Story Notes: Spoilers:100 Days

Season:Whatever the one with 100 Days in it is

Authors note:Please please please give me feedback, truthful feedback, but as its my first time please be gentle. I apologies for the spelling but my cheker has gone weired again.

Sam sighed, straightend and rubbed her eyes. She was tires and stiff from sitting hunched up over the computer. She got up and made for the door. She had to strech her legs and give her poor frazzeld brains a rest. No one had even looked up as she had left, all too absorbed in their own work she guessed. With no particulat destination in mind she wandered off down the corridor. They were overhaling the bases computers, Updating everything. Jack, with his great love of computers, was hidding some place out of the way. He had complained bitterly, loudly and often, 'What. . .', he had said, 'was the point? they work don't they!? All that will happen if you start fiddiling around with them is they'll stop working! Computers are evil like that!'

She had been trying not to smile, not very succesfully. He new she was smilling, her eyes were dancing. They had been sitting in the cafeteria. Jack had had his feet on the table swinging his chair. She told him that it just meant they would go faster and work better. 'Oh, Joy!', he had said grimacing, and meanwhile we have to suffer the invasion of the computer nerds!' He had flung his hands up in horror, which unbalenced his chair. He would have ended up on his back on the floor (not a position she would have really minded seeing him in) but she had jumped up and caught his hand, preventing his fall. He had looked up into her eyes. His suprise had faded and he had smiled. Sam smiled at the memory of gazing in too his deep brown eyes, the feel of his strong hand holding hers tight and of the way he had looked at her. Her smile faded as it had then. She had righted him made excuses and left feeling his gaze on her back. She couldn't be that close to him. She had begun to realise how deeply she cared for him when they had been in thar ice cave in the artic, but it had only been when she thought that she had lost him that she realised that she loved him. then to get him back oly to find he had been with another woman. . . Now it just hurt too much to get close.

Sam paused, closing her eyes. She still felt ill at the thought of jack and that woman. For the thousanth time she reminded herself that he didn't feel for her the way she felt for him, he couldn't. She moved off, trying to shrug of the heavy feeling that had settled in her stomach. She had to move on. He was her comanding officer, she shouldn't feel this way. She had to get on with her life. She actualy had a date tonight with the guy in charge of the computer overhaull, she owed it to him to at least try and not think about jack. He was nice enough and it wasn't his fault she was in love with jack.

She continued down the corider and found herself outside outside the gym. Looking in, she saw that there was no-one around so she slipped inside. Her muscles were stiff from sitting at the computer and tense from thinkig about jack. Sam did some gentle stretches, trying to relax. She put the radio on for some company and so was unaware of the figure watching from the doorway.

Jack had been on his way to get something to eat when he had seen sam stop in the corrider. The look on her face had been one of prefound and deep hurt. Seeing her like that had made his gut wrench in guilt. He loved her so much, he hadn't known that he would ever see her again and in accepting his pain and moving on he had hurt her more than he could know. When he had returned Daniel had chewed him out good and proper. But how had he been suposed to know that she cared for him? He didn't know how to act around her so he had been making a supreme efort to act the way he usually did. That time in the cafeteria when she had caught him-well, he could have stared into her eyes for ever but her eyes had clouded over and she had pulled away. He wanted so much to tell her how much he cared about her, loved her and to tell her that he was sorry.

Standing in the dorway to the gym, he watched her. She was graceful, so beautiful it took his breath away. He plucked up his courage and stepped into the room.

Sam was relaxed at last, glad to be alone,, moving almost in time to the music. She felt someone come up behind her, and turned. She was startled to see that it was jack. 'May i have this dance?' he asked, taking her by the hand and drawing her towards him. The look in his eyes was warm and sincer, she couldn't mistake his intentions. Jack was rewarded with a radiate, tender smile.

Daniel hurried along the corridor towards the room where the overhaul was being co-ordinated. Hearing music he glanced towards an open door and stopped dead in his tracks. Seeing sam and jack slowly dancing, engaged in a deeply passionate kiss, he smiled.

The end

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