Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please. Sorry for not posting yesterday. i was having problems trying to get on here to up date my stories. i was lucky to get on even through it was slow.

Twenty minutes later they arrived at the club. They talked to some of the people there in the cocktail lounge for about a half an hour until everyone had arrived. They had all sat down at different tables and then the President got up and walked over to where the microphone when he received the signal,

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr and Mrs O’Neill.”

Everyone stood up and clapped as Jack and Sam walked into the room, smiling arm in arm. When they reached the bridal table, Jack pulled a chair out for Sam and then Jack sat next to her. Once everyone else was seated, the meal service began. Everyone was having a wonderful time.

There were some speeches during the evening. Some of the personnel told some embarrassing and funny stories about them. Even George told everyone about the first time he met Jack and how Jack and Sam first met, about the arm wrestling challenge and right up to the present. There was a lot of laughter at the different things that had happened between the two of them over the years. There was even dancing during the night.

Sam danced with Jack, Jacob, Mark, George, Teal’c, Daniel, the President, all of the Joint Chiefs and Ferretti, as well as some of the other SGC personnel. She did dance once with Pete. They were half way through the dancing when her cell phone, on the bridal table, began to ring; Daniel and Cassie were sitting at the table when Sam’s cell rang. She knew it was time and Daniel answered it.

“Sam, it’s the base, there is a computer malfunction and there are four away” Sam know what he was saying,

“Ok, tell them I’m on my way.”

“Ok” then he spoke into the phone and then turned back to Sam.

“Sam, you better get Jack too. Someone was in his office but they don’t know if any thing was stolen.”

“What? Ok, I’ll go and find him and head to the base” then she turned to Pete.

”Sorry, I better go, I don’t know how long I’m going to be away for.”

“Ok, see you when you get back.”

“Ok, bye” He gave her a kiss before she left to get Jack.

When she found him, they went to speak to George and Sam went to say good bye to Mark and Jacob. Daniel got most of the personnel ready to give them a send off; he knew what was really going on. When they left to go outside, they were greeted by all the SGC officers, in their uniforms and in two lines with swords crossed above them as an archway.

They went through it as rice and rose petals were thrown at them. They got in to Jack’s truck and started to leave, then stopped when they heard the cans. Jack got out and went around the back to quickly take them off. He saw Cassie and Daniel grinning at them and he shook his head before getting back into the truck and they were off once again.

“I can’t believe it worked.” Sam said

“I know, now we are on our….” Sam put her hand over his mouth.

“We better get to the base as soon as possible” she then pointed to a listening device she spotted and pulled it out and showed it to him.

“Yeah, I hope they didn’t steal my yoyo” He nodded, than he got his phone out and passed it to Sam.

“Jack, have you got your phone with you?”

“Sure, here” Sam called Daniel.

“Lieutenant, this is Colonel Carter. What have you tried to do to get the computers going again?”

“Sam, what are you talking about?”

“Are you saying that there is a bug in the system?”

“Bug? Sam, are you saying that Jack’s truck is bugged?”

“Yes, ok, what about the camera in the General’s office. Did it reveal anything?”

“Are you sure Sam?”

“What, you only found one bug but are not sure if there are any more?”

“You found one listening device so far?”

“Yes; look we just arrived and I’ll be there in few minutes.”

“Ok, Pete left right after you guys did. I think he was following you; I got Teal’c to follow him. Talk to you guys when you get back. We will check Jack’s truck over while you are away.”

“Ok, thanks” then she hung up.

When they reached the first check point, the three guards were grinning and they were just about to say something when Sam showed them the listening device and so they under stood.

“Sir, ma’am, is everything ok?”

“Yeah, some bugs got in to Carter’s computer system and she is here to take care of that, while I take care of another problem in my office.”

“Ok, sir, ma’am you can go through.”

“Thank you Sergeant”

When they arrived in the parking lot, Sam and Jack got out and headed to the elevator after signing in. They headed down to the locker room level where most of the personnel were waiting for the happy couple.

When the elevator doors opened, they were greeted with most of the people who were on the night shift. As soon as they walked out of the elevator, the people all clapped and cheered them on. Jack pulled Sam towards him and they kissed in front of the personnel. When they pulled apart, Jack turned to them all,

“Ok, now you’ve seen us, now back to work” they all went back to their work stations with grins on their faces.

Jack and Sam went to get changed into their BDU’s and then they headed to the gate room. When they got there, the sergeant started dialing the gate, when Lieutenant Simmons came in with a GDO and he passed it to Jack.

“Everything is set up on the planet for you sir, ma’am.”

“Thanks Lieutenant” Jack said

“We will be sending fresh food through every three days at 0900.”

“Ok, we will see you guys in two weeks and don’t give Hammond a hard time while I’m away and don’t let this place fall apart either.”

“Yes sir” then the wormhole was formed.

“Well see ya all, shall we Mrs O’Neill, to Oz we go” and they walked up the ramp and through the gate.

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