Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Two months later, Sam went to see the doctors after she took a home pregnancy test which came back positive. She had to make sure so she went to the doctor. When she did and passed him a urine sample, he went into the next room to have it tested. When done, he returned to his office and sat down.

“Ms. Carter how are you feeling?”

“Still a bit light headed. What is it doctor, am I...?”

“I understand that you are married.”

“Yes, why?”

“You’re pregnant.”

“I am?”


“Ah, thanks.” They talked for another ten minutes before the doctor let Sam go.

When Sam got home she waited till that night when they were in bed.

“Hey, are you OK?”

“Yeah, I have some news.”

“Sam, are you sure you’re OK?”

“I am... I'm pregnant” she waited.


“Yes.... isn't it about the same time.... Charlie”

“Yeah it is. When did you find out?”

“This afternoon. After I took a home pregnancy test, I had to
make sure.”

“OK! Let's talk about nurseries.” Sam smile.

“Space, Jack, stars, moons, planets.”

“OK, I'll start working on it.”

“Jack, don't worry, this time things will be different.”

“I know, love you.”

“Love you, too.” They both hugged and kissed.

When they told Jack mother the news, she was shocked, but happy for them.

Over the next six months, when Jack wasn't called away on missions, he spent time with Sam and also watched their child grow. When Sam had her checkups, Jack was there for three of them. One was when they found out that Sam was carrying twins, which surprised them both but they were excited.

When they told the news to Jack’s mother, she was happy and over the moon with the news, she asked Sam,

“Sam, did you know that twins run in the family?”

“No, I didn't, but I do know that they run in my family.” They all laughed.

“You know, Jack, he was early.”

“I know. That is what I'm worried about.”

“So, do you know what you are having?” Sam smile serenely.

“Yes, I do and Jack and I already know what their names are.”

“That is wonderful.”

Two months later, that evening on her way to the bed room, she stopped off at one of the rooms. She turned the light on and walked in. Sam smiled when she saw the space theme nursery. There were posters of planets, glow in the dark stars and moon, even posters of space shuttles and NASA. Sam walked over to the two bassinet cots, the changing table, seeing everything for the twins.

She then turned around and walked out the door, turning off the light with a smile on her face.

When Jack returned from a mission, as he walked inside, he stopped when he saw who was in the foyer.

“Sam” she stepped forward and they both hugged and kissed.

“Wow, you look beautiful.”

“Thanks, how did the mission go?”

“Good... I was held prisoner like you know, but this time I took extra hidden tools with me. I escaped two days after I was left behind.”

“And the ones who held you?”

“I killed them and freed the other hostages. We all escaped in a truck, after I blew up the compound.”

“Just like in 'Nam.”

“Yeah” Jack took his jacket and shoes off.

Sam noticed he was taking it slowly cause of his injuries. When he was done they walked into the living room where they sat down to talk and snuggle.

“Jack, I’ve got some good news for you.”

“Same here, what's yours?”

“I've been accepted in to the Academy next year” Jack smiled and gave her a kiss.

“Sam that is wonderful news.”

“I know, so what's yours?”

“I've received the Air Force Cross for rescuing the prisoners when I was held prisoner, Purple Heart and Prisoner of War medal and I've been promoted to full colonel.”

“Jack that is wonderful news. The way you are going, you’re going to run out of room on your jacket.” Jack laughed.

Two days later, Sam was outside enjoying the sun when she felt a sharp pain for few seconds. She rub her stomach then a minute later it happened again.

“Jack” she called out. Then Jack appeared.

“Sam what is it?”

“Help me up, I think I'm going in to labor.” Jack helped Sam to stand up. As soon as she was standing, he helped her inside their house.

“I can manage to get to your truck. Can you get the bags up stairs?”

“Sure.” Sam walked through the house and out the front door.

When she got into the truck she started having contractions.
When Jack showed up and put the bags in the back seat, he got in and drove Sam to the Air Force Base hospital. When Sam was having a contraction, Jack held on to her hand while talking to her until it passed.

“Sam, I called the hospital. They will be waiting for you.”

“OK. What about the family?”

“I left a message on Mom's answering machine. She will call the rest of the family.”

“OK.” When they got to the hospital, Jack got out then he helped Sam out, just as a nurse arrived with a wheel chair.

Once Sam was in the chair, the nurse turned her around and wheeled her into the hospital. Jack went to park the truck and got the two bags out before running up and into the hospital. When he saw what room Sam was wheeled into, and he quickly ran towards the room but slowed down before walking into the room.

As he did, the nurse was helping Sam to stand up when she said “My water broke.”

“It okay, I'll help you get cleaned up and changed.” Jack stood back and watched two nurses work around Sam helping her get changed and cleaned up.

When done and she was in the bed, Jack was able to step forward putting the bags on the floor next to the bed. Then he stood up and was holding on to her hand when the doctor walked in. He spoke to them for few minutes and checked to see how far dilated Sam was.

“Mrs. O'Neill you're only seven centimeters. I'll come back in half an hour.”

“OK, thank you doctor.” Then he walk out of the room.

“Sam, I was thinking this morning” Sam raised her eye brows.


“Sam...When you and our kids are out of here, how about we go up to the cabin for a week?”

“I would like that.... oh boy!” Sam squeezed his hand while doing her breathing till it passed. When it did, Sam lay back against the pillow and relaxed.

“You’re doing good Sam.”

“I know.”

They talked for the next twenty five minutes. When the doctor showed up, he checked to see if Sam was fully dilated.

“Nurse, get Mrs. O'Neill here ready, she’s almost fully dilated.”

“Yes doctor” one of them said, and then he walked out of the room.

Jack let go of Sam’s hand and stood back just as the nurses moved Sam bed out of the room. Jack followed them till they were in the delivery room. The nurses helped move Sam over to another bed and got her set up, and then they passed Jack a gown to wear. After he put it on, Sam grabbed his hand as she started open mouth breathing again. Then the doctor walked back in.

“OK are you ready?”

“I want to push now,” Sam said.

“OK you can push.” Sam did what the doctor wanted, and a few minutes later they heard the baby wail as it took its first breath.

“Congratulations, it's a boy!”

“Charlie Jonathan Carter O'Neill” Jack said. The doctor passed Jack a pair of scissors. Sam watched Jack cut the cord, and then their son was placed on her stomach.

“He’s beautiful” Sam said.

“Yes he is Sam, I'm proud of you” he leaned over and gave her a kiss. They looked at their son for a minute.

“Oh boy round two!” Sam said as she quickly grabbed Jack’s hand.

A nurse, who was there, quickly picked their son up and passed him to a nurse who was holding a towel. Then she took Charlie into the next room. When that happened, Sam started pushing like the doctor instructed. Just a minute later they heard the baby squall as it took its first breath.

“Congratulations, it's a girl”

“Grace Samantha Carter O'Neill” Sam said. Jack leaned over and gave her a kiss.

“I'm so proud of you Sam.”


Jack cut the cord and the doctor placed Grace on Sam’s stomach so they could look at her for a minute before the nurse picked Grace up and carried her into the next room.
A few minutes later, Sam push two placentas out. Then the Doctor cleaned her up. When done and the bed was tilted, the two nurses walked back into the room holding the twins. One passed a baby to Jack and the other to Sam.

“They are so beautiful” Jack said.

“I know.” When they look at them, they saw that they both had brown eyes and hair.

Charlie looked like Jack, except for his mouth and chin. Grace got all of Sam features, except for the eyes and hair.

Twenty minutes later, the nurses moved Sam back onto the bed, and back into her room, after the twins had their first feed. Once Sam was settled back into her room they walked out leaving Jack and Sam alone. Jack stayed with Sam for few minutes since she was falling asleep. He gave her a kiss before walking out of the room. He walked down to the nursery to see the kids before going home. He was there when a doctor walked over and stopped to look at them.

“Which one is yours?”

“There, the twins.”

“O'Neill twins.”

“Yep, that's them.” Jack turned around and was shocked to see who he was talking to. Then he remembered that she was killed while saving an SG team member’s life.

“Dr. Janet Frasier.”

“Colonel Jack O'Neill.”

“Sir.” They shook hands.

“Is your wife in the Air Force?”

“Not yet, next year she will be.”

“She must be young.”

“She is.”

“OK, your first sir?”

“Yes our first.” They turned to look at the twins until they heard a voice.

“There you are.” They turned to see a captain in his dress blues walking over to them. Jack saw the angry look on the guy’s face, and then he changed it to a sweet face.

“Sorry, Doug...Captain Doug Miller, Colonel Jack O'Neill, Air Force.”



“Doug here is my fiancé.”

“Congratulations” Jack said.

“Thanks, sir. Come on, Janet, we're going to be late.”

“Sure. Congratulations, Colonel.”

“Thanks, Doc. If you get a chance, drop by my wife's room.”

“Sure, Mrs. O'Neill right?”

“Yep” Jack watched them walk away.

Then he turned to see the sleeping twins one last time before walking out of the hospital.

The next morning when he showed up he was carrying a dozen roses. When he walk into Sam room she was sitting up in bed smiling.

“Hey beautiful.”

“Hey yourself. Those are beautiful.” Jack put the roses on the bed side table then he leaned over and gave Sam a kiss then he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Have you seen the kids yet?”

“Yep, they had their feed this morning. The nurses were waiting for you so we can give them their first bath.”

“Cool. Yesterday after I left here I went to see our kids again.”

“You know which ones are ours?”

“Yeah the name on the bassinet gave it away.” Sam laughed.


“While I was there, a doctor walked over and looked at them. We talked till her fiancé showed up.”

“Really who was it?” Jack looked at Sam.

“It was Janet Frasier.” Sam gasped as her eyes widened.

Then she closed them and remembered what happened to her friend in the future. She also remembered what Janet told her about her ex-husband and what he had done to her. Then Sam opened her eyes.

“You remember.” Jack said.

“Yes, Janet told me one time about what her husband did to her and how she couldn't have any kids cause of him.... and she's here?”

“Yes. Are you thinking about...?”

“Yes I am. I'm going to talk to her.” Just then there was a knock on the door and it opened. Sam gasped when she saw Janet walk in.

“Morning, Mrs. O'Neill.”

“Janet.” Sam said quietly.

“Yes, your husband told you who I am?”

“Yeah.... have you got time to talk?”

“Sure, I have ten minutes” said Janet as she sat down on a chair.

“Are you alright, you look pale?”

“I'm fine. Just in a bit of shock and it’s not what you think.”

“OK, I could come back another time” Jack and Sam look at each other, then at Janet.

“Doc, what we are going to tell you, will shock you.”


“Janet we... I know a lot about you... in the future.”

“You’re from the future?”

“No, our memories are. You told me one time about your...ex-husband, Doug Miller, what he did to you.” Sam said.

“How.... can you tell me what happens?”

“No... But I remember you saying that if I could go back in time, I'll tell myself to break off the engagement before it's too late.”

“Do you know what it means?” Janet asked.

“I do. You are a good friend and doctor.”

“Except for the needles” Jack muttered. Sam slapped his arm.

“Jack hates needles.”

“Large ones, especially in the ass.” Sam and Janet grinned.

“How did we meet?”

“We worked together on the same base here in Colorado Springs” Sam said. Janet frowned.

“But you’re not doctors.”

“Sam is. She’s a scientist.”

“Theoretical astrophysicist.”

“Ah, but how can we be working on the same base when you’re not in the Air Force?”

“You will find out in few years’ time... in the meantime, think about what Sam here just told you.”

“I will.” There was a knock on the door and in walked a nurse.

“Oh sorry.”

“It’s ok.” Sam said.

“Your children are ready for their first bath.”

“Oh goody.” Jack said and he stood up from the bed just as Janet stood up.

“I better get back to work.” She went to step to the door when Jack grasped her arm. She stopped and turned to Jack.

“If you need to talk, Sam's here for a week.”

“Thank you.” Jack let go of her arm.

“Take care, Doc, and go easy on the needles.” He gave her a wink, which made her smile.

“I'll think about it...Colonel.” Then she turned and walked out of the room.

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