Story Notes: EMAIL:

SPOILERS: "Politics" "There But For the Grace of God" "Hathor" "Singularity" "Solitudes" "Emancipation" "The Broca Divide"

PAIRING: Sam/Jack, Daniel/Janet

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognised characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Probably best not to ask about this one! Let's just say that far too many things in here remind me of me! Thanks to everyone who suggested computer games though.

"Daniel! What ya doing?" Daniel turned around and hid his computer screen guiltily as he heard Jack O'Neill approaching.

"Ah, not much," he replied. "Just looking over the screen shots from the ancient temple that SG-4 brought back with them from P7C-929." Jack craned his head to look at the screen.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Because it doesn't look all grey and boring like your rocks always do."

Daniel rolled his eyes. "They're artefacts Jack," he reminded him, trying to steer the conversation away from what was currently displayed on his computer.

"Whatever," Jack replied, still trying to look at the computer. "Ah come on Danny-boy. I won't tell if you're not doing any work"

The younger man sighed, knowing that Jack wasn't going to go away unless he showed him what he wanted to know. "Fine." He moved away from the screen, and Jack's face lit up.

"Hey, 'The Sims'," he exclaimed. "I love this game! What expansion packs have you got?"

"All of them," Daniel replied, blushing a deep crimson as he revealed his addiction. Admittedly, 'House Party' and 'Hot Date' were Cassie's, and he had just installed them before playing off his 'On Vacation' CD, but it wasn't something he relished Jack catching him at. Janet already teased him mercilessly, but based on her addiction to 'Civilisation II' and 'Worms 2', she wasn't really in the position to say anything. Daniel was just thankful that his doctor wasn't into 'Theme Hospital', although Cassie was, and one night the good doctor had confessed to having dreams, or nightmares, that all the illnesses featured in the computer game came through the Stargate. That in turn had given Daniel an idea, which was another reason he didn't want Jack to see his computer.

"Sweet," Jack declared. "What ya doing?"

"They're on vacation," Daniel replied, wishing that Jack would just go away and bug someone else. If he stayed much longer, things could get rather awkward.

"What they doing?" His friend wanted to know. "Is that a fishing pier?"

"Yes," Daniel sighed; knowing it was only a matter of time before everything was revealed. A blue box popped up on the screen, and he resisted the urge to groan at the timing.

"'Jack has caught an old boot,'" Jack read out. His glance flickered to Daniel, and grabbing the mouse, he moved the cursor over the female Sim to display the name 'Sam.' "Daniel. Is this what I think it is?"

Daniel looked around for a hasty exit, and hoped that Janet knew the reanimation of corpses and the reattachment of limbs, as he was likely to be in need of both soon. Rather than answering, he just gulped. Jack regarded him critically.

"Danny-boy, are you saying that you made me and Sam into Sims, and made us go fishing together?" he asked.

Daniel just nodded, his gaze flickering back to the screen where he realised in horror that the electronic couple had bored of fishing, and were now in the hot tub together. Jack's eyes followed his, and he just raised his eyebrows when he saw 'Jack' pull 'Sam' into a passionate kiss.

"It's not as if it's anything like real life," Daniel tried to tell him hastily, as Jack moved away to the office door, presumably to tell Hammond, or even worse, Sam. "I mean, Cassie's got one of me and Janet having six kids, and that's never gonna happen. One or two I can cope with, but that's not the issue here. It was just for a bit of fun. You've got the game, haven't you? You know I don't mean anything by it." Daniel was babbling and he knew it. Jack paused just inside the door.

"A few points for you to note Daniel. One, what Sam and I do away from here is none of your business. Two, in my game, you and Janet also managed to end up with six kids, so you better start planning. Three, when you go fishing, you don't actually fish. And four, that kissing thing works much better if your hands are around her waist, and you're leaning over her in the hot tub. She'll just have her hands around your neck to stop her from leaning too far back into the water."

Daniel just looked in amazement as Jack shot a quick smile at him before disappearing. His brain was trying to process everything at once: him having six kids with Janet... Jack and Sam were together.

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed, standing up so quickly that his chair flew across the room.

"Jack!" The elevator door was just closing behind the officer when he heard Daniel shouting his name. He grinned, as he headed towards his destination. Janet now owed dinner for both him and Sam for being so blinded by love that she thought Daniel would figure out Jack and Sam's relationship without having to be told. The petite doctor was sitting at her computer when he reached her office. Her screen held her attention completely, and looking over her shoulder, Jack realised that Daniel wasn't the only one not completely engrossed in their work.

"Right, so if I move the knights there, and there, I can take Babylon next move, and once Babylon's fallen, divert all resources to taking over Heliopolis and Abydos..." Janet was strategizing out loud, and Jack just raised his eyebrows.

"Napoleonic power monger," he muttered under his breath, turning to leave. He knew better than to interrupt Janet in the middle of one of her 'Civilisation' games, especially when she was in the middle of a full out offensive against the computer. Sam's lab was his next stop, and he was relieved to see pages and pages of text scrawling down her screen instead of the bright colours of some computer game.

"Hey honey," he greeted, nuzzling at her neck and wrapping his arms around her. Sam relaxed back into his embrace, and sighed contentedly.

"Hey yourself," she replied. "What you here for? Just to interrupt my work?"

"Not just that," he told her. "Just want to know where you want to go when Janet treats us to our dinner."

"You had to tell Daniel?" Sam confirmed, grinning at the thought of her lover and her best friend betting on their relationship. She had been in a win-win situation with it, as she would have been treated to dinner either way. Jack nodded, as his hands continued their exploration of her body.

"Yeah. Did you know he made Sims of us, and actually made us go fishing? And their kissing technique's all wrong." She chuckled at the indignation in his voice.

"Well you can't say anything what with your Fraiser-Jackson family," she reminded him. "The fact that your family has six kids, Cassie's family has six kids and every time they touch in Janet's one 'Daniel' keeps asking if they should have a baby, or the numerous calls from the adoption agency is beginning to worry her. She knows that it's probably possible for her to have four children before she goes through the menopause, but not if she and Daniel have any trouble conceiving. I just suggested multiple births." She cackled slightly at the thought, but Jack just stood there, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"But they have six kids," he protested.

"Four kids plus Cassie only makes five." Sam looked up at him, and raised her eyebrows. Jack's mouth dropped open.

"She's not?" His lover nodded.

"Due in December," she informed him gleefully. Looking slyly up at him she added, "A month before ours." Jack stood there stunned, before his face split into a wide grin, and he swept up a laughing Sam in his arms.

"I love you, I love you," he declared, kissing her to emphasise his point. Sam laughed as she kissed him briefly, before sitting back down again.

"Give me another two hours here, and we can go and celebrate in private," she ordered, smiling up at the man she loved.

"Yes ma'am," Jack replied jokingly, kissing her again. "If I don't come find you, then the paperwork's probably buried me."

"Well go and do some now then," Sam told him, turning back to face her screen.

"Love you."

"Love you too," Jack replied, blowing her a kiss as he left her lab. Sam waited until he was gone, and minimised her text document, revealing that she hadn't been entirely honest when she had told Jack that he was interrupting her work. It wasn't her fault that "Grand Theft Auto" was so addictive, and it was his fault for introducing it to her in the first place.


The end

End Notes: All and any feedback to

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