Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

When they returned back to the Springs, late in the afternoon, they went to Sam's place so she could check on her place, pay some bills, water her planet and sort out her shopping with Jack's help. When it was all done they returned back to the hospital to see Cassie they're looking at them. Jack bent over and whispered in Sam's ear

"Cassie's not happy with us." Sam giggled. He stood up as they reached Cassie.

"Hi Cassie."

"Sam, Jack, how was your day out?"

"I had a great day; Jack here cheered me up after the reading of the will."

"Come on, let's get you changed and you can tell me all about it and Jack, visiting hours are over."

"Ok." He walked around and crouched down.

"I'll come and see you in the morning before I leave." Sam smiled.

"I'll be waiting."

"I'm sure you will." He smiled at her then stood up and kissed her forehead.

"See you later Cassie."


Cassie pushed the wheel chair into Sam room; Sam turned and looked at Jack who was looking at her till she was through the door. Jack turned and walked back to his truck and home. While Sam was getting changed, she told Cassie what happened at the lawyers and what Jack did, everything including the shopping they both did and enjoyed.

When she finished telling Cassie, her dinner arrived so Cassie left her alone to have her dinner. Just before Cassie left she asked Sam.

"Sam, what about the baby?"

"I wasn't pregnant Cassie, Dr Warner said it had been stress with everything that had been happening to me in the past couple of months. And the reason the test showed positive is because of protein maker that's in me, he suggested next time for me to have the test at the SGC."

"Ok, I'll let you eat your dinner, we will talk later."

"Ok." Then Cassie walked out the door leaving Sam alone to eat her dinner.

Cassie was pleased that Jack was there for Sam and laughed when Sam showed her the care bear that he got her. Sam was starting to eat her dinner when door opened and closed, she looked at the door, then she smiled when Daniel uncloaked himself.

"Hi Sam, how was your day out?"

He walked over to the bed and opened a box that had pumpkin pie and blue jello in it.

"It was great Daniel and thanks."

They talked while she was having her dinner and afterwards she enjoyed the pie and jello. She was halfway through eating it when Cassie burst into the room.

"Bustard." Making Daniel jump since he had his back to the door and Sam and Cassie giggled. She walked into the room and saw what Sam was eating.

"Ok, how did you get in here without nurses seeing you?" He showed her the clocking device, she shook her head.

"You know you can get into trouble for taking that off base?"

"Who, me or Jack?"


"Jack gave Teal'c and me permission to take it off base and sneak in here with jello for Sam."

"Ah, well I'm going to have words with the Jack tomorrow about this." She shook her head.

"Don't be too long, the nurse will be here in a few minutes to take Sam's tray out."

"I know, thanks Cassie."

"See you guys later." She walked out the door with a grin on her face.

Daniel stayed for a few minute and cloaked when they heard the food cart stoping outside her door. When the nurse left, so did Daniel. Sam layed there in bed looking at the roses that Jack got for her and the care bear, which made her smile. She layed downs and fell asleep after a long, happy, tiring day and fell asleep in no time at all.

Then next morning Daniel and Jack showed up at the hospital, Daniel picked Jack up from his house since he was going to the airport after visiting Sam. When they walked into the room, she wasn't in her room.

"I wonder where Sam is?" Daniel asked.

Then the door opened and they turned around and smiled to see Sam walking in with help from a nurse.

"Hey, your walking, that's great." Jack said smiling.

"Thanks, Dr Warner said I can walk around so long as I take it easy."

"That's great news." Once she was back in bed, the nurse left. They both gave Sam a hug.

"How did you sleep last night?" Jack asked.

"Ok, did Daniel tell you what happened last night?"

"Yeah, he told me," Jack said smiling they talked for the next hour till it was time to leave.

"We better get going; Daniel's taking me to the airport."

"Ok, how long are you going to be in Chicago for?"

"I don't know, about two weeks."

"Ok, see you when you return."

"Ok, you just take things easy and you know that I'm just a phone call away."

"I know." They both hugged one another and didn't want to let go, when they pulled apart, he leaned forward and kissed her lips, then her forehead.

"Look after yourself."

"You too, Jack."

"I will."

"I love you."

"I love you too Sam."

Then they pulled apart and Jack stood back so Daniel could give her a hug since he was going off world that afternoon with SG2 for a three day mission. Since there were ruins that were found and Jack gave the ok for SG2 and him to go on before Sam's wedding. They said their good byes before Jack and Daniel left for the airport.

Just after they left, Sam picked up the care bear and smiled knowing that Jack was still in love with her and now she started thinking about the two alternate realities. How there was 'Doctor' in both and not a 'captain/major' She knew that Jack wouldn't let her give up her career, so Sam was thinking about finding away where they both can be in the Air Force and still be together.

Coming Soon: Meet the O'Neill family

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