Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

“Yes ma’am, just the way you like it.”

Then he kissed her and rolled on top of her. He did do what she asked him to do. He did it hard and also brought her to two orgasms. She screamed out his name over and over again until he filled her with his seed before collapsing on top of her with both of them out of breath and then Jack rolled onto his back.

“Gee, that felt great. How about you Sam, are you ok?”

“Yeah, wow, that was fantastic Jack; you sure know how to make me come like that” she rolled over and snuggled into his side.

“Well, it was worth it, wasn’t it?”

“Yes it was; will you be ok?”

“Yeah, I’ll live” Sam slapped his arm and he pulled her tighter to him and kissed her forehead.

“How long can you stay?”

“Well, Pete wakes up at 0700 hours, so I’ll have to be back by 0730 hours.”

“Ok” Jack set his alarm clock for 0630 hours.

“Let’s get some sleep” they kissed and fell asleep in one another’s arms.

A couple of hours later Jack’s alarm went off and he rolled over and turned it off before rolling back over and snuggling up to Sam once again.

“Morning” he said


“What time do you want to leave here?” he asked before kissing her.


“So, have you got time for a quickly before you go?”

“Can you handle it?”

“Yes, I’m sure I can handle it.”

They kissed as Jack rolled on top of Sam and they made love once again. Afterward Jack got up and slowly made his way to the bathroom. When he returned, Sam went in and when she walked out, Jack was back in bed, still feeling a bit sore. Sam got dressed and then went over and sat on the side of the bed.

“What are you plans for this afternoon?”

“I don’t know what Pete has planned. Why, what have you got in mind?”

“Well, I’ll be at the base all day so, if you like, I can call you in for something and we can get Daniel and Teal’c to baby sit Pete while I have my wicked way with you in our quarters” Sam smiled at that.

“Ok, I’ll be waiting for your call. I better go and I will talk to you later Jack, I love you.”

“I love you too” they kissed once more before Sam left.

After she did her warm up, she jogged back to her place, feeling happier than she had last night. When she arrived at her place Pete was already up when she walked in the door.

“Hey, morning, enjoy your run?”
“Yeah I did. I’m going to have a shower.”

Sam went into her bedroom and put her money away and then she went and had her shower. Twenty minutes later she walked out in jeans and a top. Pete wasn’t anywhere in sight and she saw a note on the breakfast bar; it was from Pete, saying that he had been called back to work and would see her that night.

She knew that Jack would be at work soon so she grabbed her keys and purse and then left for the base. When she arrived she saw Jack’s truck, which made her smile. She headed to the women’s locker room and got changed and then she went to the mess hall where she knew her friends were.

When she walked in she saw them at their usual table and she walked over to them. Daniel was talking to Jack who had his back to Sam. As she walked over to the table, she put up a finger to her lips and smiled.

When she got close she bent over and kissed the side of his neck and then stepped back quickly. Jack got up and turned around to find her standing there with a grin on her face.

“Sam, what are you doing here?” they hugged and kissed.

“Pete was called back to work for a few hours, so I came here.”

“Ah, have you had any breakfast yet?”

“Nope and don’t worry, I’m going to get some now. I’ll be right back; morning Teal’c, Daniel.”

“Morning Sam”

“Morning Colonel Carter”

Sam left and got herself some breakfast and then sat down to join them. Daniel was talking as he always did. Sam ate quietly, thinking about what Pete had done and about the house. Jack noticed that Sam was quiet. He put his arm around her shoulders and Daniel stop talking.

“Sam, what is it? What’s wrong?” Jack asked, looking at her.

“Pete bought a house. He took me to see it yesterday and he already took care of the flowers for the wedding. There is a sold sign on my house already and Pete has plans for what he wants to do with the money.”

“Oh, Sam; hey, every thing is going to be ok.”

“I know but he also wants to open a joint account as soon as we are married and I said no.”

“Well, good for you Sam” Daniel said.


“So what did you want to do today? No, let me guess, play with your doohickies.” Sam smiled and nodded

“Ah, well then, at least I will know that you are happy for a few hours.”

“Thanks. What are you guys doing today?”

“Teal’c is helping me with some translating and to get my reports finished.”

“Ok, Jack what about you?”

“Boring meetings and heaps of memos to read, as well as reports.”

“You can come and bug me at lunch time. That is, if you can get most of your work done.” Jack smiled

“Ok and I’ll make sure that there is blue jello on the menus today.”
“Thanks” and she rewarded him with a kiss.

They finished breakfast and left together. Jack walked Sam to her lab and when they got there they kissed one more time before he left for his office. Jack had two SG briefings, as well as trying to catch up with all the latest paper work.

He closed a file that he had finished reading and looked at the clock. He realized that it was after 1300. So he got up and walked to Sam’s lab. When he reached the doorway, he stood for a minute, looking at her and smiled. Sam was looking over an alien device, doing some energy tests on it. She had her back to Jack, working hard as usual and then he walked in and started to pick something up

“Don’t you dare pick that up Jack.”

His hand was a couple of centimeters from picking it up when she spoke. Sam shut down what she was working on and turned around, shaking her head.

“Next time I’ll make sure that there is something that you can play with that is safe” she said smiling.

“You know me too well. How did you know it was me?”

“I could smell you; that is how I knew.”
“Ah; it is lunch time, so stop whatever you were doing and come and get something to eat.”

“Ok, let’s go.”

They headed to the mess hall for something to eat. Jack got himself a slice of pumpkin pie, red jello and a bottle of water. Sam got herself a bowl of fruit salad, blue jello and a bottle of water. They sat down at one of the tables to eat.

“How is the alien doohickie coming along?”

“Good; hopefully, if all goes well, I’ll be able to send it to Area 51 when I’m finished with it.”

“Ok; it sounds like you are having fun.”

“Yes, I am, how about you?”

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