Story Notes: Email:

Season: 5/6? I dunno - wherever you think it fits best.

Disclaimer: The story's mine, the characters (unfortunately) are not. Which is probably a good thing for them...They all belong to Gekko, MGM, and the rest of the gang. i promise I'll give them back when I'm done - but if a certain Colonel happens to go missing, it has nothing to do with me.

A/N: this is the first thing i've written, as my huge fic I decided to start with is nowhere near finished. but this just came to mind.

Feedback: If you think it's worth it, then go ahead - feed me, my muse is on strike!

Dedication: for sam, cause somehow she manages to put up with me! Love ya loads, hun!

(c) Jolinar of Malkshor 2003

It hurts to care so much about one person,

Knowing that I will always care, but never knowing if she will ever feel the same way...

Maybe one day she'll realise how I feel...

Maybe one day she'll feel the same way...maybe she already does...

Maybe one day we'll be together for real, and not just in my dreams...

Maybe one day I'll know for sure...

Maybe, one day.

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