Story Notes: EMAIL:

CATEGORY: Sam and Jack romance


RATING: Um, PG13, I think


Warning: This is meant to be funny...

ARCHIVE: "Heliopolis" and "Sam and Jack"

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is my first Stargate fanfic (although I write X-Files stuff all the time), so please no flames. Also, according to some fanfic I've read, Sam is a Major. According to the episodes being shown in Australia at the moment, she is a Captain. I've made her a Captain, and if that isn't right anymore... ah, who cares? *G*

Samantha Carter woke up.

Her first thought was, 'Where am I?' Her second was, 'Who cares?' She felt warm and peaceful and complete. Her thoughts were hazy, like she was stoned. She knew this, deep down, and a tiny part of her was screaming at her to shake off whatever it was and wake up, but yet... 'Why?' she thought. 'Why bother?'

She looked beside her. A man was lying next to her. She recognized him. Colonel O'Neill. Jack. The team leader. The tiny part of her shrieked that this was wrong, that she shouldn't be lying in bed naked with him. She shrugged that off also. Again, who cares?

She sat up, and he stirred. He opened his eyes and looked up at her, momentarily confused. He looked like he was going to say something, but then stopped. He smiled up at her. "Sam..."

Sam silenced him with a kiss. "Shut up, Sir..."


Daniel woke up. He was in a smoke filled teepee. The smoke trailed up through the hole in the top. He sat up. He had no idea where he was, but oddly, he didn't care. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and looked up. An old man was standing next to him. "Daniel? You are awake. One thought you would sleep forever..."

"No..." Daniel stared at him. His mind was fuzzy. "You are?"

"Marknae. You don't remember. We talked before. When you arrived."

"No, I don't. I'm sorry." Daniel looked at the old man. He was wearing a ceremonial robe and an eagle headdress. He was holding an intricately carved staff. "You are a... Shaman, aren't you?"

"Yes. One is the shaman of all the tribe. You and your friends came through the water-portal to learn our ways. Come." He held out his hand. "One will teach you."


Teal'c knocked on General Hammond's door. "May I come in, Sir?"

"Come in," replied the General. Teal'c opened the door and stepped in. The General motioned for him to sit down. "How are you enjoying your rest, Teal'c?"

"Fine Sir. But I am here on another matter. SG1 are late. They were due back two hours ago."

General Hammond sighed. "Daniel Jackson has probably found something, and Colonel O'Neill's just decided to humor him. You know how those two are. There's most likely no reason to worry."

Teal'c considered this. "If that was the case, Sir, wouldn't one of them contact us?"

Hammond frowned. "True. Captain Carter would have contacted us at least. Would you like to take SG2 through to find out?"

Teal'c was about to reply when a technician burst in. "General, Sir- There's some unusual activity happening on P1X969."

Hammond rose. "What do you mean?"

"Sir, you may want to see this yourself."

Hammond and Teal'c started off for the control room.


Hammond stared at the computer screen. It showed footage being transmitted by the video camera they had sent through with SG1. It showed a campsite; a group of Teepee's circled around a fire. The sun was going down and a group of people was dancing.

"Is this right in front of the Gate?" Hammond asked.

"No, Sir," the technician replied.

Suddenly one of the dancers broke away. She skipped closer. It was Captain Carter. She waved at the camera. "Hi, guys!"

Hammond looked at the technician. "The camera has sound now?"

"Yes, Sir. Captain Carter was working on it before they left."

"That's right! I can hear you and you can hear me! Cool, huh?" Sam smiled. "Ain't this place great? No worries- just fun!"

Hammond frowned. This wasn't the Captain he knew. "Are you alright, Captain?"

"Alright? Hell yes, Sir!" Sam attempted a salute. She failed dismally, which made her giggle. It turned into a shriek, as Colonel O'Neill snuck up behind and grabbed her around the waist. He then turned her around and kissed her passionately.

"What the hell... Teal'c, you'd better get Dr Fraiser..." Hammond stared at the screen. This was definitely NOT the Colonel he knew. Something was wrong.

Jack turned to the camera. "Hey, Sam, you got that sound thingy working! Good job! I wonder if I can promote you..." He winked at the camera. "Hey, Hammond! Great girl I've got here, huh?"

Sam giggled again.

"Just you two stay there, ok?" Hammond told them. "We're going to come and get you outta there."

Jack smiled. "Whatever. Come on, Sam. I feel like dancing again!"

The two of them skipped off, hand in hand, laughing.


Dr. Janet Fraiser pressed pause. She gestured to the screen. "Can we zoom in on this?"

The technician nodded. "Yes. What part?"

"I want to get a closer look at Captain Carter's eyes, if possible."

The technician zoomed in. "That ok?"

Janet frowned. "Yep." She turned to the General. "Sir, it's as I suspected. Captain Carter's pupils are dilated. From that, and their...erratic behavior, I'd say that they are under the influence of a stimulant."

"A what?"

"They're stoned, Sir. Probably a stimulant. Maybe an aphrodisiac, it would explain the... lowering of O'Neill's and Carter's inhibitions."

General Hammond took all this in. "And Jackson?"

"Well, Sir, he's probably under the influence as well, but as he isn't on the footage..."

"...We have know way of knowing." Hammond turned to Teal'c. "I want you and SG2 ready to recover SG1 in one hour."

Teal'c nodded. "Yes, Sir-"

Janet interrupted. "Sir, we have no way of knowing how SG1 got into that condition. The drug could be airborne; it could be in the water... You can't just send more people into a potentially hazardous situation without learning about the risks. I-"

"We don't have the time, Dr. If we put the team in Haz-Mat suits, and tell them to be as fast as possible, in and out, do you think our people will be safe?"

Janet thought. "Probably."

Hammond stood tall. "That's it then. Dr. Fraiser, could you ready the medical bay for SG1? Teal'c, get your men ready."

"Yes Sir," they replied simultaneously.

"Alright, you're dismissed." Hammond watched them go. "What am I going to tell the President?"


Hammond's plan ran as it was supposed to and Jack, Sam and Daniel were all in the medical bay by the next morning. Janet watched over them expectantly. "The problem, Sir, was keeping them in their beds. Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter kept running off so they could make out in the supply closet, and Daniel wanted to 'Run free with the birds.' In the end we had to restrain them. They're just coming down now."

Hammond watched as Jack stirred. He was muttering. "What is he saying?"

Janet cleared her throat. "Ah, I believe he is dreaming about Captain Carter, Sir."

Jack's mutterings grew audible. "Sam? Oh, Sam... Wanna dance again, Sam?" He continued on for awhile, his dream becoming more and more embarrassing for the General and Janet.

Finally Hammond said, "Call me when their completely back to normal, will you?"

Janet smiled. "That could be some time, Sir."

"Yes, well, uh..." Hammond left the room.

Janet watched him go. "Well, leave then, Sir. You don't have to listen to him..."


Sam opened her eyes. The bright light of the medical bay nearly blinded her, and she decided to shut them again. Then a thought came to her with a start. Jack. Where was Jack? She attempted to get up, but she couldn't. She was restrained. Why? Then she remembered: the camp, her wild behavior... "Oh my God..."

Janet heard Sam's words and walked over. "Hey, you back yet?"

Sam blinked. "Me and Jack. We... Oh my God..."

Janet raised her eyebrows. "Hmm, you remember, huh? That was some drug you guys were on."

Sam frowned. "Drug?"

"Yeah. We think it was in the campfire smoke. Pretty powerful. We had to forcefully separate you two." Janet started to undo the restraints. "I don't think you need these now. How do you feel?"

"Nauseous. I mean, Jack?"

"So you don't have feelings for him?" Janet teased.

Sam stared at her. "No!... Yes... I mean," Sam stared wildly around the room. "Jack?" Her voice grew wistful. "Jack..."

"What?" demanded a groggy Jack.

Sam sat upright, her eyes wide. "Oh my God..."

Jack's eyes opened at the sound of Sam's voice. He remembered... he echoed Sam's sentiments. "Oh, my, God!"

Sam stood up and looked at him in horror. "Colonel... I... We..." She ran out of the room.

Jack attempted to get up, but he couldn't, as his restraints were still on. "Hey, Doc, could you, like, undo these or something? Cause I think this is the part where I'm meant to run after her."


Sam raced down the hallway. She wanted to find a place to hide. Anywhere would do. Her brow creased as she thought, 'I wonder if the To'kra will let me hide with them..." She rounded a corner. She decided she could head for the elevators, go up, and get the hell out of the dammed mountain. Maybe go hide in the woods. There she would think good and hard about what she really wanted in life. And possibly die of embarrassment.

Jack ran after her. He had to talk with her, get it all straightened out. Then they could go back to being Colonel and Captain; teammates, friends. It had just been the drug, right? It was not as if either of them actually had feelings for each other. Jack mentally cursed. Why did this have to get so hard?

Sam could hear him following her. She ran faster. She was nearly there; she could see the elevators... And General Hammond getting out of them. "Shit!" Sam decided to change tactics. She slowed down. She walked (abet faster than normal) over to Hammond. "Good afternoon, Sir," she saluted.

Hammond stared at her. "Are you, ok now, Captain?"

Sam blinked. "Ah, yes, Sir. Janet- Dr. Fraiser, said I just needed some... fresh air, Sir." She looked back in the direction she had come from.

Jack rounded the corner too fast, and slid. Sam saw him, and hit the button to open the elevator doors. "Ah, if you'd excuse me, Sir."

Jack saw the elevator doors open. "Sam, wait! We have to talk!"

Sam stepped into the elevator. Jack picked up speed. He reached the doors just as they were beginning to close. He stuck his foot in between them. "Good afternoon, Sir!" He did a half salute and then jumped into the elevator.

The doors closed with a thud. Hammond looked at them, and shook his head. "What am I going to tell the President?"


Daniel opened his eyes. He was in the medical bay, he could tell by the bright lights. He squinted.

Janet lent over him, undoing his restraints. "Your not going to run off on me, are you, Daniel?"

Daniel sat up. "No... no. What happened? Why do I suddenly feel like throwing up?"

"You were drugged, Daniel, whilst on P1X969. I don't think it was deliberate, it seems to be a part of their society. You guys just weren't ready for it, I suppose."

"So I was stoned. Hmm. The nausea would be a part of the withdrawal symptoms, then?"

"Yeah, I suspect so. Do you remember what happened while you were drugged?"

"Um, yeah. I met the tribe's Shaman. He seemed to want to teach me his secrets. I was pretty psyched at first, but then he wanted to tattoo me... I decided to just have fun like Sam and Jack..." Daniel's eyes widened. "Oh God... Sam and Jack." He looked around the room.

Janet smiled. "There're both ok... unless they've died of mutual embarrassment by now. Sam ran off, and Jack said something about finding her and talking it out."

"So they remember."

"They didn't have to. We have it on film. Security footage. From the supply closet. And the mission camera. I didn't know Jack could sing, let alone dance."

Just then Hammond and Teal'c walked in. "Good, Jackson, you're awake. How do you feel?" Hammond inquired.

"Fine, just nauseous."

"Good." Hammond turned to Janet. "Dr. Fraiser, did you tell Captain Carter to go up and get some fresh air?"

Janet blinked. "No Sir, although, it would probably do her some good."

Hammond nodded. "I see. So why did I just see Carter enter the elevator, closely followed by Colonel O'Neill? He was chasing after her. He wanted to 'talk'. Did you release them, Doctor?"

"Ah, yes, Sir. They are both no longer affected by the drug. Unfortunately, they both remember what they, ah, did whilst under the influence, and, ah..."

Daniel broke in. "They probably just want the chance to talk, General, I mean, so that they can become accustomed to their... actions, and put it all behind them."

Hammond looked at him. "So you think we should leave them to sort it all out?"


Jack stared at Sam from the other side of the elevator. "We need to sort this all out."

Sam looked at the floor. "Yes, Sir, we do."

Jack crossed to her, took her chin and gently made her look at him. "Sam, the name's Jack, ok?"

She nodded mutely.

"Now," he started, "This was just the drug, right? I mean, we didn't know what we were doing."

Sam smiled. Good. Denial. She could handle that. "Yes, Jack. We would never have done any of this if we weren't... "


"Exactly. Stoned. It wasn't us. It wasn't real."

Jack leaned closer. "So it's not likely to happen again."

Sam's heart started to beat faster. "No, not unless..."

"Unless what?" His lips moved closer to hers.

"Unless we wanted it to."

With that, Jack kissed her. She accepted him, her mouth opening. The kiss grew more passionate, until...


The elevator stopped, and they broke apart. The elevator doors opened. Two men walked in (Oblivious to what had been going on) and pushed the button to close the doors. Jack held the doors open, and he and Sam exited.

They looked at each other for awhile. Finally, Sam said, "It wasn't us."

"It was the drug."

"We're just friends." She offered her hand.

Jack shook it vigorously. "Friends."

With that they both turned around, and walked off in different directions.


Samantha Carter woke up.

Her first thought was, 'I feel sick.' Her second was, 'So? What's new?'

Sam got up out of bed. She quickly made her way to the toilet, and threw up. She finally finished retching and walked weakly to the sink. She splashed her face with cold water, and then removed a box from the shelf above. She opened it, and read the instructions.

"Right. Blue if positive. Easy." Sam really didn't want to be doing this. She set the test up and then cleaned the toilet. Anything to kill some time. She checked to see if it was ready yet. It wasn't. She threw up some more. She cleaned up, and then had a shower. She dressed and dried her hair. She checked it again. Still not ready. Maybe it was defective.

She re-read the instructions. Oh. She had left it in the solution too long. The test was ruined. Sam debated another trip to the store, before giving in and deciding to see Janet. Even though she was on leave, Sam drove up to the mountain.


Jack, Teal'c and Daniel were exercising in the gym.

Well, rather, Jack and Teal'c were exercising, and Daniel was reading. He looked up from his book. "That is truly amazing, Jack."

Jack stopped pummeling the boxing bag. "What is?"

Daniel flashed him a quick grin. "How you can mindlessly beat the crap out of a boxing bag. What has it ever done to you?"

Jack stared at him. "What?"

"The bag. What has it done to you?" Daniel turned a page. "Or maybe it's not the bag you're punching."

"Ok. You've lost me." Jack was puzzled. What was his friend getting at?

"I've noticed you and Sam recently. A lot of tension between you two. Doesn't look like you've worked things out."

"What? What things?" Jacks voice had a slight edge to it.

"Oh, nothing. Just P1X969."

Jack sighed. "Look, Daniel, there is nothing to sort out. We both know that. We were drugged. We weren't thinking straight. End of story." He went back to punching the bag.

Teal'c put down the weights he had been lifting. "I have noticed it too. There is definitely some tension between you and Captain Carter."

Jack turned around. "Well, thank you for noticing! God, can't a guy have any privacy around here?"

Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Teal'c, I think we hit a nerve there."

"Hit a nerve?" Jack spluttered. "Jesus!" He stormed out.

Daniel shook his head. "Do you think he will ever admit it?"

"Admit what, Daniel Jackson?"

"Admit that he loves her."


Jack stormed down the hallway. "Hit a nerve..." Whatever. He turned the corner and ran straight into Sam. Both of them sprang back, as if burned. "Captain! I- I thought you were on leave."

Sam looked at the ground, the walls- anything but Jack. "I am, Colonel. I, uh, came in to see Janet."

"Oh, ah, well..." Jack stammered, "Um, she's probably in the medical bay."

Sam nodded. "Yes, Sir, um- that's where I was going."

"Oh, well, on your way then."

"Yes, Sir," Sam replied, eager to get away. She went to move around him, but he moved too, and she was blocked again. Jack stepped to the side, and Sam walked on. Jack stood there. Something told him that something was up. He turned, and stared at Sam. He stared at the way she walked. He realized he was staring, remembered that he was meant to be storming away, and disappeared in the other direction.


Sam sat down. "I need your help."

"My help?" Janet closed the doors to the medical bay, making sure that she and Sam were alone.

"What's up?"

"I think I'm pregnant."

Janet looked at her. "Are you late?"

"Yeah. And I'm experiencing morning sickness."

Janet sat down in front of her. "How long?"

"About six weeks. My last period was just before P1X969."

"Which would make it Jack's."

"Yeah." Sam gave a small smile. "Well, either it's his, or it's an Immaculate Conception."

"That would be interesting." Janet stood up. "Have you done a test?"

"No. I was going to, this morning, but I stuffed it up. I guess I was nervous."

Janet nodded. "Ok. Well, I'd guess we'd better get that out of the way first. Then you'll have to decide what you're going to do."

Sam looked at her. "Oh, I'm having the baby. I always wanted to be a mother, I just didn't..."

"I meant, what are you going to do about Jack?"

Sam closed her eyes, and spoke in a small voice. "I don't know. I really don't know."


Jack sat in his office. To an outsider, it would look like he was doing paperwork, but Daniel knew better. "You wanna talk about it?"

Jack looked up. "Yeah. I suppose I should- ya know, in the interest of my mental health."

Daniel sat on the other side of the desk. "You love her, don't you?"

"I guess I do. You did shut the door, didn't you?"

Daniel checked. "Yep."

"Good. I don't want the whole base to know."

Daniel looked at his friend. "When are you going to tell her?"

Jack got out of his seat. He walked over to the back of the room, and picked up a leather jacket. He turned back to Daniel. "I got this in 1969. I like it. Good leather. Soft." He put it back down. "That's what Sam was like. In 1969. Soft. Pretty. Ya know, I think I always took her for granted. Like, she was just another one of the guys. But out of uniform... she was feminine. I think that's when I realized, realized that my feelings for her were... different."

"That you loved her."

"Yeah. But... On P1X969, it was the drug, to a certain extent. I mean, I would never have... it's against regulations, for a start. But I really meant it. Even now I dream..." Jack broke off. He frowned. "How do I know that she meant it? How do I know if she feels the same?"


"You ask him, Sam. It's not hard."

Sam shook her head. "I can't just ask him! I mean..."

Janet looked her in the eyes. "You have to, Sam. There is a third person involved now. Your baby."

"You mean..."

"Yes. The test confirms it. You're pregnant."

Sam took a deep breath. "I guess I really do have to tell him, then."


Jack looked at Daniel. "It's so awkward. I saw Sam today. I didn't know what to say. It was just so... awkward!"

"Sam was here? I thought she was on leave?"

"Yeah, she had to see Janet, or something. I don't know. Was too uncomfortable to ask."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Jack... Colonel, Sir? It's me. Sam. Can I come in?"

Daniel looked at him questionably. "Shall I let her in?"


Daniel got out of his seat and opened the door. "Hi, Sam."

"Daniel- sorry, am I interrupting?"

Daniel shook his head. "Nope. I was just going anyway." He walked through the door, and turned back to Jack. "Tell her," he mouthed. He then walked off.

Sam walked in and shut the door. She looked at Jack nervously. "Hi."


"We need to talk. I- I need to tell you something."

Jack walked over to her. "So do I- need to tell you something." He took a deep breath.

"I-" They both said simultaneously. Jack smiled. "You first."

"No, no. You first."

Jack laughed. "How cliché is this?"

Sam smiled. "Very. Go on."

Jack looked at her. "Sam... I haven't been entirely truthful with you. On P1X969... I..." he looked down. "I felt something. I feel something, for you. I..."

Sam put her hands on the sides of his face. She gently made him look at her. "What?"

"I love you, Samantha."

He nervously looked for her reaction. She was smiling from ear to ear, which he took as a good sign. "Oh, Jack!" She kissed him tenderly.

He pulled back. "What were you going to tell me?"

"That I love you too. And that I..."

"What? Tell me."

"I'm pregnant."

Jack sat down. "What?"

"I'm pregnant, Jack. We're pregnant." This wasn't the reaction Sam had been hoping for.

Jack looked at her. "We're pregnant? Since when?"

Sam moved closer to him. "Since P1X969."

"Well, obviously. I mean, how long have you known?"

"I've had suspicions for about two weeks. I only just found out for sure today."

"What's why you were seeing Janet. Oh..."

"This isn't good?" Sam asked in a small voice.

"No! No..." He took her hand. "No. I just didn't expect it." He pulled her in close, and put his hand on her abdomen. "I'm going to be a father again..." He looked up at her in wonder.

Sam smiled. "Daddy. It fits you." She kissed him.

He kissed her back. They kissed each other slowly, passionately, learning more about each other in a single kiss than they could in a million conversations. They would have kissed forever, except a knock on the door interrupted them. They broke apart slowly.

"Yes?" Jack stood up.

"Ah, Sam, Jack? It's me, Daniel." He opened the door hesitantly. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but General Hammond has called a meeting. He was going to call you in from home, Sam, so it's probably pretty important. I told him you were here." He stood back.

Jack nodded. "We'll be right there."


General Hammond looked at them. "SG7 was due back six hours ago. This was the last we saw of them." He turned on the video projector. Footage of SG7 played, showing a group of men in front of the gate. One of them was frantically dialing. The rest were looking pretty scared. Then one of them fell to the ground, shaking. The rest followed. The screen went blank.

"We sent through SG2 and SG4 to find them, and bring them back. They couldn't find a trace." Hammond cleared his throat. "We want you guys to go through, see if you can't find something they couldn't, and to bring them back if you can. Alive." Hammond sat down. "Any questions?"

Janet cleared her throat. "Ah, yes, Sir. I don't think Captain Carter should participate in this mission. I, ah..."

"Don't think she's recovered from P1X969." Jack finished.

Janet silently thanked him. "Yes, the Colonel's right."

Hammond frowned. "What do you mean? I was under the impression..."

"Well, so was I, Sir," Sam said. "I-"

"No!" Jack and Janet said simultaneously.

Sam looked at Janet. "What?" she mouthed.

"Not in your condition!" she mouthed back.

"What is going on?" the General demanded.

Daniel looked at Jack. He was sitting next to Sam, and had absentmindedly put his hand on her stomach, like he was protecting something. Daniel hid a smile. This was all too perfect. He stood up. "Congratulations, Sam, Jack."

Sam stood up. She realized he knew. "How do you..?"

Hammond looked at Sam, Jack, Daniel, Janet, and finally Teal'c. "Do you know what's going on?"

Daniel looked at him. "Why, General. It's really very simple. Sam's pregnant, and Jack's the father."

Suddenly a siren sounded. "Incoming traveler."

Hammond stood up. "I want a full explanation of this, soon. In the meanwhile..." He walked out of the room. They followed him to the control room. "Who is it?"

"It's SG7's signal, Sir," the technician replied.

"Well, open the iris. But keep the guards there."

The iris opened, and SG7 tumbled through, a little worse for wear. Janet hit a button. "Medical staff to the gate room." She hurried out.

Hammond looked at Jack. "I want to see you and Captain Carter in my office as soon as possible." He turned to Daniel. "And get that smirk off your face, Jackson!" He turned and left.

Jack looked at Daniel, whose facial expression hadn't changed a bit. "You heard the man!" He left, Sam following closely behind.

Daniel turned to Teal'c. "What did I do?"


Hammond sat across from Sam and Jack. "SG7 will be ok. They don't remember what happened, though." He looked at them. "Now, to other matters... Am I to understand, Captain Carter, that you are pregnant? And that Colonel O'Neill is the father?"

Sam took a deep breath. "Yes, Sir."

Hammond looked at her, and then at Jack. He noticed that Jack was holding her hand. Well finally. "I take it that this is a good turn of events?"

Jack looked him right in the eyes. "Yes, Sir. I love Sam. She loves me."

Hammond smiled. "Good. That's all that matter's, isn't it?"

Sam blinked. "You mean, this is ok? It's against regulations..."

"The President has given me the authority to... disregard regulations, if needs be. This is most definitely ok." He stood up, and offered Jack his hand. "Congratulations are in order."

Jack shook it. "Yes. Yes they are."


Sam Carter woke up.

'Pickles'. It was the first thing that entered her mind. It was followed by: 'Ice-cream; Pickles and Ice-cream; together; in a bowl; NOW!' Sam shook her head. Pickles and Ice-cream, in a bowl, together? Sick. Majorly sick.

Sam got up out of her bed, waddled to the refrigerator, made herself a bowl of Pickles and Ice-cream, sat down on the couch and preceded to devour it. Sam's cravings had got weirder and weirder as her pregnancy progressed. First it was porridge. Sam had hated porridge ever since she was a child, but, suddenly, it was all she could eat. Morning sickness was a major part of this, as she was throwing up all the time and porridge seemed to be the only thing she could keep down. Later, as her morning sickness subsided, her cravings for porridge subsided as well.

Then she wanted bubble-gum.

And not just any bubble-gum. It *had* to be peach flavor. And only peach flavor. One night Sam sent Jack searching the base for some. It took him three hours, and made him many enemies'. It seemed that no-one liked being woken at five am on the whim of a pregnant woman, the General included. Eventually, a pack was found, and peace restored to SGC. Thankfully, the General understood.

And now Pickles and Ice-cream. Sam was thankful that Pickles and Ice-cream was so readily available. Well, not Pickles and Ice-cream together, but the constituent ingredients were all easily found at the nearest store.

Sam was at home now, or, rather, Jack's home. Sam had moved in two months ago, just after she stopped accompanying SG1 on trips off world. She had been five months pregnant at the time, and Janet thought that continued Gate travel could be dangerous. Also, Sam was starting to get pretty big, and was finding it harder to move around. In fact, she was so big that Jack was certain that she was carrying twins. Janet finally had to show him the ultra-sounds, pointing out that there was only one head. Jack seemed to drop the idea, although Sam was certain that he was still holding out for twin babies.

Sam finished the Pickles and Ice-cream, and, after washing up the bowl and having a shower, decided to potter around in her garden. Sam called it her garden, although Jack had been doing all the manual work. At seven months, Sam was huge, and incapable of wielding a spade. She merely watched him, dictating the arrangement of the various flowering plants and basically being an annoyance. Daniel had been around a couple of times whilst this was happening and had accused Jack of being 'hen-pecked'. Jack had looked outraged, while Sam had merely smiled, and winked. She then flashed her wedding ring at Daniel and said, "It's my sacred duty as a wife to make him do all the work. You're the archeologist- you should know this."

Sam smiled, remembering the day when she had officially become 'Mrs. Carter-O'Neill'. They were married in a local park, with Teal'c and Daniel as best men, Janet as maid of honor and Cassie as the flower girl. Her father couldn't make it to give her away, as the To'kra had just moved planet and were incredibly busy, so General Hammond gave her away instead. Graham Simmons had been dubbed the official 'video-tape guy', and he spent the day filming the occasion for Sam's father to see at a later date. She had offered to give him the dubious pleasure of video taping the impending birth as well, but he backed out, quoting little-known religious laws as his reason.

The wedding was beautiful, the reception afterwards great, and the wedding night fantastic... but then, it always was with Jack. Sam giggled to herself, remembering. Sam picked a daisy from her garden, smelling it. Mmmn, honey. She tucked the flower behind her ear, and stood up, groaning with the effort. Only two more months to go. Suddenly she stopped, feeling warm liquid trickle down her legs. Her eyes widened. Was that...?

No, it couldn't be. She was only seven months. But the liquid continued to fall, oblivious to her mental protests. Sam's mouth slowly opened, realizing. "Damn..." Her water's had just broken.


Jack looked around at the scenery. Trees, grass, hills, village in the distance. Same as always. He looked at his watch. Only twenty six hours to go till he could go back home to his wife. He hated going on missions without her. Especially when the mission promised twenty six hours of boredom. He looked to Teal'c. He was his only companion on this trip- well, other than those SG3 blockheads. Daniel was busy back at base translating a stone tablet SG4 had found, and Sam...

Jack sighed, wondering what Sam was doing right then. Probably just getting out of bed, eating a foul Pickles and Ice-cream sundae, and then pottering about in 'her' garden. She seemed to do that a lot now. Something about growing and life and stuff. Janet had tried to explain the symbolism to him, but it all sounded like psychologist mumbo-jumbo. Sara never gardened when she was pregnant with Charlie...

Jack pushed those thoughts from his mind. He had been terrified in the early stages of Sam's pregnancy that something would happen, that he would lose another child, that even Sam might be taken away from him. He started to have the recurring nightmare again, the one that replayed Charlie's death over and over. He started to wonder if marrying Sam was the right thing; that if he left her, she'd be safe. He even left, one day. Packed his bags and everything. Drove two miles down the road and realized that he loved her, and quickly drove back home again. Luckily, Sam hadn't been home at the time, and never realized how close she'd unwittingly come to being a single mother. Jack regretted that more than anything else in his life. He had never run away scared before, and was now determined never to.

Jack checked his watch. Twenty five hours and thirty five minutes left till he could see Sam. This was going to be a long mission.


Sam tapped her foot, impatient. This was not a good time to be put on hold. "Come on, Janet. Pick up..."

Finally, Janet reached the phone. "Yes, Dr. Fraiser speaking."

"Janet, the baby's coming."

"Sam? What!"

"My water's have broken. The baby's coming. What do I do?" Sam sounded like she was panicking.

"Ok. Calm down. When did this happen?"

"About ten minute's ago."

"And have you had any contractions?"

"No... I don't think so..."

"Ok. I'm going to come get you, and then we'll drive to the hospital, ok?"

"But the contractions..."

"I know, but the amniotic sack has ruptured, which means it's hospital time. You get your bag. I'll be there in twenty minutes." Janet hung up.

Sam sank slowly to the floor. Twenty minutes. Ok. She could manage by herself for twenty minutes. Sam smiled... and then doubled over as a wave of pain washed over her. Contraction number one had started.


Janet raced down the halls of the SGC, towards the General's office. She didn't bother to knock when she got there, preferring to fling open the door and march in. "General, sir!"

Hammond looked up. "Now what is the matter, Dr?"

"I just got a call from Sam. She's in labor, her water's have broken, and she's two months early. I'm going over there right away, to take her to the hospital. Can you get Jack?"

"Colonel O'Neill just went through to P1X738 with SG3. They're not due back for another twenty five hours."

"Well, can you send someone through after him? Sam would kill us if Jack didn't get back in time."

Hammond nodded. "You're right. I'll see what I can do."

Janet smiled. "Thanks, General." She then turned around and marched off.


Sam stopped the breathing, relieved that the contraction had subsided. It had been fifteen minutes since she had rung Janet, and she'd had three contractions by now. One every five minutes. She knew that couldn't be good. She heard a frantic knocking at the front door. Finally, Janet was here. She struggled to get up, failing. "Janet?" she yelled, hoping that the doctor could hear her. "Go around the back. The sliding doors are open."

The knocking broke off, and twenty seconds later, Janet was rushing to where Sam lay on the kitchen floor. "Sam, I told you to get your bags!"

"I haven't been able to. The contractions are about five minutes apart, and I can't get up." She started groaning as another contraction began.

Janet started to examine her. "Oh, shit. You're almost fully dilated." Janet got up and grabbed the phone. "I'm ringing for the paramedics."

Sam shook her head. "Already done. I panicked about eight minutes ago. They're on their way." She continued groaning. "Where's Jack?"

"He only just went through to P1X738 with Teal'c and SG3. Hammond's going to send someone after them to bring him back."

The contraction subsided. "He'd better get here in time. I've got quite a few things to say to him, none of them pleasant," Sam growled.

"Something along the lines of 'Damn you bastard, why the hell did you have to get me pregnant?'"

"Something like that."

The sound of an ambulance pulling into the drive could be heard, and Janet got up to let them in. Three paramedics rushed over to Sam's side, lifting her onto a stretcher with Janet's help.

"Janet, my bag's in the wardrobe. Green. Can you get it?" Sam started to groan again.

"Sure." Janet raced into the bedroom and grabbed the bag. She then raced back out to the ambulance, and jumped in the back. A paramedic started to protest, but Janet cut him off. "I'm a doctor."

The paramedic nodded. "OB-GYN?"

"No- military. Although, I did flirt with obstetrics in Med. School."

Sam looked up amazed at her friend. "You wanted to deliver babies?"

"No, I wanted the obstetrician."

Sam began to laugh, but it was cut off by yet another contraction. "Oh how I'm gonna *kill* Jack!"


Daniel stepped through the Gate, and then looked around. Trees, grass, hills, village in the distance. No sight of Jack. He turned on the radio attached to his fatigues. "Hey, Jack? Teal'c? SG3? Anybody there?"

The radio crackled, and suddenly Daniel could hear Jack's voice. "Well, Danny boy! What are you doing here?"

"Taking your place. The General sent me. Sam's gone into labor."

"What?! She's not due for another two months!"

"That I gathered. Janet's taking her to the hospital. Meanwhile, where are you guys?"

There was silence for a while. Then Daniel could hear Teal'c's voice. "There may be a problem. O'Neill is stuck in a hole at the moment."


"You heard him. You at the Gate?"


"Right. Start walking towards the village. You'll find us in about 20 minutes." Jack ended the transmission.

Daniel did what he said, and, twenty minutes later he found Teal'c and SG3 standing some distance from a rather large, deep hole. "Jack, how the hell did you get in there?"

"I fell. The ground's unstable."

Daniel turned to SG3. "Are you going to get him out? His wife is having his child as we speak."

"Hey, the bloody airman can get his own way out," replied one of the men. "Besides, like the Colonel said. The ground's unstable. We can't get near enough."

Teal'c nodded. "What he say's is true. I have thought hard about O'Neill's predicament, but I am unable to come up with an answer."

Daniel sighed. "Then I guess it's up to me."


The ER was relatively calm as Sam was wheeled in. It didn't stay that way. "Where the hell is Jack?" Sam screamed at the top of her voice. "He should bloody be here! He promised! Oh shit!"

Another contraction rippled through her body.

Janet tried to calm her friend. "He'll be here. You are a bit early, though. You can't expect him to have known that you'd be early."

"Oh yes I bloody well can! He should be here! So I can tell him I hate him in person!" Sam grabbed hold of Janet's arm and proceeded to hold it in a vice-like grip, digging her fingernails in. "Janet, you have my permission to shoot me if I ever let him touch me again, ok?"

"Ok, Sam. Now can you just let go of my arm?" Janet was grimacing.

The contraction ended. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" Sam let go of Janet's arm. "It should be Jack's arm that I'm clinging on to." More obscenities issued from her lips, her voice raising in octave as another contraction began.

Sam was wheeled into one of the rooms. Doctors and nurses bustled about, and a senior man strode in after them. "Hi, I'm Dr. Walther. I'm going to be the one who delivers this baby. How premature are you?"

"Two months," Janet answered.

"You her sister?"

"No, I'm her doctor- not obstetrician." Janet offered her hand. "Dr. Janet Fraiser, Airforce."

Dr. Walther shook it. "And the patient is...?"

"Captain Samantha Carter-O'Neill- also doctor. But of Astrophysics. Can we get on with this?" Sam groaned.

Dr. Walther took a seat and began to examine her. "Sure. Well, you look fully dilated, so you can start pushing if you want."

"I don't wanna start pushing. I want Jack to be here!" She started pushing anyway.

A nurse gave Janet gloves and a paper shirt, which she put on. "That's it, Sam. Push."



Daniel was supervising Teal'c and SG3. They had located a tall sapling, cut it down and were in the process of pushing it over to the hole. Daniel's idea was that if they could some how get one end of it in the hole, Jack could use it to pull himself out. Daniel hoped that it would work. After all, if Jack didn't back in time, Sam would kill both of them, Daniel included. One end of the sapling fell into the hole. "For crying out loud, Daniel! Watch where you're dropping that thing."

Daniel edged as close to the hole as possible. "Sorry! Can you climb up now?"

"Of cause I can bloody climb up." Jack grunted, heaving himself out of the hole. Finally, he crawled across the ground to where the other's were, and then stood up. "Thanks."

Daniel nodded. "Sure thing. Now, can you please get back through that Gate and join your wife, before your kid turn's twenty?"

Jack's mouth suddenly fell open as he finally took in all the details of Daniel's presence. "Sam's having the baby. Oh boy. She's having the baby." He took of towards the StarGate, looking back only once to say, "I'm gonna be a Dad!"

Daniel smiled as he ran off. "Well, that's nice. Now, weren't you guys heading for that village?"


General Hammond was waiting as Jack stepped through the Gate. He blinked as he noticed Jack's disheveled appearance. "What happened to you?"

"Disagreement with a hole. Where's the nearest car?"

Hammond smiled. "I'll drive you myself, son."


Sam pushed.

"Ok. Here it comes... it's a girl!"

Sam looked up to see Dr. Walther holding a red, wet, yelling girl. Her daughter. She smiled through her tears of pain and happiness. She found herself reaching for her, but then stopped, as yet another contraction started. "Oh boy... am I still supposed to be pushing?"

Dr. Walther quickly handed the baby to Janet before examining her once again. "Were you expecting twins?"

Both Sam and Janet answered simultaneously. "No!"

"Yes! I knew it!" Jack ran quickly around to Sam's side, dressed in pink scrubs. A nurse outside had taken one look at his dirt-covered clothes and demanded he change. He kissed Sam on the forehead, before looking at the doctor. "Colonel Jack O'Neill, father. It is twins, right?"

Dr. Walther nodded. "Yep. Captain, if you could start pushing again?"

Sam nodded, tear's in her eyes, sweat on her forehead. She looked at Jack. "What... (push) took... (catch breath) you... (push again) so... (pant) long?"

"Slight disagreement with a hole. I fell in. Don't worry, I'm ok." He kissed her again. "Come on, Sam. You can do it. Push!"

Sam pushed.

"It's another girl!" Dr. Walther held her up for all to see.

Jack kissed Sam again, this time, full on the lips. "Twin girls." There was a note of fierce pride in his voice. "Samantha, I love you."

"Jack, are you going to cut the cords?" Janet was smiling at the tiny baby in her arms.

"Oh, yeah." Jack took the instrument and cut both of the babies umbilical cords. Dr. Walther then handed Jack the second girl, and Janet handed Sam the other.

Sam looked at the red, wet, yelling baby girl in her arms, and then at the equally red, wet, yelling baby girl in her husband's. Finally, she looked at man she had married. "Jack, I love you too."

The End.

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