Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

A month later, Sam received a phone call from the SGC. The computer had crashed so she talked Walter through in how to bring them back on line. When everything turned out OK, an hour later, Sam was pleased and hung up. Then she returned to what she was doing on the laptop.

She knew that SG1 was on planet called Hanka. They were checking on things for Sam since she couldn't go off world until after the twins were born. While on the planet, SG1 looked around meeting the people on the planet and checking on SG7 who were looking after the telescope.

Since it was nighttime, Jack went to look at the stars through the large telescope. He look in one area and could see no Goa'uld mother ship there. So he knew he had saved the people on the planet and SG7. He had finished shutting everything down when Daniel walk in.

"Jack what are you doing?"

"Seeing the stars."


"The moon and the planet that Sam wanted to watch go 'bang'."

"Anything else?" Jack got down from the ladder and smiled as he patted Daniel's shoulder.

"Nothing, come on, let's go." They walked out of the building and over to the town.

The people were putting on a party. While there, Daniel nudged Jack. Jack turned to see what Daniel was looking at. It was Cassie; she was playing with her friends. They could see how happy she was.

"It's amazing what happens when you can change things," Jack said.

"It is Jack, it is." They watched Cassie play until it was time for her to go to bed.

SG1 and SG7 left when people started returning to their homes.

The next day, SG1 returned to Earth. When Jack arrived home, he walked into the living room.

"Hey are you OK?" Sam asked. Jack sat down next to Sam.

"Yeah, we saw Cassie."

"You did, how was she?"

"She's good, she's happy, like nothing's wrong. Her people are happy not know what might have happened to them all."

"Yeah I'll bet."

Sam moved around and Jack noticed. "Are you OK?"

"Just trying to get comfortable, one of the kids is pushing against my lower back."

"Need a massage?"

"Sounds good, here, help me up."

Jack helped Sam and they walked up stairs to their room where Sam laid down on the bed on her side. Jack was behind her massaging her back.

"Mmm, that feels good."

"That's good, what me to stop?"

"Jack, if you stop, I'll talk technobabble for a whole month," she said smiling, knowing he couldn't handle two hours let alone a whole month.

"OK, OK I won't stop unless I have to."

He keep on rubbing for another ten minutes when he noticed that she had fallen asleep. He got up, pulled the quilt over her, and gave her a kiss before walking out of the room. He knew she hadn't been getting much sleep in the past few days cause of the twins.

The next week, Sam was at home when Janet dropped by to check up on her and the twins. When Janet was checking on the babies, she got concerned.

"Sam, I 'm going to call for ambulance," she said. She put the portable ultra sound machine away.

"Janet, what's wrong?" Sam was starting to worry.

"One of the twins is starting to show signs of distress because the cord is wrapped around its neck. It's loose, but if things don't improve in the next hour, we might have to do a C-section. Plus, your blood pressure it elevated. That could be part of why the baby is in distress. I'm not sure, so it's better to get you to the hospital now."

"OK." Janet walked over and picked up the phone. When finished giving the information to the ambulance service operator, she called the SGC.

"This is Dr. Frasier I need to talk to General Hammond...General Hammond; Dr. Frasier is SG1 until off world, Sir?... Can you recall General O'Neill, Sir?... Yes, I have an ambulance on its way here. I'm concerned about Major Carter's blood pressure and one of the twins... yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Then she hung up.

Janet turned around and walked back to the living room where Sam was sitting.

"Sam, where is your hospital bag?"

"Upstairs on the right in the walk in closet."

"OK." She walked out of the living room. When she returned, the ambulance was arriving, so she put Sam's bag down in the foyer, then walked over and opened the door.

"Dr. Frasier?"

"Yes, Sergeant, this way." They walked into the house with a gurney between the two men.

"Major Carter."


"Doctor, has Major Carter gone into labor?"

"No, but her blood pressure is elevated and I'm concerned for one of the twins. I want to make sure that Sam has as little movement as possible. One of the twins has its cord around its neck."

"OK, let's get you on the gurney, Major Carter."

The two paramedics helped Sam up from her seat and onto the gurney. Once she was on, they covered her with a blanket and locked the straps in to place.

"I'll be following you to the hospital and the staff will be waiting."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Once everything was done, Janet followed the paramedics outside after she picked up her medical bag and Sam's bag. She managed to set the alarm before walking out, closing, and locking the door. Janet walked over to her car and put everything in just as the paramedics put Sam in the back of the ambulance and closed the doors.

Janet used her cell phone to call the hospital just as she was getting into her car. She hung up and started her car then followed the ambulance to the hospital.

When they arrived, Janet got out of her car and locked it then walk quickly to the ambulance bay where Sam was unloaded. There were maternity ward nurses there waiting for Sam to arrive.

They pushed the gurney into the hospital and down to the maternity ward. They moved to a private room where the paramedics helped the nurses move Sam onto a bed, then they left just as Janet walked into the room.

Janet helped the nurses get Sam settled as well put an IV line in and put a fetal monitor on to her stomach. Once all that was done, one of the nurses checked Sam's blood pressure.

"Doctor, Major Carter's BP is one fifty over ninety."

"Thanks, Lieutenant. And what is the baby's heart rate?"

"Still high for the one, but the other seems to be fine."

"OK." She turned to Sam.

"Sam, you need to relax."

"I know but I'm worried about my babies."

"I know you are; now I'm going to give you a light sedative to help you relax. OK?"


"Help Major Carter get changed, just in case we need to take her into surgery." Janet walked out of the room.

The two nurses helped Sam change in to a gown while she was still on the bed. When Janet returned, she injected the sedative in to Sam's IV line.

"Now close your eyes and relax, I'll come and check on you in an hour." Sam slowly closed her eyes.

"Jack," she said before she fell asleep.

"Have Sam's blood pressure and the twins' heart rate checked every ten minutes, if anything changes, let me know."

"Yes, Doctor." Then Janet walked out of Sam's room.

She walked out to her car to get Sam's bag and returned. She put it into Sam's room then left to work on Sam's chart.

Not much later, Janet was walking towards Sam's room when she saw Jack running towards her. She stopped outside of Sam room, and waited until Jack reached her.

"Janet, how's Sam?" She could tell he was frightened for Sam and the babies.

"She's fine. What happened is that one of the cords is wrapped around one of the twin's necks which is causing the baby distress."

"OK, and Sam?"

"Her blood pressure is pretty high; it hasn't come down in the past hour. I was going to check on the babies just now."

"OK. I'll go in with you." They walked into the room to see her still sleeping. Jack walked over to the monitors just as a nurse entered.

"Dr. Frasier?" Janet turned to the nurse.


"I was coming to take Major Carter's blood pressure."

"Go ahead." The lieutenant took Sam blood pressure and frowned, and then she did it again.

"Doctor, her blood pressure is crashing!"

"What?" Janet got her stethoscope and put one end in her ears and the other over Sam's heart.

"Go get the OR ready, now!" Then Janet pushed the emergency button.

"Janet?" Jack was worried and becoming scared.

"Don't worry, Jack." Then the babies' heart rates were getting higher when the nurses and doctors ran into the room.

"Help me get her to the OR, now!"

"Janet, the blanket." Janet looked at the blanket and saw a large red spot. She pulled the blanket down.

"Oh God. Get three pints of 'B' positive ready. Let's go!"

She covered Sam again and they pushed Sam's bed out of the room once all the wires were disconnected. Jack stood there in shock, then he walked out of the room and over to a pay phone.

He made the first call. "Mom."

"Jack, what's wrong?"

"Can you call every one...? It's Sam she's been rushed into surgery... there are complications."

"Oh no! The twins?"

"Sam's hemorrhaging bad, very bad and the babies are in distress."

"Oh Jack, I'll call every one and I'll look after the kids."

"Thanks, Mom, I had better call Hammond."

"OK, Son."

Then he called General Hammond.


"George, I need to request some time off."

"Jack, what wrong?"

"They just rushed Sam into surgery. The twins are in distress, Sam's blood pressure crashed. She had started hemorrhaging, badly." George let out his breath.

"Take all the time you need, Jack."

"Thanks, George."

Jack walked down to the waiting room, sat down, and waited. He noticed another person in the room.

"Hi," the man said.


"Your wife in the Air Force?"

"Yeah, we both are. You?"

"Was, my wife still is."


"Yeah. During the Persian Gulf War, my jet was shot down. I was captured, was a prisoner of war for a week until three others and I were rescued." He shook his head.

"Before the rescue, they shot both my knee caps... had them both replaced, but I couldn't return to active duty. That's how I met my wife. She was a nurse over there. You?"

"Met and married my wife before she went to the Academy. We've been married for over thirteen years now."

"Wow, and she was in the Air Force?"

"Yeah, still is. We're both stationed at Cheyenne Mountain Complex."

"Really? Not many couples are able to be stationed at the same base."


"So is your wife in one of the private maternity rooms?"

"She in the OR, complications."

"Sorry to hear that, I hope everything turns out OK."

"I hope so too, she's carrying twins. She started hemorrhaging, that's why she's in the OR."

"Gee, that's bad."

"What about your wife?"

"She booted me out five minutes before you walked in here. Her mom's with her for now." Jack grinned and nodded.

"Got any other kids?"

"Three, twelve year old twins, one of each, and a six year old boy."

"Big gaps between them."

"Yeah. We were laughing about that when we learned about this pregnancy."

"I'm Major Tom Thomas, retired."

"Hi. General Jack O'Neill." Tom's eyes widened.

"Ah, sorry, Sir...Ah."

"You're retired, Tom, relax... I remember you, I carried you to the helicopter while shooting the bag guys." Tom's eyes widened even more.

"I thought your voice sounded familiar... thanks for saving my life."

"It's what I do."

"What's your wife's name?"

"Major Samantha Carter." Tom's mouth gaped open.

"You're kidding me."

"You know her then?"

"Yes, we did flight training at Sheppard Air Force Base. She's a major now?"


"Well I'll be damned. Did she go over to the Persian Gulf War."

"Yep. She returned with four medals and a promotion."

"Really? I knew she was smart. She must be due for promotion then."

"Yeah, she is. She would have made lieutenant colonel by now but she had the kids." Tom nodded, then a woman walked into the room.

"Tom, it's time." Tom stood, stepped forward, and held out his hand. Jack shook it.

"Thanks for saving my life, Jack, and I hope your wife and twins will be OK."

"Thanks and good luck yourself."

"Thanks." He turned and followed the woman out of the waiting room.

Jack sat there for over an hour. He was starting to get worried. He stood up and walk back and forth in the waiting room. A nurse walked in.

"General O'Neill?" Jack turned to the nurse.

"Any news?"

"Sorry, Sir, no news. I was wondering if you would like some coffee."

"Yeah that would be great, thanks."

"How do you take it, Sir?"

"Black, no sugar." She gave him a nod then walked out of the waiting room. Jack paced back and forth until the nurse returned. She passed him the hot cup.


"You're welcome." Then she returned to her desk.

Another hour later, Jack was sitting down, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees when he heard footsteps walking towards the waiting room. He sat up and waited. Then Janet walked into the room. Jack stood.


"Sit down, Jack." Jack sat anxiously. Then Janet sat beside him. Jack then noticed she was still wearing green operating scrubs.

"Janet?" She let out her breath and looked at him.

"The twin boys are going to be fine."

"Boys... Sam?"

"We did everything we could."

"No, no!" He shook his head, Janet put her hand on his hand.

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