Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

When Pete's parents arrived, they talked about the funeral arrangements; Sam decided to have Pete buried in Denver since all of his family lives there, they talked for over an hour before they left her to get some rest.

"Mrs Shannon before you go, can you do some thing for me?"

"Sure Sam what is it?"

"Can you put these on to his ring finger?" She showed them her wedding and engagement rings.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, since I won't be out of here for few days, I won't be able to say good bye to him." She nodded in understanding and took the rings from Sam hand.

"Thank you."

"We hope you can make it to his funeral on Thursday."

"I hope so to."

"Bye dear get some rest."

"I will."

Then Sam closed her eyes as tears started falling down her check, they saw it before they turned around and walked out the door. Jack went and talked to George that afternoon and he was able to heal him even through he drained himself doing it since he hasn't had anything to eat in twenty four hours.

When he returned back to his room, he got into bed and closed his eyes and fell asleep within seconds. The next day he waited for Teal'c or one of the nurses to let him know that Sam needed him; he also knew that she needed time to be alone to think things over. Two days later Jack was playing his game boy when Daniel popped in, so he put his game down.

"Hi Daniel, what's up?"

"Hi Jack, I've seen Sam, she a mess."

"I know, I saw her this morning when she was still sleeping, has she eaten anything?"

"Nothing, she hasn't spoken since Pete's parents showed up two days go."

"Oh, do you think they had a falling out over where Pete's going to be buried?"

"I don't know, it was on the news this morning."

"What was?"

"They released Pete's name, now everyone knows."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"Yeah, Mark and Jan were able to get more time off after they called there bosses and told them what happen but Major Davis already contacted them from the Pentagon."

"That was good of him."

"It was an order from the President."

"Ah, I understand, and Jacob?"

"I spoke to Malak this morning when he came to earth to talk to Jacob, after I told him about what happen, he understood and would let the council know why he wanted to stay."

"Ok, how is everyone holding up?"

"Ok, they are slowly getting over the shock with what has happened."

"I bet, so who's looking after the base?"

"Reynolds is at the moment, they cancelled all missions until further notice and the alpha site has been notified about what has happen, they sent their support."

"That's good of them."

"It was." Then Jack got up and put his robe and slippers on.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to pee, be right back."

"Ok." Jack went to the bathroom, which wasn't to far away, when he return, he walk in to see Teal'c standing there

"Teal'c is everything ok?"

"Colonel Carter wants to see you." Jack turned around and ran out the door. Teal'c and Daniel walked out at normal pace.

When Jack reached her room, he stoped before looking through the glass piece in the door to see her looking at him so he opened the door and walked in, then closed the door behind him.


"Hey." He walked over to the bed; he could see how pail she looked.

"Teal'c said you wanted to see me?"

"Yeah." He sat down on the edge of the bed looking at her.

"What can I do for you?"

"Can you come with me tomorrow to the funeral?"

"Sure, I'll be there for you." He held her hand in between his.



"What, what's wrong?"

"Paperwork?" she frowned.

"For what?"

"New dress blues, after the staff here cut up my other ones."

"Oh you don't have to."

"I do Sam, I'll get Daniel to go and get the paper for me to fill out."

"Do you think it would be here tomorrow in time?"

"Yeah it should be, is they're anything else you want, those magazines you like reading, yoyo, cake, anything?"

"No thanks."

"Sam when you are released from here I've got things sorted out so you and Carter family can stay up at my cabin as long as you want. Only a few people will know, so the media won't bug you guys till the court case. It will give you time to think things over and to spend time with your family."

"What about you?"

"If you want me I'll be just a phone call away, if I go with you guys, what do you think Mark would think?"

"I guess you are right."

"See, at least you can go for walks if you want to be alone, there is plenty of tracks for you to go for a walk or run if you wanted to, or a swim."

"Jack, I'm planing on coming back to work when I'm out of here." Jack smiled at her knowing that she would say that.

"Sam, when you get out of here you will be on sick leave, if you come back to work people outside the SGC would be thinking that your wounds aren't that bad. Or the Air Force doesn't give the officer much time to recover after an ordeal like that and then there is the CO although he will be taking sick leave himself. So if anyone like the media wants to know where you are, I'll tell them that you are on sick leave until further notice."

"Oh." They looked at each other for few minutes.

"Sam, when was the last time you ate?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Sam, how are you going to get better if you don't eat?"

"I'm sorry; it's just, have you read this morning's paper?"

"No why?"

"Somehow the media found out about the funeral tomorrow."

"What are you saying, Sam?"

"You know I look terrible."

"Yes, an act for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, Pete's parents have been ringing up everyday asking how I am."

"They're just worried about you."

"I know." Then there was a knock on the door, they both turned around to see a guy looking in, then Jack turned to Sam.

"I'll find out who it is." Then he got up and slowly walked over to the door and opened it up.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I would like to speak to Mrs Shannon."

"You are?"

"Colin Myers, Detective Shannon lawyer, he asked me to give her this if anything happened to him after they were married." He showed Jack a white envelope.

"ID please, it's just that the media's been trying to get in here and take photos of the grieving widow."

"I understand." He pulled out his lawyer card and his drivers licence and showed them to Jack, he nodded and passed it back.

"Thanks, I'll talk to Carter and see what she says." Then he closed the door and he walked over to Sam.

"Who is it Jack?"

"Pete's Lawyer, he's got an envelope for you, don't worry I checked out his ID and he is a lawyer, want to talk to him now or later?"

"Now, might as well get it over and done with."

"Ok, want me here?"

"Yes, thanks."

"Ok." Jack turned and walked back over to the door and opened it.

"She can see you but only for a minute, she still needs her rest."

"I understand." He walked in and Jack closed the door before following the guy over to Sam's bed.

"Mrs Shannon you've got my condolences for your loss."

"Thank you."

"When Pete came and saw me on Wednesday, he wanted a new will written out; he signed the papers on the morning of your wedding and gave me instructions on what to do if any thing happened to him."


He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and passed it to her, both he and Jack could see her hand shaking when she took it.

"Thank you."

"I'll leave you to get some rest; I'll be at the funeral tomorrow."

"I'll pop in later, you get some rest."

"Yes Sir." She didn't want to say Jack in front of the lawyer, just in case he thought something was going on more than friendship. They both walked out the door to give Sam some privacy.

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