Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Twenty minutes later Jacob ran into the hospital and ran into Sam room and froze and then smiled. In front of him was Jack snuggling up to Sam, he could see that Sam had been crying then he heard a door open and close.

"Jack sure can be full of surprises." Daniel said.

"What, how, there not even an IV in him?"

"I think he can heal himself like he can heal others, it makes me feel jealous." Over the years Daniel has been injured one way or another.

"But why did he collapse if he could heal himself?"

"I think he was till he heard about what happen to Sam, so he healed her."

"I just don't understand, he could have healed himself first, Sam is alive even if she was in a coma?"

"You read the report about what happened four years ago when they had to tell the truth?"

"Yes, what are you saying?"

"When Jack was tested, he said he rather die himself than lose Sam because he cares about her lot more than he's supposed to."

"I understand where you're coming from, Daniel."

"Pete's parents showed up and spoke to Sam for a couple of minutes. They're going to wait till she's strong before Pete's funeral."

"Ok, we better let them get some sleep."

"Yeah, Teal'c is going to stand watch outside."

"Ok, where are Mark and Jan?"

"Gone back to Sam's place."

"Ok, well I'm heading there now." Then they left them alone to sleep.

"How's George?" once they were outside.

"He's going to be ok, he was shot in the chest but the bullet went into his lung, missed his heart by an inch."

"That was close, how's Cassie?"

"The shock set in half an hour ago, Dr Warner had to sedate her for the night."

"Ok, see you in the morning."

"Sure, night Jacob."

Then Jacob walked out to see the SUV still there waiting for him, he got in and told the driver where to go. The next morning it was in all the papers and on the news about the shooting. When Jack woke up he looked down at Sam who was still asleep, he watched her for a couple of minutes before he got up without waking her and put the robe on and walked out of the room.

"Morning Teal'c."

"O'Neill, did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, I'll be back, need to pee."

Teal'c bowed his head then Jack walked down to the men room. When he returned, Daniel was walking towards them with bags and coffee in his hands.

"Morning Jack, Teal'c, how's Sam?"

"Still sleeping, is that coffee?"

"Yeah. Teal'c, your one is on the left."

"Thank you." He took the hot cup from the holder.

"Jack, your one's on the right."

"Thanks, the stuff they got here is horrible." He picked up his coffee and took the lid off it and took a sip.

"Oh, I went to your place and got you some clothes and toiletries."

"Thanks, I'm going to go and sit with Sam for awhile."


Daniel passed him his bag and he walked into the room with the door closing behind him. Jack walked over to the bed and put his bag down on the chair before he sat down on the edge of the bed looking down at Sam while drinking his coffee.

When finished, he put it on the bedside table. He watched her until he heard the door open and close and three footsteps; he didn't turn around to see who it was.

"Jack." He turned around.


"How's Sam?" Jacob asked.

"Still sleeping, rough night. How're Mark and the family?"

"Mark and Jan are seeing the kids."

"Ok, George?"

"I'm going to pop in and see how he is, his family's arriving this morning."

"Ok, Sir's is everything alright?"

"Yes it is General, how about you?"

"I'm just worried about Sam."

"I'm sure you are, thanks to you, she's going to ok."

"Yeah, you know the media is going to have a field day about what happened."

"We know."

"After the funeral, I'm going to send the Carter family up to my cabin so they can spend time together, that's you included too, Jacob, if the Tok'ra will let you?"

"I've had a message sent to them last night."

"Ok, everything's going to be hard on Sam over the next few weeks, and I intend to be there for her."

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

"Well the funeral, and then the trail of what those guys did and the media coverage."

"We know you will be there to support her the best way you can." He nodded to them and turned to see blue eyes looking at him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Ok I guess."

Then tears started up and started falling down her checks, Jack lean forward so she could hug him, they all could hear her cry, so they left them alone and went to see George. When Jack pulled back, he looked at her.

"Hey, everything is going to be ok."

"I know, it just that it's so hard with everything that has happen in the last twenty four hours."

"I know, but at least I'll be there for you."

"I know you will." He stroked her check with his thumb while talking to her.

"Pete's parents are coming around at ten this morning to talk about the funeral arrangements."

"Ok, if you need me, I'll be back in my own room, send Teal'c when you want to see me."

"Why can't you stay?"

"They know I was shot in the stomach and seeing me walk around like this, well they'll think the Air Force is lying or I'm an alien." Sam smiled which made him happy that she was smiling.

"Ok I understand."

"I better go; it's already 0945, so I'll see you later."


He gave her a kiss before standing up and grabbing his bag and empty coffee cup, then he looked at her one more time before leaving for his own private room where all he could do was wait.

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