Story Notes: Parting Shot:

AUTHOR'S NOTES: There are two POVs for this story so far: Jack and Sam. Jack, characteristically, is a man of few words. Sam, on the other hand, got a little long winded. After reading through this a few times, I decided to leave the differences in length.

Thanks to Katt and Sue for proofing this for me. =)

Lavender and vanilla.

There have always been very few things Sam does that I would call feminine. Hell, the only time I've ever seen her in a skirt has been in full dress. Any other time, she's clad up to her…eyeballs… in olive drab. Not that this isn't attractive -- she could make brown paper look attractive. But she's been so busy bucking convention all her life that when she *does* something "feminine" I stand up and take notice.

So, I'm standing here, inches away from her, staring down the barrel of a loaded stereoscope as she prattles on about something she knows I don't really understand. Of course, since I don't really *want* to understand, the only thing I can think about is the light scent of lavender and vanilla wafting from her general direction.

"Make any sense, sir?"

The sound of her voice pulls my mind from its direct flight to the gutter. I blink, glancing up from the scope for the first time in minutes. She stands there, still, fingers intertwined, a gleam sparking in her blue eyes. She really loves this…science…stuff.

"Not really," I admit. "But as long as *you* understand it, I'm good."

"Okay." There's a little cloud that creeps across her features as she turns on her heel. "I've gotta go set up a meeting with Janet."

"Oh, hey, Carter?"

She pauses halfway to the door, turning and looking back at me. "Sir?"

"That…stuff…you're wearing," I say. "That new?"

She clears her throat. "Yes, sir."

"What do they call it?"

There is a moment of hesitation, and I can see a blush creep across her cheeks. Over her shoulder, she offers a devastating, albeit sheepish, smile. "For You," she replies.

I wonder just how low my jaw drops as she turns and exits the lab.


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