Story Notes: Diaries part III: Its's a part from a fourth part story,and it says things that some of sgc's personnel write in their diaries,

I think that both Carter and me are in trouble I should've known that something like this could happen after she appeared at my front door last month, yet I couldn't say no to her or to what happened after. Maybe I should have thought that I am her C.O., that we were breaking the military rules and that we could get Court Martial for this but... I didn't care,I gave a damn on the rules and now I don't know whether i should be the one to resign or whether i should let Sam to quit. I think that we'll decide this toghether, when she get's here from sgc. But even if she quits I think that Jonas will return to Sg-1 just to be clse to Sarah, i might have had my problems in the past with herbut i'm gla that they're toghether and that Jonas is happy they both diserve it. i can't wait to tell to them and to the rest of the world that I'll become father again, and that from all the men in the Universe Samantha Carter picked me to be her husband.

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