Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry” Sam said.

“Let’s head back to camp then.” Jack said and they headed in that direction.

“Sam, are you and the guys always like this every time you go off world?”

“What having fun, yep”

“What happens if you get attacked by an alien?”

“We normally restrict our fun to earth; it’s a lot safer than off world, until a few months ago. Hey Daniel, did you find out who put the whoopee cushion on General Hammond’s chair last year?”

“Yeah, it was Dixon; you were lucky you didn’t get one on your chair Sam.”

“Why, did he get you?”

“Yes, there was a bet if he could get certain people that day. Well, he almost got everyone.”

“Why, who didn’t he get?”

“Jack, Teal’c Walter and you.”

“What about Janet?”

“He got both her and Dr Warner.” they all laughed, except for Pete, who was looking at them.

“Well, I’ll have to check my chair before I sit down from now on just in case he does try to get me” Jack said.

“And me also, sir.”

“Did you get your revenge on him?” Jack asked.

“Well, I didn’t but some of the other personnel did. Boy, did they pay him back.”

“We know Daniel; we all heard what some of the personnel did to him.”

A few minutes later they arrived at the campsite and they went into their own tents to get their gear out. Pete went and sat down on one of the logs. When Sam came out of her tent with a couple of bags and boots, she walked over to Jack’s tent.

“Sir, I’m going over to the hot springs and have a shower there.”

“Ok, if you are not back in fifteen minutes, I’ll send out a search party for you.”

“Funny, see you when I get back, sir.”

“Ok Carter” then Sam turned to look at Pete, who was starting to get up.

“Stay here Pete” then Sam turned and walked to where the hot springs were.

Daniel and Teal’c came out of their tent and then Jack did too. They all were still in their swimming shorts and they also had bags in their hands. They put them down near the ‘FRED’ before starting to get lunch sorted out. Daniel and Teal’c got the firewood sorted out, while Jack started sorting out the ration packs for them all.

Fifteen minutes after Sam left, she returned in her BDU’s and she was wearing a singlet shirt instead of a green shirt.

“Ok, shower free”

“My turn” Daniel said

“Dinner will be ready by the time you get back Daniel”

“Ok Jack.”

Daniel picked up his gear and headed to the hot springs were. Sam put her things away, except for her two towels and swim suit and she walked over to where the line was and hung them up to dry before walking over to where the‘FRED’ was and getting her canteen out for a drink.

“Want a drink Pete?”

“No thanks, I’m fine.”

“Ok, what are we having sir?”

“Macaroni and cheese.”

“Ah, chicken.”

“Yep, that sums it up.”

“Need any help?”

“Na, I’ve got it”


Sam went over to her tent to get a book out and then went and sat down and opened the book up and started reading.

When Daniel arrived at the Hot Springs, he saw a bag of food and a note.

“Help yourselves guys but save some for the others. Who ever is the last here, return the left over items back to the love tent, Sam” he read out and smiled.

So he ate some grapes, strawberries and biscuits then washed it down with a bottle of water and then he went and had a shower. When Daniel returned, Sam saw him and he rubbed his stomach and mouthed ‘thank you’ to her, since Pete had his back to him. Sam smiled and gave a small nod. Daniel put his gear away and he hung his wet towels and shorts on the line.

“Ok dinner is up, come and get it” Jack called out.

Every one went and picked up their dinner and sat down to eat it. When Pete took this first bite, they were all were watching him. They saw him screw up his face.

“This is horrible; I don’t know how you could eat this stuff.”

“You get used to it after awhile and you’re lucky to get something.” Jack said.

Pete watched the others eat their lunch. After lunch, they all had coffee and cleaned up. Daniel whispered to Teal’c about what Sam had done, so he went to get his things and left to go and have his shower. Sam and Pete left to go for a walk, while Daniel was looking through one of his books. As soon as they were out of sight,

“Hey Jack, I hope Teal’c leaves some food for you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, Sam must have gone back to your tent and took some food to the hot springs since we all know what the MRE’s are like” Jack smiled.

“True, I’ll have to do something about the ration pack. They are getting worse every year.”

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