Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Half an hour later, Jack walked into Sam lab. He stopped and watched her working on a naquadah reactor that she was building.

"Hey." Sam turned, smiled, and waited for him to continue.

"I'm 'the man'."

"I know you're the man, Jack," she said then giggled.

"Sam... I'm 'The Man' of the Base."

"I know what you were saying." He stepped further into the room.

"I'm going to make some changes. I got General Ryan's approval."

"Oh care to share?"

"Well for one: Colonel Dixon is going to be my second in command, not Colonel Makepeace."

"Do they know?"

"Not until Monday."

"OK what else?"

"I'm going to make sure that there is Jell-O and cake in the mess hall every day," he said grinning.

"Jack, they always have those every day."

"I know but only at lunch time and afternoon snacks. Oh, there will be more fruit and different coffee, the stuff they have now is horrible." Sam smiled.

"Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it for now, but there might be more over the next few weeks... oh and you're the leader of SG1."


"So we might as well go and get new ID cards and dog tags done and then, I don't know, got any ideas?"

"Well, I do want to finish this, Jack. You could go and do some sparring with Teal'c until lunch time."

"Why not? Coming?"


Sam finished what she was doing before they left to update their Air Force IDs and their BDU clothing with their new ranks, before going their separate ways until lunchtime.

At 1300, Jack walked to Sam's lab and pulled her away for lunch, telling her "Sam, your brains need fuel and there's blue Jell-O and cake on the menu," making Sam laugh.

That night they told Noreen and the kids the news. They were all excited and proud. When Sam called her parents, her father answered the phone.


"Dad, it's Sam."

"Hi Sam how are you"

"I'm good we all are, how about, you don't sound too good"

"Yeah, well I'll be fine."

"Dad I know you all too well, any way the reason I'm calling is to tell you that Jack and I have been promoted."

"What you're kidding?"

"Nope. Jack is the same rank as you and I'm a lieutenant colonel."

"Wow Sam that's... wonderful. You know I was in my forties when I reached lieutenant colonel."

"I know."

"You know Mel will be very proud of you, just as I am."

"I know."

"While I have you on the phone, Sam, Mel and I are planning to come to Colorado next month around the twentieth, if that's OK with you and Jack."

"Ah, Dad, Jack, and I will be away with Grace and Charlie's class for two weeks on a camping trip at that time."

"Oh what are the dates?"

"From the twelfth to the twenty-sixth."

"OK, well, Mel and I could make it, say the twenty-ninth?"

"Sure that would be perfect."

"OK we'll see you then."

"OK, Dad. I have to go and see what Jack and the kids are up to."

"OK, Sam, goodnight."

"'Night, Dad, and say 'hi' to Mom from me."

"Will do."

Sam walked out of the office, down, and into the living room to see Jack and their kids watching the Simpsons. She left them to it while she went to check on the laundry.

On Monday morning, everyone was in the gate room waiting to find out who their new commanding officer was. They were all standing at attention when the side door opened and they heard footsteps.

When they saw who it was, they all smiled. Jack walked up the ramp to the podium, turned, and looked at the personnel assembled there.

"At ease."

"I'll make this brief... now you all know who your new commanding officer is. I only want to say: keep up the good work and keep safe while you are off world. 'Cause you know how much I like paper work." They all chuckled.

"Well there's only one other thing... dismissed." They all clapped as Jack walked down the ramp.

"Nice." Sam said.

"Thanks, now I can get out of these dress blues!"

"Need any help?" Jack look at Sam.

"Sam, we are on base you know."

"I know... tonight then?"

"You better!" Sam walked out of the gate room when Walter walked up to Jack.

"Sir?" Jack raised his hand.

"After I get changed, Walter. Oh would you let Colonel Dixon and Colonel Makepeace know that I want to see them both at 1000."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good." Jack walked out of the gate room and down to the locker room.

He spoke to the guys there while getting changed. Once done, he walked up to his office to find a box of personal effects sitting on his desk. He started putting the contents where he wanted them to go. When finished, he got a cup of coffee then returned to his office where Walter was waiting for him.

When Sam got changed, she went to her lab to look at the files and paper work that was in her in box. She let out her breath, walked around her workbench, and booted up her laptop as she sat down and started on the first file. At 1630, Jack walked into her lab.

"Hey." Sam looked up and smiled.

"Hi, bored already?" she asked, smiling.

"Nope, I came down here to order you…" He saw Sam's eyebrows rise.

"To close down, go get changed, and head to the day care to pick up the twins," he tapped his watch.

Sam looked at her own watch and gasped. "Oh, I didn't realize that was the time."

"It's a good thing I know you so well." Jack watched Sam save whatever was on her laptop, before shutting down.

When she finished checking things over, she walked up to Jack and gave him a quick kiss before walking past him. Jack followed Sam out the doors.

"I'll be home about 1830."

"OK. It's your turn to bathe the babies tonight."

"Oh, joy." Sam giggled.

"But you love it."

"I know, and they love getting me all wet!" When they reached the elevators, the doors opened and an Airman exited.

"General, Colonel."

"Airman," Jack said in return as the Airman walked away.

Jack lightly kissed Sam, "See you at home."

"OK." Then the doors closed.

That night Sam was starting to dish up dinner when she heard Jack's truck pull into the garage. "Nice timing," she said smiling.

Then a minute later, she heard Jack talking to the kids so she continued dishing up their meal. She had just finished when Jack walked into the kitchen and moved to stand behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his chin on her shoulder.

"Mmm smells good, it that corned beef?"

"Yep. I put in the crock pot this morning."

"Great Christmas present that was."

"It was. Will you let the kids know that dinner is ready? Liam and Leroy have already had theirs, as you can see."

Jack turned to see the twins happily playing with their toys, while sitting in their high chairs. Jack walked over and kissed the twins' foreheads before walking back into the living room. Then a few seconds later, the kids ran into the kitchen area. They picked up their plates and walked over to the table where they sat down.

Jack picked up his and Sam's and walked over to the table while Sam got them each a drink, before joining her family. They all ate and talked about their day during dinner. When it was over, Jack took the Liam and Leroy upstairs for their baths, while Connor took care of the dishes since it was his turn.

All he had to do was put the plates, glasses and other items in the dishwasher, put in the detergent, close the door and start it. When done, he walked back into the living room, got his homework out, and passed it to Sam before sitting down next to her.

It was reading and spelling homework. The older twins were up stairs finishing their homework then they could watch TV before going to bed.

A month later, Jack and Sam were helping the twins pack for their two-week camping trip with the rest of their class. There were six other parents and two teachers going as well. Jack and Sam knew that the twins were getting all excited as the time drew closer.

The night before they were due to leave, Jack and Sam talk about the camping trip.

"Looking forward to two weeks of wildness, Jack?"

"Yeah, trees, trees, and more trees."

"And don't forget over fifty fourteen and fifteen year olds and our two twelve year olds."

"Oh joy. Why do our kids have to be smart like their mother?"

"You should talk Jack, you're smart you self." She gave him a kiss.

"I know but still..."

"It runs in the family."

"Yeah, so... two weeks?"

"Yes, two weeks."

"You know what that means."

"I'm sure you will tell me," she said.

"No morning and night exercises," he said with a pout.

"Well then." Sam then rolled until she was lying on top of him.

"Might as well make the most of it then." She gave him a hard passionate kiss and they made love before falling asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, Jack and Sam arrived at the school with Charlie and Grace. They arrived in a taxi van. When they got out, they saw the other kids with their sleeping bags and back packs with them. Jack, Sam and the twins got all their gear out of the van and Jack paid the fare. They picked up their things and walked over to the group who were waiting next to a bus.

"Mr. and Mrs. O'Neill?"

"That's us," Jack said.

"Hi. I'm Adam Gibbs, the math teacher." He shook their hands.

"Hi. Who's the other teacher who will be going on this trip?" Jack asked.

"Barry Smith. He's the history teacher."

"OK. How many parents are coming with us?"

"Five." He pointed to them standing with the kids. Jack and Sam looked at them and then to each other and raise their eyebrows.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"You could say that," Jack said.

"What's the problem? We have plenty of adults?"

"Yes, you have... all male I might add. It's a good thing my wife is coming along."

"There's never been a problem in the past."

"Well you didn't have two twelve-year-olds on your camping trips before," Jack said.


"Well, there you go and if one of the girls have...female problems, she would go to a woman adult not to a man."

"Female problems?"

"Periods, for example," Sam said.

"Oh. I'm sure they all know when they have them."

"I'm sure they do, come on Sam." They picked up their things and walked over to the bus.

They put their bags in compartment with the others'. Then they walked over to the adults and introduced themselves.

"Looking forward to two weeks of screaming teenagers?" Jack asked.

"Yep. Which ones are yours, Jack?"

"Those two over there." He pointed.

"The two twelve year olds?"

"Yep, they're smart like my wife here." Sam rolled her eyes.

"Have any of you noticed something strange about this camping trip?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you're the only female adult; I wonder why none of the other parents came... well the women at least."

"What about your wife?" Jack asked.

"My wife passed away two years go from breast cancer."

"I'm really sorry to hear that," Jack said.

"I'm divorced, got full custody of my kids."

"My wife couldn't get the time off... she would have lost her job."

"My wife is on tour overseas."

"Army?" Jack asked.

"Marines. I'm Air Force."

"Same here, both my wife and I. Where are you stationed?"

"Peterson AFB. Colonel Edward Dixon."

"Dixon? Any relation to Dave Dixon at NORAD?"

"Yeah. He's my brother. What rank are you two?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter." His eyes widened.

"You're thee Samantha Carter, first woman in history to receive the Medal of Honor?"

"The very same."

"You received the Medal of Honor? Wow, and you Jack what rank are you?" one of the men asked.

"Major General." The three of the men went pale, and then they stood at attention.

"At ease, and relax for crying out loud." Sam smiled.

"Jack hates it when someone stands at attention, unless they are in trouble."

"Oh, that's a good thing to know," one said.

Then they all heard one of the teachers announce, "OK kids we leave in ten minutes. If you need to go to the bathroom, go now."

Then as he walked over to them, "Do any of you have any first aid training?"

"I'm a paramedic."

"Yep I have Basic Life Support training."

"Same here."

"Yep me too."

"Good. Did any of you bring a first aid kit with you?"

"Yes and my kids have one in their bags just in case."

"Same here. What about you Jack?"

"Yep. We brought just about everything. We just hope we don't have to use them."

"Well you never know on these camping trips," Sam said.

A few minutes later, everyone was on the bus and they were on their way. While the adults chatted in the front, the kids were also chatting, laughing, and joking around in the back.

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