Category: Romance

Spoilers: Reckoning, Threads

Season: Eight

Pairings: Sam and Jack

Rating: M

Warnings: Sexual Situations

Summary: After traumatic events in her life, Sam must seize the moment and refrain from thinking too much.

Author’s Note: Here’s another possible scenario for Jack and Sam’s relationship resolution. This is not betaed so all mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters are not my property. I have written this story for the enjoyment of Stargate SG-1 fans all over the world. No copyright infringement is intended and no monetary gain is expected.

Sam had been unusually subdued during Daniel’s “Welcome Home/Happy You’re Alive” party. However, she had obliged those who asked for a dance, had dutifully participated in all the toasts, and had listened attentively to the conversations around her without commenting.

She had politely responded to those addressing her and smiled when required, but her genuine attention had been centered on one particular man — tonight acting as the gracious host in their favorite hangout, O’Malley’s — who repeatedly met her gaze across the room, meaningfully gazing back every time her eyes searched and found him.

General Jack O’Neill had ordered a celebration for the base’s personnel. He had informed them that it was time to get together and celebrate their victory over the Goa’uld and the Replicators, as well as Daniel’s return from… wherever. He had reminded everyone, in an uncharacteristically heartfelt address over the paging system, that there was a lot they should be grateful for despite their many losses over the years, and had warned that he would not accept any excuses from anyone. Everyone at the SGC was expected to attend the open house. It would be part memorial, part victory celebration. And the open bar had been the clincher.

Since 1900 hours, the whole base had made an appearance. Some had only remained long enough to toast their fallen during the long struggle against the Goa’uld, then gone home to their families shortly after. Others had made it a point to join Daniel for a drink — who could barely stand as a smiling Teal’c closely guarded him — and stayed on for the celebration.

Sam had tried to decline participating in the party, still too depressed over her father’s recent loss and heavily burdened with her sense of guilt over Pete’s heartbreak. But her general had given her just one look — one that had said much without the need of words — and she had caved. She WAS very happy to have Daniel back, so here she was, celebrating along with everyone else.

She had not been willing to admit to herself that what had really bothered her about the gathering was the very likely probability of having to see her general accompanied by the beautiful CIA agent he was now dating. But as she had gotten ready earlier that evening, she had had to accept it.

She was jealous — and even a little bit angry — despite not having any rights to feel this way. So she had thoughtfully stared at herself in the mirror for a long, long time, first indecisive about what she should wear, then examining her reflection critically once she was done dressing.

She had aged. During the past eight years of struggle her body had been through hell. She had been injured, tortured, possessed, her DNA had been messed with, and she had even died a few times. All her ordeals, she thought, were evident on her face, in her almost haunted look, and in the weariness she so often felt. The way she felt now. She definitely was no fresh-faced flower or perky cute thing. Not like Agent Kerry Johnson.

Sam had finally opted for black jeans and a black top, which perfectly suited her mood. Despite her despondence — and picked by the beauty and youth of her rival for Jack’s affections — she had added some exotic-looking jewelry and enough make-up to accentuate her eyes, choosing red lipstick and equally red high-heeled sandals for a splash of color.

She had liked the final results, dark, elegant and sexy, but not overly so. Only her snug top, revealing a hint of cleavage and molding seductively to her body, made her look dressed-up, and her rather late arrival at O’Malley’s had definitely raised eyebrows and even elicited some flattering remarks from people like Dave Dixon and Lou Ferretti, who had promptly asked her to dance.

Her eyes had immediately searched for her CO’s tall figure, and she had found him standing by the bar, sexily staring at her. He had also been dressed in black, and she had wondered whether he had been feeling gloomy as well. His dark eyes had made her shiver with sudden excitement despite the distance between their bodies, and she had had to look away so that he wouldn’t notice how easily he could fluster her. Feeling rather unsettled by his intent gaze, Sam had tried to ignore him, but she hadn’t missed the fact that Agent Johnson was not present.

Jack had been talking to Siler and a couple of the sergeant’s team members at the time of her arrival, and the airmen had not missed the general’s suddenly diverted attention, making everyone eventually turn around to appreciatively look at her.

Siler had promptly put aside his drink and approached her, offering to bring her something from the bar. She knew that the man had always had a crush on her, but she was convinced that it was more due to appreciation for her technical knowledge than her appeal as a woman. Jack, however, had rolled his eyes and smiled at her knowingly when the sergeant had promptly provided her with her first glass of wine.

Sam had gratefully taken the goblet from Siler and the two of them had then walked toward where Daniel, Teal’c and others were chatting so that she could greet her friends, who had taken turns giving her warm hugs.

A few glasses of wine later, she had still been listening to their conversation without contributing, but her eyes had continued to wander and repeatedly meet with Jack’s across the room. Every time she looked at him, he would sense her perusal and return her gaze, holding her eyes until she awkwardly looked away. And, every time, her heart would skip, and a frisson of desire would course through her insides. He looked so handsome and sexy tonight!

Daniel had already been rather intoxicated by the time she had arrived, so he had been even more talkative than usual. He had chatted away as Sam had repeatedly left the group to dance, and he had still been talking every time she had returned. He was really cute when he was drunk! But as the archeologist had finally started to sway on his feet, Teal’c had dragged him to a chair and offered him some coffee.

At this point, Sam had exchanged amused glances with her CO over their friend’s drunkenness and felt tempted to finally go to him, pulled by his intense gaze, but Colonel Reynolds had quickly and unwittingly stepped in and interrupted their silent communication. The normally formal colonel had also had a few drinks already, and his tongue had been unusually loose. He had danced and joked with Sam until Walter Harriman had shyly asked for a turn.

The small sergeant had chosen a slow dance, and Sam had amusedly accepted despite being almost a head taller than the man. She had felt funny dancing with Harriman, but the sergeant hadn’t seemed to be bothered by the difference in height at all.

Now, as she slowly swayed to the music and half-listened to Walter’s comments about how well the party was turning out, she again met her general’s eyes across the dance floor and realized that Jack had had enough. He was headed their way.

“May I steal your dance partner for a bit, Sergeant?” he politely inquired, placing a large hand on the little man’s shoulder.

“Of course, Sir!” Walter almost jumped, pulling away from Sam and extending her hand to Jack for him to take. “Thank you for the dance, Colonel Carter.”

“My pleasure, Walter,” she sweetly replied, making the airman smile with delight.

As the sergeant walked away and Jack openly pulled her close, molding her body to his without regard to whom may be watching, Sam sighed with excitement and… relief. She then realized that she had been waiting for this moment all night.

“I see you’ve been busy, Colonel. Aren’t you glad you came?” he teased in a low, sexy tone, his left hand casually stroking her waist and making her insides quiver.

Sam looked up at him, her eyes both cautious and defiant. “I’m glad now… Sir,” she dared to say with a seductive smile. Her rival was not present, and she would take advantage of the unexpected opportunity to attempt to snatch Jack back from Agent Johnson’s greedy and perfectly manicured paws. Jacob’s last advice to her kept resonating inside her crowded mind: ‘You still can have everything you want.’

And Sam was done trying to fool herself. She wanted Jack. And even if it took another eight years, she intended to have him in her life in whatever way, shape or form possible. The gloves were coming off.

He seemed to hear her thoughts, because as soon as the music stopped, he refused to give up her company, glaring at an approaching airman who quickly took the hint and did a one-eighty to walk away in a hurry. “Care for a drink with your old general, Colonel?”

“I’d love a drink, Sir,” she answered, a seductive smile taking over her features. He had leaned closer to whisper in her ear, and he smelled ssso good!

He pulled away, but his left hand remained on her waist as he steered her toward the bar. She again noticed as his eyes briefly and appreciatively roamed her figure while he ordered their drinks, and Sam let him pull her closer as they waited. She was feeling rather content with the current circumstances: no Agent Johnson, Jack’s warm body closer to hers than they normally allowed, and no one daring to interrupt them.

Therefore, she was surprised when Jack softly inquired, “Are you okay, Carter?”

She was momentarily thrown by his question, and her eyes briefly met his, which looked dark with concern over her. “Sure, Sir. Why do you ask?”

“You’re not yourself. You look down,” he softly replied.

“Down? I’ve been dancing and smiling practically the whole time I’ve been here,” she tried to make light of his comment, knowing perfectly well that he was right. Despite her efforts to enjoy the party, she was feeling unhappy.

“Yet… you’re sad. You’ve been wearing your sad smile all night.”

Sam stared at him, uselessly attempting to deny his words. Instead, she opted for diversion. “I have a sad smile?” she lightly inquired as she averted her eyes again.

“And a polite smile… a patient smile… a frustrated smile…” he softly continued, his hand doing something on her waist that she was sure must be illicit. “I’ve seen them all tonight.”

“And you know which one is which?” she tremulously challenged, looking at him again and still attempting to smile.

“Always,” he nodded. “Right now you’re wearing your skeptical smile.”

Sam chuckled, helplessly moved by his intimate understanding of her moods and remembering that she had never been able to fool him. He knew her too well after eight long, eventful years.

“Ah! Finally an amused smile!” he teased, his own making an appearance. As another romantic, slow piece started, his right hand suddenly covered her fingers and squeezed gently, his left one pulling her body even closer and his male scent suddenly overwhelming her senses.

“Let’s dance again,” he suggested in an almost whisper, and she just nodded, mesmerized by the intensity of his look.

They took a few steps away from the bar to the edge of the dance floor and gently started to sway to the tender song being played. Sam’s smile slowly vanished as she got lost in his dark gaze, and the naughty fingers on her waist suddenly dug in gently, bringing her body completely flush with his. She softly gasped at the sudden rush of excitement his subtle move elicited, and her eyes widened with wonder as his cheek slowly met hers, his nose nuzzling her ear as he inhaled deeply. “You smell good, Carter,” he whispered.

Her eyelids dropped involuntarily, her senses besieged by his proximity and her skin suddenly tingling in every spot she could feel his touch. Her heart was beating fast inside her chest, and awareness of everything and everyone around her slowly faded, leaving only him, his warmth, his hard body against hers, his scent making her feel lightheaded with desire. Or maybe it was the wine?

“I have something important to tell you, Carter,” again he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. She only responded by nodding slightly, not wanting to lose the closeness that held her enthralled.

“I’m taking over for General Hammond in DC. I’m leaving the SGC,” he said, and his revelation stunned her, breaking the spell and making her freeze. She slowly pulled back to desolately look at him. Her heart had practically stopped, a million thoughts flashing through her mind: Kerry Johnson worked in DC. He was leaving her behind to follow his new lover. She had lost her chance because she had waited too long. Her relationship with Pete had driven him away and pushed him into the arms of another woman. She had done too little too late and she had lost him for good! She had screwed up badly!

She didn’t know that she had suddenly gone very pale and that they had stopped their slow swaying, although the music still played loudly within the establishment. She didn’t realize that her stricken eyes were filling up with tears, but that he still held her closely, refusing to let her go.

“It’s not the end of the world, Carter. I’ll come visit every time I can, and you can come visit, too,” he softly explained, a rather confused frown on his face.

WHAT?! Visit each other? While he maintained a relationship with another woman? Was he deranged?

She closed her eyes as she tried to pull away, but his arms refused to budge, holding her even tighter. The tears refused to spill and she didn’t say a word, but her features must have spoken volumes because he urgently continued. “It’s the only way, Carter. Now there’s no more Pete, no more Goa’uld, and no more Replicators. Nothing stands in the way anymore. Distance is nothing!”

Sam frowned at him. “But… what about…her?” she managed to ask.

After a moment, Jack understood. “You mean Kerry?” he asked.

She mutely nodded.

“No more Kerry, either,” he smiled, and Sam almost collapsed in his arms with relief. “She already dumped me,” he admitted, evidently more pleased than sorry.

“Dumped YOU?” her frown deepened, not believing that for a second. The woman had looked quite in lust with her CO. She had perceived it in her body language the very first time she had seen her through his office window the day she had come to talk to him about Daniel. She couldn’t fathom Kerry so easily walking away from him.

“Yeah,” he nodded, still smirking, infuriatingly amused by her confusion.

“Why?” she asked, bemused and curious despite her relief.

“You,” he simply said, and his face got a little closer, his breath caressing her temple right before his lips alighted for a gentle kiss, and her heart made a flip inside her ribcage. “She couldn’t compete with you.”

Sam thought she would melt into a puddle of sap at that very moment. She again relaxed in his embrace, and a delighted smile started to take shape on her previously troubled features. But then she remembered. “But… I’d still be in your chain of command,” she reminded him, pulling back one more time to look at him.

Jack shook his head, interrupting her. “Yes, but… I demanded a few concessions before I said yes to the job. One of them was more vacation time. I’m gonna need it to come visit you often.”

Her wide-eyed stare told him she was still in shock, so he went on, making her continue to dance so that they didn’t warrant unwanted attention from those around them. “I also demanded the use of an F302 whenever I please,” he smirked, wagging his eyebrows proudly. “And…” he let it hang for a moment, making her narrow her eyes at him threateningly. “I’m allowed to date a certain blonde, no matter what our military relationship. The President agreed to everything.”

Sam’s happy smile flashed again, and his own happiness shone in his dark eyes as they tenderly roamed her features.

“So… no Kerry?” she finally said, trying to sound flip despite the ebullient feelings about to make her shout out of joy.

“No Kerry,” he confirmed. His hand had lowered from her waist and was now sensually brushing her hips, fingers hovering and dancing over the fabric of her jeans. “Sssso… what do you say we blow this joint and head to my place for a very private celebration, Colonel?”

Sam stopped dancing again, eyes enormous on her face. Swallowing hard, she stammered, “N-n-now?”

“Yeap!” There was no mistaking his meaning.

“I… I…” she tried to respond, but she was stuck. She hadn’t expected something like this to happen tonight! She had fully expected to be a sad witness to her CO’s romance with another while she craved for what she couldn’t have. And suddenly here it was, the moment of truth, out of the blue.

Deliberately removing his arms from around her body, Jack stepped back, his penetrating stare firm on her suddenly alarmed features. “Carter, the way I figure it, we’ve waited long enough already. I want you so badly that I can taste you from twenty meters away. But it’s up to you. I’m leaving now. If you want to wait, you don’t have to come with me. We can start slowly if that’s what you want. I’ll be calling you, and I’ll ask you out for our first date tomorrow. But know that I’ll keep my front door unlocked for you tonight… and every night… until you’re ready, because I sure am.”

With these parting words, he took a step closer and kissed her nose. He then turned around and headed for the door, waving goodbye at those he met on his way out.

Sam watched him go from her spot at the edge of the dance floor, her mouth hanging agape. She saw him grab his black leather jacket and exit through the front entrance, turning around once more to glance at her for the last time, that infuriating, self-confident smile plastered on his lips. Then he disappeared… and she panicked.

She turned around to look toward where Daniel and Teal’c were still sitting, and noticed that only the Jaffa was aware of what had transpired. He also had a knowing smile on his face, while Daniel’s head rested on his arms on top of the table. There was no help whatsoever coming from that side!

Sam Carter was not one to make snap decisions. She was too cerebral for that. She always considered matters carefully, studied all the angles, all possible consequences, and weighted results in a methodical manner. And this decision was a big one. It wasn’t a matter of whether she loved Jack or not, or whether she wanted him or not. It was a matter of principle! She couldn’t just decide on something so big with hardly any warning, damn it! And Jack knew that!

She, however, found that she was quickly following him out the door, wildly looking for his truck in the parking lot when she stepped out into the coolness of the evening. She vaguely realized that she had left her jacket and purse behind, but she knew that Teal’c would take care of those for her.

She heard the familiar loud squeak when Jack pressed the control on his key to unlock his vehicle, and she raced toward the sound, reaching him just as he was about to get into the truck. Roughly gripping his sleeve and turning him around, she plastered herself against him, her hands grabbing his face and her mouth possessively taking his.

Jack immediately kissed her back, clearly uncaring of who could be watching, and she continued to press her body to his, pushing him against the side of his truck. She moaned when she felt his instant arousal against her belly, and she shamelessly pressed harder, grinding, slow movements making him groan in return. She was ready, too, damn it!

Sam was lost in feelings, not thinking at all anymore. All she wanted to do was kiss Jack, touch him, and feel him. She didn’t care about timing, distance or any other consideration. Her thigh lifted to try to better feel him through her jeans, and he suddenly groaned and grasped her upper arms, abruptly ending the kiss.

His eyes were almost black with passion, and his hands were ruthless as he held her. Abruptly pushing her away, he turned her around and shoved her inside his truck, climbing behind her and shutting the door without waiting for her consent.

He started the engine, then reached over and snapped her seatbelt close, eagerly kissing her back when she grasped his face again and her tongue boldly invaded his mouth. His hand brazenly went for a full breast, kneading urgently and making her moan again, but then he pulled away, visibly struggling to control his urges.

“Just hold that thought,” he almost growled as he tore out of the parking lot, headed toward his house.

Sam heatedly stared at him from her side of the cab, her hands itching to touch him, but hesitant to distract him. She could certainly wait for the five-minute drive to his place to end — she thought. But her hand was reaching for the bulge in his pants of its own volition, making Jack groan again as he briefly closed his eyes in rapture.

She smiled and got as close as the seatbelt allowed her, grabbing as much of him as she could through the stiff fabric over his groin and breathing warmly against his neck, her tongue liking the exposed skin as if it were delicious candy. She grinned smugly when he noticed his hands grip the wheel as if he meant to crush it between his fingers. “Sam!” he gasped as his legs parted more, allowing her to better wrap her fingers around him, and she thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of power his unrepressed response elicited.

The moment he parked in his driveway, they were both unbuckled and out of the truck. He briefly grabbed her and plastered her body to his for a rough, passionate kiss; then he stopped and grabbed her hand, pulling her behind him as he rushed to his front door and opened it in record time.

Sam had never experienced anything so frantic or desperate. Her groin throbbed with need and her nipples felt hard under her snug top. She stared at his eager features as he concentrated on getting her naked, thinking that she had never in her life needed anything so badly. His hands had immediately gone to the bottom of her top and pulled it off in one move, leaving her in her black lace bra. Hers had reciprocated by tearing at his jacket and taking it off his shoulders, then proceeding to unbuckle his belt with shaking fingers.

Not a word had been said, but plenty of panting and heavy breathing could be heard. Jack efficiently got rid of his sweater, then concentrated on removing her pants, pulling them down to her thighs and letting her finish dropping them as his hands deftly removed her bra, leaving her in nothing but her high-heeled red sandals and her black bikini panties.

“Ohhh,” he whispered as his hands covered the warm mounds before him, making her nipples tingle when his fingers squeezed gently. “You’re just…” he whispered, but he didn’t finish. Whatever he meant, Sam knew it was something good by the look on his face. His mouth lowered to taste her neck, and his hard groin rubbed against hers insistently.

“Jaaack,” she moaned, pushing him away so that she could undo his pants. He slapped her hands away and quickly proceeded to undress, devouring her naked form with his eyes the whole time.

As he got rid of his pants, Sam enticingly arched against the wall and her hands reached for her breasts, letting her fingers play softly with her nipples and smiling delightedly as his mouth hung open with blatant hunger. She deeply relished the way his eyes widened as they followed the movement of her fingers dancing over her hardened peaks, and she was suddenly thankful for the few glasses of wine that had allowed her to behave in such an uninhibited fashion for her enthralled CO.

“God, you’re gorgeous,” he whispered again as he finished dropping his pants and underwear, getting rid of his shoes and socks and leaving him gloriously and spectacularly naked.

Sam’s mouth actually watered with anticipation, gaping at his bare, hard body stand proudly before her. Then his arms suddenly encircled her waist, one hand firmly lifting a leg to wrap around his hips, pressing his groin to hers.

“Oh, God!” Sam moaned, arching her neck as his mouth attacked the sensitive skin of her chest, headed for a needy breast. When his lips closed over it, she thought she would burst into flames, gasping with runaway desire.

She rubbed her pelvis against his desperately, and she almost cried in triumph when she felt him impatiently move aside the crotch of her panties to delve into her now drenched folds. “Ahhhh!” she moaned as his fingers explored deeply, his thumb unerringly finding her clit and pressing expertly.

“Please, Jack! Now!” she begged, about to die of pure craving, and she blissfully felt the head of his shaft being positioned against her hot flesh. She raised her thigh even higher to allow him admittance and he plunged in, pinning her to the wall with a brutal shove that almost made them both fall apart instantly.

“Oh, my… oh…!” Sam gasped as he thrust again, and again, and again. He was frantically fucking her against the wall and she was relishing every second of it, after she had demurely balked when he had earlier issued the invitation to make love. Now she was gasping and moaning loudly, urging him on with her vocal responses to his ardent assault, her hands hanging on to his shoulders as he shoved in and out, quickly bringing her to the edge of ecstasy.

“Jack!” she screamed when she exploded with bliss, her legs buckling as he continued to shove in and out, now more rapidly as she fell apart against the hard surface, only his body holding her up. She thought her brain was melting, her body shuddering helplessly and her tissues contracting powerfully around him, and just as her orgasm started to subside, he came with a growl, his warm essence flooding her insides and making her explode again, another choked scream tearing out of her throat.

“Aaah, oh, God! Jack!” she continued to cry out, her body completely on automatic and her legs like rubber as he groaned his release against her neck, his body crushing her and holding her up at the same time.

Some time later, Jack gently let go of her thigh, finally coming down from his own climax as he slumped against her naked form, his hands leaving her hips and coming to her ribs, his mouth sucking delightedly at her neck.

Sam thought her heart would burst, racing so fast inside her chest that she was sure it couldn’t be healthy. But her arms just came up to wrap around Jack’s neck and she eagerly pressed his face to her exposed flesh, elatedly enjoying his roaming lips and tongue as he fervently tasted her.

“God, that was… wonderful!” she finally vocalized, and his happy smile met hers as he lifted his head from her neck.

“Now I see a satisfied smile,” he teased, making her giggle. Then he became serious again, gazing at her lovingly. Unexpectedly and for the first time that night, he declared, “I love you, Carter,” still deeply embedded inside her as they cuddled in the middle of his hallway.

“And I love you, Sir,” she whispered with a blissful smile.

“I kind of like it when you call me ‘Jack’, especially when you scream,” he teased again, making her beam at him in delight, stroking his hair with all the love and adoration she had attempted to hide up to that day.

“Ah! And a happy smile! Now we’re talking!” he smiled back as his lips again met hers and his arms warmly embraced her, holding her tight as he kissed her with renewed hunger.

The night was young, their love affair was finally beginning, and Sam knew that her happy smile would remain for a long, long time.

The End

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