Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

“Jack, what’s going on?”

“Sam is engaged to a blackmailing asshole of a cop. Mark introduced them to each other last year after what happened at the Alpha site. They got engaged six months ago and he knows about you and this place.”

“What? How?”

“You know about Osiris and how we caught her; and your Tok’ra buddies came to take the snake out of the host? Well Pete followed us to the stake out and saw the whole thing. He almost got Sam killed on that mission. He had already gotten a friend of his from the FBI to do a background check on her the day before the mission and I guess he wanted to know more. Sam doesn’t know about the background check.”

“What… who is Pete? Is he the one she is seeing?”

“Yes he is. The thing is Jacob, Sam wanted to call off the wedding but he still wants it to go ahead.”

“What are you saying here Jack? Blackmail?”

“Yes I am. Sam showed up at my house early this morning and she was mess. I could tell something was wrong. The bastard is blackmailing not just this place but Sam herself. Sam showed me a copy of a disk that Pete gave her. I asked Daniel to check it out and it’s real; it shows Teal’c with junior as well as the gate in action and it has information about the Goa’uld, everything.”

“So, what’s being done about it?”

“I’m going to transfer Sam to Area 51 on TDY (temporary duty) since one of the egg heads there broke his arm. This is so she won’t be under my command and we can get married. I just got back from downtown to get Sam this.”

Jack pulled out a box and passed it to Jacob and he opened it up.

“Jacob, I would like to have you permission to marry Sam and I hope that you can make it to the wedding in six weeks time.”

“Jack, are you marrying her just to save this program?”

“Well yes and no, I was talking to Hammond and the President this morning about what Shanahan is doing. The President gave us his blessing; his words were. ‘Jack, get your sorry head out of your ass. You have waited eight years and you are going to let her marry this blackmailing cop? If you still love her, well then do something about it’. Sam wasn’t there at the time he said that. But she was there when I said ‘I would ask her to marry me for me not what I’m wearing but with all the scars that I’ve gotten over the years, not General Jack O’Neill but asking as Jonathan O’Neill, if she would marry this old solider. Then I turned around and looked at her and said, after I got down on one knee, Samantha Carter, you know that I have loved you since the moment you walked into the briefing room eight and half years ago and I am still in love with you today. You know that I would never ever hurt you; I love you too much to do that. Sam, would you do me the honour and marry me? I haven’t got a ring with me but I’ll take care of that later if you accept.”

“She said yes?”

“Yes, she did, the whole base heard it. Cassie pushed the intercom button so that everyone heard what I said to Sam. That is why everyone is walking around with grins on their faces.”

“So the President knows about this and is ok with it?”

“Yep, the plan is Sam gets transferred to Area 51, we get married in six weeks at the high school. Cassie’s class is supposed to put on a play of some kind. She thinks it should include a fake wedding but it is going to be a real wedding. Only those in the know will be aware of the difference. I don’t know yet how Cassie is going to pull this off.

“Ok; I just hope that it works and Pete doesn’t get wind of it.”

“Don’t worry, he is going to be there and we are going to tape the whole thing.”

“Well, good luck”

“Thanks; oh Hammond said to tell you that there is a bottle of brandy waiting to be opened” Jacob chuckled.

“I forgot about that. I think we will wait until after the wedding.

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