He knows some day this is going to irritate him.

It irritated him when Sara did it, although nine times out of ten he never said anything about it. He just cleaned it up and yelled later about something else not at all related to what he was really irritated about. Usually it came out at Charlie. But he wasn't thinking about that as much anymore. Not that he didn't think about Charlie as much, it was just that he didn't think about the bad times as much. And he thought about the good times more. Maybe that was because he was having more good times now.

Pushing those thoughts away, he goes back to the task at hand and takes the last tissue from the box. They're yellow. With lotion. He never knew tissues had lotion before she stayed over. And he most certainly always bought white before. If he bought them at all.

Smiling ridiculously - `You look like an idiot,' he thinks to himself - he takes the tissue and wipes the counter around the bathroom sink. Picking up traces of powder and several strands of blond hair. He thinks briefly that it would take her 5 seconds to do this herself and keep her hair, now much longer than before, from rinsing down the drain and eventually clogging it. Discarding the hairy tissue into the basket, he rubs his fingers together and notices that the lotion actually does make his hands feel softer. Not that he would ever tell her that. It's not a very manly thing to admit.

Looking up at himself in the mirror, he realizes he should never have gotten angry with Sara for such a ridiculously small thing. But he was younger then, and different things seemed important. He makes a promise to himself right then and there not to ever mention to her that she leaves hair all around the sink. Not just because he loves her- he loved Sara, too, once. Not just because it doesn't matter: a clogged drain can be fixed with a bottle of Drano. But just because he is so damn happy that she's here at all. With him. And if he gets irritated with her about a few hairs around the sink, then he should probably be taking stock of what is really important in his life, and he's pretty sure the threat of a clogged drain doesn't rank in the top 100. His thoughts are interrupted by a tap on the door, "Are you done in there yet? We're going to be late!"

He can't remember where they're going tonight- is it Janet's for dinner? It doesn't really matter. He just knows they're going together, and he remembers to say, "We're out of the tissues with lotion." They'd better buy a few boxes at the store on the way home. He has a feeling he's going to be using them a lot, and he's happy about that. If he could just get rid of the nagging feeling that he was supposed to be irritated at something that happened before... He guesses it wasn't important and opens the bathroom door to leave for wherever she tells him they're supposed to be going.


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