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Status: sequels to follow

Sequel/ Season: Life's Little Curve: Part One: Diagnosis Life's Little Curve: Part Two: Night Before Life's Little Curve: Part Three: The Call Life's Little Curve: Part Four: The Love Life's Little Curve: Part Five: All Day Life's Little Curve: Part Six: Aftermath of Surgery Life's Little Curve: Part Seven: Changing Tunes

Spoilers: None

Archive: SJ yes. Heliopolis yes, others just let me know.

I am very interested as to what you have to say about this series, so please send me feedback.

Sam's POV

This first week seems as if we are in a convention rather than a conference for an alliance. I felt as if I was in high school, constantly stealing a glance at Jack, every chance I get. Since the little incident that occurred since we got here, I have not talked to him unless it had to do with the alliance. I spent most of my time with Daniel and Teal'c. They both have been great help, keeping Jack and Dad away from me. In all fairness, they are just concerned, but it also seems that since I got 'sick,' they do not trust me. Today though, things are going to change. I have to face Jack for my chemotherapy treatment.

I go to the room that has been isolated just for this. I am nervous, more nervous that actually going to see a doctor. Then it happens; Jack enters the room.

"Hey" Jack says to me.

"Hey I reply. We then sit there engulfed in awkward silence.

I can't stand it anymore. I decide to speak. "Jack."

Apparently Jack and I are thinking alike, because he says "Sam" at the same time. We kiss and without words, we say all we need to.

"Well I guess we better get this over with." Jack says referring to the Chemo. Jack gets the stuff ready and all I can do is sit there and watch him. I take special notice when he bends over gets something off the floor. Oh the View! "Hey, why are you not ready?" Jack asks referring to the fact that I have not undressed, well taken off my top. (Just incase you are wondering, I have a central line surgically inserted in my chest. It is easier to just take off my top.) "Sam, I have to know why is it you are prepared when Janet gives you the treatment, but now that I am giving it to you, I have to take your top off?" Jack then started to remove my top. Apparently he is not thinking. MEN! (No offence guys)

"Jack," I sigh acting all rational and scientific, "Janet does nothing got me if she takes off my top. Now you on the other hand…" I leave the sentence at that. You fill in the blank. I toy with Jack's collar for a minute; "This is not fair. I think you should take off your shirt too."

Jack gives me a wild mans grin, then he changes to an evil grin. "Ah, Sam, the thing is, If I take my shirt off, then I know you would not let me give you this stuff."

"Is that so bad?" I comment.

"Oh yeah." Jack says. I stare at him. "If I do not give you your drugs, then Janet will kill me after putting me many excruciating medical exams." Jack turned to the drugs and carefully inspected each syringe. Then he took and alcohol swab and cleaned my central line.

That night was the worse, about one-hour after my Chemotherapy, I began the joyous part. (Yes I am being sarcastic here). All night, I spent out in the wood, throwing up. Jack was right by my side and would not let anyone within 10 feet of me. It was way after dark when the nausea finally subsided and I was able to go back to our dwelling. This was the first night since we got here that Jack and I slept together in the same bed.

Jack's POV

I am not really sure as to how it happened, it just did. I once again find myself with the woman I love wrapped in my arms. How the hell could I ever doubt her ability? I never did. I just did not want her so far from home, but I am glad that she is here now. She is with me.

I wonder what Danny and Teal'c are going to do now this has happened. They have not exactly been real chummy with me this past week. They are only protective of Sam, but so am I. I still don't like Sam being off world, but we cannot do this without her. She has been the voice of reason in this alliance. I have to admit her Technobabble has gotten us through one or more of the challenges.

I lay her and watch her sleep. A few months ago, I was sure that I would be lying next to her then next thing I know she would not be there. It got rough for a while. A couple of times, I had Sam in the hospital for loss of blood. The Chemo caused her to not produce as much red blood cells as she had been, not to mention white cells as well. Well if we are going to do a tally here of things, I might also want to mention that she had the flu twice and spent time in the infirmary. Gee and they are getting onto me about being a jerk when all I want if for her to be well. I begin to stiffen. Maybe I should just drop it. There is nothing that I can say or do to change the fact that Sam is here. Let's face it. If anything was to happen to her and I was not with her, then I do not think I could live myself.

I snuggle closer to her and I hear her moan. She turns so that we are now chest to chest and she makes the effort to snuggle in even closer than before. There we sleep the night away.

Daniel's POV

OK, I have to admit I know Sam could not stay away from Jack for so long. I am surprised that she managed as long as she did. I am happy they are my best friends and they deserve to be together, but Jack can be such a butthead. Ok, not the most articulate of terms but it works.

(The One Week later)

Furling Temtaka's POV

I have spent most of the time the Tau'ri were here with Major Carter. She fascinates me. Her wisdom and knowledge goes beyond that which we have thought was common amongst the Tau'ri. Today, we are discussing her Naquida reactor and possible adaptations to the design. "Maybe if there was a substance that is lighter than lead but contain equal shielding possibilities, then maybe this reactor would be more maneuverable when aiding in other cultures." Sam said, this caught my attention.

"You aid other cultures?" I ask. I do not know why I have not asked before.

"Yes, almost all of the cultures that we know of come from Earth. We help them, not only as a sense of obligation because they are of our race but because we want to. It is out nature to help those who need it." Sam says.

"But should you not wait until they are mature enough to understand. One thing we have learned is not all of the Tau'ri are on the same level of maturity. That is what makes you partly immature. Another part is your lack of knowledge. When you reach maturity you also reach the pinnacle of you knowledge." I comment.

"I am sorry, I do not mean to be rude, but why would we want to be complete mature and knowledgeable. Half the adventure is learning. What is the point of being mature if there is noting else out there to learn." Sam said. She was basing maturity off of knowledge. That is how I put it.

Suddenly my attentions were turned when Colonel O'Neill. "I am sorry to interrupt, but Sam it is time."

"Time for what?" I inquire.

"Time for my drug treatment." Sam says.

"May I watch?" Ok Curiosity did get to me as well.

"Sure." Sam replied. We were then off. Watching the reactions to medicine, I can tell that it is not desired. I wonder why she just does not go about another way. I could with in 2 minutes cure her of her ailments.

I spent the rest of the day with the Major and observed her reactions to the drugs. It amazed me that something that was suppose to make her well, was indeed making her feel worse then what she has felt. I turn to her in attempt to find out her course of action.

"Major Carter, I can cure you right now and you will never have to do what ever you do again. If you like I will go get my things." I offer.

Sam gives me a look and replies, "That is not necessary. I will not need that. Thank-you for your offer though."

"Why, may I inquire?" Myself again.

"Because, I am not Furling, I am Tau'ri. I wish to fight this disease in the Tau'ri fashion. The Tau'ri will one day find the cure, until then I am no different from them. I will continue my fight the way I have. It is also not fair for me to go home cured when there are thousands of people like myself that cannot be instantly cured." Sam said.

I smile, then leave Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter. I meet up with the General assembly and give them a nod. "I believe the Tau'ri will be the most valuable if friends. They have much self worth within them. And their love is unlike ours. Their love makes them strong and united."

That night the Tau'ri were welcomed as friends of the Fulings and the next day they went through the Stargate back to their home. They left us with a symbol of friendship and one of their GDOs so that we may visit any time we wish.

The End.

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