Author's Notes: Review, yes please

Chapter 77

A few hours later, Jacob and Sam were being shown around Kennedy Space Center. When they were shown the labs, the scientists there were waiting for Sam. They started asking her lots of questions, which she was able to answer. Jacob stood back and watched her handle everything. He turned to see a brigadier general walk into the room. He and Jacob acknowledged each other.

"General," Jacob said.

"General Carter, welcome to NASA."

"Thank you."

"Is that Colonel Carter?"

"Yes. She's answering the scientists' questions."

"Do you understand what she's saying?"

"No, do you?"

"No, but she sure is one beautiful woman, General." Jacob raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, she is and she very intelligent."

"Yes, she is." Jacob watched the general as he looked over Sam, from head to toe and back.

"You should feel lucky that I'm here and not General O'Neill."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw the way you were looking at the Colonel."

"Well she is a beautiful woman."

"You can look but not touch."

"Are you threatening me?" Jacob turned to the general

"No, it's a warning, General …and have more respect for Colonel Carter." Jacob gave him his famous cold look.

"Dad, is everything ok?" Jacob turned to Sam. She and the scientists were looking at them.

"Yes, it just seems you have another admirer." Sam rolled her eyes then turned back to the scientists.

"Next question." Jacob looked at Sam then to the general and smiled.

"You're her father?" The general went pale.

"Yes, I am."

"She's awfully young to be a Colonel. Did you help her make her rank, General?" he said with a smirk.

"No. She did that all herself, if you knew her record and what medals she has you would know, and maybe wouldn't be such an ass." He turned when Sam walked over to them.

"Everything alright, Dad?"

"Yes. Let's go and get something to eat."

"Sounds good to me... General."

"Colonel." He watched Jacob and Sam walk out the door.

He heard Sam say, "I'm glad Jack isn't here today. We know what he would do to that general."

"Yes, I know. At least Jack is the opposite of the General."

"What? Jack can touch and look?"


"Dad, you know I can protect myself."

"I know."

The general turned to see a major looking at hm. He also heard what Jacob and Sam had said.

"General, Sir."


"I heard everything, Sir, and I'm also glad General O'Neill wasn't here."

"And why is that, Major?"

"He would have you against the wall with two fingers against your wind pipe before you could blink."

"Really? So you know what's going on between the General and Colonel Carter?"

"Yes, Sir. General O'Neill is Colonel Carter's husband. They've been married for about sixteen, seventeen years."

"Really?" He raised his eye brows.

"Yes, Sir. I served with Colonel Carter during the Gulf War. She's one hell of a pilot, General, and she's the only women to receive the Medal of Honor." The general raised his eyebrows even higher.

"You're telling me that... she's the Captain Carter from the Gulf War who saved four helicopters from MIGs?"

"That's her, Sir, and that's how she received the Medal of Honor." The general shook his head then turned and walked out the door.

That night, Sam arrived home after dropping her father at his home. When she walked in the door, Jack appeared with a smile on his face.

"Had a good day Sam?" They hugged and kissed.

"Yes and tiring. Where are the kids?"

"Gone to the movies... what are these?" Sam passed him the boxes. He opened them and raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, Sam I'm proud of you. The way you are going, you're gonna run out of room on your uniform." Sam smiled tiredly.

"Very funny, Jack."

"Go and get changed. Dinner will be ready in couple of minutes."

"Ok." They kissed, again, before Jack passed the boxes back to Sam as she walked away.

Minutes later, they were sitting at the dining room table enjoying their meal while they talked.

"How are the three Marines?"

"They are ok, now, and they learned a lesson from Teal'c."

"What happened?"

"Teal'c gave them a lecture on how to behave like a warrior and a gentleman then he beat the crap out of them before calling the Infirmary. Teal'c told me that he told them that Grace is a young woman and a warrior like us... one of them asked Teal'c if he been teaching Grace how to defend herself."

"Let me guess he said, 'Indeed'."

"Yep. After what happened, the other Marines gave them a hard time about being beaten up by a girl."

"I hope you had a talk with those Marines."

"Yep. I told them next time they make a smart comment, I'll put them on the mat with Grace."

"Jack you didn't!" Jack grinned.

"Would you rather I put them on the mat with you?"

A couple of hours later, they heard the kids come through the door. Jack and Sam were in the living room snuggling together on the couch watching a movie.

"Mom, you're home."

"Yes, I'm home. How was the movie?"

"It was great," Connor, said grinning.

"Well it's past you kids' bed time. Good night." Jack said. The kids said their good nights before leaving the room.

Jack turned to Sam, "We'll give them an hour." He waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Why, do you need tiring out, Jack?"

"Sure do!" He gave her a kiss then returned to watching the late movie.

An hour later, they went to bed and made love twice before falling asleep in each other's arms.

Two days later was Thanksgiving Day. Both the Carter side and the O'Neill side of the family got together at Jack and Sam's place for lunch. Since there were many guests, Jack and Sam moved furniture around so the tables and chairs could go into the living room since it was four times bigger than the dining room. They also brought in a folding table and chairs from the garage for the kids to use.

When Sam saw Mark, they both hugged. "Mark, it's good to see you."

"You too, Sam... Or should I call you Colonel?"

"Funny, Mark."

"I have some news. I've been promoted to captain."

"Hey, that is wonderful news, Mark."

"Thanks." Sam gave Terri a hug then her two nephews and niece.

"You kids sure have grown."

"They have alright Sam," Terri said.

They walked in side and into the living area where the rest of the families were. They all talked for an hour before sitting down to lunch. Noreen and Mel helped provide and serve the food and drinks for lunch. Jack, Jacob, Mark, and Patrick carved the four turkeys. Every one enjoyed their big lunch.

Afterward, the kids went outside to play while the men went to watch football, which was in the family room. The women helped Sam clean up and did the dishes. Then they walked down to the games room where they talked and play games for the afternoon. That night they had leftovers for dinner. Everyone was gone by ten o'clock that night since it been a long day for them all.

The next day, Jack returned to the SGC. He had given SG1 the weekend as down time since they had not had one in four months. Mark and his family headed back to Moody Air Force, in Georgia since Terri got the afternoon shift on Saturday. They had been transferred there three months earlier.

Sam, Mel, and Jacob took the kids to the movies, bowling and to mini golf for the day.

That night when Jack arrived home, he could hear laughter coming from the living room so he walked in and stopped when he saw them all watching a comedy movie. Sam turned and smiled at Jack then stood and walked over to him. She gave him a kiss then grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the living room.

"Everything ok, Jack?"

"Yeah it's been a long day that's all. What did you guys do?"

"Went to the movies, bowling... Dad won but I think Selmak might have had something to do with it."

"Could be, what else?" as he pulled her into his arms.

"Went to the mall for some lunch and played mini golf, Mom won that one but..."

"Mel'tac helped?"

"That's my best guess. All in all, it's been a great day."

"Sounds like it. So, what's for dinner?"

"Pizza. Dad kept dropping hints that he hasn't had pizza since he was last here but I knew it was Selmak who was talking."

"So pizza, have you ordered?" Then they heard a car pull up.

Jack raised his eyebrows as Sam grinned then she gave him a kiss before walking away. Jack followed Sam to the door just as she opened it. They saw a young man walking to the door carrying four large pizzas and six large chips.



"Here's your order, Ma'am, two large meat lovers, two large pepperoni, and six large chips." He handed them to Sam, as Jack removed his wallet and paid.

"Thank you."

"Enjoy your meal, Ma'am, Sir." He turned and walked back to his car.

Sam stood back letting Jack close the door. They walked into the living room together.

"Dinner's here," Sam said as she put the boxes on the table.

She walked out of the living room then returned carrying a tray full of drinks and plates. She put it on the table then she picked up the plates and passed them around to everyone. They all chose their slices of pizza, chips, and put them on the plates, and then they grabbed their drinks and returned to their places to finish watching the movie.

When it was done, an hour later, Sam and Jack took care of the mess while Grace changed DVDs. When Jack and Sam returned, they all watched another movie. Jack leaned over and whispered, "I'm missing the Simpsons." Sam turned to Jack.

"It's being recorded in the family room." Jack grinned and gave her a kiss.

"Thanks." Then they turn again to watch the movie.

When the movie was over, the kids said their good night to Mel, Jacob, Jack, and Sam. The four of them talked once the kids were out of the room.

"Jack are you ok?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah... did you or did Selmak win at bowling today?"

"Both," Jacob said grinning.

"Mom?" Sam asked.

"Mel'tac played. She loves the game, and bowling, as well."

"Really. What about you, Selmak?"

"I enjoyed playing the games."

"That is great." They all talked for another half an hour before Jacob and Mel left for their home. Jack and Sam went to bed a few minutes later.

After they made love and Sam was snuggling up to Jack side, she turned to look at him. "Jack?"

He opened his eyes and looked at Sam. "Sam, what is it?"

"I saw Sara at the mall."

"Did you talk to her?"

"No, it was at lunch time... she's married."

"How do you know?"

"Her left hand and she was with four kids, two of each."


"Jack?" She knew his tone.

"According to my memory download, she told me before we got married that she couldn't have kids. A year later, we had Charlie. I was so happy the day he was born... after that she started dropping hints about the Air Force, black ops and me. Then I was held prisoner for four months and when I broke out and was returned stateside, Sara was shocked to see me alive, happy in strange away."

"I remember reading about what happened to you, Jack, and that you were in a hospital for two months."

"Yeah... what Sara didn't know is that I knew she had an operation, she had her tubes cut. Mike, her father, told me after she had the operation."

"Why did she do that?"

"Charlie wanted to follow in my foot steps and become an Air Force officer. Sara heard us talk about it. That was two days before I was called away for the rescue mission."

"Did you tell her that you knew?"

"No." Sam snuggled closer to Jack.

"Things have changed for all of us, Jack."

"I know, Sam." He kissed her forehead then they closed their eyes and fell into peaceful sleep.

On Sunday afternoon, Jack and Sam hugged Charlie and Grace at the airport since they were flying back to California. After they were gone, Jack and Sam headed back home with their arms around each other.

On Monday, when the kids were back at school, Mel, Jacob, Jack, and Sam headed to the SGC. When they arrived, there was a message for Mel and Jacob from the Tok'ra so they left after they got changed and said their good byes to Jack and Sam.

Two days later SG1 went off world once again.

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