Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Two days later Pete tried to call Sam but all he got was the answering machine at both home and her cell phone. He called the SGC, only to find out from Walter that she was off world for a few days on a mission. When he finished on the phone Walter went and told Hammond that Pete had called asking for Sam.

Pete knew something wasn’t right because Sam would call if she was going off world for a few days, so he decided to go to the base to find out what was going on. When he arrived at the checkpoint, the guard let him through and once out of sight he called Hammond.

“This is Lieutenant Ellis, from the front gate and I need to talk to General Hammond.”

“He is busy at the moment; can I pass a message on?”

“Ok, I’ll talk to Sergeant Walter Harriman then” and he heard a couple of clicks on the phone


“Hey Walter its Gary Ellis from the front gate. You better warn General Hammond that Detective Shanahan is on his way and he is looking for Colonel Carter.”

“Ok, thanks for the warning. I’ll take care of this end. I will talk to you later.”

“Ok” then they both hung up.

Walter knew that Hammond was in a briefing, so he walked into the room.

“Yes Walter, is there something I can help you with?”

“Sir, I just got word from topside that Detective Shanahan is on his way down”

“Ok, you know what to do.”

“Yes sir, I’ll take care of it now”

“Thanks, dismissed.”

Walter left the room and he called both Daniel and Teal’c to let them know that Pete was looking for Sam so they could lay low until they got the all clear. Once finished speaking to them he started spreading the word around that Pete was on base. Everyone knew what to do just in case they ran into him.

When Pete arrived on the SGC levels, Walter was carrying a jamming device with him. He turned it on so it would stop all recording, just in case Pete was carrying a camera on him again.

“Sergeant Harriman, right?”

“Yes, are you looking for Colonel Carter?”

“Yes, you said that she is off world?”

“Yes, SG1 and General O’Neill are off world for about a week.”

“General O’Neill? Who is running the base?”

“That would be me” Pete turned around to see General Hammond standing there.

“General Hammond”

“I’ll take care of this Walter, you can go.”

“Yes sir” then he left them alone.

“Do you know how long SG1 will be off world?”

“It will depend on what Dr Jackson finds.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are ruins on the planet; for right now they are there for a week. They are due to call in two days time. If you want to, you can talk to her then” Pete perked up at that and smiled

“Sure, what time are they calling?”

“1100 hours, you can be here about 1030 hours just in case they call early.”

“Ok, thanks but what is General O’Neill doing with them?”

“You will have to ask him, now if you will excuse me, I’ve got a briefing to attend.”

Hammond pushed a button and the doors opened. Pete took the hint and walked into the elevator and the doors closed. Hammond finally relaxed and then he went to see Walter for a minute before heading back to his old office. Ten minutes later Walter got the call he was waiting for and he went to let Hammond know.

“Sir, I just got word that Detective Shanahan just passed through the front gates and I’ve already let Dr Jackson and Teal’c know it’s all clear. “

“Thanks Walter, dismissed.”

“Yes sir” then he left as Daniel and Teal’c arrived.

“Sir, what happened?”

“Detective Shanahan was looking for Colonel Carter.”

“Oh, so what happens now sir?”

“Nothing, but tomorrow you two are going to give the newlyweds a hand in getting every thing set up and you can let them know what just happened.”

“Sure thing sir; if there is anything else you know where to find us.”

“Thanks, dismissed” then they left his office.

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