Author's Notes: Feed back, yes please

Chapter 4

When Jack walked into his office, he noticed there was a man wearing dress blues looking out the window in the briefing room so Jack walked into the briefing room and stopped.

"Hello." The man jumped then turned around and was shocked to see who was there. He quickly stood at attention and saluted.

"Colonel Cameron Mitchell reporting, Sir."

"Relax… at ease, Colonel." Cam lowered his hand and then relaxed.


"That's my name, so you're taking over SG1?"

"Yes, Sir," he said smiling.

"Ok. Have you met the rest of your team yet?"

"No, Sir, not yet."

"Ok, be here at 1130 hours."

"Yes, Sir." Just then Walter walked into the room.

"General, Sir, the President is on line two for you."

"Thanks, Walter. Damn how does he know when I get here?" He turned and walked into his office, sat at his desk, then looked up.

"Walter," Jack called out, and then Walter appeared in the doorway from the briefing room.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Take care of Mitchell will ya? He's taking over SG1. Can you take care of things?"

"Already done, Sir."

"Good man. Can you show him to Daniel's lab?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Dismissed." Walter turned and walked out the door.

Jack picked up the red phone and pressed line two. "Morning Mr President, what can I do for you this fine morning?" Jack asked, smiling.

Jack spoke to the President for the next fifteen minutes then hung up with a smile on his face. Then he noticed SG22 were in the briefing room waiting for him. Jack stood and walked into the briefing room

"Morning guys. So, shall we get started?" He sat and their briefing began.

Sam was working in her lab when she heard footstep and voices. She would know Daniel's voice anywhere. She looked up when Daniel and Cam walked into the room.

"Morning, Daniel."

"Morning, Sam… Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Colonel Samantha Carter."

"Colonel," Sam said.

"Colonel. So, this is your lab."

"Yes it is… Daniel?" she looked at Daniel

"Sam, you know Jack listens to you."

"Is it about returning to the planet? He knows and is thinking about it."

"In other words, 'no'."

"I'm sure you can convince him," she said, with a grin. Then her phone rang so she walked over to answer it.

"Carter…What happened? Where are you now? Can you beam me up? Ok, give me a minute. Ok, good." She then placed the receiver back on the phone base.

"Sam?" She turned and walked over to her laptop.

"Prometheus' hyperdrive is not working." She finished closing down her laptop.

"Will you let General O'Neill know that I'm going to be on the Prometheus?"

"Sure, Sam. Good luck."

"Thanks. Have fun convincing Jack." She gave him a grin just as she disappeared in a flash of white light.

"Wow! Was that the Asgard beaming technology?"

"Yes, it was."


Daniel looked at his watch then turned and started to walk out the door.

"Are you coming? We have a briefing in ten minutes."

Cam followed Daniel out of Sam's lab and back to his lab to get his notes, then to the briefing room. When Daniel and Cam walked into the briefing room, Teal'c, SG2, and Jack were there.

"You're late, Daniel."

"Sorry, Jack, we were talking with Sam," Daniel said as he and Cam took their places at the table.

"Ah ha, shall we get started? Oh, this is Colonel Mitchell, he's taking over SG1."

"Hi," Cam said.

"Shall we get started, Daniel?"

"Sure. Before I forget, Sam was beamed up to Prometheus, hyperdrive problems."

"Again? Thanks."

Daniel started the briefing about what he and Colonel Ferretti had found on the planet. An hour and a half later Daniel sat down.

"Thank you Daniel. I'll be expecting your reports by Friday."

"Jack, what about the ships, the ZPM's?"

"I know all about them Daniel and I've spoken to the President this morning." He stood and gathered his papers.

"Jack?" Jack looked at Daniel.

"Yes? Yes, SG1 and 2 can return to the planet tomorrow morning. You will be leaving at 0800 hours. Now, if you will excuse me, it's…" he looked at his watch.

"It after one and I'm hungry. Dismissed."

He turned and walked into his office where he put his papers on his desk, then walked out the other door. SG1 and 2 gathered their papers while talking about their day's plans and the upcoming mission. Then they walked out of the briefing room.

Jack went to Sam's lab to find she hadn't returned, so he walked down to the mess hall and got some lunch. He sat at one of the tables and started eating while thinking about Sam and the mission, which made him smile. He knew that SG1 and 2 were going to be shocked when they learned that Sam and he were going along, for old time's sake.

When he finished his lunch he returned to his office and paperwork for the rest of the day.

That evening, Jack was just about to leave his office when Sam walked in.

"Hey, everything alright?" he asked when he stood.

"Yeah, just spent the last six hours working on the hyperdrive."

"Daniel told me. How did it go?" He stepped around his desk and up to her.

"I got it fixed."

"Good. Let's go home."

"Sounds good to me." They walked out of the office together.

"So what would you like for dinner?"

"I don't know what have you got in mind?"



They went to the locker room and got changed, and then they meet up at the elevators and headed topside while talking.

"Sam, we're going off world tomorrow." Sam turned to him.

"What made you decide that?"

"I spoke to the President. It seems that Daniel called General Hammond and told him all about it. He spoke to the President, who then called me this morning about it."

"Does Daniel know?"

"That SG1 and 2 are going, yes, about you and me joining them, nope," he said smiling. Sam shook her head at him.

"What, don't you want to see the look on his face tomorrow?"

"And the others."

"Yeah, that too."

"Well, it will be one way of you getting some exercise, Jack"

"Funny, Sam, I do get plenty of exercise, thank you." He waggled his eyebrows at her, which made her laugh.

"Very funny, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I do." The elevator stopped and the doors opened. They stepped off the elevator and walked to the checkpoint while teasing each other.

A few minutes later, Jack drove them out of the mountain and towards O'Malley's for dinner. They were there for two hours before driving home. That night they made love three times before falling asleep in each other's arms.

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