Story Notes: Email:

Rating: At the moment, I'd give it an M, maybe MA in Aussie ratings.

Spoilers: None so far

Category: S/J romance

Archive: S/J and Heliopolis

Author's notes: this is a work in progress, so I'll only finish it if you give me feedback!

Something was odd about this place, Sam Carter decided, as she and SG1 were escorted from the Stargate. She couldn't quite place her finger on it, but she knew something was odd. They had gated to P3x185, to be greeted by friendly, but firm guards, who had insisted on taking them to their 'Shal', a term, Daniel believed, meant 'great leader'. The guards were polite, but refused to answer any questions, stating only that the Shal would answer all their queries. Jack continually tried to talk to them, but was not having much luck.

"I'd get more information from the Tok'ra," he noted.

Sam ignored him. Teal'c was wary, as per usual, but Jack and Daniel seemed to be far more interested in the young female guards who were a part of their escort than any apparent dangers. Not that that really should have surprised Sam. In fact, some days, she believed that -

That was it! Sam closely examined their escort. Two men, four women. There were more women then men here. She looked around at the people they passed. Yes, women were more dominant here. Was it possible? Had they finally come across a matriarchal society? A part of Sam had wished they would for some time now. She looked at Jack and Daniel again. They had no idea. Oh, this was going to be fun.

They seemed to be moving through what was a fairly advanced town. There were several buildings that were multi-storied, suggesting at least an eighteenth century level of technology. Daniel suspected that these people, who called themselves the 'Shanans', were not far off discovering electricity, if they hadn't already. Again, the guards refused to answer any questions.

Finally they came to a building which simply had to be the palace. It seemed to be situated at the centre of the town, set amongst large, open gardens. The building itself was flat, only two or three stories high. Daniel had trouble placing the culture of the Shanans. While several items appeared Arabian in nature, Sam doubted there had been any Arabian cultures that were matriarchal. In fact, other than the Amazons, she could think of none. Yet these people were definitely human.

The guards lead them into a small chamber. Opposite the door they entered through was another larger, more ornate door. Sam could hear voices on the other side. Daniel had decided that it was probably a sort of throne room, where they would find the Shal. Sam's curiosity was at its peak. She really hoped that this planet was a matriarchy, as she thought. For once, Jack would be put in his place, and she could run the show. For a moment, she felt guilty about such thoughts, but then smiled to herself. Fair's fair and how many times had she had to be the subservient one? Oh, this was going to be fun.

After what seemed to be an eternity, the doors swung open.

"Finally," Jack muttered under his breath, and went to move forward. One of the female guards stopped him with her sword.

"Ladies first," she grinned.

Jack shrugged, not fully understanding the meaning of such a statement. "Major," he said, sweeping his arm forward as an indication to Sam to move first.

Sam grinned, and nodded her head slightly. Her grin grew as Daniel's eyes grew wider. So the archaeologist was starting to get the picture. Well, it would then take Jack at least another ten minutes. Taking a deep breath, she entered the throne room. Jack, however, was only a step behind her.

And what a room it was. Large windows allowed natural sunlight to flood the chamber, giving the room a warm glow. A large number of people, in a variety of dress, milled around the walls, leaving the centre of the room free. Light danced off the tiles, throwing itself back into the room. Sam soon realised that that was a deliberate move, as it took her a few moments to adjust to the glare. When they did, she noticed the dais at the far end, and, for a moment, she doubted her theory. On the dais was a large lounge. In front of it, and to one side, stood a single women. Her costume reminded Sam of something out of Xena Warrior Princess. She wore black leather pants that stopped just below her knees. A brown leather jerkin was the only thing she wore to compliment it, her shoulder, and her cleavage, bare. She had a single sword strapped to her waist, and Sam could tell they were dagger hilts protruding from her laced boots. Her right wrist bore a large band, upon which was a small, crossbow like device. No doubt, Sam thought, with poison tipped darts. Blond hair was pulled back tightly, so much so, that Sam wondered why the woman hadn't cut it short, if it proved to be such a nuisance to her.

Behind her, on the lounge itself, were two people. The man wore similar leather pants to that of the guard, although longer in length, but his leather jerkin was worn over the top of a short sleeved shirt, spun of coarse material. He also bore a strap on his right hand, but there was no crossbow. Sam wondered briefly were it was. The man was extremely good looking, his eyes deep and dark, his hair a common brown. Yet there was something about him Sam couldn't put her finger on.

In his arms lay a woman who could only be described as exquisite. She was probably not twenty-five, although it would be impossible to tell. She had the deepest red hair that fell in loose coils down her shoulders. Her skin was fair, as fine as porcelain in its complexion. Of her clothing, Sam could only make out that she was wearing a long black robe. She seemed very content to sit in the mans arms, although Sam could certainly see the attraction in that. The couple whispered to each other occasionally, as they watched SG1 make there way towards the dais.

One of the guards stepped forward after they had come to a stop. She bowed, placing both her hands on her stomach as she did so. She stood back to attention.

"Revered Shal," she started. "Visitors have come to us through the great circle."

"Karn, the whole city knows that visitors have come through the circle. Get on with it." The female guard who stood in front of the dais seemed to be bored with the whole ceremony. Some of the gathered people laughed softly, a nervous twitter. Others seemed upset by this breech of protocol.

The guard seemed unfazed by the comment, preferring to allow it to pass. She didn't even blink. She went to continue. "We now bring you these visitors, knowing that in your infinite wisdom, you will know how best . . . "

This time she was interrupted by the female guard yawning. "Really, revered one," she said, turning towards the dais. "Must we endure this nonsense? Frankly, I'd find Nareel Vinay's lectures on the Andian period more interesting than this."

Again, a nervous laugh spread around the room. This was definitely Jack's opposite, Sam thought. While the couple on the dais looked at the guard, unreadable expressions on their faces, another women in the crowd stepped forward. She was dressed, Sam supposed, in what were possibly more conservative clothes. There was hardly any skin showing underneath her apricot dress, and her black hair was loosely pulled back at her neck.

"Revered Shal, how can you allow such behaviour from your Len? She must be dealt with in the appropriate fashion!"

A stunned silence fell across the room. Even the guard who had accompanied SG1 seemed taken aback by the woman's outburst. All eyes turned to the couple on the dais.

The man stood up, gently moving the woman into a solitary sitting position as he did so. He took a step down, his eyes livid. Sam began to rethink her theory.

"It is not for you to decide how the Shal should act, Triel," he said, walking towards the women.

"When I see such a breech in custom, I must act," she replied. "The Len continually acts like this, showing no respect at all for our protocol and traditions. It is about time that . . ."

She was cut off by deep noise. Sam looked up. The woman was banging a heavy, gold staff on the tiled floor. Her eyes were deadly. Again silence fell upon the room. Apparently happy with the silence, she held out her hand, palm facing up. The man quickly moved back to her, and knelt in front of her, placing his hand below her own. Using his arm to rest upon, she stood up, and began to step down. Immediately, everyone in the throne room knelt down. She approached the centre of the room. She held herself well, Sam noted, her head held high as if it were perfectly natural.

Hearing a noise behind her, Sam risked a look at the boys. Daniel had knelt down, and was indicating to Teal'c and Jack to do the same. While Teal'c didn't argue, Jack started to protest. Sam caught his eye, and shook her head, going down on her knees herself. Jack rolled his eyes, but followed suit.

"Remind me to sue the Air Force for my arthritis," he mumbled.

The woman approached Triel. "You shame us in front of honoured guests, Triel. It is you who should be worried about matters of protocol."

"Revered Shal, I mean no disrespect," Triel started.

"Enough! It is bad enough you show such appalling manners, now you lie to me? There will be no more of this! You will remove yourself from the court for a full cycle. Your appearance has become disturbing. Go."

The guard who had escorted SG1 indicated for two of the guards with her to escort the woman from the throne room. There was silence from the assembled crowd. The woman, by now obviously the Shal, turned and walked back to the woman she had called Len.

"Len Mara, I will deal with you later."

Len Mara nodded her head, but did not seem to be concerned.

The Shal turned around. The crowd was still kneeling, perhaps since she was walking on the floor. She walked back towards SG1, and stood in front of Sam.

"At last," she said, speaking to the assembled crowd. "Today we meet SG1. You must forgive the behaviour you have seen today," she said to Sam. "Some of our people have much to learn." It was obvious to Sam that the comment was not really an apology to SG1, after all, a queen does not apologise. Rather, it was a warning to the assembled crowd. "Major Carter," she said her voice much softer. "Welcome to our home." She bowed in a similar fashion to that of the guard earlier. "You honour us with your presence."

Sam stood up, astonished that the Shal had known her name. She knew that the surprise showed on her face, and wished it didn't. Although she could tell that Jack, Daniel and Teal'c were now standing, she knew that she had to respond, as the comment was made to her. It was times like this she was glad that Daniel normally handled these situations.

"Thank you, revered Shal. We are pleased to visit you. I am sure that there is much we can learn form each other."

Jack was amazed. Had that come out of Sam's mouth? She normally froze up at any kind of public duty that didn't involve some kind of astrophysics nonsense. He heard Daniel stifle a laugh, and threw him a guarded glance. Then he realised. It was the same speech Daniel had used speech last week when SG1 had gated to P3X647. He made a mental note not to let anything slip with Sam - she did have an amazing memory, it would seem.

The Shal seemed satisfied with the response. "We must celebrate this occasion. Tonight, we will hold a feast in your honour." She turned her attention to the crowd. "Go, prepare yourselves for tonight." With that, she turned and walked back to the dais.

The crowd quickly stood, and began to exit. Sam looked around, wondering what to do. Then she realised that the man who had been with the Shal was approaching them.

"Please, Major," he said to Sam, "wait. The Shal would like to speak with you."

'Of course," Sam replied.

Len Mara followed the crowed, closing the door behind them, then turning and walking back towards the dais. The Shal was still standing there, her back to them.

"They are gone, Gea."

The Shal turned around. With a swift movement, she undid the clasp that held her gown at the breast. Shaking the gown off, she threw it over the lounge. Underneath, she was wearing an outfit similar to Len Mara.

"Mara, what were you thinking?" she demanded, stepping down towards the woman.

"You told me we were ready to get rid of Triel, and to do so at the first opportunity."

The Shal sighed. "Yes, but not by goading her into it, and not when we have visitors!"

Len Mara shrugged. "Like she could get away with that comment."

"Like you could get away with yours!'

"My reputation does not concern me."

"Fine. Just keep a low profile for the next couple of days."


"Because you just managed to have the second most powerful conservative in the city exiled! Any more comments or actions against them could result in a price on your head! Your not exactly universally loved you know, Mara."

Mara shrugged. "I can take care of myself, Gea."

"Yes, but you are supposed to be looking after me! You are Len. Act it."

"Yes Shal." Mara seemed put out.

"Mara, you haven't pulled rank on me since we were twelve. Don't start now."

"Yes Gea."

"And go and do some exercises or something. Make it look like I'm punishing you."

"Fine," Mara didn't seem terribly upset. "Yeral's in town. I was going to ask you to give me some time to train with her anyway. I'll catch you tonight."

"As much as I'm enjoying the show, is there a chance we could actually find somewhere to say, sit down, perhaps?" Jack asked.

Sam, and Daniel, were mortified. He still hadn't figured it out. Sam sighed.

The Shal and Mara looked at him. Mara seemed shocked at his statement. The Shal seemed to consider his comment for a moment, before bursting out in laughter. Daniel looked at Jack, before realising that Jack didn't know. He leant over, and whispered in his ear. Jack's eyes opened in surprise.

"Oh," was all he said.

"Oh my. Well, my dear," she said to Mara. "Here's one with as much fire in his tongue as you have. This will be interesting to watch. Can you also set up their rooms? I want people to know they are under my protection."

"Will do. Arrangements?"

"Pretty obvious I think. Scribe, guard, and, well."

Mara laughed. "Of course." Mara went to leave.

"Oh Mara,"


"Say hi to Jelen for me."

Mara glared at the Shal. "How did you know?"

"Infinite wisdom, remember?"

Mara sighed. "Naturally." She turned and left the room.

The Shal laughed. "Got to keep that girl on her toes," she said by way of explanation to the man.

"Naturally," he replied.

She turned back to SG1. "Please, Major, Colonel, Doctor, Teal'c, come with me. I have refreshments waiting for you. I apologise for the delay."

"Hang on a minute," Jack said. "How the hell do you know who we are?"

The Shal smiled. "All in good time. Please, you must come with me. You do not know our ways, and there are those who would seek to destroy you because of that. You must accept that what I ask you to do is for your own protection. I want to be able to establish a good relationship with you, but you must trust me with this."

There was no refusing her, Sam decided. She was truly royalty. The idea that they might say 'no' simply did not enter her mind. Sam turned and looked at Jack.

Jack also realised that he had no real options. If this world was a matriarchy, there was probably little they could do without upsetting the status quo. Besides, he was certain that Sam had been dying for a matriarchal world. Probably wanted to pay them all back for all those primitive, male-dominated worlds they had come across.

"Fine," he finally conceded.

The Shal smiled. "Then please, if you would follow us." She indicated towards a door that was of to the side, behind the dais.

"Revered Shal," Daniel started, "we would like,"

"Please Dr Jackson," she interrupted, as they walked through a dimly lit corridor. "Call me Gea, I do not like formality. This is Olan, my First Consort."

Jack looked puzzled. "Formality served you well enough earlier," he accused.

Gea laughed. "One must use all weapons at your disposal, wouldn't you agree, Colonel? When it comes to dealing with those mind numbingly boring conservatives, it is the best way to fight them." Her eyes grew sad for a moment. "Some days, I think they obey be only as a result of a misguided loyalty and attachment to those protocols, and not because they believe in me."

Olan stepped over to her quickly, and held her chin in his hand, forcing her to look him in the eye. "That will change, my love. You will make it happen."

Gea smiled. "Now I remember why I have you with me." She turned away from him, and opened another door. "Please, take a seat. I have ordered refreshments sent to us."

The room was much brighter than the corridor had been. It opened out onto a large balcony. A wooden table sat on the balcony, drinks and plates of exotic looking foods spread out on it. The balcony looked out over tall trees.

"We have total privacy here," Gea explained. "The trees make sure of that. Please, sit down. Take your fill. The drinks are only fruit juices - nothing toxic or alcoholic."

SG1 sat down, only slightly reassured by Gea words. Sam took the plunge, and poured herself a drink, before offering to do so for the others. Daniel accepted, but Jack and Teal'c did not.

Gea poured herself a drink, before passing the jug to Olan. "By now, " she said, "I am sure that you have realised that we are a matriarchy. Men are considered by many in our society to be lesser beings, suitable for only two purposes."

"Only two?" Jack was acting offended, but Sam could tell he was finding this amusing. "And they would be?"

"Menial tasks, naturally, and breeding purposes."

Daniel choked on his drink. "Well, I suppose I could see that," he said, throwing Jack a defensive look from the glare he knew he was getting.

"There are many who think like we do, and seek to change these beliefs, but it is a slow process."

"Can't you just introduced laws that change all that?" Jack asked.

"I wish I could, but it is not that simple. History has shown us that whenever change is implemented quickly, it always backfires, and you end up with a more conservative power."

"She's right, Colonel," Sam said. "Our own history shows that. Revolutions are always met with a counter-revolution of some nature. Even our own attempts at sexual equality have met with a mixed reaction."

"Your society is like ours?" Gea asked.

"For many centuries, our society was patriarchal. While change has been coming, it moves slowly, and it can still be difficult for many women in our society."

Gea seemed very interested in what Sam said. However, before she could talk, Jack spoke up.

"Now wait a minute, Major. That's not quite true. You've done well for yourself," he argued.

"Firstly, that's me, with all the advantages I had. Secondly, do remember the conversation we had when we first met?"

Gea was smiling at them, but she suddenly sighed.

"What's the problem?" Daniel asked.

"Colonel O'Neill," she said. "If you are to survive, you must curb your tongue. Jania Fekan will ask me for your head if you act in such a way in front of her, and I do not know if I could protect you. She is very powerful. So much so, that I do not dare move against her. Not yet."

"Why do you fear her?" Teal'C asked.

"I fear no one," Gea retorted, her eyes hard.

Olan sighed. "Our intelligence suggests that Jania is starting to gather her forces to make a move on the seat," he said.

"The seat?" Daniel asked.

"The position of Shal. Gea's family has held the seat for six hundred and forty three cycles, and Jania believes that that is too long."

"Removing Triel is the strongest move against her that I've been able to make," Gea added. "She will use anything she can to discredit me. That is why I must follow tradition and protocol so closely in public. Otherwise she will use it against me."

"I still don't see what this has to do with us," Jack argued.

"I have welcomed you. Should you act against tradition, she will use that against both you and me. And if I fall, you will as well, as I have welcomed you."

Jacked cursed to himself. This sweet looking girl had manipulated them, he realised. If the political situation was as dangerous as she claimed, they had no choice but to act as she instructed.

"Then what do you suggest we do then, in order to survive?" Daniel asked, hoping to keep Jack quite.

"You must act as if you live by our standards. I know that I ask much of you, but it is for your own safety."

"What do you ask of us?" Jack asked.

"We can still say that you are explorers, come to us through the great circle. However, Major Carter will have to be said to be in charge."

"It won't seem strange that she has three men under her control?" Jack asked. He obviously didn't like the idea.

"No, it is perfectly acceptable. Teal'c will act as her body guard, naturally, and Dr Jackson as her scribe."

"And what does that leave me with?" Jack asked.

Sam and Daniel, however, could already see where this was headed. They shared a look with each other, one that said 'here we go'. Sam could almost feel herself cringing as Gea looked sweetly at Jack.

"What else, Colonel? You are to be her personal servant."

Jack's eyes open wide. "Excuse me?"

"It will be your job to see to the well being of your Commander."

"It will?"

Gea acted innocent. "Yes. If you are unsure of the responsibilities attached to such a position, talk to Olan." Gea smiled at her first consort. "He certainly does a magnificent job, don't you my dear?"

Jack looked horrified.


In the outer suburbs of the city, a small band of people sat in a darkened room. The fittings in the room were basic and bare, suggesting that this area had little money. Three women and a man sat around the table.

"Triel's been exiled?" one of the women asked.

"Yes," replied another.

"And the Len?"

"Still holds her position, although rumour has it that Jania will demand her resignation."

"That would go against tradition itself. The Len must be bonded with the Shal from an early age. There is no other way to ensure loyalty."

"That is not of the moment. We must be ready to move when Jania is."


"Revered one."

A man stood in the doorway, bowing deeply. Gea smiled at him.

"This is Stanla, my second consort," she said by way of introduction.

"Just how many consorts do you have?" Jack asked.

Gea shrugged, "Eighteen. A small number, I know."

Jacks eyes couldn't have been any wider if he tried. Sam stifled a laugh at his reaction, even though hers probably wasn't much better.

"What is it, Stanla?" Gea asked.

"I am sorry to disturb you at this time, Gea, but I knew you would want to see this." He handed her a sheet of paper.

Carefully, her eyes moved over it. She read it twice, before handing it to Olan.

"How many?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Probably two hundred."

She buried her head in her hands. Sam looked at Jack, then Daniel. They simply returned her confused expression. Olan and Stanla did nothing. Finally, she brought her head up again. Her face was red.

"Olan, implement standard procedure. Stanla, would you escort our guests to their quarters? You'll have to explain things to them." She looked at Sam. "I apologise, but there is something that needs my attention. I will speak to you tonight, and perhaps tomorrow, we may continue our discussion."

"Of course," Sam said.

Gea stood, and looked out over the greenery. "I fear you have caught us at a crossroads, Major. Our world is about to undergo drastic change. And I do not know which way the dice will roll. For all our sakes, I hope it is favourably."

She was still standing there when Stanla led them out.

"Is everything okay?" Daniel asked ask the Second Consort escorted them through the corridors of the palace.

Stanla sighed. "There are problems," he admitted. "But it is not my place to tell you of them. That is Gea's decision."

"So, how did she come to have eighteen consorts?" Jack was still reeling from the notion.

Stanla laughed. "This is not your custom?"

"Well, no. We normally one have one partner at a time. To have more than one is considered wrong."

"Ah. Having one partner, while an ideal, is not always possible. It is custom for the Shal to keep a harem. Gea's mother had twenty-six, and her grandmother, goddess rest her, had seventy-two consorts. They say life in the palace then was interesting."

"Seventy two?"

"Shal Reala kept to the old ways. Gea's mother, unfortunately, was not as strong, and had a short, and rather weak reign. That is why Gea struggles so."

"You don't have a problem with this?"

"No." Stanla looked at Jack. "I see," he said. "I do not share a bed with her, if that is what you ask."

"Oh no, well, I meant."

"Yes, that's what you meant," Sam interrupted.

Stanla laughed. "I think maybe you view the pleasure of the bed chamber differently to us. Gea is different to all Shals before her. She and Olan are vowed to each other - they will sleep with no other."

"Then what is the point in keeping a harem?" Jack demanded.

"Appearances. It would not be acceptable not to have us. She will dismiss us when she has the power to do so. Also, it gives us protection."

"Protection?" Sam asked.

"Yes. I am one of the few men with a full education. I am, in fact, a qualified doctor. However, I am seen as a threat to some. My position as Second Consort means I am protected. It is not total freedom, but I do not fear for my own safety here. I can complete my work with Gea's full support."

Finally they reached what appeared to be living quarters.

"You will be staying here," Stanla said. There are some matters to which I must attend, but I will return as soon as possible. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

He bowed to them, and left.

Jack was already inside. "We have a problem," he said.

"What's that?" Daniel asked.

"There's only three bedrooms."

"Well naturally," commented Sam.

Jack could have sworn that she purred that comment.

Jania Fekan looked at her aide. She was a woman with little time for anyone, and who didn't really trust others to do important tasks, as she could never be entirely sure if they had completed the work correctly. As a result, she had a high turnover when it came to her personal staff. A woman in her early thirties, the beauty that had so much been a part of her early life had now faded, replaced by a permanent scowl. Even her eyes had faded, now only a dull grey, were once they had shone like the sky.

"It is done?" she asked.

"Yes, my lady," the aide responded. "It will take at least two days before we can expect any results, however."

"Very well. Dismissed."

As the aide backed out of the room, bowing the whole way, Jania Fekan sipped her wine. This time, there would be no failure.

Daniel joined Jack to inspect the rooms. There was what appeared to be a main living area, off which were three other rooms.

"Form the looks of things," Daniel said, "I'd say we have here the scribe's quarters, the guard's quarters, and Sam's."

"So where does that leave me?" Jack demanded.

"On the couch," Sam said immediately. "Unless, off course, you can keep me very happy."

Jack looked at her, eyes wide open. What was going on with her right now?

"Ah, Teal'C," Daniel started. "Why don't you and I get ourselves comfortable?"

Teal'C, who had been finding the whole situation rather amusing, decided that in this case, retreat was the better part of valour. "I believe that is a good idea, Daniel Jackson."

"Cowards," Jack muttered as the pair retreated.

However, before he could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Two women entered. Both were older, probably in their forties. One bore a remarkable resemblance to Gea. She had the same red hair, although it was streaked with grey, and her porcelain complexion carried the mark of her years. She was dressed similar to Gea, as well, with leather pants and a tight, long sleeved vest. Despite her years, her figure was still attractive and muscular. She radiated a presence and confidence that rivalled even Gea's. It spoke volumes about her. This was a women who not only knew her position in life, but had had the intelligence and strength to maintain it. Nothing worried her, and she held Sam and Jack in her steady gaze, obviously sizing them up, but not at all caring that they knew.

With her was another woman, more matronly in nature. Unlike the other women they had encountered, she wore a long brown dress that suggested she were some kind of servant. Her hair was greyer, it's original colour lost to the passing of the years, and was pulled back tightly in a perfect roll. This was not a woman you crossed, unless you wanted to find yourself standing in the principal's office all afternoon. Sam had no doubt that when she spoke, her voice would crack like a whip, and people, male and female, would jump to attention.

"Good afternoon," said the first woman. "I am Shen Daria. First advisor and aunt to the Shal." She bowed deeply as was the custom here. "This is Kela," she indicated to the second woman, who also bowed. "She will be attending you while you stay here. Is everything to your liking?"

"Yes, it is," Sam said before Jack had a chance to speak.

Jack looked at her. He wanted to argue with her, but one look at the matronly Kela, and he decided not to. She reminded him far too much of a teacher he had had as a child.

"I am glad," Daria responded, a smile playing on her lips. "The Shal would like to see that you are comfortable. The banquet will begin in two hours time," she continued. "Major Carter, I have a feeling that you may not have suitable attire for such a function. Am I correct in this assumption?"

"Well, yes," Sam said, casting a look a Jack. "We normally don't have to attend such functions. Is it very formal?"

"Oh yes," Daria replied. "Kela, would you take Major Carter and see if you can find something for her to wear tonight? The Shal would like her to look well for tonight."

"Yes Shen," Kela said, nodding her head. She looked at Sam for a moment, before stepping up to her. She examined Sam's jacket for a moment. "This is dirty," she said, as if stating a fact. She turned her attention to Jack. "You will make sure that it is clean," she instructed him, as she helped Sam out of the jacket.

Sam was trying very hard not to laugh at Jack's strangled expression. He desperately wanted to say something, she could tell. Daria also picked up on his discomfort, and shook her head at him.

"Very well," he said. Kela missed the heavy sarcasm in his voice. No doubt she wasn't used to sarcasm coming from a male.

"Major Carter, if you will come with me."

"Of course." Sam turned back to Jack, an impish grin on her face. "Make sure that that jacket is clean, Jack." She ordered.

Jack glared at her. "Yes Major," he said, not risking saying anything else.

Sam and Kela left, Kela discussing various colours she thought Sam should wear.

When they were out of an earshot, Jack let out a string of expletives, and threw Sam's jacket onto the ground. Daria began to laugh.

"Oh Colonel, you do have fire in you don't you? Gea warned me to keep an eye on you."

"Oh she did, did she? Well, I'm sorry if I happen to enjoy speaking my mind. Listen, I'm getting very sick of this. I want to see your Shal, and I want to find out how she knows who . . ."

Daria had crossed the distance between them in a second, and covered his mouth with her hand. Jack stood in shock that she had done so.

"Do not say another word," she whispered into in his ear. "Jania has ears everywhere, and I haven't yet received word that this wing is clear." She waited until Jack nodded an acknowledgement before she let go. "Colonel, you must understand that the situation here is currently unstable, more so than Gea will admit. We cannot implement all the changes we wish just yet. Gea does things in her own time. She will tell you all you want to know when she is ready. Until then, enjoy yourself. I will have some books on our history sent up for Dr Jackson. There is also an exercise yard through the back if you or Teal'c wish to train." She bowed and made to leave, before turning back again. "Oh, and I would wash that jacket. Kela is a monster when her orders aren't obeyed."

Kela had left Sam alone to try on assorted dresses. Sam secretly admitted to herself that she liked the style of dress that the Shannans considered formal. After trying on a few, she decided on a midnight blue dress with silver highlights weaved sporadically throughout. It was long, down to her ankles, a scoop neck and fitted bodice. The long sleeves dropped at the elbow, giving the dress a medieval feel. The bodice was fitted, flowing out from her hips, where it rested, accentuating the curves of her body.

"It looks lovely."

Sam turned around. Gea was standing behind her, looking at her. She looked tired, Sam noted, as Gea rested against the doorframe. Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying. There were shadows under her eyes which had not been there two hours previously. Her hair had been tied back, but curls had broken free. Rather than wispy as they had been earlier, they were now limp, hanging lifeless by her face, as if the energy that had made them, and Gea, so strong and vibrant, had evaporated. Behind the sad smile she wore, Sam caught glimpses of haunted eyes.

"What's the matter, Gea?" Sam asked, moving towards her. Gea shook her head. "It is not your concern. I am sorry to dampen your spirits before tonight. It is just, well, I'm sure you can appreciate how tiring my position can be."

"Of course." Sam was unsure how to proceed. Although she was obviously upset, Gea did not seem to want to share any information. Whereas Jack may have pushed for information, Sam felt uncomfortable in doing so. Perhaps, she thought, because she was female. Whatever this crisis was, it had effected Gea personally. Sam knew that Gea would tell them what the problem was when she felt ready.

"Is this the dress you have chosen for tonight?" Gea asked.

"Well, yes. Will it do?" Sam asked, twisting slightly at the hips, like a girl trying on her first good dress.

Gea smiled. "It will be perfect." Gea stepped forward, taking the skirt in her hands. "I don't quite know what we will do with you hair, but we will work on it. Why don't you come and prepare yourself with me?" she suggested, moving back out the door.

Sam followed Gea out. She was led to a large open room. It contained two large bathtubs, filled with a milky liquid, steam rising off it in soft tendrils.

"We have about an hour to prepare. Will you join me?" Gea asked.

Sam looked at the bath, sorely tempted. She wondered how long it had been since she had truly pampered herself. Too long, she sighed to herself. Besides, this may well be the opportunity she needed to get closer to Gea. Jack had his way of getting information, she had hers.

Carefully, Sam stepped out of the dress, and laid it carefully down on a chair. Stripping herself of her undergarments, she felt the water with a toe. Finding the temperature satisfactory, she stepped in, easing herself down. The water was soft, and felt good on her skin. When she sat down, the liquid came up to her neck. A serving girl entered the room, carrying a try with soap on it. She went first to Gea, and the to Sam, offering the soap to them. Sam gratefully accepted it, and gently began to wash herself.

"Your world is very different from ours, isn't it major?" Gea asked.

"Very much so," Sam said. "Our society is traditionally patriarchal in nature."

"That is a concept that is difficult for me to grasp," Gea admitted. "I do get the feeling that it is unusual for a woman to have your position."

"It s becoming less so now," Sam admitted. "I still run up against sexist officers now and then."

"Colonel O'Neill?" Gea suggested.

Sam laughed. "The Colonel and I got off to a rocky start, but that was partly my fault."

"How so?" Gea seemed intrigued.

"I was going into a room full of men. I suppose I was a bit aggressive."

Gea laughed. Major, there is nothing wrong with that! If Colonel O'Neill has since learnt to respect you, what does it matter?"

"Probably nothing. He respects as both a scientist and a soldier. "

"Remind me to kill Sam when we see her," Jack said to Daniel as they were escorted from their rooms to the banquet hall.

"What's the problem Jack," Daniel asked. "Dishpan hands?"

"What are dishpan hands, Daniel Jackson?" Teal/C asked.

Jack threw his arms up in despair, and decided to change the topic.

"Where is Sam, by the way?" he asked.

"You should know, you're the consort."


"Yes?" Daniel was innocently pushing his glasses up his noes.

"I give up," Jack muttered, storming off.

"You are right, Daniel Jackson," Teal'C said, "he is most sensitive to the issue."

Finally they reached an antechamber just outside the banquet hall. Kela was waiting for them.

"Major Carter will join you shortly," she informed them.

"Thank you," Daniel said, not trusting Jack to respond.

Olan and Stanla then entered the room, nodding at Kela as she left.

"Gentlemen," Olan said. "The ladies will be joining us shortly."

"Gea only needs the two of you?" Jack asked.

Olan smiled, understanding Jack's reluctance to accept their way. "She can choose how many of us she wishes. Normally, it is only Stanla and myself."

"SO is there really a need for all three of us to be here?" Jack asked, seeing a window of escape.

Olan laughed. "It will bring Major Carter more respect and prestige if the three of you accompany her. DO not worry so, Jack," he said. "I am most certain you will have an enjoyable evening."

The door through which Olan and Stanla had entered opened again. Gea walked through. Olan, Stanla, Daniel and Teal'C automatically bowed, which meant that Jack had to as well.

"Good evening," she said, as Olan moved to her side.

Jack then took the opportunity to properly examine her. The exhaustion and despair that had been evident to Sam earlier was now gone, and her face was a mask, showing only mild amusement at the scene before her. Her dress was not unlike the one Sam had chosen, although it was a deep green in colour. There was also a lot of intricate lace work on the bodice, where emeralds had been woven in. Her hair had been pulled up, and was neatly arranged in a hair net made of delicate gold chains, with diamonds scattered through it. Around her neck she wore a gold torque, studded with emeralds and diamonds.

"Good evening, Revered One," Daniel said quickly. "May I say that you look beautiful tonight?"

"Why thank you, Dr Jackson."

"Ah, Dr Jackson," Olan said with a smile. "It looks like I will have to watch you, least you replace me as first consort."

"Well, that is one job you can keep. Besides, I think Sam would be a bit put out." Daniel replied.

"Speaking of which, were is Sam?" Jack asked.

"She is coming," Gea said, smiling. "We just had a slight problem with her hair."

"He hair?"

"I'd have though a matriarchal society would be more forgiving on short hair," Sam said from the doorway.

The guys looked up. Jack's jaw couldn't have dropped much more. In addition to the dress, she wore flat shoes of the same material. Her hair had caused endless problems for Bren, Gea's fifth consort, who also doubled as a hairdresser. After some searching, he had found a set of clips, covered in small sapphires, which he had place in her hair. While Sam had been thrilled with the effect, Bren felt that he had not done her justice.

Jack stepped forward. "My lady," he said, bowing grandly on the tradition English manner.

Sam smiled and curtseyed in return. Jack then took her hand, and delicately kissed the back of it. Standing back up, he held out his arm.

"May I have the honour?" he asked.

"Of course," Sam said, taking the offered arm.

There was some noise from the other side of the curtain.

"Are you all ready?" Gea asked. "They are about to announce us. We will go first, as I am to play host tonight. Enter when you hear your name called. And Sam, don't forget what I told you."

A herald announced the Shal. Gea moved off through the curtain, flanked by Olan and Stanla.

"Sam, you look amazing," Daniel said.

"Yeah, I second that," said Jack.

"Thank you sir, Daniel."

"Um, Sam," Jack started.

"Yes ir?"

"What did Gea mean by that last comment?"

"Oh, just a little advice for tonight is all."


"The representative from the Tau'ri - Major Samantha Carter."

Sam and Jack, arms still linked, stepped through the curtain, Daniel and Teal'C behind them.

Dinner had been a delcious affair. It had reminded Daniel of Yum Cha in that servants had brought plates if a wide variety of foods for them all to sample. Most of it was some kind of a white meat, like chicken, most of it slightly spicy. SG1 had sat with Gea and her consorts, as well as Len Mara and Daria, so they had been able to discuss the differences between their worlds freely, if somewhat quietly. "It is only in the last few years that men have been able to share a table with women," Daria was telling Daniel. "Really?" As always, Daniel was interested. "Where did they sit before?"

"They weren't allowed in the dinning room at all, originally. Gea's grandmother changed that, but they were required to sit at seperate tables."

"Really?" Jack asked, his voice dripping in sarcasm. Daria laughed at him. "Don't worry about Jack," said Daniel. "He;s just having trouble dealing with a few homw truths."

"You are referrring to your own world's treatment of women?" Daria querried. "Hey," Jack objected. "There is nothing wrong with how I treat women."

"Jack," said Daniel, finding the bottom of his glass very interesting," when was the last time you treated Sam like a woman?" Jack glared at him, a look of pure indignation on his face. It then softened as he turned to look at Sam. Gea was introducing her to various people at different tables. "I don't know Danny. I really don't know," he sighed. The Shannans at the table watched the exchange with interest, but Jack did not notice. Rather, his attention was on Sam. As she talked, a serving girl approached Gea. She whispered something to the Shal before bowing and taking her leave. Gea looked at Sam for a moment, before turning back to the table. She nodded her head, ever so slightly. Immediately, Olan stood up. "Excuse me please," he said, moving straight to his queen. She whisphered something to him. Olan looked at Sam, then at Jack. They continued their conversation for a few moments before Olan headed back to the table. Gea to rejoin Sam. "Is there a problem, Olan?" Daria asked. "THere may be." Olan seemed uneasy. "Please, Colonel O'Neill, do not take any offence at what I am going to tell you. But it may avoid problems."

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, immediately on guard. "There has been some talk tonight," Olan said. "It may mean trouble later on. Gea would like to avoid that if possible."

"Well, so would I," Jack countered. "WHat've you heard?"

"Have a look behind you. THere is a woman with blonde hair, wearing a red dress." Jack carefully looked around. He saw the woman in question out of the corner of his eye. He noticed that she was watching them closely. "Mother protect us," Daria breathed. "Who is she?" Daniel asked. "Yeasa Ula," Daria replied. "A headache is what she is," Mara said. "Well yes," Daria admitted. "She can be. We are not sure who's side she is on. She is not one for politics."

"SHe is out only for her own enjoyment," Mara said. "We believe that she will side for the conservatives simply because that way she will be able to preserve her lifestyle."

"Her lifestyle?" Jack sounded concerned. "Yeasa enjoys the pleasures of the flesh. Olan, how many consorts has she been through?"

"THis year? Eight, I think."

"Eight? I must have missed a few."

"So if she doesn;t get involved in politics, what is the problem?" Jack asked. "It seems she may make a challenge for you." Olan said. "A challenge?"

"Oh dear," Daria sighed.

"CHallange?" Jack repeated. "Under the old laws, if a woman desires another woman's man, she may challenge her for him. It is a physical battle. It is not widely used now as it used to be. In fact, it is tradition that one can only challenge where you feel there is no genuine affection/" Daria smiled apologetically. "It's a law we haven't gotten around to changing yet."

"ANd this Yeasa Ula is going to challenge Sam for me? Jack asked. "So it would seem," Olan said. "Gea would like to avoid such a result."

"Well, so would I personally. I take it you have a plan?"

"Yes, but I['m not sure that you are going to like it."

"This should be interesting."

"Gea believes, and I agree with her, that if you were to appear more affectionate towards Major Carter, Yeasa will drop the idea." Daniel choked on his drink. "More affectionate? Jack asked, glaring at Daniel. "Yes."

"How the hell am I," Jack started. "Ah, Jack," Daniel interupted. "I think you know what he means." Jack sighed. "Is there a conspiracy against me this week?" he asked no one in particular. "Nah, I think it's just karma." Daniel threw back. "remind me to have Janet remove your voice box when we get back."

"Actually, I think she'd agree with me."

"Who'd agree with you?" Daniel and Jack looked up. Sam and Gea had returned. "Janet," Daniel supplied. "We were discussing karma."

"Oh, Janet definately believes in karma," Sam supplied, sitting down on the cushions provided next to Jack. "However, I sometimes think she's capable of administering it."

"Olan," Gea said, taking little notince of the display before her. "WHat has been organised in the way of entertainment for tonight?"

"The Tranzal dance troup is here, as is the Relyan Players group, my queen."

"I have no desire for threatre tonight - I am too tired for it. Have the dancers perform." Olan nodded, and moved away to organise it. "The Tranzal dancers are truly extraordinary," Daria said to Daniel. "They dance to Tranzal drums, no actual melody. Tranzal is a province known for its artistry and love of music."

"I am looking forward to seeing them." Daria continued explaining to Daniel the customs of the Tranzal, who proved to be a curious people who placed music and art above all else, even, on occassion, their own lives. While they were talking, Jack leant over to Sam. "Did Gea speak to you?" he asked quietly. "About Yeasa? Yes. WHat do you want to do?"

"Well," Jack said, in the voice that Sam knew meant he was slightly unsure of himself. "We're both mature adults. I'm sure we can handle a bit of acting."

"Of course," Sam agreed. For some unknown reason, her heart was pounding. "Well then," he said, putting an arm around her waist, "we may as well enjoy the show." He pulled her back so that she was leaning against his chest. With his free arm, he found her goblet, and passed it to her. She looked up at him, smiling softly. THere. Nothing to it, she thought. The rest of the nigt passed nicely, as far as Sam was concerned. She was still certain that something was bothering Gea. The haunted expression in her eyes returned frequently, and often she gazed out in the direction of the city. Jack noticed, too. "What do you think is bothering her?" he asked, as the Tranzal dancers whirled their way across the floor. "I've no idea," Sam responded, "but I have a feeling it's related to the people. She mentioned something earlier about the pressures of her office."

"I wish she would tell us how she knows who we are."

"I'm sure she will." Finally, Gea pleaded exhaustion, and excused herself from the proceedings. Before she left, she had a quick whispered conversation with her aunt. Daria looked slightly surprised, but smiled, and nodded. Daniel wanted to continue a discussion he was having with Daria about culture and religion, so Teal'C agreed to stay with him, while Sam and Jack themselves retired. "Be sure to take in the gardens near your quarters," Daria suggested. "They are most beautiful this time of night." They found the gardens that she had suggested. Small, covered candles and lanterns had been set up to provide light, and it reflected off smalls ponds and creeks. Small white flowers, unlike anything Sam had seen dotted the garden, as well as tress with soft, purple flowers, whose fragrence was intoxicating. "This is gorgeous," Sam whispered. "It is, if you go in to that whole fairylight thing," Jack rebuked. Sam sent him an exasperated look. "Colonel you have absolutely no sense of romance," she accused. "I don't?"

"Nope." Sam sat down on a stone bench. She forgotten how long it had been sice she had worn shoes other than her combat boots. Jack sat down next to her. "I may surprise you yet, major." he said. "Mmm." Suddenly, Sam felt extremely tired. The urge to simply close her eyes, and fall asleep was too strong too fight. Some rational part of her mind thought she might have been drugged, but she ignored it. Jack looked down in surprise to find his Major asleep on his shoulder. He sighed. He was pretty beat himself. There was something about the way she looked though, and he didn't have it in his heart to wake her. Ignoring his protesting body, he picker her up, and carried her to their rooms. When Daniel and Teal'C arrived back at their rooms an hour later, they were somewat surprised to fin Sam and Jack both still fully dressed, asleep on Sam's bed together, Jack's arm protectively around Sam's waist.

When Sam awoke the next morning, she felt as if she had slept for a week. It took a while to shake her head clear of those half irrational thoughts that one has when waking. Finally she realised that something was stopping her from moving. Looking around, she was suddenly aware of the Colonel, his arm still draped around her waist. Despite her surprise, she tried very hard not to wake the Colonel. Slipping out from under his arm, Sam climbed of the bed. Desperately she searched her memory, trying to remember what had happened last night. She remembered the banquet, and Yeasa Ula, and sitting in the gardens with Jack, but nothing after that. She must have fallen asleep in the gardens, she realised, as she took in the state of her dress. She looked back at Jack and realised she really didn't want to be around when he woke up, just in case.

Sam found herself in the chamber that she and Gea had bathed in the night before, and decided that a bath was in order. Shela, the young girl who seemed to be on duty in the room was more than happy to help her, and after providing her with towel and soap, went off in search of Sam's fatigues.

Sam found it so easy to relax in the milky water. She allowed herself the luxury of forgetting about the mission and Jack for a few moments, as she watch tendrils of steam drift slowly off the water towards the roof. She was brought out of her reverie by soft footsteps behind her.

"Oh, Shela," she said, "would you mind washing my back?"

Shela didn't say anything, but Sam heard her pick up the soap, and lather up the soap against the cloth. She relaxed as she felt the gentle strokes of the cloth on her back. This was the sort of luxury one could certainly get used to. It felt so good to be pampered.

"Major, I found your clothes, but,"

Sam looked up in surprise as Shela walked into the chamber, carrying her fatigues.

"Oh, my apologies," she stammered. "I'll leave." She quickly put the clothes down, and hurriedly exited the room.

Sam spun around. Jack looked at her, cloth in hand, a slightly sad expression on his face. It was a new expression to Sam, one she could not read. She turned around again, and stood up, picking up the towel. She wrapped it around herself, collected her clothes, and walked into a small room adjoining the chamber. She never looked back at him or said a word. Jack sighed, and left the chamber.

Daniel noticed the tension between Sam and Jack as they were accompanied to the meeting with Gea. He wasn't sure what had caused it, however. They had still been asleep when he and Teal'C had woken that morning, unmoved from the night before. They had decided to find something else to do rather than be there when the sleeping pair woke.

Gea and Olan were already seated at the meeting room table when SG1 walked in.

"Thank you for joining us," Gea said, as she sorted through various papers in front of her. She seemed distracted, and if she noticed the tension between Sam and Jack, then she didn't acknowledge it. "I hope that these talks can lead to friendly relations between our worlds."

The talks started well. At Gea's request, Sam explained how the Stargate worked, and Daniel provided some of the history behind it. Gea had never heard of the Go'uld, but did say that the believed that their Goddess had brought them to this world in order to protect them from evil demons. According to their holy books, the Goddess said they would be protected on this planet, and the demons would not be able to harm them. SG1 were the first beings to come through the gate in recorded history. Daniel was about to ask for more information about the goddess so that he could identify her, when there was a knock at the door.

"Enter," Gea called.

Stanla entered the room, his face grim. Quietly, he handed Gea a piece of paper.

"Deja vu," Jack whispered to Sam, who ignored him.

Gea closed her eyes, pain evident on her face. Picking up her glass, she stood up and walked over to a window and looked out.

"How many?" she asked softly.

"Gea, I" Stanla started.

"How many?" she asked, more forcibly.

Stanla sighed. "Perhaps 200." Gea groaned. "We may have stopped it at the Nian quarter, but we can't be certain."

Gea looked out the window for a long moment, before finally turning back to SG1. "You have superior medical technology?" she asked.

"Well, yes," Sam said.

"Gea no," Olan interrupted. "We will handle our own problems."

Gea threw her glass against the wall. Everyone flinched at the sound of breaking glass. She glared at Olan. "And how will we do that?" she demanded. "By letting our people die? That is not why I am Shal! If there is a way to save y people, then I will do it! No matter the cost!" She took a deep breath, and turned back to Sam. "There is a plague that haunts my people. If you can cure it, I will give you whatever you ask for."

"What is this plague?" Sam asked.

"It strikes mostly in the lower city, perhaps because hygiene is not as good there. The main symptom is diarrhoea, but victims also suffer from vomiting, thirst and muscle cramps. At least half the people infected die. We do not yet know how it spreads."

Daniel looked at Sam. "That sounds like cholera," he said. Sam nodded in agreement.

"You know it?" Gea sounded excited. "Please, tell me there is a cure. I will give you anything for it."

Jack looked at her. "Tell us how you know who we are, and well give it to you."

"Done," Gea said, without hesitation. "Follow me."

Gea took them to a room, hidden behind secret doorways and passages. In it was a large machine that reminded Jack of the huge computers of the sixties.. However, the technology was obviously alien, and not something that SG-1 was familiar with. "We don't really know what it is," Gea admitted. "Parts of it began arriving through the gate about sixty years ago. We believe that the Goddess sent them. She will tell us her purpose in doing so in her own good time."

"She speaks to you?" Jack asked. "Not in my lifetime," Gea said, "Although my Grandmother swore that she met her as a child. We've kept this a secret for we do not know what to make of the information that it gives us."

"Which is?" Gea walked over to the machine, and flicked a few switches. Suddenly the sound of static filled the room. "Sorry," Gea grimaced, turning the volume down. She continued to fiddle with the controls, until finally a male voice filled the room. At first, SG-1 couldn't identify the language, but then Daniel's eyes widened, as he realised it was the language of the Gou'ld. "Cronos," Daniel identified the speaker. "What?" Jack demanded. "This is how you knew about us, wasn't it?" Sam asked, scanning the data as it appeared on a screen in front of her. "You heard the Gou'ld talking about us, didn't you?"

"Yes. At first, we feared the Gou'ld, but they have not attacked us. Perhaps they have forgotten about us, or perhaps the Goddess protects us."

"You know there's a good chance your goddess is a Gou'ld?" Jack asked. "Oh no," Gea contradicted. "Our lore clearly states that the Goddess brought us hear in order to protect us from the false gods. The Gou'ld are the false gods, by your own account, so our lore is obviously true. We have actually hoped that you would contact us. We are unable to face the unknown dangers out there, yet we have a curiosity to know."

"Sir, do you realise how important this could be? We could know what the Gou'ld are going to do before they do it." Sam said excitedly. "I will give you complete access to all information we receive, if you can provide us with the cure to this 'cholera'" Gea offered. "We'll need blood samples of an infected patient," Sam said, "so we know that we are providing the right cure."

"Stanla can provide those."

"Sir," Sam said, spinning around," I suggest that you take Stanla back through the Stargate, and work with Janet on the best way to cure the plague. I'll stay here and work in this computer. Although I may need Daniel's help in interpreting the language."

"I agree," Jack said. "I will accompany you to your world," Gea said. Jack went to object, and then changed his mind. After all, there was no arguing with a queen.

"Colonel, your team seems to have changed a bit," General Hammond noted as Jack, Teal'C, Gea, Stanla and Mara landed on the ramp in the embarkation room. "It's a long story, General," O'Neill sighed. Gea turned to look at the gate as the naquada circle vanished. "How remarkable," she said, "if a little cold." Once he had realised that O'Neill had brought visitors back with him, General Hammond had raced down to the embarkation room. "General Hammond," O'Neill said, "may I present Shal Gea of the Shannan. Shal basically means queen," he added. "Gea, this is General Hammond. He is in charge of this facility." Gea bowed in the fashion of her people. "General Hammond, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise," the general replied. "May I present my Len, Mara, and Stanla, my second consort." The general nodded at them. "Please forgive my haste, General, but may Stanla speak with your doctors immediately?" Hammond looked at O'Neill for an explination. "It seems that there is a cholera outbreak in the main city," Jack said. "I will happily trade for a cure, but please understand that my people are dying, and I cannot waste anymore time. I will discuss the terms of this trade with you now, but we must move quickly."

"Of course," General Hammond nodded. "Leuitenant Simmons, will you show Stanla to the infirmary? Colonel, the briefing room." He extended his arm to Gea, and the left to embarkation room.

After the initial talks were over, Gea insisted on being taken to the infirmary. She had also insisted that she be able to meet the President before any final agreement on an alliance or trade was signed. The thought of someone like Gea meeting the president was an idea that Jack found slightly amusing. He was sure that Sam would too. For the first time since returning from Shanna, Jack allowed himself to think about what had happened between him and Sam. He still wasn't entirely sure why he had done what he had. It had just seemed like the right idea at the time. Holding her in his arms, watching her as she slept had seemed the most natural thing in the world. He remembered how his last action before falling asleep was to brush her hair off her face, and feeling more at peace with himself than he had for years, he fell asleep. When he awoke, and she was gone, he felt odd, as if a part of him were missing. He had gone in searched of her, only to find her in the bath. His head still wasn't clear, and he knew that he had wanted to touch her, to sooth her, and somehow it had seemed right. Unfortunately, she hadn't agreed. How could he have been so stupid! Of course that would be how she would react. What had he expected? He was her CO, after all. He had only himself to blame for this, no one else. Only himself to blame for ruining everything he had had, and could possibly ever have with Sam Carter.

Daniel looked at Sam closely. Oh, she sure appeared to be enjoying herself, working on this new piece of technology that could have well been the breakthrough they needed in the fight against the Goa'uld. But he knew her better than that. Sam was hurting, and it was obvious to him in a hundred little ways, but predominantly by the way her hands shook. He was, however, unsure of the best way to broach the subject with her.

"It was some party last night, hey," he said in attempt to start a conversation.

"Yeah, it was," Sam replied, not looking interested.

"Those dancers were something else. Did you see that girl who did a double backflip? Don't think I've seen anything like that, not even in the Moscow Circus."

Sam nodded, but said nothing. Daniel knew this side of her. She was far too deep in her own thoughts to acknowledge him. The next few minutes passed in silence.

"Daniel, have you ever had a dream that is simply so perfect, that you've accepted that it can never happen? Something so very much out of your reach that when it finally does happen, you can't believe that it is happening, and you run?" She asked finally.

So that was it. Something had happened this morning, something where Jack must have revealed some of his feelings for Sam, and Sam froze, not knowing what to do. If Jack had asked him his advice, Daniel could have told him that would happen. He did know Sam pretty well. On a different level to Jack though. Of course, Jack rarely asked him for advice.

"To be honest, I can't say that I have," Daniel admitted.

Sam didn't seem to have heard him. "I don't know why I ran, Daniel. I just couldn't believe that it was happening. I mean, it isn't possible."

"Sometimes we don't know how to handle something like that. Maybe you ran because you weren't ready for it to happen."

"But I WANTED it to happen!" Sam countered.

"But you couldn't accept it when it did. Give yourself time to get used to the idea. Then, when it happens again, you will be able to handle it."

"I don't know that it will happen again, Daniel. I think I stuffed it up too much."

Jack watched Gea as she walked towards the infirmary. It was odd, but even here, a million miles away from her own world, she was so very much in control. She walked with an air of responsibility that she had never questioned.. She had no reason to believe otherwise, he realised.

"Report," she commanded of Stanla as she entered the infirmary.

"I have good news, revered one," he said, moving quickly to her side. "Dr Frasier here is able to provide with medicines that will aid us."

"A cure?" Gea asked hopefully, looking at Janet.

"Of sorts," Janet said. "We treat cholera by replacing fluids and salts. We have the correct mixture of substances readily available here, so once I finish my tests, we can start to ship them out. Also, antibiotics will help those infected."

"Antibiotics?" Gea asked.

Stanla looked excited. "A miracle medicine, Gea. It cures many diseases."

Gea looked back at Janet. "And you will give us this?"

"I'm a doctor," Janet said simply. "However, there are some steps you will need to take."

"It is a hygiene problem, isn't it?"

"Yes. Prevention is a matter of sanitation."

"We suspected as such. The disease flares in areas we have yet to clean up. I will make it a top priority when we return. The council can object all they will, but I will not waste anymore lives. I cannot thank you enough, doctor. You do not know what this means to my people." Gea could barely conceal her enthusiasm.

"Just doing my job."

Gea turned to Mara, and spoke quickly in a foreign tongue. Mara looked surprised.

"But she is an off-worlder. It is not done!" she objected.

"Mara, this is the first time for such an incident. She, no, they all deserve the highest honour we can bestow."

"But Gea,"

"No," Gea silenced her, turning away. "Do not question me." She turned her attention back to Janet. "Do you need anything from us?"

"Actually yes. There are slight differences between this strain of cholera and our own. To be sure, I will need blood samples from yourself and Mara."

"Of course."

"Cel'bea!" Mara said suddenly. Gea spun around to glare at her, before speaking to her in the foreign tongue again. They argued for a brief moment. Stanla looked disturbed.

"You will do it," Gea said finally in English, again, turning her back on her Len.

Daniel and Sam decided to leave the machine for a time. Sam was tired, and Daniel thought she might open up more if they were away from the machine. They made their way back to one of the main corridors, when two guards approached them.

"Come with us," one ordered. Curious, the pair followed.

They were taken to the throne room, were, much to their surprise, Daria and Olan were being held by other guards, obviously against their will. And on the throne of the Shal sat Jania Faken.

After the three Shannans had given Janet a blood sample, Jack took Gea on a somewhat classified tour of the SGC, a despondent Mara in tow. With every passing moment, Mara grew more and more unhappy, until a look of pure hatred cover her face. Gea seemed unaware of it as they entered the embarkation room.

"And this is where all the action takes place,' Gea said, admiring the Stargate. "I admire your bravery, Colonel. To travel to the unknown - that is something that we are not yet ready for."

"I am sure you underestimate yourselves, Gea," Jack responded diplomatically.

Gea smiled. "Perhaps it is so, but we have a long way to go, I do believe. Perhaps your General Hammond would not mind if we were to ask advice about implementing some of these social changes. If your people have the experience that you are willing to share . . "

"Ge, No!" Maa yelled suddenly.

Gea spun around to face her Len. "What is it?" she asked, alarmed.

"How can you do this?" Mara demanded. "How can you ask help from these outsiders? They know nothing of us, and you lessen us by dealing with them!"

Gea looked shocked, but at the same time very sad. "How dare you disgrace us in front of our hosts," she said, her voice deadly quiet.

"How can you through away what we are?"

"Are you challenging me?" Gea asked, tilting her head.

"If that is what it takes to protect our world, then yes, I am."

Gea took off her cloak, and handed it to Jack. "Stay out of this," she whispered.

"Out of what?" Jack demanded. "Gea, what is happening."

"You had best send for Stanla. He knows how to handle this."

Jack nodded, and turned to an airman, sending him to find the Second consort. When he turned back, he stared at the sight before him in astonishment. Gea and Mara circled each other, their fists up in a combat stance. Before he could do anything to stop them, Mara swung at Gea.

For the next few minutes, Jack was unable to move as he watched the fight between the two women. He had seen wmoen fight before, sure, but never like this. What he had seen was women fighting either the way the airforce taught them, a male style, or what he termed as a 'cat fight', with hair pulling and so forth. This was different. Gea and Mara fought in a way that had been developed by women over centuries. They kicked as if they were trained in the martial arts, yet they punched and weaved like boxers. Soon it became apparent that the purpose of this style of fighting was not to kill, but to injure the opponent so that they would retreat. Killing, Jack assumed, was done with weapons, ad not with the hands.

Finally, Mara came to close to Gea, and the Shal grabbed Mara's shoulder, and spun her around. With one arm around the neck, and the other holding an arm behind Mara's back, Gea held the Len. To this sight, Stanla, accompanied by Janet and General Hammond, came into the room. He took only a moment to survey the scene, before pulling something from a pocket. Moving to the struggling pair, he shoved whatever he held into Mara's face. Mara collapsed, and Gea released her grip.

"Okay, what just happened?" Jack demanded.

Stanla and Gea closely examined Mara. Stanla looked in her eyes, while Gea checked her arms. Finally, Stanla opened her mouth and smelt the unconscious woman's breath. He sat back and looked at Gea.

""Kevel," he said softly.

Gea sighed, looking away. Turning back to Stanla she said, "I will have her head for this."

"As long as you can prove it."

"Excuse me, Jack said, starting to sound annoyed. "But what just happened here?"

"Mara was drugged," Gea said, standing up. "Probably by Jania. Kevel is a potent substance that opens even the strongest of minds up to the power of suggestion. I would say Jania gave her orders to kill me. Of course, the fact that Mara and I were bonded early on meant that Mara could not simply slit my throat. She had to find an honourable way to do it."

"Like saying you were disgracing your people," Jack said.

"So it would seem. I grow tired of this nonsense."

Jania Fekan carfeully examined Sam and Daniel as they stood before her. She was unsure what to make of this visiting dignitry of the Tauri, and of her men. She felt that Carter respected her men, and should therefore be treated with some suspicion. Yet, she had no part in this game of politics, and it would be viewed unfavourably if she bagan to execute those who, for now, at least appeared innocent.

Sam, for her part, realised that this was serious. She did not know if Jania knew that the cover story Gea had concocted for her trip through the Stargate was still in tact. She could only play it by ear, hoping to catch out Jania.

"Major Carter," Jania began, "Daria tells me that Gea took two of your men to see the base at Danelan."

"Yes. I wasn't terribly interested, but Jack and Teal'c were, so I let them go."

"You trust your men with Gea?"

"I have seen no reason not to. Why do you ask?"

"Would you be surprised if I said they are no where to be found?"

"What?" Sam asked, acting surprised. She turned to Daniel. "Do you know anything about this?"

Daniel played suitably humbled. "No, major, I don't."

"Pity," said a new voice from the back of the hall. "I was hoping to get a moment alone with that O'Neill."

Sam spun around, her mind ablaze. There, at the back of the throne room stood Yeasa. Sam vision clouded over for a moment, and the idea of this woman with Jack simply outraged her, and she could have happily hit her.

"You have no right," she said in a low voice that surprised even Daniel.

Yeasa moved over to her. "Why not? Are you that possessive?" she asked, looking her straight in the eye.

"He is not yours for the taking."

"Now, ladies, let's not get a head of ourselves," Jania interrupted. "What do you want, Yeasa?"

Yeasa walked up to the dais, her walk sultry, her eyes alight. "What I've always wanted, Jania." She turned to look at Olan. "The First Consort."

Olan looked up. He had been beaten, and already bruises were forming all over his face. Through the pain he glared at Yeasa.

"I do not know what you see in him, Yeasa," Jania said. "I was simply going to kill him."

"Oh, let me do that, I'll have so much more fun. You know how inventive I can be."

Jania considered it for a moment. "Oh, very well," she said. "But I want to see his body by morning."

"Jania, you take all the fun out of this." Yeasa walked over to Olan and took his bound hands, pulling him from the hall.

When they were gone, Jania allowed them to return to their rooms. It was then that Sam noticed her GDO was missing.

With Mara safetly under guard in the infirmary, Gea had gone to see General Hammond, eager to return home and face Jania. She was extremely apologetic to Hammond for causing the disturbance on the base, and assured him that no others would have been effected.

"It is why I insisted Dr Frasier take our blood," she explained to him. "I was suspicious, Mara has been in an odd mood a lot of late. Beside, Jania is so narrow minded, that she will not have targeted more than one person. She can't actually keep more than one move in play at a time. It's how we've kept in front for so long."

"But Mara was your body guard," Hammond countered.

"I know. And that's why I must return to Shanna as soon as possible." She walked over to the window over looking the gate. "If she has moved against Mara, and against me so directly, then she intends to claim the seat. She may have even done so, trusting in her drugs, and believing me to be dead already. I would certainly not put it past her."

"Is she that much a threat?"

Gea sighed. "General, my mother was not a strong ruler. My grandmother had ruled supreme. It had been her dream to change our society, but we weren't ready for it. She did what she could, and bore no opposition for forty-five years. But my mother was weak, and our enemies tested her as they always do a new Shal. She did not fair well. She died after three years on the seat. She may have even been poisoned, but I have never been able to prove it. Fortunately, my grandmother raised me. Where my mother was lax in her studies, I excelled. But it has been a struggle to regain what my grandmother had. In those three years, Jania and her faction gained much support. I haven't had the time to fully squash it. I have always . . . "

She was interrupted by the sound of the gate activating. Hammond looked at Jack.

"No one's scheduled to return," he said, as the trio began to move to the control room.

Simmons was hastily scanning the material on his computer screen as the iris closed. "Still waiting for a code, General, he said. For a moment, all was silent, then finally, the screen flashed. "It's SG1, sir."

"Open the iris."

One female and one male figure tumbled out of the shimmering blue naquda. As the male form collapsed on to the ramp, the female looked up. Jack realised with a chill that this was not Sam and Daniel.

"OLAN!" Gea cried from beside him. Before he could stop her, she had bolted from the room, and down the stairs. Jack swore to himself, and took off in pursuit.

Yeasa Ula was filled with a trepidation that was foreign to her. She had just travelled to another world, the unconscious body of the First Consort of the Revered Shal of Shanna in her arms, and for the first time in her life, she was uncertain. Men crowded the room she found herself in, pointing weapons in her direction. If Gea was here, she would act first and think second, placing her in immediate danger. Already she carried the scars of her journey to the gate, and she was in no rush to add to those.

"Please," she called to the men, "grant us sanctuary. We barely escaped with our lives."

"You'll be lucky to escape with that, Yeasa, when I am done with you," Gea yelled as she stormed into the gate room. She approached Yeasa menacingly.

"Hold her!" Jack ordered, a few steps behind her.

"For the love of the Goddess, Sanctuary!" Yeasa called again.

Two airmen held a struggling Gea, leaving Jack with little choice. He wasn't about to let Gea hurt anyone, even if it was Yeasa. "Fine," he said. "Sanctuary. Gea, back off."

Gea glared at him, hatred in her eyes, before pushing the guards await from her. "I will honour your sanctuary," she said, as she moved to Olan. "But Goddess help me Yeasa, when we get back home." She cradled Olan's head, desperately checking for a pulse.

"Medical team to the Gate room," came the call.

"Of, for the love of the Mother. Gea, do you think I'd do this then turn up here? I saved him, Gea, and only just."

"Explain yourself!" Gea ordered.

"Jania holds your seat, Gea."

As the medical team rushed to aid Olan, Gea stood up. Without warning, she let out an almighty roar, that echoed through the gate room. And as she voiced her anger at the turn of events she had so dreaded, Jack O'Neill began to feel his stomach turn, as he realised he had no idea of what fate awaited Sam.

"She took control not long after you left. She had more people in the palace than we were aware of," Yeasa was explaining as she, Jack and Gea walked towards the infirmary.

"Carter and Daniel?" Jack asked eagerly.

"Last I saw they were fine. They claimed no knowledge of what happened to you. Carter's playing along for now, although Jania is suspicious. She won't act against them. Not without some kind of proof they support Gea."

"Why, Yeasa?" Gea finally asked.

Yeasa laughed. "Sometimes, my dear, you are extremely blind. Who do you think has been feeding your information to the New Order?"

Gea stopped dead on her tracks. "You? Oh, I am a fool."

Before Jack could ask what she had meant by that, they reached the infirmary. Stanla was waiting for them.

"How is he?" Gea asked him, her voice full of concern.

"He's asleep, but he'll be okay."

"Thank the goddess," Gea breathed. "May I see him?"

"Of course."

Gea hurried inside, while Stanla slumped against the wall, exhausted. Jack meanwhile, still had questions that had not yer been answered.

"Who are the New Order?" he demanded of Yeasa.

"A rebel faction, although they pledge loyalty to Gea. They seek reforms that will bring about a more equal society." Yeasa answered.

"Gea has been secretly supporting them for months," Stanla added. "She knew we would need their help if Jania acted. There was a contact in the palace who feed them information"

"And what is your connection?" Jack asked Yeasa.

"I am that contact."


They sat around the briefing room table, as Gea paced back and forth, going over her plan.

"Yeasa will enter the palace, with Mara. Jania will assume that Mara is still under the influence of the drug, and will believe her when she tell her I am dead. Yeasa will say that they New Order attacked her, and they took they body of Olan. If she believe we are both dead, it may make it easier. Yeasa, take Jack and Teal'c with you. They can say they are returning to Major Carter, and want no part in the politics. Stanla and I can sneak into the palace wit the aid of the New Order. When the time is right, we attack. The New Order will co-ordinate with the army and police that are loyal to me. Once we have Jania, all the others will fall into place. Any questions?"

"Sounds good to me," Jack said.

There were people waiting for them on the other side of the Stargate. Jack recognised one of the younger girls as Shela, the serving girl who had interrupted him noted that for any revolution to succeed, it need the support of the army, and he used Russia and France as and Sam on that fateful morning.

"Revered one," she said, running to greet Gea. "We were worried. How does the First Consort?"

"Well," Gea replied, hugging the girl lightly. "He is being looked after by an excellent physician. One so remarkable, that she has access to a cure for the plague that haunts our city." There was a murmur of excitement among the twenty or so people gathered there. "But I will tell you more of this later. For now, we must set about retaking what is ours."


Sam watched, her face a mask, as Jania sentenced another unfortunate to death. She and Daniel had been forced to witness what were simply show trials. Anyone in the court who had was a supporter of Gea's, and had not already fled the capital, were routinely rounded up and brought to trial. It appeared that the army had been divided, which was how Jania had been able to take control. Daniel had his examples. However, half the army had fled the city. Daniel believed that without the leadership of Gea, the government forces were directionless. Sam had to admire Jania's cunning in how she had been able to take control of the palace with such relative ease. She had had more people in the palace than Gea had been aware of, and used the Shal's absence to take control.

Sam felt Daniel tense next to her as the latest victim was taken away.

"We have to do something," he hissed in Sam's ear.

"We've discussed this already, Daniel" Sam replied. "We are not in a position to do anything. She'll order our execution the moment she thinks that we will support Gea."

"But those people are innocent," Daniel protested.

Ï know that, Daniel. Believe me, I know. But what can we do? Listen, she's not planning on executing these people until tomorrow. I'm sure that the Colonel will want to get in touch with us by then. They'll find out on they way to the city what's going on and get word to Gea. You said yourself that government forces need her in order to unite and operate in any sort of cohesive way."

Daniel sighed. "You're right. It's just so infuriating, watching and doing nothing. Daria is locked up, and we still don't know what has become of the other consorts."

Ï know, Daniel, I know. We can only wait for our chance. We're too heavily guarded to even think about escape."

As the next defendant was brought before Jania, Sam let her mind wander. And it wasn't too long before it arrived on the subject of Jack. She hadn't been able to get what had happened out of her mind, and she didn't know why. Sure, some of what Daniel had said had been right. She wasn't quite ready yet for what he had offered, But that raised another point. Would she ever be? Oh, she knew that she felt something for Jack, something more than what she had felt for Daniel and Teal'c. And while there was a part of her that craved Jack, that craved his company and his touch, there was still a large part of her that refused to admit there was anything there. That rational side of her, which had for the last four years, been winning the struggle, constantly reminded her of the negative consequences. And had, up until recently, made her believe that her affections were unrequited. Well, there certainly had been evidence to support that he saw her as nothing more than a friend and co-worker.

"What am I going to do? "she sighed to herself.

"I thought we were going to wait, "Daniel responded, confused.

Sam, surprised that she had spoken aloud, looked up. "What? Oh, I was just thinking aloud."

"About Jack?" Daniel guessed.

"Am I that transparent?" Sam asked ruefully.

"Well, I have kind of been watching you to for some time now.

Ït would be easier if he didn't feel the same way," Sam said. At least then I could force myself to get over him."

"Sam, I may be out of line here, but I think that Jack will abide by any decision you make. He won't do anything that you won't allow, or that will make you uncomfortable. He always puts you first, Sam."

"Daniel, if you were trying to make things easier for me, that didn't work."

"Sorry, but it's the truth. I think I know Jack well enough to know that. And also, I think that you . . . "

Whatever Daniel was going to say would have to wait, as they were interrupted by the great doors to the throne room swinging open. Sam looked up in surprise as Yeasa Ula entered the throne room, closely followed by Mara, Jack and Teal'c, as well as two other women, fully armed.

"I return bearing gifts, Jania," Yeasa said in a booming voice, as Jania stood uHop. "Although I think that Major Carter would prefer them."

Sam took her cue, reminding herself to continue in character, and stood up, but Jania signalled for silence.

"Where is Olan's body?" she demanded.

Yeasa sighed dramatically. "Oh, he's dead. Don't worry about that. But as we were returning here, we were set upon by the New Order, and they took the body. They probably consider him a hero, and want to see that he is buried properly or some such nonsense."

Sam looked at Daniel, confused. What were Jack, Teal'c and Mara doing here without Gea?

"And Len Mara," Jania continued, "what of the Shal?"

"Dead, my lady." Mara replied, her face showing no trace of emotion.

An evil smile spread over Jania's face. "This is good news. Tell the priestess to prepare for my coronation."

Yeasa then moved forward towards Sam, with Teal'c and Jack only a few steps behind her.

"I believe you lost these," she said tartly, indicating Jack and Teal'c. "I really would be more careful next time. There's just no telling what could have happened to them."

Sam felt her blood boil as the woman spoke to her. After all, this was the woman who had so blatantly lusted after Jack, and Sam did not like that one bit. Not that she could explain that. Well, she could. That reaction belonged to that part of her that she preferred not to listen to. The part that told her it was no use - she was definitely, completely and absolutely falling for Jack O'Neill.

"Thank you. I will be more careful next time." Before Sam had a chance to talk to Jack, and find out what was going on, loud explosion sounded from outside the room. Sam looked around, trying to place the noise.

"What is that?" Jania demanded, her eyes flashing. She turned to a guard near her. "Go and find out."

The guard nodded, and ran off. However, before she reached the doors, they swung open. Sam's eyes opened wide as Gea stood in the doorway, flanked on either side by at least five armed people, male and female. Sam guessed they were the New Order.

"You!" Jania exclaimed. She turned her attention to Mara. "You said she was dead!" she accused the Len.

"My dear Jania," Gea said sweetly as she approached the throne, "you should know better than to use Kevel on someone who has been bonded. It simply will not work. The bond is too strong."

"It does not matter. I hold power now."

There was another explosion, this one closer.

"Are you sure of that, Jania?" Gea said, smiling.

"Seize them!" Jania ordered, as her guards moved forward.

The room erupted into a brawl, as those loyal to Jania attacked Gea and the New Order. Jack and Teal'c immediately moved forward themselves to attack. Sam looked around, and saw Yeasa drawing a small dagger. She reacted almost immediately.

Öh, no you don't," Sam muttered as she moved forward herself. She grabbed Yeasa's arm, and spun her around, grabbing the wrist of her knife hand, and squeezed until Yeasa was forced to drop the knife. She then swung her arm, catching the woman off guard with a hook. Jack looked around in surprise.

"Sam," he called.

"What?" Sam demanded, as she went to hit Yeasa again.

""She's on our side."

Sam paused, and looked back at Yeasa, who shrugged.

"Ah. Sorry."

"No problem. I probably would have done the same thing in your position." Yeasa seemed amused.

Sam handed Yeasa's knife back to her, but before either could say another word, they were distracted by Daniel's cries for help as he was attacked by two of Jania's guards.

Epilogue: Three days later

Olan and Gea were arguing. Daniel got the impression that it was not an unusual part of their relationship. He supposed that Gea was not used to people arguing with her, and that Olan was probably one of the few who dared to. Gea would listen to his points, consider them, and then tell him why he was wrong. Yet Daniel sensed that Gea was better off for it. And as a result, so was Shanna.

Gea had called for a celebration to be held in honour of SG1, as well as Doctor Frasier. She had wanted to present them with honours she said were fitting to those who had helped to save not only her throne, but also, and she said, more importantly, those that had helped to save the lives of perhaps thousands of innocent people.

They were just about to go out to greet the crowd when Olan had had a dizzy spell. Although Janet had said he was fine, Gea wanted him to sit out the ceremony. Olan had refused, demanding that he be apart of this moment because of his absence during the take over.

Jania had tried to flee during the melee that had erupted in the throne room three days ago, but Teal'c had spotted her and caught her. She was currently in prison, awaiting trial. Gea had had no trouble in re-establishing her power. As Daniel had assumed, once she reappeared, the majority of the population had come out in support of her.

"Enough," Gea called finally. "Must I silence you?" she demanded of Olan.

Olan simply grinned. "Of course, my queen."

Gea glared at him, before leaning in and kissing him. "Hold your tongue," she ordered, "Or I will hold it for you."

As they went to move again, Jack looked at Sam. "Major, have you had the chance to talk to Yeasa yet?"

"Yes sir."


Sam didn't say anything about her discussion with Yeasa and Gea. It had been interesting, to say the least. Yeasa said she perfectly understood Sam's reaction in the throne room, although Sam herself hadn't - until Yeasa and Gea took it upon themselves to answer the questions for her. It had certainly been a revealing discussion that had gone on into the early hours of the previous morning.

"I believe they said it came under secret's women's business sir."

"Geez Carter, what doesn't? You know, I reckon you've been secretly wishing for a planet like this, just to get us back for that time with the Shapa'i."

Gea stopped, just before walking onto the balcony that overlooked the open courtyard in the palace. "If this is what results from men being equal to women," she said sharply to Sam, "I may yet change my mind. I leave you to silence him." With that she walked out onto the balcony, followed by Olan.

"Of, fine," Jack complained. "Now she probably thinks I'm a chauvinist. I swear, that I will never,"

"Sir?" Sam interrupted him.

"Yes Sam?"

"Shush." With that, Sam leant in and kissed him. Jack stood there, stunned for a moment, before reciprocating the kiss. Daniel, Janet and Teal'c simply looked on and smiled. Hearing her named called from the balcony, Sam broke off the kiss, spun around, and followed the path Gea had taken, leaving Jack with a goofy grin on his face.

The End

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