Story Notes: Thanks to my beta splash_the_cat.

Things are different now, but exactly the same. She's in charge of his team. She's in control of what happens (as in control as one can ever get on off world missions, anyway). But sometimes, in the heat of battle, she still turns to her left to ask for his orders. Those times are getting fewer though; it's becoming natural to make the decision, to step up and do what he has taught her to do.

It might sound strange but she thinks that command does suit her. It was hard at first, ordering her friends around, but they both got used to it.

Her personal life is spinning the entire other way. It still amazes her that she even has one now. She's not in control there, couldn't be more not in control if she tried. It's dizzying, terrifying. She's come to realise that perhaps this is exactly how life should be, having no tight reign on her emotions, let alone his. For the first time, she doesn't mind. She's uncertain of whether or not his transfer is the right decision, but it seems worth the risk because he seems to think that they are more important than his career. Perhaps even more important than hers. That's a concept she's unfamiliar with but she sort of likes it.

Sometimes though, like now, she feels like she's missing something. She chooses not to dwell on it; it's too incomprehensible for her to grasp anyway.

She raises her cup of coffee to her lips and cringes when she finds the liquid cold.

"Do you want a fresh cup, Colonel Carter?" Teal'c is already picking up the pot and moving to her side of the camp fire.

"Thanks, Teal'c." She nods and empties the cup into the fire before holding it out.

The brushes rustle as Daniel returns to the camp and sits down across from her. "Perimeter's secure," he says matter of factly. He's been taking more and more military duties upon himself. It makes her wonder about how much he has changed over the time they have all spend on SG-1. How much they have all changed, for that matter.

Sam nurses her warm cup while Teal'c automatically pours Daniel a cup too.

She smiles faintly and takes a long swallow from the coffee. The liquid is hot, nearly burning the back of her throat but it feels good and she hums in satisfaction, hearing a similar noise coming from across the fire.

Daniel chuckles. "Jack's threatened to put us all on décaf the next time we don't make our deadline."

"Pete said pretty much the same if I dare to come back injured again." She answers absently.

There's something inexplicable that ties her work and her personal life together. Something she hasn't had since her mother died; there's always someone waiting for her at home.


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