Story Notes: SPOILERS/SEASON: Future

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Abundant thanks to Rob, who has the misfortune to beta for someone (me) who has him beta some drabbles multiple times. Merry Christmas Everyone!

"Um, Colonel?"


"Why are we standing here?"

"Merry Christmas."

"Why did we have to come all the way to my lab to say that?"

"Happy New Year, Samantha."

She shivered. He was standing close -- somehow too close. They had grown comfortable in each other's personal space, but the way he had breathed her name and taken her hand...


"Look up."

Puzzled, she instinctively obeyed, and felt warmth spreading across her face as she saw the sprig of mistletoe above her doorway.


"I don't know how I've lived without you, Sam," he said, pulling her into a kiss.


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