Story Notes: Rated PG-13 for language

A Sam and Jack Romance of course! J

Summary: What Jack writes in a letter.

None of the characters in here belong to me except Jacob, Kathryn, and Daniel O'Neill. If I did own the other characters, I would be rich and then I wouldn't write these stories for fun, now would I?

All positive comments direct to

Have fun and enjoy!


"I can't believe it's true. Even after two wonderful, blissful years, I can't get over it. When he first told me, I thought he was high. I mean, let's face it, the man is a bit weird. In all my years, I've never met a man who could love rocks so much that he blots out every thing else around him. Maybe it's because of his wife, maybe it's just easier to forget about your past by looking at other peoples'.

But, then again, this relationship thing is kind of new to me. I mean, loving someone, other than Charlie, this much. You know it's hard sometimes to love someone as much as I love Sam. It literally hurts when she's gone and I find myself thinking about her constantly when she's here. Her walk, her talk, it all entrances me. Yeah, I'm sure I could get used to this.

It's funny really. One moment, I'm just regular, old me, Colonel Jack O'Neill, and the next, I'm Colonel Jack O'Neill, a man who's loved. Now, normally I wouldn't mind. I mean someone having the hots for me is one thing, but when it's my Major, that's something entirely different. I remember staring from Daniel to Sam then back again. Supposedly I looked like a fish out of water, but anyways; I just couldn't believe my ears. "Is that true Teal'c?" I asked disbelievingly. The Jafar nodded. Damn it! That absolutely pisses me off when he gives me a non-verbal answer.

"Jack, don't go off half cocked now. All I'm asking is have you ever seen her eyes when you come into a room? I know you watch her and normally she's the first person you look for."

Teal'c nodded again. "Daniel Jackson is correct, O'Neill. I have witnessed it also. I have also witnessed upon several occasions that Major Carter is the first person you greet in the morning."

I shot him the deadliest look I could muster. "That doesn't mean that Carter loves me all that means is that I'd rather look at her face than yours in the morning."

Dr. Daniel Jackson smiled warmly. "Yes, Jack, we know. But back to my original question. Have you ever seen her eyes light up when you come into the infirmary or the de-briefing room? I've always been fascinated by the way you two have acted around each other. So, I started to observe you. I noticed the way Sam's always jumpy until you come into the gateroom or how you're always make sure that Sam is through the gate and once you step through, she's the fist person you look for. Teal'c has noticed these things too. He commented on it the first day he joined the SGC, Jack." The archeologist patted my back. "What I'm trying to say is that Sam loves you and your lover her! For someone who's supposed to be watchful, you sure can be blind!" Daniel said savagely after my headshake. I've never seen him that mad before, and, if I'm lucky, I never will again. With his comment and look, I felt like the lowest life form on this planet or on any planet for that matter.

I looked after him as he walked away and felt like a heel, which only intensified when Carter came up concerned about Daniel. "What's up with him sir?" Then a very worried look came into her eyes. "Sir, are you all right? You look like you just say a ghost." I must admit I was scared and enthralled at the same time. With a trembling body I gazed into her face and say the love that Jackson had been talking about moments before written in her eyes.

I all most wept with the shear joy of it. My smile was so bright that it had to hurt to look at. I picked Sam up, spun her around once, and then I kissed her. I kissed her with all the love and joy that I had in my being. When I finally pulled back, we were both totally breathless. "I love you too Samantha Carter," I managed to gasp out. Daniel and, even Teal'c to my shock, grinned at us. "But, but...." Carter stuttered. Her eyes were as big as two saucers and so blue. I've been to Montana once or twice and right then that's the only way I could describe how her eyes looked. So blue and big that they could stretch on forever. And they could, gazing into those eyes; I could bee all my tomorrow's and that felt really good.

Two years later, I can say that my life is complete. We have a beautiful little girl whose 15 months old and we plan on having another child some tome this year. I wake up every morning and thank the lord that Sam's my wife; that she's in my life. I can sit there for hours and watch her sleep and, sometimes, I do.

Life's really great and to think none of this would have happened if it weren't for Daniel and Teal'c. Got to thanks those guys. One day I'll have to tell Kathryn, that's our daughter, all about how her mother and I got together.

Maybe she'll be able to read this and I won't have to say anything. I still have troubles talking about my feelings, but Samantha says that will get better with time. I wanted to write this all down so that my family would know about my life before and after I married Sam. As far as I'm concerned, I didn't really have a life, except for Charlie.

I'll write about Charlie next time.


Colonel Jack O'Neill
January 2000"

Kathryn O'Neill wiped a tear off her cheek and pasted the letter on to her brother, Daniel. "To think that he started writing those letters over 28 years ago. I wonder why he never let us see them?"

The other two O'Neill children shrugged. Jacob spoke up. "Well, you know mom might be waiting to give these to us. We're just here to help them move to a different house." Kate sighed.

"Considering you're named after Grandpa, you sure act like Uncle Daniel. Don't worry about it, we'll be able to hear them come up the stairs. Quit being an old lady!"

Jack and Samantha O'Neill tried not to laugh to loudly as they listened to their children talk. Their daughter might look like her mother, but she was just like her father.

"I knew they'd find it Jack. We have smart children you know." Mrs. O'Neill whispered into her husband's ear. "Well, I know that I have a very beautiful wife." He breathed onto her neck. "Flattery will get you everywhere General O'Neill!"

He smiled and drew her closer to his body. "Even into your bed, gorgeous?"

"Jack!" Was what their children heard, that and a laughter full of love.

The end

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