Author's Notes: AN: I'm letting you all know now that i won't be posting any chapters for the next few days. I'm going away for few days with family up north. We going to be burrying my grand mothers ashes with my late grand father and spending time with the family since most of them are in the south island. When i return i'll start posting again. So please under stand. My grand mother past away last august over in Austarlia where she live over 30 years there plus she remarry while over there.

Sorry i forgot to post this chapter on friday

Chapter 68

An hour later, when SG1 was in the briefing room, Jack told them about the incident with Connor. When he finished, they were shocked and angry that the NID would try to use children like that.

"Jack, I can't believe what they have done. That was pretty desperate."

"I agree with you, Daniel. Sam and I thought you all would want to know. Now, let's get this briefing started. So, did you find anything interesting on the planet?"

Over the next two weeks, things started returning to normal for the O'Neill family. There was no new kidnapping attempt on any of the kids.

On one mission, Jack sent SG1 to P4X347. When they got to the other side, they looked around and discovered what appeared to be a light show. Sam was the only one who didn't look at it. She walked over and managed to turn it off. When the others blinked, they were dazed and confused about what had just happened.

"You were hypnotized by the light."

"Why weren't you affected by it?" Ferretti asked.

"Perhaps because I'm a woman."


"Yes, really. Come on let's look around."

While the others searched the area, Sam turned the device back on, but at a lower level than the previous one. Daniel found Loran, a teenage boy who seemed to be the only other person there, and convinced him to join the group in the room with the Stargate. After some discussion, Sam dialed the gate and spoke to Jack.

In the end, they spent a week on the planet, with Sam slowly lowering the device power setting, before they were safe to return to Earth.

About a month later, Professor Monroe invited Sam to present a seminar at the Academy. She eagerly accepted, but advised him that she would need to get clearance to be away from her duties. When she spoke to Jack hour later at lunch, he stared at her. "You really want to do this, Sam?"

"Yes, Jack. I need to go."

"Remind me why."

"Jennifer Hailey." Jack thought it over for a couple of minutes.

"Oh... are you sure, Sam?"


"Ok. Let me know the date, when you get it scheduled."

"Thanks. It's this Friday."

"This Friday? Damn."

"What is it?"

"General Ryan is scheduled to be here."

"I'm sure you can handle it... this time round," she said smiling.

"Yeah I know. So any ideas on where to take the cadet?"


"Isn't that the place with those 'light' bugs?"


"Well, OK, I'll send the rest of SG1 there while you go and talk about numbers and stuff, and generally dazzle everyone with your technobabble." Sam smiled.

They discussed other things while enjoying their lunch.

On Friday morning, Sam presented to the Academy wearing her dress blues. She stopped to see General Kerrigan for few minutes, and then continued on to the physics class. When she opened the door and walked in, she smiled at seeing her old professor sitting at his desk reading.

"Some things never change," Sam said as she walked down the steps while smiling. He looked up and smiled then he stood.

"Samantha Carter, how are you?" They shook hands.

"I'm good, thank you, and yourself?"

"I'm well. Look at you, a colonel. Your parents must be very proud of you."

"Yes, they are."

"And your husband...?"

"General Jack O'Neill."

"A General? Brigadier general?"

"Lieutenant general." His eyes widened in awe.

"You're joking." Sam smiled.

"Nope. So what is today's topic going to be?" He picked up a file and passed it to her.

Sam opened it up, quickly read the contents, and smiled. "Piece of cake." He laughed.

"Of course it is for you, Sam. Here they come."

Sam turned to see students walking into the classroom. Sam removed her jacket, folded it over a chair, and then she walked back over to the professor. Once every one was seated, he did the introductions. Sam could see that most of them were shocked by who Sam was and her rank.

When the Professor walked back to his desk, Sam started talking and drawing on the black board. At the end of class, the students walked out while talking among themselves. Sam noticed Jennifer looking at the black board before turning around and walking out of the classroom.

"Who is she?" Sam asked.

"Jennifer Hailey. She's a bright student but she has a temper problem. She's also one of the reasons I asked you here, Sam. Read this." He handed Sam a file.

She opened it to read, "Worm whole theories."

"Yes, they are similar to yours from when you were here."

"Why do I get a feeling you wanted me here to talk to her.?

"Can you?"

"Sure." She passed the file back to him.

"Thanks. I hope you can get through to her before it's too late for her."

"I hope so too." They continued to talk for few minutes before Sam left.

She went to see General Kerrigan for another few minutes and then went to see what Jennifer was doing. Sam knew where she would be. Jennifer was scheduled to be attending a physics lab, so Sam made her way there to arrive as the class was being dismissed. Just before Jennifer left, Sam caught up to her.

"Cadet Hailey, attention." Jennifer stood at attention. Sam could see the angry look on her face.

"Cadet, you are to report to NORAD at 1400 hours. General Kerrigan has approved your absence for the remainder of today's classes."

"Why, Colonel?" Sam stepped forward until she was very close to the cadet.

"I want to show you a glimpse of what your future could be. Bring a set of BDUs."

"Yes, Ma'am. Is that all, Ma'am?"

"Yes, dismissed." Haley immediately turned and walked out of the building.

"That went well." Sam walked out of the lab, down to her car, and drove to the SGC.

That afternoon, Sam was waiting top side when Jennifer arrived. Sam waited until Jennifer walked over carrying her duffel bag.



"Follow me." They walk to the first checkpoint where Sam used the hand scanner and Jennifer signed in. Then they walked to the elevators.

"Where are we going, Colonel?"

"You will see."

A few minutes later, they were outside the locker room. "Here, get changed and then I'll take you to meet General O'Neill."

Jennifer walked into the women's locker room. She saw an empty space where she could hang up her things. While she was changing her uniform, she noticed that the next space was where Sam's things were. She noticed Sam dress blues, and once she was dressed, she looked closely at the medals for the first time. She raised her eyebrows when she saw the Medal of Honor.

She jumped when she heard from behind her, "The President gave me that himself." Jennifer turned in amazement.

"Sorry, Colonel I was..."


"Yes, Ma'am." Sam smiled.

"It's OK, Cadet. Do you want to know how I got it?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"I risked my life to cover four helicopters while shooting down six MIGs. I was wounded and my jet was shot up, I put my jet on a collision course with the last MIG as it was heading towards the helicopters. I bailed out seconds before my jet collided with the MIG. The MIG pilot didn't see my jet until it was too late. There were over sixty people on those helicopters."

"I heard that you are the top pilot in the Air Force."

"I was told that too. Come on." They walked out of the women's locker room and toward the elevator while talking about flying and some of the problems women encounter in the military.

When they reached Jack's office, Walter was just walking out of it. He gave Sam a smile and a small nod.

"You gave him more paper work, Sergeant?"

"Yes, Ma'am, but only to sign this time." He turned and walked away.

Sam poked her head through the open doorway. "Knock knock." Jack looked up and smiled.

"Hey, come in. Walter really loves giving me paper work."

"I can tell." She walked in with Jennifer behind her. Jennifer stood at attention and saluted.

"At ease, Cadet." Jennifer relaxed. He picked up a file and pen then passed them to Jennifer.

"Sign these." Jennifer took the file and pen.

She opened it and read the documents inside. She signed them and passed the file back to Jack, who checked them over.

"Ok, Sam, take her to you lab so you two can talk technobabble, let me know when you're ready to leave."

"Yes, Sir. Come with me, Cadet. I'll explain everything on the way... enjoy your paper work, Sir," she said grinning, as she and Jennifer walked out of Jack's office.

Sam told Jennifer about the Stargate, as well as how program how the Stargate works. Jennifer listened to everything that Sam said and even saw the gate for the first time when a team was returning from off world.

Two hours later, Sam and Jennifer walked up the ramp. She stopped at the event horizon and touched it, in much the same way Sam had done on her first mission. "Wow, it's amazing! It's..."
Jennifer didn't get a chance to finish what she was saying because Sam pushed her though the wormhole. Sam turned and grinned at Jack who was grinning back. Sam turned and stepped through the gate then it shut down.

When Sam reached the other side, Jennifer was looking around the planet. "Colonel, why did you push me through the gate?"

"It costs a lot of money not only to dial the gate, but also to keep it open. Shall we go?" They walked down the steps while talking about the sensations of going through the gate.

When they reached the base camp, Ferretti was yelling at one of the scientists. "Hey, what's going on?" Sam asked. Ferretti turned to Sam.

"This doctor caught himself an alien."

"What alien?" The doctor smiled.

"Come and take a look for yourself, Colonel." They walk into the building and over to where the container was being kept.

"Where are Daniel and Teal'c?"

"They have gone to the caves. Why?" the scientist responded.

"Teal'c, Daniel, this is Carter," Sam said over her radio. She was getting static so she went outside to try again.

"Sam, I can barely hear you, there's too much static," Daniel said.

"Daniel, get everyone to the gate. I repeat get everyone to the gate, NOW."

"Dr... wants to..."

"Can you repeat that Daniel?" There was nothing.

"Daniel!" She turned to the others there and she walked inside and released the 'light' bug from the container.

"Hey! Why did you do that?" the doctor yelled angrily.

"Lou, take the doctor and Cadet Hailey back to the SGC. Run, don't walk. If those lights come after you, use a Zat."

"How do you know that there are more, Colonel?" the doctor asked.

"We saw some on the way here. Now move it. Ferretti, if the doctor won't leave, shoot him." Sam walked outside and ran to the caves.

When she got there, she heard Daniel yelling at the three doctors. "What's going on here?" Sam asked.

"Sam, they won't leave."

"Doctors, you will leave now." She got out her Zat and opened it.

"Move it!"

"We have to…"

"Move out now! I have a bad feeling, so move it."

They had started packing when Sam grabbed one of the guys' arms and dragged him out of the cave. "Teal'c, Daniel, drag the others. Leave their things here."

"Hey, let me go!"

"I will when are back at the SGC." She heard the other doctors complaining.

"Shut up the lot of you," Sam said as they walked quickly to the gate.

"Colonel Carter" Teal'c said.

"I can hear them. Run!"

"What? No, I want to see them!" one doctor said, trying to pull loose from the hold on his arm.

"They are looking for us, because one of you trapped one of their own. They want revenge. Now run, damn it!" They started running. When they got to the gate, Sam started firing her Zat at the swarm, and then Teal'c and Daniel joined in with their Zats.

"Dial it up."

"We don't have a GDO."

"I do. Now dial!" Sam said as she continued firing her Zat at the 'light' swarm.

When the wormhole was formed, "Now, you three, run. We will cover you." For once, they followed instructions and ran to the steps and up them and they went through the gate. Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel worked their way to the steps and up them quickly afterward.

"On three... one," she fired her Zat.

"Two... three." They turned and ran through the gate.

When they got to the other side, "Close the iris" Sam yelled. Then iris closed immediately.

They heard little splatters sounds against the iris, and then the gate shut down. Sam stood there as the doctor started complaining to Jack. He looked up at Sam.

"You threatened to shoot them... Colonel?"

"Zat them, not shoot. You would have too... General, since they wouldn't listen to me." She gave the doctors a cold hard look before turning back to Jack.

"General, what about our work? She made us leave it all behind."

"Really? Well I'm sure the colonel had her reasons," Jack said as he turned to the doctor.

"It seems that their work is more important, to them, than their own lives," Sam said.

"Go get cleaned up. We will debrief in an hour."

"But, General."

"Ah ah." Jack raised his hands.

"In an hour." Then he turned to Jennifer.

"Well, how was your first trip off world, Cadet?"

"Amazing, General. Going through the Stargate, it was…"

"Ah." He put his hand up.

"Please, no technobabble. I'll accept amazing, though, OK?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Yes, Sir. General, have you traveled through the gate yourself?"

"Yep. I'll never forget my first time. When I got to the other side, I was frozen... Colonel, I know what you are going to say."

"What? That it's like going through a blizzard, naked?" Sam asked, smiling, as she walked towards the gate room doors.

"No, I was thinking of something else... never mind. Go on, Cadet. You go and ask Carter."

"Yes, Sir." She followed the others out of the gate room.

"I'm so not looking forward to the briefing," he muttered to himself.

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