Story Notes: NOTES: This is my first Sam and Jack fic and my english is very far to be perfect so sorry if I’ve made some errors.


Jack’s laying on the ground. His stomach’s hurting., it’s awfully hurting. He raised his hand: blood, a lot of blood.

He heard a noise. He tried to raise his head again but he quickly gave up. Anyway, he doesn’t need to make this effort: he knows he’s here. Jack stupidly was took by surprise. This jaffa, the one who’s now standing in front of him, which stick’s taking aim at him, surprised him. The jackal guard raised his hand and took off his helmet.

He smiled to Jack. He wants Jack to suffer before to finish him off.

“Colonel !”

‘Sam !’ he thought. “No major !” he tried to yell. Sam arrived, running through the bushes. It seems, she hasn’t seen the guard. She stopped herself.


“Lucky day for me !” The guard said. “the one who’s a pain on the mickta and the last host of the Tok’ra Jolinar.”

“yeah !” Jack said with difficulties “Two for one bought… sale price.” Sam looked at him with worrying eyes but couldn’t help a light smile. Jack will always be Jack.

“Where are the others woman ?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re lying. Tell me right now or I’ll kill him.”

“No, major.”


“That’s an order major.”

“With all due respect sir, you’re not in good position to give orders, sir.”

“Talk woman !” the guard put the tube of his weapon on Jack’s forehead.

“Allright allright ! I’ll tell you.”

“No Sam.” Jack said in a breath. She looked at Jack then she lightly pointed him out her shoulder with her chin.

She she’s been here, she’s succeeded in hiding her hand.

“Talk !”

“They are this way.” She raised her hand and a discharge of energy burst out from it. The jaffa was thrown off few meters behind.. Just one discharge is usually enough to knock out an elephant but she walked to the unconscious guard. She raised her hand again. This time, the energy was considerable. No need to check, the jaffa isn’t a menace anymore. Helpless, Jack couldn’t do anything but assist at the scene. He even didn’t have time to order her to stop, but maybe, he didn’t want to. He looked at her eyes and what he saw was frightening. The second discharge was impressive and if you know from where Sam draws her energy, you can be sure that the jaffa didn’t have any chance.

“Colonel !” she rushed to him.


“I bring you right back home.” He didn’t hear her last words.

SG-C infirmary.

As soon as Sam appeared through the gate, carrying Jack, some assistance was called. Sam didn’t need to see

Janet’s face, she’s known it was serious. So when Jack was moved to a stretcher, she ran out the gate room.

“Move !” she ordered, back from the store room with the goa’uld healing device. This time, she easily engaged it.

“It’s very bad Sam.” Janet said.

“I know but I can do it.” Suddenly, her face tensed with pain. She closed her eyes then opened them wide. Now, the pain’s disappeared. Her face is closed and it seemed to Janet that a glow appeared in Sam’s eyes. Her other fist clenched the sheet.

“Sam ! STOP !” a distant voice, sounding like Daniel’s ordered her.

Sam’s coming close the rupture but she doesn’t want to stop. She knows it’s not enough yet. She felt herself overwhelmed with a huge power with an extraordinary magnitude, but she controls it, she completely controls it.

Her determination to save Jack get the upper hand. She hardly heard Daniel and Teal’c’s voices. Suddenly, the beam stopped and Sam passed out.

“How’s the colonel ?” Janet asked as she was rushing at Sam.

“He’s stable.” Was answered.

“Good ! Let’s care of the major !”

Daniel and Teal’c have been in the ICU for 48 hours. Jack is in a coma but his injury is fully healed. Regarding Sam, it’s much more problematic. It looks like all her vitality has left her. She’s reached such an exhaustion that

Janet is afraid Sam doesn’t have strength enough to come back. Teal’c and Daniel hardly eaten. Janet ordered them to do but they just can’t. She had to get worked up to tell them she refuses the two others members of Sg-1 in beds.

Suddenly, Teal’c got up.

“I saw his hand moving.”

“Are you sure ?” Daniel asked. Jack’s eyelids moved. “Doctor Frasier !” Daniel yelled.

Daniel and Teal’c came closer to Jack.

“Good morning my friend.” Teal’c said with an unusual smile.

“Is that the morning ?” Jack asked with a sleepy voice.

“Colonel O’Neill ?”

“What’s up doc ?” he whispered.

“We’d been worry about you colonel.”

“Sorry. What happened ?”

“All we know is Sam brought you back. You have seriously been injured by a goa’uld weapon.”

Jack put his hand on his stomach but felt nothing.”

“Where’s Carter ?”

Daniel and Janet’s head went down.

“Where’s Carter ?” Jack insisted. “Teal’c ?”

The jaffa stepped back. Ajck saw Sam on the next bed. He understood. “Why did you let her do that ?”

“I’m sorry colonel, it happened so fast.”

“I am not talking to you doctor.”

“We weren’t here Jack. She went through the gate without us. She called us to tell that you were injured and that she was going back home without waiting for us. We weren’t in trouble so of course we agreed. She told us, you were bad.”

“How is she Janet ?”

“Well, to be clear… she’s very… tired.. so tired that…” she didn’t finish her sentence.

“She’ll get through. She’s a fighter and I defy anybody to say the contrary.”

General Hammond came in.

“Sir.” Jack said with a light salute.

“Good to see you’re back Jack.” Hammond said with a big smile. “Doctor ?”

“He’s fine. I want him to rest for few days. He tries to be witty yet. It’s a good sign.”

“Hey ! Don’t you have to be full of compassion or something like that, concerning your patients ?”

“Depends on patients colonel.” She answered with a smile. “I’d like you to have some rest.”

“She’s right Jack. We let you.” Hammond said happily.

Everybody was on his way but Jack hold Daniel back.

“Tell me.”

“When Teal’c and I arrived at the infirmary, she’d started.”

“I wanna see.”


“There’s cameras everywhere, I know there’s a tape. Ask Teal’c to help you.”

“Jack, I’m not sure that’s”

“Daniel, I ask you as a friend.”

Fifteen minutes later, everything’s ready. Daniel had difficulties to convince Janet but he made her understand that if they didn’t do it, Jack would.

“How many time ?” Jack asked.

“Barely five minutes.”

When Daniel stopped the tape, Jack’s look was staring at the screen. He saw her giving to him all she’s got inside of her. He saw her, withstanding the pain and again, this look in her eyes.

“Why did she do that Daniel ?”

“Who knows.”


“What you think Jack ?” Daniel firmly said. “What is the reason why somebody can do such a thing ? I think the answer is quite obvious. Now, you have to accept and do what you have to… finally !”

“What do you mean ‘finally’ ?”

“He’s right O’Neill.” Teal’c added with a tone which prevents any discussions. “You have to formulate right questions and give good answers.”

“Have some rest Jack.” They left with the tape.

Jack looked at Sam. She looks so peaceful, the same beauty sleeping when they are off world. They slept many times on the floor, around a fire. Each time he’s unable to sleep because he can’t help looking at her by his side in the firelight. He got up with difficulties and went to sit next to her.

He brushed her forehead.

“Sam”, he whispered “I heard about people in a coma who can hear all they’re said so you’d better to listen to me.” He reached her hair and a deep sadness appeared on his face. “I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve what you gave to me. How could you do that ?” He looked at her and realised he knows the slightest features of her face.

“So… listen to me. You’re gonna come back because I refuse to live with that. I refuse to have to hate you because you obliged me to live …without you. I refuse to loose you… come back to me…that’s an order major…please.” He’s stood looking at her for long minutes until doctor Frasier came back.

“Colonel ?” He didn’t answer. “Jack..”

“Did you speak to Cassy ?”

“She’ll be here tonight.”

“Don’t you think”

“General Hammond’s sent a message to the Tok’ra. Sam’s father is in a mission but they assured the general they’ll do all they can to allow him to come here. Sam needs her family, her friends… each person she loves and who loves her.”

“Have I been stupid ?”

“As many of men.” She answered with a light smile.

“She has to come back… for crying out loud she has to come back.” He heard a whisper. “Sam!”He got up and caught her shoulders but she calmed right back. Jacks face went pale.

“It’s a good sign.” Janet reassured him.

“Thanks doctor.”

She left him alone. Again this peaceful look. He saw her barely naked shoulder. He remembered their ‘journey’ at the lair of Hathor. The souvenir invaded him when he found her, unconscious. He’d looked at her and felt uncomfortable then later he’s hugged her, he’d hold her strong. It’s true, he’d been chilly but there’d been something else which had prevented him to let her go. The fear that he could have loosen her.

“It’s true, I’ve been a perfect idiot.”

He went back to his bed and slept for all the day. He had nightmares and called Sam while he was sleeping. She was about falling in a precipice, he’s holding her hand but he can’t carry her up her so to save him, she releases his hand and all he can do is seeing her falling, screaming. His eyes opened wide.

“Everything’s fine, Jack.”

“Jacob ?”

“Yes Jack. How are you ?”

“How long have you been here ?”

“We’ve been arrived for a couple hours.”

“We ?”

“Martouf’s come with me.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her daughter.

“Oh… what’s new ?”

“Sometime she tosses. Doctor Fraser is very optimist.”

“I don’t know anymore Jacob… I’ll be optimist when she’ll wake up.”

Jacob smiled. “Sam and I have never been as close as we are now. For some month, I’ve frequently seen her, more than during previous years. We talk.” He looked at Jack, trying to make him understand he’s felt that there’s something between Sam and him.

“I’m sorry Jacob.”

“Why ? You don’t have to be. I’m proud of my daughter. I’ve always been.”

“Well… what she’s done to me”

“Does such sacrifice surprise you from her ?” he interrupted Jack.

“Not at all ! She’s one of the most courageous, loyal person I’ve ever met. I’ve been close to some soldiers, officers who couldn’t hold a candle to her. She’s brave, generous, brilliant… she’s so smart.”

“Yes, just as you, she has a remarkable professional life…” Jacob sounded regretful.

“I want her to come back Jacob… I”

“And she will. It’s not your fault Jack.” Jacob cut him again.

Jack hadn’t time to speak, Martouf came in holding two plates.

“Colonel, you’re awake.”

“Hey Martouf.” Jack said with a neuter tone without even looking at him. Jacob couldn’t help lightly smiling.

“Are you hungry colonel ?”

‘Come on give me a break with your honeyed voice.’ Jack thought.

“First, I have to check how are you.” Janet came in. “Good morning colonel. Slept well ?”

“For cryin’ out loud…”

“Don’t worry colonel, if there’s something, we’ll let you know.” Martouf said.

For the very time, Jack wished for Sam not to waking up, not as he’s not here. He groaned refusing to sit down the wheelchair. Janet needed Teal’c’s persuading diplomacy.

Sat on his bed, his plate in front of him, he can’t let her out of his sight. When’s talked he’s only looking at her, waiting for a sign, something.

“You have to eat colonel.” Janet gently said.

“Not hungry.”

“When you live the infirmary, nothing will prevent you to come here. General Hammond knows very well, SG-1 can’t leave and he doesn’t want to.”

“I no longer know what can I do. I talk to her, nothing, I tell her anything, I even sing… well I’d better to stop, maybe it’s the reason why she stays asleep”. Janet lightly smiled. “When Teal’c and Daniel are here, we talk a lot… I think, I’ve never talked so much.”.

“I’m sure it helps her a lot and you have to keep talking to her. It’s useful to her as a mark. I’m sure she can hear you.”

Sam tossed again. Jacob and Martouf came in. Jack frowned: each time, it’s the same thing, she tosses when they’re here.

“What’s wrong colonel ?” Janet asked.

“Doctor, don’t you notice… when they’re here.”

Janet didn’t understand, then her face lit up.

“What’s going on doctor ?”

“She feels you both. All her body feels your presence.”

Few hours later SG-C’s infirmary.

Suddenly, Sam raised with wide eyes and she took a big breath.

“Sam !”

She turned her head. “Dad… Martouf.” She whispered not being surprised to see them. She didn’t see Jack, standing few meters from her bed. He felt as he’s just freed by a huge weight. Warned by laughs end shouts,

Daniel and Teal’c rushed to her bed. As Sam was hugging Daniel, she saw Jack. Her face froze. He lightly smiled to her, she smiled back. They just could have this few seconds for the two of them. Then everything went too fast, too many people. He went out and passed general Hammond.

“Where are you going Jack ?” he asked, surprised to see him leaving.

“Looking for Cassie.” He simply answered not stopping.

When he came back with Cassandra, everybody was still with her. He’ll have to wait. He knows that moment will come when they’ll be alone but for now, he’ll share the joy with everybody.

It’s late. Finally, Jack decided to leave his quarters. Arrived at the infirmary, he heard speaking. ‘Martouf’s here.’

“It was like you were magnets. Your presence inexorably was attracting me.” He heard Sam.

These words hurt him but he’s feeling himself ‘ready to go’ and he came in. He thought Martouf was too close to her.

“J… sir.”Sam said holding back her smile. But her eyes full of sparks. Martouf noticed it. He knew there’s been nothing for him. It was just the symbiot, the naqadah which brought her back and nothing more.

“We have to talk.” Jack simply said. Martouf said goodnight to Sam and slipped away. Jack kept a distance.

“How are you sir ?”

“Fine… I’m good. Thanks to you.” Sam looked at her hands. “I think, in this cases people say ‘thank you’.”

“You would have done the same for me.”

“I wish I could but I don’t have this kind of ability.”

She finally raised her head. He came closer.

“But I’d give my life for you Samantha.” He whispered to her.

“I’m happy you’re going better, sir.”

“Oh…’ he said, disappointed she’s keeping the distance. He stepped back. “Well, it’s.. nice to you.” He stepped back again. “I’m gonna let you have some rest. Thanks again for everything…major.” He insisted on this last word. He was ready to leave.

“Jack !” she called him. He stopped but he didn’t look back. “I don’t now what to say.”

“To admit it, it’s say something yet.” He looked back and offered her one of her favourite little smile. “I’ll come back later. Good night.. Sam.”

The following morning, Jack came in the infirmary with a big bunch. Martouf and Daniel were here yet. Sam sounded very agitated. She was talking very fast about her sensations, what she felt while she was ‘sleeping’, her state of mind. It was very personal. When she saw him, she stopped talking and lightly smiled.

“Good morning Jack.” Daniel said smiling, happy to see his friend doing what he has to.

“ ’Morning everybody ! Some flowers for the major.”

“Thank you colonel.” Sam answered, trying to keep a neuter tone.

“Well, I’m gone.” Daniel said still smiling. He kissed Sam on the cheek. “Martouf, I need your help about … something. Would you mind to come with me ?” Daniel dragged the Tok’ra.

Jack stood, his hands in his pockets? He looked at the ground with pinched lips. Sam was looking at her blanket.

She finally looked at him.

“Thank you very much.. for the flowers.”

“You’re welcome.” He dryly said.

“Something’s wrong ?”

“No… everything’s fine.”

“With all due respect, sir, I know this face.”

“Everything’s fine. I assure you.” He smiled, still his pinched lips. “except… yesterday, I leave you alone because you don’t know what to say and few hours later, I’m coming and I see you having a big discussion with…” he didn’t finish his sentence.

“With who ? Martouf ?”. Lightly ashamed, Jack lowered his eyes. “He’s just a friend.” Sam added, upset.

“Is he ? Allow me to doubt about this !”

“Sir, I don’t understand.”

“You don’t imagine. I’ve spent hours talking to you, I wanted you so much to wake up and he arrives and just because he’s got a snake in his head, you finally do it !”

“It’s physiological !” She tried to calmly say.

“And when you’re talking to him about what you felt, is it physiological ?!” he said more and more unnerved.

“Sir,” she firmly said. “because of Jolinar, I feel close to Martouf.”

“No kidding.”

“But, that’s it ! There’s nothing more. I have my own personality and I am NOT Jolinar !”

“Well, when you pulverised this jaffa, you didn’t give this impression ! Have a nice day.” He went out and knocked into Teal’c. He left without apologise.

“What’s wrong with O’Neill ? He seems upset.”

“ ‘Upset’ is not a word strong enough.”

“He was… chocked by what you’ve done.”

“I know and I’m feeling… I don’t know how to act.”

“There’s a conflict inside of him.”

“It’s pity, he can’t do kel-no-reem.”

“You both have come very close to death. You saved his life.”

“But I might lose him. I’m afraid what I’ve done to always be between us.”

“I think you’re wrong major.”

Few minutes later, Teal’c knocked at O’Neill’s door.

“Enter !” Jack barked. “Teal’c.” he nodded to salute him. “I’m sorry for ‘bumping’ but I’m sure I didn’t hurt you.”

“That’s not why I’m here.” He walked to Jack without closing the door.

“I suspected as much.”

“You’re lost O’Neill. You know where you want to go but you ignore the way.”

“Thank you doctor Freud !”

Teal’c raised an eyebrow of incomprehension but wasn’t destabilised. “It has been a long time since you didn’t feel this way.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Jack tried.

“O’Neill, I am your friend as I am major Carter’s.”

Jack gave up. He’s had this inside of his mind for so much time.

“I’m intimated Teal’c. She intimidates me. She gave me something… I’ll always be grateful… she’s wonderful, she’s so many things.”

“I think you should say it to the right person.”

“But also…she scares me.” There was a long silence. The door was opened.

“Why Jack ?” Sam appeared, tears in her eyes. She walked forward and came close to him. Teal’c left without they notice it.

“Jack… it’s horrible. What you just said.”

“I.. I know… I’m sorry.”

“Talk to me.” He reached out her neck then he leaned his forehead against her. He closed his eyes. “Your power scares me. When you let express itself… all this hate you had inside of you when you killed this jaffa. I’m not used to someone… cares about me so much, and I’m not used to have such feelings for somebody… for a woman.”

“Talk to me.”

“You are so brilliant. It looks like I’m a little tiny ant…”

“No Jack.”

“Let me finish. I accepted that. I have a huge admiration for you. What you’ve done… you almost”

“Shut up Jack.” She sadly said.

“No, we have to talk about this. I heard you talking to them. I’d like us to share this. I want to be the only one you tell that kind of things. You are so exceptional. You gave me your life. How could I prove you my feelings in facing this ?”

She raised her head and plunged her eyes into his.

“It’s simple Jack. The same way each person who has this feelings uses to do it.”

He took her face in his hands. Slowly, his lips came closer hers. He gently kissed her. They embraced trying to make feel to the other what they’ve felt for so much time. He broke the kiss and held her tight. He saw Daniel and

Teal’c’s heads at the door, smiling. He waved them to go away. Sam lightly stepped back.

“I don’t want you to be afraid? This jaffa hurt you and I hated him for that. You were laying and I couldn’t stand seeing you such in pain.” She burst out sobbing.

“Well I hope, I’ll never drive you so hanger.” She nervously laughed. “Stop crying.”

“It’s just… I realise I had to be almost dead”

“For me to accept my feelings for you, I know.”

“I was so hurt when you kissed the ‘other me’.”

“I.. it as just. They’d been married. She’s just been loosen m. the ‘other me’. I’m sorry.”

“I couldn’t understand why you didn’t want me.”

“Of course, I want you Sam. I love you Sam.” His face froze. Until now, he’s just talked about his feelings and was surprise he’s said this three words again. He’s used to think he wouldn’t anymore.

“Shshshsh… don’t panic.” She said with a big smile. She kissed him.

“I love you Jack.”

“I’ll never exchange a thousand doctor Carter for one major Carter. You’re the only one who makes my heart beating… in all senses of the terms, literal or not.” She giggled then try to stopped herself when he raised an eyebrow as to remember her what he said about giggling. “Thank you for saving my life.”

“You’re welcome.”

“In all senses of the terms, literal or not.”. He languorously kissed her. Sam had difficulties in breaking their embrace.

“I feel nothing for Martouf.”

“I know.” He put his lips on hers but she headed back again.

“It’s only his presence and my father’s which brought me back.”

“I know.” Again a kiss.

“Jolinar was in love with him.”

“I know.” One more kiss.

“I am not Jolinar.

“I know but you are talkative.” He definitely made her shut up.

He’s looking at her sleeping again but this time she’s his. She’s against him, his arm around her waist and he’s unconsciously smiling. He can look at her without feeling himself uncomfortable. The alarm rang out. Sam woke up. Seeing Jack destabilised her a little but she knew she had to get used to see him by her side, in the same bed.

Jack groaned his disagree.

“For cryin’ out loud ! It’d better to be serious.”

She smiled and pecked him. “Sort of invasion of snakes on Earth ?”

“You think we have to go ?” he grabbed her waist to make her laying on the bed and started to tease her neck with soft kisses. He was licking her earlobe when general Hammond’s voice echoed. “Colonel O’Neill and major Carter at command center, right now.”

“I think we have.” She said. He groaned again on her neck. His breath tickled her. “Jack, I have to go to my quarters.”

“He could have sympathy for you.

She got up, took her nightdress. “I can’t believe you went for the SG-C with this on your back.” He teased. She grabbed his T-shirt and threw it on his face.

“Come on colonel. Get up !”

He jumped on her. “How did you call me ?”


“I don’t like that.” He kissed her but they were interrupted by a drum against the door.

“Jack !” Daniel’s voice called.

“I’m on my way Daniel ! Go first !”

“I allowed myself to pass by Sam’s quarters.” He shyly said through the door.

Jack opened the door, took the clothes and slammed the door on Daniel’s face.

“Thank you Daniel !” Sam yelled.

“Yeah ! Thanks Danny boy !” Jack added handing her clothes. He looked at Sam trying to wear them.

“Do you need some help.” Jack huskily said.

“Yes please, I feel myself weack.” She smiled.

“We’ll settle this later… much later.”


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