened.

Sam didn't trust him, of course, but she also saw no threat.

Teal'c watched the place attentively.

*So for now we are not in danger.*

Daniel had already found out, that the running man's name was Loke and that he was not the father of this baby.

Children are not 'born' in this village, as Gunt answered Daniel's question.

"What is born ?" he asked with wide opened eyes.

"Well, uhm, women and men, you know, they make and then the women are pregnant and carry the baby inside their bellies for nine months and then they give birth," Daniel stammered.

"No, we don't."

"But how is this possible?" Sam was curious now.

"We find our babies on food of the sacred mountain."

"Where is that place?" Teal'c enquired. He sensed that this was an important information.

"About an hour walk in that direction." Gunt pointed his finger north out of the village.

Sam leant close to Daniel, whispering :"That's near our prison."

He nodded.

"So, uhm, how do you know there are babies? Why are they there?"

"We don't know. Everyday, people go to the sacred mountain to place goods and to pray for children. Sometimes they are heard. We don't know why there are children, but it's a sacred place."

"And they are always that young babies?" Sam looked over to the proud new 'father'.

"No. Sometimes they can crawl. But we don't ask. We are happy."

Daniel turned his head to look at Sam.

"What do you make of this?"

She shook her head. "Don't know. It sounds as if the villagers were not able to produce children of their own. But somebody must be able to have children, 'cause they don't rain down on Earth, right? But who? And why?"

"Maybe it was that person who captured us, Major Carter."

"Possible, Teal'c."

"I think we really should have a look at that 'sacred mountain'."

"Good idea, Daniel."


*row, row, row your boat.*



*Wonder if she remembers the last days.*


*She looked sooo sweet that morning.*

*After that party-thingy, her face as we were lead into the little house with the huge, large, comfortable bed in which we were supposed to sleep- her face was a picture.*

*Did I mention how huge and large and comfortable that bed was?*

*Couldn't sleep though.*

*She could.*

*Woke up in the morning, draped over me, her hair a mess.*

*Looked so sweet.*

*Wanted to ruffle it, but of course I didn't.*

*She slowly realized where she was and with whom and slowly pulled herself up onto her left elbow.*


*Must have looked at her like I wanted to eat her, I guess.*


*I wanted to eat her, but that's another story.*


*Then she stared back at me.*

*Just stared.*


*And kissed me.*


*Major Samantha Carter kissed me.*

*What a great kiss.*


*Not to think about..*


*Don't know why she kissed me.*

*Hope she doesn't regret it.*

*Hope she's not here.*

*Love her.*

*Gotta get out of here.*


So they moved on again.

After preparing themselves by getting as many weapons as possible, merely primitive hunting weapons though, Sam and the rest of her team approached the 'sacred mountain'.

*I so hope Jack is there. It's been a while, since we've been captured. And we have no time to contact the SGC, because the Stargate is too far away. At least a day's march and I can't just leave him behind.*

The large hill planted itself in front of Sam.


"Not very inviting, Sam, uh?"

Daniel uncomfortably shifted from feet to feet. They didn't stop right in front of the dark mass that was the 'sacred mountain', but it was, nevertheless, threatening.

Nobody was there except them.

*Is it just me or does the landscape look different here?*

"It gets darker, Sam."

"Yes. What now?"

"The mountain does not seem to be of natural origin, Major Carter."

Sam and Daniel looked at Teal'c astounded.


"The mountain does not seem to consist of stones. There aren't any trees or grass growing on it. And there on the left side seems to be a lightly darker grey place."

Sam followed Teal'c's description and, yes, she saw it.

"You are right, Teal'c. What do you think it is?"

"It might be an entrance, Major Carter."

"Sam, if this..mountain is not natural, and that is a door.."

"..Then we might have perhaps found Colonel O'Neill's prison, Daniel."

"Well then, Sam, what now?"

She faced him, determination in her eyes.

"We go in there and rescue him!"


A little earlier in the grey room.

Working staff was changing. One shift was allowed to go to their quarters and the other stepped in to continue the work.

Never was the room empty.

There were people working in it all the time.

Their task was too important to run the risk of letting mistakes happen. Eyes were cautiously watching the displays of the life supporting systems. Buttons were pushed.

Sometimes somebody was lifted out of his tank. Then the staff did their job -harvest, that's how they called it- and after they were finished, he was drowned again, sedated so that he would not harm himself if he tried to escape.

They were too precious to let them get hurt. To let one of them die would be a disaster.

A little black-haired woman, with a greyish, pale face, wearing a darker grey dress- her working uniform- approached tank number seven-two-nine-x.

She curiously peered into it, looking intensely at the grey-haired man inside. She was new in this job, but she never before saw such an old man being held captured.

She started. She didn't want to sound so negative. She new how important the men here were and how important her task was, but sometimes she wondered..

She looked at number seven-two-nine-x's beeping monitor.

She sighed with relief. All was in the required parameter.

Her eyes fell on his face again.

He was the oldest man here. She couldn't determine his age.maybe..50? 60? It was hard to say, his appearance being blurred through the greenish water- which wasn't really water she reminded herself- and thick glass.

He floated in the liquid, front down, arms hanging down his side.

His face was worn and showed sharp lines of past experiences.

He was handsome- she had to admit, but of course she would never reveal that to anybody. It was too dangerous.

She slowly went to the smaller side of the tank, now standing face to face with him.

If he was alive?

Of course he was, but, was he thinking?

She stepped further to tank number seven-two-nine-y and looked at the young black-haired, well shaped man.

She couldn't fight the will to compare those two so different men.

Maybe the older was a great and strong warrior. She knew he was not from that planet.

So that might be why he was here.

She sighed and continued working.

She had two hours left and then her shift was over, better get her work done.

The older man was totally oblivious of the events around.

He was furious and ready to kill anybody if given the chance.

All he could do was wait.

But he knew his time would come.


Through the narrow and little lighted corridors, again under the surface and inside the artificial mountain, darted the rescue team of prisoner number seven-two-nine-x, known as Colonel Jack O'Neill.

They didn't know where to go and so they simply stayed on what they thought to be the main corridor.

The big Jaffa silently eliminating the enemy.

They didn't want to run the risk of being captured again.

*We gotta hurry. The longer we stay, the more we run the risk of getting caught.*


She looked back over her right shoulder.

"Daniel?" she whispered back.

She stopped dead, Teal'c immediately realising as well, that something wasn't quite right.

Daniel stood in front of a room whose door was on the left side of the corridor.

The door was open.

In the doorframe was standing a woman.

A little, pale, not very noticeable and.grey woman.

Her eyes wide opened with shock and terror.

Sam stormed forward, quickly noticing that nobody was in the room locker despite that woman and fiercely pushed her back into the light room, pulling Daniel with her.

Teal'c followed immediately.

"Ehm.hello, my name is Daniel.we are."

"No time for that, Daniel. They might detect us soon."

Daniel looked at his friend but understood.

" are no Sogart," the woman shyly observed.

"No. Who are you?" Daniel did the talking.

"My name is Raja. I work here. I also live here, like the rest of my people."


"Yes, Sam. Listen, we are searching a man. He is a friend of ours, we were separated. Did your people try to kill us?"

"Oh. That would seem logical, yes." She bent down her head, as if she was sorry.

"Uhm, ok. So do you know where our friend is? His name is Jack. He has greyish hair and."

"Y..yes, I know where he is, but you cannot have him. We need him. They would kill you, if they knew. They would kill me." She looked back at Daniel. She was fascinated, why hadn't they wanted him? Because of his not perfect eyes, of course, she knew the reason, but he looked good.

"If you help us free him, we could help you and take you with us, right Sam?"

"Yes. There are some answers I'd like to have."

Raja looked at the three strangers, especially the big, black man fascinated her. She had never before seen a black man.

And then she did something which she thought she'd never do.

She betrayed her people.


*Those fucking bastards.*

*Am I a fish or something, wait till I'm outta here.*



*Uh uh.*

*Lifting me up again, huh?*

*To harvest, right?!*

*Still cold out there.*

*Talking, let's hear.*


*I know that voice.*

*Am I hallucinating or.*

*Ouch, that hurt.*

*Watcha doing now???*

*Uh pulling the thing out of my throat.*

*Uh.tha's dis'us'in'.uhhh*

*Hey, wait.*

*Sight returns and I can move my arm.*

*Lying on the floor, Who is that???*

"Sir? Colonel?"


"Hi Jack." *Daniel*?

Colonel Jack O'Neill was lying flat and wet on the floor of the huge, grey room.

He was cold, but he quickly gained control over his body again, due to the injection Raja had given him.

She looked at him, went away and returned with some clothes.

Daniel pushed Sam in the arm for staring at her naked CO.


*Ouch, damned Daniel. I haven't looked at that, c'mon you should know me better..uhm.*

Teal'c was busy in keeping the workers away from them, but Sam knew time was running out.

"Sir, can you walk? We have to get away from here, soon."

He looked up at her. It was so good seeing her again.

He quickly dressed himself and stood up, staggering, Sam immediately supporting him.

"It's ok, Major. I'm fine."

Sam nodded and stepped away from him. She knew it was wrong, but *I wish I could embrace him.*

*I wish I could hold him tight.*

Jack looked at her as if he wanted the same. *Things are getting dangerous, Sam.*

*We must concentrate.*

*We can't let go.*

*Not yet.*

"I suggest we leave this place immediately, Major Carter."

"Yes, Teal'c."

Sam handed her CO one of the weapons they had taken from the guards Teal'c had gotten rid of previously.

"Can one of you guys tell me what the hell happened?" Jack was angry.

"Later, Jack. This is Raja. She's coming with us and will explain everything when we're safe."

Daniel reassuringly smiled at the shy girl.

"Fine. OK, kids. Let's go."

Jack turned and left the room through the only door, Teal'c at his side.


Sam witnessed herself.

She saw herself running, hiding, fighting. She also saw the determination in her eyes to get out of the huge complex that was called the 'sacred mountain'.

Sam was the audience of her own fight to live.

But unlike the audience in a movie theatre- although it seemed to her like watching a movie scene again- she didn't feel anything.

She was not anxious or afraid. Sam didn't bother, she had no feelings.


Sam witnessed Daniel, ducking behind the corner and then leaving his cover to shoot madly at a large man in a black leather uniform.

Sam saw Teal'c beating up another guard, breaking his neck and continuing his walk.

Sam saw herself running like in slow motion through the corridor.

*Where's the music?*

*There's always music in a movie.*

And Sam saw her CO behind her, covering her back and determined like herself to get out of that place in one piece.

There was something he had to do, when he was back home.

Sam stared.

Remembering how somebody must have noticed their intruding and must have set an alarm.

She didn't notice the greyish woman fleeing along with them.

Leading the way out.

*I don't know why this happened.*

* did and maybe that's why we came out.*

*Why I came out. *

*I concentrated and I did my job.*

*I did what I had to do.*

*Nothing more- nothing less.*

Out of the complex.

Out through another door, built into another hill.

*They are all artificial?!*

Running, but not followed by their capturers.

"My people can't leave the city. They can't run the risk of getting seen by the Sogarts."


*It's a city?*

Slowly they decreased their steps, stopped running to walk instead.

Sam informed her CO about the things that happened to them.

"Glad you made it out, Major." He smiled at her. "Teal'c. I owe you one."

The big Jaffa slightly bowed his head.

"What about you, Sir?" Sam now walked at his side, still breathless from the fight, though not injured.

Behind them was Daniel, talking with Raja, followed by Teal'c watching out for threats.

"Well, you've seen it yourself, Major. Hadn't much of a choice. Can't remember how I got there."

"Did they.ehm.." Sam lacked the right words. How could she ask her Commanding Officer about a subject like this?

"Well, I guess they call it 'harvest' and yes they did, and I would be very grateful if somebody could explain to me why they did that."

He shot an angry look back at Raja.

"Sir, Raja told us briefly, that the Ettiens, that's how they call themselves, don't reproduce themselves because they, a long time ago, hadn't been able to. There was a disease or so and so they started to create themselves through in vitro fertilisation But even as they were able to have children, let's say, the natural way again, they didn't stop. They wanted to create the best possible society. So they take the best males and females and.uhm,harvest their genes."

Sam shrugged her shoulders uncomfortably.

"So, they took me. But why and why didn't they take you as well. I find absolutely no reason for not taking you.uhm, I said they take only the best,,.not that I wanted you to be taken or, ehm, to take you, uh."

He looked helpless at her.

"I understand, thank you, Sir. But I think, according to what Raja said, they didn't took Daniel because he needs glasses. That's a flaw in their eyes. And they didn't take Teal'c and me because of the naquadah in my body, I guess...and don't forget Junior, Sir."


"And you, Sir, uh, you are a great warrior. A strong male, very masculine and obviously you must have good genes." Sam discomfortably looked at her now very interesting feet.

*I can't believe I just said that.*

"Thank you, Major," came Jacks reply in a very low voice.

He smiled.

*She still likes me, so she's not pissed because we...*

During the rest of the way to the Stargate, Daniel informed them, that the Sogarts obviously were created by the Ettiens.

Not on purpose, but those children, not 'worth' being an Ettien got placed at the foot of the 'sacred mountain', sterilized first, so that hey can't reproduce themselves and got picked up by the villagers to then become part of the Sogarts.

Jack's eyes showed his rage and his determination to come back and to stop "those bastards".


"Welcome back SG-1. Where have you been this time and who is this?"

General Hammond glared at Raja who tried to hide herself behind Daniel. She obviously trusted him most.

"It's a long story, General."

"So we better get started, Colonel."

With this, SG-1 first went on their obligatory way to the infirmary. After Dr. Fraiser declared they were only exhausted and needed something to eat and that Raja seemed to be harmless, they went to the mission briefing.

Sam shortly summoned up what happened and Jack filled in what he experienced. Daniel explained the situation of the two peoples and Teal'c listened carefully.

Finally the General dismissed his best team, glad to have them back again, granting them one day off.

Daniel went straight to his apartment and Teal'c to his quarters.

Jack patiently waited outside the locker room for his 2IC to come out.

"Ready, Sir. Thanks for letting me in first." She showed him her best smile.

*Why do I have the feeling as if he wanted to say something?*

"Never mind, Carter. Uhm.'kay. Better get in there, huh?"

Jack looked at her and then headed inside.

*Damn, Jack..should've asked her to wait.*

As he left the room again, this time in his comfortable Jeans and sweater, Sam was gone.

He sighed, stepped into the elevator, left the base and went home.



She was sitting in her car, parked in front of his house.

" you think we should talk?"

*Say say no.*

"Come in."

He lead her into the living room and sat beside her on the couch.

*This is difficult.*

Eyes locked and started talking where words would fail.

*I can't forget the night, Sam. The sunset, the closeness, the way you smelled lying so close to me, the way you tasted.*

*I wanted you so much then, Jack. I still feel your lips on mine. I thought you were dead as we couldn't find you*.

*I was so afraid they did that to you what they did to me, Sam.*

*I love you, Jack.*

*I know, I still feel you as you showed me on our last morning there, together. As you.*

*And you.*

*We can't go back, Sam.*

*I know, Jack.*

*So what?*

*Stop talking. Just show me.*


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