Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Chapter 82

"Sam I think you are right... if so how are we going to get that info?"

"We will have to break into his house."

"How, when?"

"How: with this ship; when: how about this weekend? We fly there and check out the place."

"Good idea. For now, I'm ready to go home."

Jack uncloaked the ship before they walked off it with Jack carrying Sam's bags. When they got home, Sam surprised their sons. Sam spent the rest of the afternoon talking and spending time with the boys and spending time with Jack that night in bed.

The next day, Sam typed her report on what happened on Prometheus. When she finished, Jack walked in when she was printing it.

"Hey, finished your report?"

"Yep, printing it now."

"Good. The President wants to see us."



"Ok, give me twenty minutes to change into my dress blues. I'll meet you top side." Jack looked at Sam for a second before turning around and walking out the door.

Twenty minutes later Sam was changed and carrying copies of her reports. When she walked into the hangar Jack was there waiting for her.

"Ready, Sam?"

"Yep." They walked onto the ship and sat up front.

Jack started the engines and cloaked the ship after the back door was shut. He then flew the ship to Washington. On the way, Sam did some checking when she found something on the ship that was not supposed to be there.

"Jack, can you land somewhere? There's something on this ship that's not Ancient."

"Any ideas?"

"I think it's a tracking device."

"Ok" Jack found a place to land. Sam did some typing.

"Open the left drone compartment."

Sam walked off the ship since it was in an area miles from the nearest house. Jack also scanned the area out before landing and uncloaking the ship. When the compartment opened, Sam saw the device, picked it up, and walked back onto the ship just as Jack closed the hatch.

She sat beside him at the front. "I thought so. Someone is trying to track us."

"Who? Why?"

"I have no idea." She stood and walked to a laptop that was connected to the ship.

"Jack, can you climb to five thousand feet."


"I'm going to see if I can find out where the signal is coming from."

"Ok." Jack started the ship and made it rise to five thousand feet and had it cloaked before taking off.

"Ok, we're at five thousand feet."

"Now, ten thousand." Jack made it rise to that altitude. Sam was typing like crazy.


"You found it?"

"Yes and you're not going to believe where."


"NID Headquarters."

"You're joking."

"Nope." Sam did some more typing.

"Jack, raise the shield and head to the NID headquarters." She walked back up to her seat beside him.

"Why shields?"

"It will make whoever is tracking us think we are in ten different places around the world."

"Good idea."

"It won't be long before they work out where we are."

"What are you going to do with it?" Sam smiled.

"Give it back to them."

"Sweet." Jack flew to the NID headquarters.

When they got there and landed on the roof, Sam walked to the open hatch and put the tracking device down the gutter downspout. Then she got back on the ship and closed the door.

"That should keep them busy for a while."

"Where now, Sam?"

"Senator Kinsey's house next." Jack flew to Kinsey's house.

When they got there, Jack scanned the area to see how many were in the house. They saw seven people including Kinsey himself. Jack and Sam smiled when they noticed the office window was open.

"Jack, see if you can move forward in time... ten minutes."


"If Kinsey has knowledge about the things that have been happening, I can send all the evidence on to the proper people, and by the time they get it, we will be talking to the President."

"Good idea. That way Kinsey can't point the finger at us because there's no way we can be at two places at once."

"That's right and we will have the President as a witness."

Jack smiled then he thought about time. They blinked when they noticed the change. They saw the house cleaner walking past the office door. Sam stood and took her jacket, skirt, shoes and stockings off.

"Jack, I'm going to do something about the camera." She did some typing on the laptop, then she saw that the camera had over-heated and stopped working. Then she picked up a piece of cloth she was carrying.

"Sam, are you going to do what I think you are?"

"It's one way to find out."

"Ok, be careful I don't know how much time we have before security shows up."

"I know."

"Sam, OSCAR is the password."

"Thanks." Jack moved the ship close to the window then he made it hover.

Sam walked out back of the ship and climbed through the open window. She then started typing away on the computer. She then attached a pen drive and inserted a disk, and started down loading everything. At the same time, she quickly read some of the things that made her smile, so she sent e-mails to number of people.

"Sam, security's on their way. You have one minute," Jack called out.

When Sam got everything, she removed the disk and pen drive then she shut down the computer. She wiped her prints off it, and then she walked to the window, climbed out, and back into the ship.

Jack moved the ship away as he closed the door. He turned the ship to see the security guard walking in to check the camera. Then the house cleaner walked in and started cleaning.

"I'll go back in time seven minutes." Then they notice the change. He flew to the White House.

When they got there, he landed on the back lawn not far from one of the doors. He saw Major Davis, from the Pentagon, there waiting for them.

"Shall we?" Jack said. Sam was finishing getting dress.

Once she was dressed, she picked up the files and gave Jack a quick kiss before she walked off the ship with Jack behind her. Major Davis was looking around when they appeared out of nowhere.

"General O'Neill, Colonel Carter."

"Major Davis, shall we?" Jack said.

"Yes, Sir, if you will follow me."

They emptied their pockets and were scanned before being cleared to walk down to the Oval Office. When they walked in, the President was there waiting for them.

"General O'Neill, Colonel Carter, please come in."

"Thank you, Sir," Jack said.

When they entered, Major Davis was behind them. They saw General Ryan and two other generals were seated with the President. Jack and Sam stood at attention.

"At ease Colonel, General, please sit" the President said. They all sat, except for Sam who passed around files.

"This is my report on what happened on Prometheus, Sirs," Sam said as she sat down.

"Care to tell us what happened, Colonel?" General Ryan asked.

"Yes sir" Sam took a deep breath and started telling them everything that took place on the ship. By the time she finished, she looked at them all and asked,

"Any questions, Sirs?"

"How did you build the hyper drive?" one general asked. Sam was just about to answer when Jack interrupted.

"General, you shouldn't ask Colonel Carter how she built it," he said to a major general.

"Why not? It's a simple question, General." Jack shook his head.

"She can talk technobabble for hours, trust me, General." He looked at Sam who was grinning.

"What? I know you too well, please, explain in terms we all can understand; we haven't got the smarts you have."

"Ok, if it makes you happy, General."

"Yes, thank you." She turned to the general and started telling him in simple terms how she built it.

Jack watched the three generals and the President listen to everything Sam was saying. When she finished explaining to them half an hour later, they were still looking at her.

"Any other questions, Sirs?"

"Ah... yeah when do you think Prometheus will be for her first flight to the Alpha Site?"

"As soon as a crew is available, Sir."

"It's ready now?" the President asked.

"Yes, Sir," Sam said smiling. They talked for an hour before stopping for lunch.

During lunch, Major Davis received a phone call so he stepped out to answer it. Jack and Sam knew it would be the evidence that had been sent to Major Davis and other people who knew about the Stargate program. Jack watched Sam as she spoke to one of the generals.

The President walked over to Jack. "General?"

"Mr. President?"

"I'm impressed with what Colonel Carter has done."

"Yes, Sir. If she's not off world making friends and allies, she's fighting for her teams' lives or at the Alpha and Beta Sites. That's just her off world duties, Sir."

"And on Earth?"

"She's working hard in her lab studying some alien doohickey or helping one of the egg heads."

The President raised his eyebrows. "Egg heads?"

Jack smiled. "Scientists like Colonel Carter, Sir."

"Oh, doesn't she sometimes work at Area 51?"

"Yes. Somehow, she fits in family, too. She always makes time for family."

"No wonder she looks tired."

"Well she's been working eighteen plus hour days on Prometheus for the past two months and she's hardly eaten a thing. As you can see, she's lost weight."

"Yes I can, I hope you're going to give her some time off, General." Jack smiled.

"When we get back, she will be getting three days off. When she gets three days off she knows what surprises I have in store for her and she loves them."

"What surprises?"

"Spending a whole day at a spa where she can get pampered and relax at the same time. She loves it."

"Well that's good of you doing that for her, General, but why three days?"

"She gets stir crazy on the fourth day and would return to the SGC to work in her lab."

"Sounds like you know her pretty well, alright, but why only pamper Colonel Carter? Why not all the female staff there?"

"Colonel Carter is my wife." The President looked at Jack in shock.

"Wife? Why didn't I know that?"

"Yes, Sir. We've been married for sixteen years, and have five kids, four boys and a girl"

"Really? Are they all in high school?"

"Connor is, he's our third born. Charlie and Grace, they are fifteen. They are in their second year at UC Berkeley."

"Twins and smart."

"They all are just like their mother."

"What about the other two boys?"

"Twins, Leroy, and Liam, five years old, also four years ahead, and top of their class." The President thought about what Jack said and then looked at him.

"Are they all four years a head in their schooling?"

"Yes, Sir, and they are all planning on following Sam's and my footsteps."

"Air Force?"

"Yes, Sir."

Major Davis walked back into the room and over to Jack. "General O'Neill, I received this fax, you need to read it, Sir." He handed Jack a file.

Jack opened it and looked at it. Major Davis and the President noticed the changed look on his face.

"General what is it?" Jack looked over to Sam, and then he walked over to her.

"Excuse me... Sam you better read this." He passed Sam the file. She read the contents and she went white.

"General, what's wrong?"

"Sir, may I tell them?" Major Davis asked. Jack nodded while not taking his eyes off Sam.

"Major, what is it?" the President asked.

"Senator Kinsey knew about the attempted kidnapping of Connor O'Neill, their son, Sir. Mr. President from what I've been told about other evidence that Senator Kinsey has, he should get the death penalty."

"What other evidence?" one of the generals asked.

"Black mail, murder, attempted murder, attempted kidnapping, attempted hijacking." He turned to General Ryan.

"General, Sir... Senator Kinsey knew about the attempted murder of your daughter and family, Sir... he knew about the plans before it happened."

"What, he knew?" the general said in shock.

"Yes, Sir...when he knew, he used that to have Colonel Carter transferred to Area 51 to work on the Prometheus project."

"Major, did he know about the hijacking of Prometheus?" Sam asked.

When she look at him, "Yes, Colonel... he planned it, for what reason I don't know. I have to go through everything."

"Major Davis, you go through everything and report back to me as soon as you can and don't tell anyone else about this."

"Yes, Sir, Mr. President."

"Major, who told you about this evidence?" Jack asked.

"Agent Barrett from the NID, Sir."

"He could be setting up Senator Kinsey to take the fall for what the NID have been doing," one general said.

"I don't think so, Sir. He told me he received an e-mail from Senator Kinsey himself, which I thought was odd. Why would he do that?"

"Unless someone hacked into his computer and sent the evidence to Agent Barrett," Sam said.

"Was this information sent to anyone else?" the President asked.

"I don't know, Sir," the major said.

"Well go and find out, Major."

"Yes, Sir."

"Shall we continue this meeting in my office?"

They walked back to the Oval Office, where they talked further about what had been happening with the Goa'uld, Jaffa, Tok'ra and other allies and friends. An hour and half later the President's desk phone rang.

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