Story Notes: Season/sequel info : All publicly recognizable characters and places are the property of MGM, World Gekko Corp and Double Secret Productions. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes and no infringement on copyrights or trademarks was intended. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Spoilers : little ones for Window of Opportunity and Divide&Conquer

Author's Note : This is one of my first fan fics so please bear with me. It's not very long and doesn't have a real big plot but anyway I thought it was a try.This idea just popped into my mind while being bored to death in my math lessons. Be aware of the fact that English is not my mother tongue (I'm from Germany), so don't sue me...

There she is.

Standing in front of me.

Talking, laughing, me. At me?

No...I must be wrong. I mean, she often does that but not here in the middle of a crowded room without me saying anything funny, does she?
How could she spot me within this large mass of people? So fast?

I mean, *I'm* able to spot *her* immediately whenever I step into a room. She seems to have kind of an aura surrounding her. It's just like that...entering and then golden hair shimmering, blue eyes sparkling...

Sapphire eyes...looking, laughing, me. At me?

Yes, definitely still looking and above all still smiling at me.

Uh oh...They're moving...the eyes, I mean. Moving

O...kay, now she is standing in front of me and I feel myself drowning in the depths of those eyes. It's the same as always. Somehow when she's around me I always feel a little dizzy...not that I would ever admit that out aloud...but she does that to me.

Uh oh. She's talking to me. I see her lips move but can't hear her. This is a sign, Jack. Stop daydreaming!

"Uh...sorry, Carter, you were saying?"

"I just asked you how you were..., Sir..."

Hmh, now she looks confused. Say something, Jack...or she'll begin asking awkward questions...

"Uh...yah...I'm fine. Thanks. How are you?"

"Fine...Thank you, Sir."

Yeah, there it is again. The smile. Still a little vague, but definitely there.
Oh, Jack, I think now you're staring, 'cause the smile is fading again and is replaced with that sweet little frown...

"What are you smiling at?"

Huh? Déjà Vu...Oops, reminds me of something...Oh, I think now is not the right moment to think of *the* kiss again...

"Sir...? What. are. you. smiling. at?"

I should say 'Nothing!' if I remember correctly. But somehow that doesn't seem to be an appropriate answer right now.
Mmh...should I?...YES!


"...Excuse me?...uh, Sir?"

"Sam..." See, now I've got her attention. "Would you do me a favor?"

"Sure..., it depends, I think..."

Wow, I haven't seen her blush like that since...whenever.

"Drop the 'Sir', please. At least when we're on down time like we are right now."


Hmh. Weren't I supposed to suggest that?...Since she doesn't reply...Okay, Jack. Try to make her more comfy...

"Well, you don't have to decide right now..." Yah. There is the little smile again. As well as the blush. Sweet.
"Would you join me in grabbing some fresh air...?"


"Hey you're learning fast, Carter."

"What happened to 'Sam'?"

Hey, she's good. "'re right, ...*Sam*."

"So...., *Jack*..."

Uh...this is a surprise. And that little evil smirk...

"We're outside...what now?"

Uh oh. "Er..." Sh...I know that smile of hers. She damn well knows that I have no idea what to say to her now.

"Look, Sir-"


"Jack..., I'm not quite sure why we're playing this game right now...and every other day-"

"Sam...let me, please."


O...kay. "I'm not sure at all , either...but to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way...I mean, yeah, I would, but know what I mean..."

" Not exactly."

Well. Okay. As they say: 'Fate has lead you through it, you do what you have to do'. Yes. And I know what I have to do. Tell her. Again. This time without any 'say-or-die' pressure exerting on me. There we go...

"Sam..." Breathe, Jack. "I know that we wanted to 'leave it in the room', but I'm not sure if I can cope with that decision any longer, 'cause you're really not fair to me. You can't just say things like that and then smile at me like you did before...I mean this sparkling, shining, breath-taking smile which makes my day complete whenever I see it." Wait. Is this a tear rising in her eyes...? "You know, it's just that, whenever I see you like this, it's not just your mouth smiling at me, but your eyes as well. And they're even more unfair, because they can paralyze a man, stun him, make him drown in their essence." Yes, definitely a tear. "What I'm trying to say, Sam, is that as much as I like and appreciate our current relationship, being friends and stuff, and which I'd still be happy to have if you didn't want it any other way, I'd very much like to take it to another, a higher level if you know what I mean..."




"Look, probably that was a bad ideammmpfff-" Uoohhh. What is this? I mean, I know what it is. Lips. Her lips. On someone else's lips. And that someone is me. Myself. Jack O'Neill. Samantha Carter's lips are on my lips. That means she's kissing me. And I kiss her back.
Conclusion: *We* are kissing *each other*...
Hey, Sam, now don't you stop....No, *don't* stop, I said...

My, what big, beautiful eyes she has when she's staring at me like this....stunned, slightly embarrassed but smiling...

"Wow...what was that? I mean, I know what it was, but..."

" it's my turn, please."

O...kay. "Okay."

"Okay...You just gave me the reason to screw all my convictions and beliefs which say that it would be wise not to follow my desire and give in whenever you throw one of your charming smiles at me or put on that cute little puppy look when you're doing something wrong or wink at me in your gentle but boyish manner when you try to comfort me...What *I'm* trying to say here, is that, to be honest, I was desperately looking for such a reason to breach my own protocol and you just gave it to me by telling me that you have the same thoughts...and so I just acted. Maybe I shouldn't have-"

"Sam. Stop." Wow. That was...confusing, uh...amazing and...THANK YOU, GOD!

"Sam. I don't wanna hear about any other doubts or whatever you were gonna say. I'm just a little pissed that you kissed me first. Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned but I consider it my task to take the first step."

YESSSSSS! The smile again. This time in all its brilliance. Without any doubts or fear or embarrassment...

"Hey! Don't do this! Or do you want *me* to kiss *you* and make it the most earth-shattering experience of your life?"

"Oh please, Jack, don't let me suffer any longer and save me from my ignorance..."

"Hey...that was sarcastic. Seems as if I'm rubbing off on you."

"Oh yeah, you definitely dommmpfff-"

Hee hee. Now it was my turn to cut her speech....hmmhh. And it was worth it. I mean, as much as I love to listen to her speaking and explaining, I now realize that I love it even more to be in contact with her instrument of language in other circumstances. Meaning, literally being in contact. Meaning kissing. And this time it's me kissing least it was like that in the beginning, since she is now responding and I can't tell you how convincing her reply is... Ooohhh...there is another thought popping into my brain...(quite active today, isn't it?)...
Should I dare it? Yes, Jack, you've got nothing to lose, have you? No. DARE IT!


"Hush, Sam. My turn again, isn't it?"

"I guess..."

"...I love you..."


"I love you, Sam." Geeze, that smile really makes my limbs go numb.

"I love you, too, Jack...and as Teal'c would add : 'Tremendously'. "

Gulp. I don't know what to say now. Can you imagine that? Jack O'Neill being at a loss with words. But, see? That's what she can do to me...

"And that is because of my 'cute little puppy look'?....OUCH. That punch hurt, Sam."

Oh, of course. *That* brings her smile back again once more. But, see? This is what *I* can do to *her*.


There she is.

Standing in front of me.

Giggling, laughing, me.

Being in love...with me.

With me!

The End


End Notes: Hope you liked it...As I said not much of a plot, but hopefully nice anyway...
The proverb 'Fate has lead you through it , you do what you have to do' was borrowed from another story posted at the SJA.
I can't remember the author, so I apologize for not asking first...please be nice to me...
Anyone else...if you want to say something about this fic, feel free to contact me...tschüss Julia

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