Story Notes: Pairings: SJ, do we really need anything else? HUh? Well then....

Spoilers: None....

Season: Future.

Author's notes: Busy, but still trying to write..... :)

Archive: Sam and Jack please, Everywhere ANYWHERE, my sites broke!!!

He knew what I was going to say, Could anybody see? He saw it, smacking him in the face, he saw it. Felt it, burning into the back of his neck. Searing the skin around his hairline. He watched me, telling him that we weren't anything, watching the fury at the lie. The Lie that wasn't relevant anymore. It had to be done.

But the lie is forgotten now, and ten years on, I am alone, reflective, only remembering, Those eyes, And, the way they looked, right down into me...

God, what have I done?

Nothing. I've done nothing. Again.

End Notes: Do you like, do you. Really? Realy Really with a cherry on top? Good. Me too HEHE ;)

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